Global Login: I Know the Story, I Can Do Anything

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Misaka Mikoto is aggressive, impatient, and very inconsiderate.

The most important thing is… a strong sense of justice!

This last point is the same as Shokuhou Misaki.

Does the daughter of the daughter have a very high sense of justice?

Or because of age?

After all, this age is the easiest to enter, and the middle-2 period when you want to be a hero…

Seeing Misaka Mikoto rushing out, Ye Changge didn’t expect it at all, and he didn’t hold back.


Actually Ye Changge didn’t want to pull at all~.

Who is Luke?

Even in battle, he can detect any strange aura.

The reason why Ye Changge was not noticed by the other party was because of the sealing technique.

And Misaka Mikoto’s hand was always caught by him, and they hid together.

Otherwise, with her character, can she escape Lux’s perception?

Well, forget it.

Let her go!

But what Misaka Mikoto said next made him hide his face…

“Hey, the uncle above, you dare to bully a girl in front of everyone’s eyes. I can’t pretend I haven’t seen such a thing.”


Misaka Mikoto flicked her thumb, and a game coin flew out.

“Uncle accept my punishment!”

Ye Changge:  …

I don’t know this guy!


Why don’t you say, I want to destroy you on behalf of the moon?


There was a flash of lightning, and a terrifying lightning laser shot towards Lux in mid-air.

Luke was stunned for a long time.

Misaka Mikoto?

Academy City’s third place?

When did she show up?

Damn, what the hell is going on here?

Lux growled in his heart.

You forced me!

He was anxious and angry.

“The god of fire is coming!”


At this moment, Lux’s whole body swelled up, and the fire burst into flames.

In an instant, it turned into a huge flame giant with a height of more than fifteen meters.

Misaka Mikoto’s railgun finally hit the flame giant’s right arm, blasting it away.

The huge right arm blasted a vacant hole directly.

But the next moment, the flames were surrounded, and the flame giant’s right arm was instantly restored.

Then, with a loud bang, the flame giant fell to the ground, smashing the ground into a huge pothole.

What’s even more terrifying is that the flame giant that Lux transformed into, the flame burning on his body directly melted the ground.

The temperature is horrible.


Misaka Mikoto was stunned.

Obviously, this change was completely beyond her expectations.

The ‘automatic secretary’ didn’t react at all, and the sword of the god of abundance cut directly at the huge flame giant.

The flame giant was chopped into two steps, but the flame giant recovered quickly.

“it’s useless!”

Lux spoke, and his voice became thick and deep.

“In this state, I have an immortal body, and it is impossible for you to deal with me.”

This is the Vulcan of the Alliance of the Gods!

Not far away, Ye Changge was amazed, his eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

“Damn it, don’t think you won.”

Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth, and her bangs flashed with sparks.

“Thor’s Gun!”

The unwilling Misaka Mikoto began to frantically output.

One after another thunder and lightning blasted out, but no matter how many times he was attacked, the flame giant that Lux transformed into can quickly recover.

The ‘automatic secretary’ also cooperated, but it was no different.

“Hahaha, stupid mortals, your strength is too weak compared to the gods.”

“Oh, this little power also pretends to be a god, this is stupid.”

A chuckle interrupted Luke’s smugness.

“Who? Who? Get out of here!”

Lux roared, and then he saw that a person walked out not far behind Misaka Mikoto.

But the breath of the other party is not even strong.

To Lux, he felt like an ordinary person.

But for some reason, Lux began to feel a little something wrong in his heart.

This is naturally Ye Changge.

After observing for a while, he could understand that Lux’s “Vulcan Coming” is indeed very powerful.

But it’s not impossible to crack.

He already has a way.

However, there is one more thing that needs to be done before that.

“Me? You don’t need to know who I am, and you have no right to know who I am.”

Ye Changge laughed.

“I’m not qualified?”

Luxton was furious.

“Damn, you damn natives, do you really take yourself seriously? You are just us…”


Suddenly, Luke, who was roaring frantically, snorted in pain.

The latter words were not spoken.

Is it a defense of the login space?

Ye Changge’s heart moved.

“Damn it, almost forgot.”

Lux was furious, and then shot Ye Changge directly.

“Boy, no matter who you are, you are dead.”

Saying that, his huge flame hand swung violently at Ye Changge.


A huge fireball burned up and slammed directly over.

“How dare you ignore me?”

No need for Ye Changge to take action, Misaka Mikoto, who has been completely ignored, is already very popular.

“Don’t underestimate me!”

The game currency bounced, and it was another railgun.


The super-electromagnetic gun collided with the fireball, directly smashing the fireball into pieces, turning it into countless stars and sparks.

It still has decent strength, smashed to the ground, directly smashed small potholes, and even burned again.

And at this moment, Ye Changge’s right hand actually bumped into it, passing a star beside him.


Not really!

[You are actively attacked by the logged-in Lux team. Since the Lux team triggers the quest from the quest scroll to log in to the current world, defeating all the opponents can get the opponent’s quest. 】

That’s right, that’s Ye Changge’s goal.

Not only him, but at the same time Lux also got a system prompt sound.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

But the content is just the opposite of Ye Changge.

“Damn, you bastard…”

Lux was furious, and he finally reacted now.

The boy in front of him is actually the registrant.

Moreover, he is still the strongest registrant who has made the entire login space, and has brushed several super god evaluations—Jiuwu!

Ye Changge moved.

Since it is exposed, it cannot let the other party or leave this world.


A huge chakra burst out from Ye Changge’s body.

Then, the lightning flashed.

At this moment, Misaka Mikoto, who was closest to him, saw an unforgettable scene.

I saw a flash of lightning from Ye Changge, and everything around, even the space turned into lightning.

At this moment, as if the other party is Lei.

Is the monarch who controls all mines!

Even at this moment, Misaka Mikoto, both physically and mentally, had a tendency to surrender to the person in front of her.

. . 0

Use the Nine-Tailed Chakra to activate the Thunder Fruit and enter the Awakening Realm.

In this way, Ye Changge temporarily possesses the combat power of S-rank.

But facing Lux was not enough.

So, Ye Changge did an incredible thing.

He compressed the original ten-minute awakening state into an instant.

Then, it all exploded at this moment.

Ground, air, flowers and trees…

It was as if everything around him had turned into lightning at this moment.

Then, it’s all condensed…

Explosion in an instant!

If you look down from the sky, you will see an incredible scene.

With Ye Changge as the center, everything within a range of several hundred meters was shrouded in golden lightning.

It was as if a huge ball of lightning appeared.

But this scene only appeared for one hundredth of a second, and then disappeared instantly.

It is impossible for ordinary people to notice.

But there was a big hole several hundred meters in the ground.


The space oscillated, and Ye Changge’s fingertips showed light the size of a grain of rice.

Ye Changge tapped at Lux and spit out two words.

“Lei Lin!”

Silently, the light the size of a grain of rice disappeared.

No, that’s not disappearing.

Instead, it penetrated the space at a speed incomprehensible to ordinary people and appeared directly in front of Lux.


It just gently slammed into the surface of the flame giant, but it was a shocking and incredible scene.


In an instant, the huge flame giant that Lux transformed into, the entire red color of the fire suddenly turned into blazing white…

Dazzling flashes, disappeared in vain!

Both the flame giant and the fire god Lux disappeared completely.


Looking at the place where Lux disappeared, Ye Changge showed a trace of disdain.

“But so!”


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