Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Get a Woman and Have a Try?


They finished speaking simultaneously and stared at each other until Le Yi hurriedly interrupted them.

“A Miao, you haven’t told us what it is yet!”

A Miao was very sensible. She looked at Shen Xinglan angrily and said, “Xia Yongqiang lost his jade pendant and Xia Wan is suspecting me.”

“Haven’t you replaced it with a fake one?” Le Yi knew their plan and frowned. “Is the fake one stolen?”

Shen Xinglan leaned against the back of his chair and his eyes flashed. “I will handle this. Sit and eat.”

“? ? ? Since when he became so nice?” A Miao stared at him. Should he sarcasm her and blame her for not returning the fake one?”

“What are you looking at? If you don’t want to eat, don’t.” Shen Xinglan cast her a look and added when he saw A Miao quickly picking up the chopsticks and said, “The falling sky will not stop you from eating.”

“Never mind what a neuropathy said!” A Miao lowered her head and focused on the food while muttering in her heart.

She always felt that Xia Wan’s reaction was a bit strange. It seemed that she didn’t come for the jade pendant…

“Do you have anything else to say?” Shen Xinglan had been secretly observing her. Seeing her frown, he couldn’t help asking.

A Miao thought for a moment and repeated what Xia Wan just said.

“She seems to want to go to your room!” Le Yi said after listening, “You should’ve kept her and let her go upstairs.”

Shen Xinglan squinted at him. “I know what she wanted to do. I have no time to play the dirty tricks with her.”

“I know too!” A Miao looked at him with a smug look.

“I don’t believe you.” Shen Xinglan was sure she could not know.

A Miao widely opened her eyes. “Why don’t you believe me?”

“Because of your IQ. You can’t think of what I can think of.”

“How come I don’t know? She just wanted to see if we are living together!” A Miao shouted out, but she regretted it as soon as she finished speaking.

Shen Xinglan was stunned and immediately returned to a cold expression. He said, “Don’t daydream. I won’t sleep with you.”

If Shen Xinglan knew that he would beg to sleep with A Miao soon in the future and try to climb into her bed, he would never say this…

Unfortunately, there was no if. Let us mourn for the long and tortuous road of pursuing A Miao.

“Don’t talk nonsense. Even if I have to sleep in street, I won’t sleep with you in a room!” A Miao angrily said, and then directly picked up the meat she loved and turned away.

Le Yi shook his head. “Why are you doing that? Are you happy when you enrage her?”

“Eat.” Shen Xinglan’s face darkened and he put a piece of pepper into his mouth.

Cough… He immediately spat it out and drank a mouthful of water. Then he stood up and said, “I still have documents to read. I am leaving.”

When passing A Miao’s room on the second floor, he found that the door was not closed, and the faint light came out through the door. Shen Xinglan got closed to it and was surprised upon what he saw.

“Never mind what a nut said!” A Miao was unbuttoning the last button of her coat. “He is just a little mean, but the rest of him is still fine and better than those of the Xia family.”

She calmed down by muttering and then threw her clothes on the floor. She picked up the drumstick and took a bite. “Well, I should take a shower and finish yesterday’s homework.”

Because there was an oil stain on her hand, A Miao had to shake her skirt off her body.

From Shen Xinglan’s perspective, she was only wearing white underwear at the moment and shaking her ass in a voluptuous manner. In a flash, her little white underwear was exposed.

When it almost reached the floor, A Miao raised her leg and hooked it. Her mysterious garden flashed across the man’s eyes, and the snowy white skin shimmered with glamorous luster under the light.

“Gurgle…” Shen Xinglan, who ran back to his room, rushed into the bathroom and unscrewed the shower. The cold water irritated his skin, causing shudders.

“Damn!” He glanced at his crotch and looked up at the shower.

Ten minutes later, Shen Xinglan changed his clothes and went out of his room when he saw Shen I coming over.

“What are you doing?” His roar frightened Shen I and made him tremble.

Shen I stuttered and said, “I… I am walking…”

“Who allows you to walk?” Shen Xinglan quickly walked to the other side. When he found that A Miao’s door had been closed, he felt relieved and straightly went downstairs.

Shen I bitterly followed him and tried to hide his existence.

“Didn’t I tell you to go to Africa? Why did you come back?” Shen Xinglan stared at him.

“Shen II said… Boss, you ask me to come back.”

Shen Xinglan looked at him and said, “I regret it. Go back again.”

Shen I ran away while biting his clothes in his mouth. Shen II did not care about him at all. When he saw Shen Xinglan wearing formal attire, he went up and asked, “Boss, are you going out?”

“Get me a woman to date with.”

The next morning, when A Miao went downstairs to have breakfast, Le Yi was watching the news.

“Good morning. Come check it out!” He enthusiastically beckoned.

A Miao curiously walked over and glanced at the TV. Then she looked at Le Yi strangely and asked, “You like watching entertainment news?” An international famous doctor enjoyed watching entertainment news early in the morning?

“Because today’s protagonist is Shen!” Le Yi pointed.

The picture on the TV seemed to be a restaurant. Shen Xinglan was coming out from inside with a woman, who was with sunglasses, holding his arm. The two people under the spotlight looked perfectly matched.

“Is she the famous variety of star?” A Miao recognized her. Yesterday she watched her show.

Le Yi shook his head. “I don’t know, but I know she will no longer be the most popular one soon.”

“What do you mean?” A Miao stared at the TV. “Because of the affair? With the psycho…? Isn’t it a good thing to date with Shen Xinglan?”

“You have no opinion?” Le Yi looked at her carefully.

A Miao titled her head and said, “I have.”

“What is it?”

“I’m hungry.”

Looking at the happy figure rushing toward the restaurant, Le Yi felt that Shen Xinglan’s future was so dark…

At this moment, Shen Xinglan was sitting in the office with a black face.

“Boss, Nie Yun refuses to go. She insists on seeing you.”

“I have no time.” Shen Xinglan said in a bad tone. “Tell her that everything has nothing to do with me, and I won’t see her again.”

Shen II nodded and left.

“This female star named Nie Yun was too stupid. Boss needed a company to have dinner for no reason last night and she was called. As a result, after Shen Xinglan left, not only had she informed reporters but also told the reporters that they were in love.”

“Get the car ready and go home.”

It was not easy to send the woman away. Shen Xinglan came out of the office. Shen II hurried to drive the car. On the way home, Shen II found that Shen Xinglan was still angry. For a moment, Shen II felt that it would be better if Shen I was there.

At least he would gossip and ask…

“Hey, you came back.” Holding a cup of coffee, Le Yi sat down in the living room. When he saw Shen Xinglan, he said, “Did you have a happy night?”

Shen Xinglan straightened his face and was about to talk when he saw A Miao bounded out of the restaurant, with a cucumber in her mouth.

“Hey!” Seeing him, A Miao screamed, and then blinked and left.

“You stop there,” Shen Xinglan said, “What is your expression?”

A Miao rolled her eyes and threw the remaining cucumber to the trash can before she patted and went upstairs.

“Fine. Can you treat her better?” Le Yi stopped Shen Xinglan, who was still looking for trouble to her. “Have you lost your sexuality last night? Would you like me to check you?”

Shen Xinglan loosened his tie. “I slept at the company last night.”

“Oh?” Le Yi looked at his face. “You are…”

“Nothing, I am going to take a shower.”

Le Yi shrugged when he saw Shen II waving his hand toward him from outside.

“What did your boss do last night?”

Shen II…

“I know that you are not Shen I and you will not disclose anything about your boss.” Le Yi thought it for a while and said, “Let’s do it this way. I will ask my question and you just need to nod or shake your head.”

Shen II nodded.

“Your boss took the initiative to date a woman last night?”

Shen II nodded.

“He was angry for no reason at the beginning. When he knew that the female star had made a decision on her own, he became angry?”

Shen II nodded again.

“Even if she is the one that he met most frequently among all the women he knows, he still decided never to see her again from now on?”

Shen II felt that if he nodded again, he would completely betray his Boss.

“Mr. Le…”

“Enough.” Le Yi raised his hand. “Thank you for telling me. You can go!”

Shen II felt tangled as he left. Once again, he developed the idea of calling Shen I back.

Le Yi looked at the upstairs with a smile. He believed that Shen Xinglan was definitely regretting it…

“The stupid woman must have watched the news.” Shen Xinglan went to the study room in his bathrobe and lit a cigar, muttering.

Last night, when he had a physiological reaction upon seeing A Miao’s body, he wanted to find a woman casually. However… No matter how the woman seduced him, the thing between his legs could not respond.

“Are you still thinking of it?” Le Yi pushed the door and walked in.

Shen Xinglan cast him a look. “This is my home.”

“If I knock on the door, A Miao will hear it.” Le Yi sat down and smothered Shen Xinglan’s cigar. “Don’t smoke, what did you try out?”

“Speak English.”

Le Yi raised his eyebrow, “Did you want to try to respond to other women? How was that going?”

“What about you?” Shen Xinglan asked.

“I haven’t found that person yet,” Le Yi responded very well, which made Shen Xinglan more annoyed.

They used to be fed a kind of medicine when they were trained by a group of people in their childhood.

This medicine could greatly reduce male hormone stimulating hormone. Any man who had taken this drug would hardly have a physiological reaction to a woman after they became adults.

In other words, unless it was pushed by feelings, it was difficult for them to make love with women because of sex. If an adult man had this medicine for a long time, he would be completely impotent.

“I suggest… you can try with another woman.” Le Yi suddenly proposed.

Shen Xinglan straightened his face. “No need.”

“I haven’t finished yet.” Le Yi smiled. “You can have a try with A Miao!”

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