Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Let’s Talk about the Engagement

Xia Wan and Bai Youran had no choice but to first return after failing to find A Miao. On their way back, Xia Haixin called them and told them that the old man had fainted and was already sent to the hospital.

“You should go home first. My grandfather is very angry this time.” When they reached the hospital entrance, Xia Wan stopped Bai Youran who wanted to go in with her. “Don’t forget that if I can guess that it’s your handiwork, my grandfather will certainly think the same.”

Bai Youran sighed. “Okay then. Give me a call if anything happens.” He also wanted to return home. There was no way that A Miao could marry him now, so he must get his grandmother to immediately discuss with Xia Yongqiang about his marriage with Xia Wan.

Xia Wan entered the hospital in a hurry while Bai Youran drove away from it. A black Maybach drove past his car and stopped in front of the hospital entrance. If Bai Youran turned around to look at this moment, he would see that the person getting off the car was precisely the one that they had been looking for.

“I hope you succeed!” Shen I was seated inside the car. “I’ll wait for you at the crosshead ahead. Once you get the thing, find an excuse to come out.”

A Miao was a little nervous and gave him an uncertain little nod.

“Relax. Weren’t you quite nimble when you stuffed things into our boss’ body?”

“How can that be the same?” The corner of A Miao’s mouth twitched.

This time, she would be stealing things. It would be actual, genuine theft!

“Good luck!” Shen I glanced at the car behind his and closed the door.

With her head raised, A Miao walked into the hospital with large strides. Her expression was one of a hero gallantly walking toward her death for a righteous cause.

“Boss, she has entered.” Inside the car behind Shen I’s, Shen II turned his head to look behind him. “We…”

“Drive to the crossing and wait for her to come out.” Shen Xinglan’s gaze was fixed on the hospital entrance. “Follow Shen I but don’t let her spot us.”

Shen II started driving the car with a complicated expression. He really did not know what kind of concept his boss was going for. Couldn’t his boss just openly and honorably see her off? Why must he act so surreptitiously?

Outside the door into the VIP ward, A Miao took in a deep breath before pushing the door open.

“A Miao!” Xia Wan came over to her in just a few steps. She tried to probe A Miao while sizing her up. “Are you okay?”

Yao Lili laughed in a manner of a person taking delight in someone else’s misfortune. “How can you tell by just looking at her? Even if she’s not okay, it’ll be at an unseen spot under her clothes!”

“What nonsense are you saying?” Xia Haixin was frustrated to death over his wife’s filthy mouth.

Xia Yongqiang was lying on the bed, looking no different from usual.

“Did you know what happened?” He looked at A Miao serenely.

A Miao put on her practiced expression and shook her head in bewilderment. “You’re close to dying from your illness?”

“Cough, cough, cough…” Xia Yongqiang held his chest as he trembled all over. “You cheeky animal! You’re going to anger me to death the way your mother did.”

“A Miao, hurry up and apologize to Grandfather.” Xia Wan pushed A Miao toward the front of the bed. “Only Grandfather can help you now. Hurry up and apologize!”

Knowing that they believed that she had lost her virginity, a mocking smile appeared on A Miao’s face as she glanced at Xia Wan. “I think you people are the ones looking bad in this situation?”

“Shut up!” Xia Yongqiang landed a slap across her face.

A Miao’s eyes glinted. Twisting her body askew, she deliberately threw herself onto Xia Yongqiang’s underbelly. He was in so much pain that he nearly gasped.

“Dad!” Seeing how the old man’s eyes had nearly turned to the back of his head, Xia Haixin immediately pulled A Miao back to her feet. Yao Lili took advantage of the moment to kick A Miao backward.

“I’ll go call the doctor!” A Miao turned around and ran.

Out in the corridor, she casually yelled for the doctor before rushing into the elevator. Once she was out of the hospital, she ran to the crossing in one breath.

“Come in quick!” Shen I pushed open the car door.

A Miao threw the jade pendant into the car. “No, I need to go back.”

If she left just like this, she would be the prime suspect in the event that Xia Yongqiang noticed that his jade pendant was a fake.

“The patient needs to rest. Don’t provoke him anymore.”

After running back into the ward, A Miao saw that the doctor had just finished inspecting Xia Yongqiang. She secretly slipped into the room and stood in a corner, pretending to be air.

Once they saw the doctor off, Xia Wan glared at A Miao. “Look at what you’ve done!”

“Send her away immediately, lest the old man gets angry again.” Yao Lili pushed A Miao out of the door.

Xia Haixin held onto her arm. “Xia Wan, go home with A Miao first.” With a frown, he continued, “A Miao, stay home until the problem is solved.”

He was implying that A Miao was once again being grounded!

A Miao shrugged indifferently and followed Xia Wan out.

“A Miao, do you know what happened?” Back in the Xia family villa, Xia Wan finally could not help asking, “Why don’t you have any reaction at all?”

“What are you talking about?” A Miao was about to head upstairs when she heard Xia Wan’s question. She turned around to look at Xia Wan. “Why don’t you tell me?”

Xia Wan was suddenly very frustrated. She had long realized that this cousin of hers who came back out of nowhere was not as easy to deal with as she appeared. But what could A Miao do?

She was an illegitimate child that no one wanted. How could she compare with Xia Wan? Moreover, with her looks, no man would help her in her stead.

“So be it if you’re unwilling to admit it.” Xia Wan chuckled. “Either way, I’m definitely marrying Shen Xinglan. As for you…”

She touched her fingernails. “If Grandfather can persuade the Bai family to allow you into the family, that should be the best. If not, you’ll suffer an even worse fate.”

“This doesn’t seem like something you’d say.” A Miao was also chuckling. “Why aren’t you acting kind anymore?”

Xia Wan snorted. “You better watch out. Stay up there obediently.”

Over on Shen Xinglan’s side, he had returned to Ji Conglomerate. Shen I handed him the jade pendant with a bronze mirror embedded in it.

“Boss, there’s a red mark on it.” Shen II glanced at Shen I.

Shen I immediately added, “It doesn’t have anything to do with me. I think it’s because A Miao’s hand is hurt and her blood dripped on it. Either way, it’s already like that when she handed it to me.”

“The blood is inside the pendant.” Shen Xinglan turned the jade pendant over in his hands. Not only did the red mark inside the pendant not drop, but he even vaguely felt that it was flowing.

Shen I and Shen II exchanged looks, both wearing looks of disbelief.

“Boss?” Shen II suddenly cried.

Shen Xinglan was sliding a paper knife across his hand.

“It’s no problem.” When he put pressure on the knife, several drops of red blood fell on the jade pendant.

Shen I stared fixedly at the pendant until his mouth fell open. “It… It flowed downward?”

The blood flowed down the jade pendant and fell on the table. Unlike A Miao’s blood, it did not seep inside the pendant.

“Try again.” Shen Xinglan extended his hand.

Shen II reacted swiftly and grabbed Shen I’s hand. He took the paper knife from Shen Xinglan’s hand and made a firm cut.

“Ah! Be gentler!” Shen I gave him a punch. “Why didn’t you use your own hand?”

“Boss…” Ignoring him, Shen II looked at Shen Xinglan.

Shen I’s blood also slid off the pendant.

Shen Xinglan wiped the jade pendant embedded with a bronze mirror clean with his hand. With a sinister look, he said, “Looks like it’ll only react to that woman’s blood.”

“Should I go and bring her here?”

“No need.” Shen Xinglan suddenly smiled. “This is just right. This time, we really can’t let her leave.”

On the second day of Xia Yongqiang’s hospitalization, an unexpected visitor appeared in his ward.

“Mr. Shen?” Xia Haixin was at a loss for words. “You…”

“I heard the old man has fallen ill and came over for a visit.” With a wave of Shen Xinglan’s hand, Shen I placed the flower basket on the table.

Yao Lili, who stood on the sidelines, was smiling so wide that she could not close her mouth. Just as she was about to say anything, she saw Xia Yongqiang glaring at her. She had no choice but to laugh in embarrassment and retreated to a corner.

“Thank you. I didn’t expect Mr. Shen would think of an old man like me!”

Shen Xinglan sat down with a smile. “It’s because I have something to discuss with you that I have no choice but to be a little more polite.”

“Oh?” Xia Yongqiang narrowed his eyes. “I wonder what you’re referring to, Mr. Shen.”

Yao Lili was so excited that she had to bite on her handkerchief. What else could there be? Of course, it was about her Xia Wan’s marriage!

Sure enough, Shen Xinglan went straight to the point. “I wonder what you think of Ji Conglomerate? Is it worthy enough to marry your family’s precious daughter?”

“Hahahaha!” Xia Yongqiang laughed in delight. “When I brought this up previously, you didn’t have much of reaction. I thought you didn’t think of us as good enough for you. I didn’t expect you to talk to me about this yourself.”

When he finished his sentence, his smile abruptly faded. He stared fixedly at Shen Xinglan and said, “I’m just uncertain as to what your parents think.”

“You worry too much, Elder Xia,” Shen Xinglan said placidly. “I’ll decide my own marriage. My father wouldn’t interfere in it and as for that woman… She has no right to interfere.”

Xia Yongqiang nodded. “Since you put it that way, I can put aside my worries. Alright then. Go ahead and arrange it. It’s best if you’ll hold an engagement ceremony.”

He was more desperate than anyone to publicize this marriage. With Shen Xinglan’s agreement, the Bai family would not find it comfortable to compete with him even if they did not want A Miao.

“No problem.” Shen Xinglan stood up. “If your health allows, we can hold the engagement ceremony this weekend.”

Even if he was close to his death the last moment, he had to throw all caution into the wind this time. Xia Yongqiang chuckled and said, “I’m most clear about my health. This weekend it is!”

“Okay. I’ll organize the ceremony but it’s best if the Xia family can handle the invitations. I don’t know many people in City S after all.”

Xia Haixin nodded as he saw Shen Xinglan off. “Sure, leave it to me. You don’t have to worry about it.”

He had changed the way he addressed Shen Xinglan from “Mr. Shen” to “you”. In mere minutes, their statuses had changed.

“Rest well, Elder Xia. I’ll see you at the ceremony.”

After Shen Xinglan left, Yao Lili immediately gave Xia Wan a call.

“Mom, what did you say?” Xia Wan thought that she had misheard her.

“You didn’t mishear me. Shen Xinglan came over just now. He had already discussed it with your grandfather. It’ll be your engagement ceremony this weekend!”

Finally sure that she did not hear wrongly, Xia Wan happily made several twirls in place. “That’s great! I thought he didn’t like me and was wondering what to do.”

“Mom, does this mean I can go and find him now?”

Yao Lili replied, “Of course! You’re the future young madam of the Ji family!”

After ending the call, Xia Wan dressed up and set off for Ji Conglomerate at once. This time, the receptionist did not stop her but she still did not get to meet Shen Xinglan.

“Miss Xia, boss just left for the airport.”

“Where did he go?” Xia Wan was startled, thinking that Shen Xinglan had reneged on his word.

Shen I suppressed his resentment for her and said, “There’s a little issue with the company in the United States that needs boss’ personal attention. But before he left, he said that you should rest assured. He’ll be back in time for the engagement ceremony.”

Xia Wan sighed in relief. “Okay then. I’ll be taking my leave!” She smiled gently, wanting to leave a good impression on the people of Ji Conglomerate.

It was unknown who spread this news. Very soon, the entire upper-class circle of the city found about Shen Xinglan and Xia Wan’s engagement ceremony. Naturally, the Bai family was no exception.

“Grandma! Hurry up and think of a way!” Bai Youran was wearing a fierce expression. “I must marry Xia Wan!”

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