Global Login: I Know the Story, I Can Do Anything

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

On October 10, Ye Wanling went out early in the morning.

As usual, she went to see Kushina.

Not long after, Ye Wanling came back.

“I didn’t see Kushina, it seems that he entered the secret place of childbirth.”

Ye Wanling said, looking at Ye Changge with a look of surprise.

She couldn’t imagine what Ye Changge’s talent was like, even knowing these things.

She has also heard that the login space is gifted with the ability to predict, but the registered users cannot predict such a detailed plot.

How about Ye Changge!

Everything was already known to him, as if he had seen it once with his own eyes.

The information is extremely detailed.

Even the characters of the plot are very clear.

Is there such a person who can log in in the login space?

Therefore, she was very curious about Ye Changge’s talent.

But she wasn’t about to ask.

Even if Ye Changge meant this, she was rejected.

“Even if you are the closest person, you can’t tell each other about your talent. Your talent is even more special. Don’t tell anyone, including me!”

At that time, when Ye Changge saw Ye Wanling saying these words with a serious face, he was very upset.

No matter how close the person is, can’t tell?

Then why did you tell me in great detail about your innate abilities?

“Now that it’s confirmed, just wait!”

Ye Changge smiled slightly, not caring.

On this day, Ye Changge was extremely honest. It would be better to say that he was very honest these days, staying at home and never going out.

The sun slips and night falls.

Ye Changge stood on the balcony and looked at the moon in the distance.

“It should start soon.”

Ye Changge had already sensed the radiated electromagnetic waves, a strangely huge force that seemed to be slowly waking up.

At the same time, in a barrier outside Konoha, Kushina was shouting torn apart.

The enchantment laid out here is very powerful.

Even with Ye Changge’s current sealing technique, it is impossible to break it for a while.

However, it was under such circumstances that a mysterious man in a black cloak and a spiral mask walked in directly.

Behind him, there are more than a dozen Anbu members.

These are the elites of Anbu, except for a few special jounin who maintain the enchantment, the rest are all jounin.

There are even two elite jounin.

But now they can’t afford it, floating on the water, lifeless.

Apparently killed by the mysterious man.

This mysterious person is naturally ‘Uchiha Madara’.

Well, with soil spots…

Just like the development of the original story, Obito solved the Anbu guard and entered the barrier smoothly.

Then, when Naruto was just born, he appeared directly in front of the Naikaze Minato and his wife, and robbed Naruto with the power of divine might.

Immediately afterwards, he threatened Naruto’s life to tell Minato Minato not to act rashly, allowing the Nine Tails in Kushina to break through the seal.

After some fighting, Minato Minato successfully rescued his son Naruto.

But let Kushina be taken away by Obito.

In the end, Obito did some manipulation to bring the nine tails back into the world.


Ye Changge, who was standing on the balcony, suddenly felt the electromagnetic wave network he laid, and was shocked.

Then, as if it was hit by some kind of huge force, the whole thing collapsed.

It was pure, but it had a very evil aura.

Completely different from ordinary life, it is a special life without flesh and blood.

Nine tails!

The moment he felt this breath, Ye Changge knew that it was Nine Tails.


Holy crap, so strong?

A few beads of sweat ooze out from Ye Changge’s forehead.

Totally beyond expectations.

The power of the nine tails is too huge, and it feels as if they are in a sea of surging energy.

Can I really seal the Nine Tails in my body?

At this moment, Ye Changge had a doubt in his heart.

Originally thought that his attribute points exceeded 100 points, and each attribute reached 100 points, which should be able to withstand the power of the nine tails.

But now it seems…

It seemed that he was thinking too simply.

“Is this the power of the Nine Tails?”

Ye Wanling on the side was pale, even though they were so far apart, she felt a huge and evil aura.

It’s not that she has never been in contact with S-rank powerhouses, and even she has seen battles between S-rank powerhouses.

That kind of strong fighting atmosphere is extremely exaggerated.

But at this moment, Ye Wan was inspired. This aura was stronger than the aura of the two fighting S-level powerhouses she had seen at the beginning.

too terrifying.

Can we really capture such a presence?

For a while, Ye Wanling felt unsettled in her heart as to whether the two of them could complete this task.

There was a hint of gloom in the air of Konoha.

At a certain moment, the entire space seemed to be stagnant for a moment.



There was a loud noise, and a huge white smoke erupted from somewhere in the center of Konoha.


A huge figure rushed out of the white smoke…

That evil and huge aura instantly swept the entire Konoha.

That great but terrifying figure appeared in front of everyone.

The Nine Tails are here!


Looking at the figure of the nine tails in the distance, Ye Changge’s eyes showed a trace of light.

Mission begins!

New book for collection, flowers, and evaluation! .

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