Global Login: I Know the Story, I Can Do Anything

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Aleister was not surprised that Ye Changge knew his name.

What surprised him was that the other party actually wanted to make a deal with him?

“An interesting proposition.”

Aleister said, her voice still calm, but with a hint of contempt from above.

“Tradables are generally based on equal relationships, and I don’t think we have that.”

Just say I’m weak, right?

Ye Changge didn’t speak, just smiled lightly, and then…


With a sudden flash, Ye Changge disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared in a building 7 kilometers away from the “windowless building”.

Ye Changge smiled slightly, knowing that Aleister was looking at him, he opened his mouth and said.

“Well, Aleister, don’t say that for sure. I just had some accidents in my body during the shuttle, but if you think you’ve settled on me, then you’re wrong.”

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Changge’s figure flashed again.

Then, he went back to where he was.

After advancing to D rank in absolute space, Ye Changge’s space teleportation was within a radius of 10 kilometers.

You can even set the teleportation point, you can set up to 5 in a world.

And in front of Aleister again, Ye Changge’s state has changed.

Although his current body is a little bad, there is no problem in entering elementalization.

Aleister was silent, and her heart was not at peace.

Speaking of the humans of the Otherworld, he naturally wanted to conduct research.

Because perhaps the power of the Otherworld human system can facilitate the progress of his ‘plan’.

Therefore, he asked Ye Biao Danxi to bring Ye Changge over, just to arrest Ye Changge.

Of course, this is actually a test.

If Ye Changge didn’t have special means, then he would probably become Aleister’s experiment.

However, under the power barrier arranged by Aiwass, the other party could easily leave the building.

It can be seen that he can’t catch the opponent.

After realizing this, Aleister finally regarded Ye Changge as an equal existence.

Obviously, the identity set by Ye Changge came into play at this time.

Since he is a traveler from Otherworld, there must be many methods he doesn’t know about, such as the one just now.

“Very strange power, obviously the power of spatial attributes, but there is no spatial fluctuation. Even the enchantment I set can easily travel.”

“And the way you are in this state can no longer be called human, as if you were born in thunder and lightning, you are indeed unusual.”

It wasn’t Aleister who spoke, because the speaker’s voice was murmured.

A golden light flashed, and a golden light and shadow appeared.


But Ye Changge was speechless, the ghost knows what barrier you have set up here.

However, this let me know, my space teleportation seems to be able to ignore the power of Aiwass.

Although I don’t know if Aiwass is serious, no matter what, this alone is enough.

As expected of an absolute space!

As expected of my second talent!

“Huh, this made me see, what about a special existence?”

Ye Changge looked at Aiwass and said with a stupefied expression: “Angel? It doesn’t feel like it. Your world system is really different.”

Looking up and down, Ye Changge was really watching Aiwass this time.

“There are those unreasonable human beings, forget it, there is such a special existence. Are you a natural god?”

Ye Changge asked, and immediately shook his head.

“No, it’s just that at this level, the natural gods are not enough, but you don’t want the natural spirits, let alone the star spirits nurtured by the stars. And your existence is a bit vague, why do you think about the artificial angels in that place?”

Ye Changge’s remarks are too informative.

But in fact, what he said was right, and he was indeed suspicious of what kind of existence Aiwass really was.

In the end, it was because Aleister’s mass formed by the condensation of AIM’s diffusion force field appeared as an adjusted production line using “Shuus Wind Slash” as a prototype.

Or does it actually exist in the first place, but is only presented in this way?

Aleister couldn’t be silent anymore.

“It seems that you have indeed experienced a lot of worlds, but do you think those unreasonable existences in our place are also human?”

He didn’t want to Aiwass, and brought the topic to the Demon God that Ye Changge just said.

He could naturally hear that the unreasonable things Ye Changge said were referring to the Demon God.

“That’s it.”

Ye Changge paused for a moment and said, “There is a law in one world, and the devil in your mouth, no matter what you say, is also sublimated by human beings.”

“But in most of the worlds I know, the gods there are born, or because of beliefs and various myths.”

Ye Changge paused slightly.

“And your world is overlapped by many religious phases. These phases are like filters, covering the world layer by layer. The scenery “observed” through these phases forms the current world.”

“Under such circumstances, those so-called Demon God’s authority has been magnified to the extreme, so I’m just saying it’s unreasonable.”

Aleister nodded and said, “You are right, it is precisely because of this that their existence is terrifying.”

After saying that, he looked at Ye Changge and said as if asking for advice, “Then if these superimposed things are eliminated, will those demon gods be no longer demon gods?”

“Of course!”

Ye Changge smiled and said without thinking: “If they are allowed to enter the place where I came, they will be instantly weakened countless powers, and even become ordinary people.”

Ye Changge is telling the truth, the person in the space he said is only logged in to the space.

This is documented.

Nine days ago, I said that a certain powerful legion that was originally ranked in the top ten accidentally offended the gods of that world in a login world.

In the end, the entire army was wiped out.

Then, the head of the legion, under the condition of certain death, desperately used some kind of power to directly teleport the god to the login space.

And then……

Well, not anymore.

The god appeared in the login space and was instantly subdued by the power of the login space.

A real kill!

Directly seal all the power, and can’t move.

It is said that it is still somewhere in the login space, but it is not clear for nine days.

Demon God is arrogant?


But that is only in the forbidden world, if you give me access to the login space.

Let me know the taste of despair in minutes.

“Then let’s trade!”

Aleister suddenly said: “As long as you say the way to make the Demon God disappear, no matter what you need, I will do my best to satisfy you!”

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