Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 354 - We Will Go to Somewhere Together

Chapter 354 We Will Go to Somewhere Together

Yaya was about to say something, when she saw the girl being slapped hard by Zhu Yan, and she fainted instantly.

So ferocious!

“Miss, please get into the car.” Zhu Yan pulled the girl up with one hand, and threw her to the two male bodyguards, who had rushed over.

Yaya pointed at the girl and said, “She…”

“We will interrogate her and report to Young Master, if there is any danger.”

Yaya said “fine”, and got into the car. However, she was still curious about it, so she planned to ask Yu Sihan about it, in the evening.

“Young Master, we have brought her back.” A Bodyguard rushed into the house and said, “She tried to talk to Miss, but she was stunned by Zhu Yan before she could say anything.”

Yu Sihan was lying sideways on a couch, his Buddha beads swinging in one hand. “Take her on board directly. If you fail, all of you need not come back.”

“I will keep it in mind!” The bodyguard broke out in a cold sweat, but he still stood there.

“Speak!.” Yu Sihan glanced at him.

The bodyguard swallowed hard and said, “Young Master, Green said she must see you, otherwise… otherwise she would rather die than go away.”

Yan Sihan beckoned to him, as his face clouded over. “Bring her over.”

“Young Master!” The girl was escorted into the room, and there was joy on her face, and her eyes were sparkling.

The girl was in her early twenties. She was a lovely girl, especially her smile. However, the person in front of her did not even cast a glance at her.

“I did not run away on purpose. I just wanted to see you…” The girl looked at him pitifully. “Are you angry with me?”

Yu Sihan sat up and looked at her: “You have seen me. So leave now.”

“Young Master?” Green was stupefied, “You are really angry with me? Just because of the woman with the surname Shen? ”

Suddenly she became emotional. She thought she would follow this man forever, because he had rescued her from a bunch of street gangs, gave her beautiful clothes and let her live in a big house.

Although people had conducted experiments on her daily, for example, injections and blood tests, she still felt very happy!

“They said you will be getting married…” Green looked sadly at the man, her savior. “Will you abandon me after your marriage.”

Yan Sihan looked at her even more coldly. “Who do you think you are?”

“I…” Green took a few steps back in disbelief. She thought, “How could the Young Master look at me, with such cold eyes?”

When she was taken to that institute, she had been very scared. It was the Young Master who held her hands to comfort her, encouraged her, and told her that the experiments were not horrible.

Later, he became ill, and was lying in a very cold room. She could not enter the room, but she was there and talked to him every day. After 8 years, she grew up. She almost went crazy with happiness, when she found out that he was finally awake.

“But you left…” Green cried. “You left without even seeing me. I managed to sneak out to find you, but you treated me so cruelly. You are not the Young Master I know.”

“He told her not to be afraid, with a gentle smile…”

“Do you feel wronged?” Yu Sihan looked at her sardonically. “Did you forget what you said in the past?”

Green cried, shaking her head. “What did I say?”

Yu Sihan signalled to the bodyguard with his eyes, and he quickly answered, “When Young Master saved you, he asked if you were willing to leave with him. He would give you a wealthy life. You would not be hungry or be bullied by anyone. But your life would belong to him.”

“I remember that!” Green wiped away her tears, “That’s why I came to find Young Master. I have been his woman all my life.”

Yu Sihan sat down. “Good, since you remember that, you can leave now. Follow their orders.”

“But they want to send me away!” She still felt aggrieved, especially after seeing the woman, who was said to be the fiancée of Young Master. That woman looked so beautiful and elegant.

“I will be going to that place soon.” Yan Sihan gave her a look. “Have a good rest today and set out tomorrow morning.”

When she knew that he would be there too, Green immediately became happy and nodded, “Well, I will be obedient and wait for you, Young Master!”

She was taken out, and followed by a bodyguard who looked her with pity, but she did not notice that…

In the afternoon, Yaya went to the hospital to deliver food, and stayed there till evening, when Yu Sihan picked her up.

“Did you see the girl today?” She asked him once she got into the car.

Yu Sihan kissed her cheek and said, “Yes Did she scare you?”

“She was overpowered by Zhu Yan, before I even had time to be scared.” Yaya asked with some uncertainty, “She… is looking for me?”

She had thought about it the whole afternoon, and all she could come up with were some corny ideas. She thought, “Did the girl fall in love with Yu Sihan secretly? Did they know each other during his convalescence? What happened between them?”

As for whether Yu Sihan had betrayed her and had an affair with that girl, Yaya did not think about it. It was very strange; she never thought Yu Sihan would betray her, and she felt she was born to be with this man.

“She escaped from the institute.” Yu Sihan wrapped his arm around her and rubbed her arm gently. He said, “I wonder why she came to look for you, too.”

“She looks about the same age as me. Is she a researcher?” Yaya edged closer to him, “She doesn’t look like a researcher.”

Yu Sihan rubbed her hand. “Of course not, how could she be as clever as our Yaya!”

Yaya did not feel embarassed at her thoughts being pointed out by him. She tilted her head and smiled. “Certainly. You are my teacher. Of course I am very smart!”

“Ha-ha…” Yu Sihan laughed out loud. His forehead was against her forehead. He said, “I saved her from several hooligans, and sent her to the institute, when she was very young.”

“Doesn’t she have family? “Why was she sent to the institute? ”

“When I saved her, she was a child, but she was no longer a virgin.” Yu Sihan did not want to hide anything from Yaya, so he said very straightforwardly, “I saved her from a red-light district in an island country, and she was addicted to heroin.”

Yaya shuddered. “No wonder she doesn’t look like a Chinese…”

“There were a lot of stray orphans like her in the vicinity. I saved her unintentionally. Probably she thought she could get enough to eat by following me, so she was sent to the institute.”

Yaya was silent for a while. Yu Sihan did not press her to say anything, until she looked up and asked, “Was she sent to be an experimental object?”

“Yes.” Yu Sihan stared at her eyes, finding no fear or rejection inside. He felt very happy and could not help holding her tightly.

“You don’t trust me.” Yaya found that out.

She had been brought up by Yu Sihan, so it was inevitable that many of her ideas or concepts were taught by him. Very early on, she had knew that this Institute used people as experimental objects for all their drug research.

“That was her own choice. You did not force her to do that, right”

Yu Sihan held her and nodded, “I am very glad that you think so. No one in the world should be responsible for anyone, without any reason. Nothing comes without a price.”

“It only happens in fairy tales that someone must be responsible for you, because he has saved you.” Yu Sihan attained today’s achievements, step by step, using blood and lives.

“I gave her the opportunity to choose.” Yu Sihan gently rubbed her head and said, “Maybe she has forgotten who she was, after such a long time.”

Yaya roughly understood the girl’s mind. She attributed her life-saving gratitude to Yu Sihan as her love for him, and still kept it in mind. However, that saving-life gratitude was actually a consensual deal.

“You didn’t…” Yaya made a slicing gesture with her hand, at her neck.

Yu Sihan shook his head. “I have sent her back. Presumably she won’t run away again.”

He thought, “… there will be no more chance to run away.”

It took about half a mouth before A Miao finally recovered from her illness. Shen Xinglan even wondered if A Miao had any unknown physical problems, and let Le Yi conduct numerous tests.

“She is fine. Sometimes getting sick is good for people.”

Since giving birth to Jing Shuo, A Miao had never been sick, not even a cold. Therefore, it must have been building up till this time.

“Relax. Don’t scare yourself!” Le Yi said, “Okay, take her home quickly. You can leave the hospital now.”

A Miao was very happy to return home. No one wants to stay in the hospital! The Spring Festival was approaching. There were a lot of things she had to deal with. And Shen Xinglan was also very busy, because of his company business at the end of the year.

“Did he say when he will be back?” By the time A Miao and Shen Xinglan knew that Yu Sihan had left, he had already been gone for several days.

A Miao kept a straight face, and thought his act of leaving at this period showed that he was a jerk.

“He must come back before the Spring Festival.” Yaya put her bowl down and said, “Today’s sweet soup made by Mom is so delicious!”

Seeing her daughter laughing happily, A Miao could not help poking her head. “When will you grow up?”

“Mom!” Yaya pulled her arm and shook it. “Aren’t you going to attend the company’s annual meeting?” “Your stylists are coming. You’d better get dressed quickly! ”

A Miao wiped her hands and said. “You will be coming with me. Your dad said that he would let you make your debut at the meeting.”

“But he didn’t tell me that.” Yaya had planned to call Yu Sihan later from her bedroom.

“I was afraid that you will run off if I tell you earlier.” A Miao pushed her, “Go upstairs and get dressed.”

Yaya was taken to the company. She kept smiling the whole evening, so her face was stiff, after a while. When she remembered to call Yu Sihan, she found there were more than a dozen missed calls.

She rushed to call him back, but the number she dialed, went unanswered.

“Zhu Yan?”

Zhu Yan, who was only a few steps away from her, came quickly. “Miss.”

“Has your Young Master called you?”

“He did.” Zhu Yan answered frankly, “You didn’t answer the phone, so Young Master called me. I told him that you were at a party. He said you’d better not drink, and he was on board where the signal might not be that good.”

Yaya felt it was a little strange: “Where is he going? Why did he have to go by boat?”

“It seems that the weather condition there is not good to fly by plane.”

“Oh! “I see. ”

Yaya handed her bag to Zhu Yan and said, “I am going to the bathroom.”

Zhu Yan waited outside the bathroom. The phone suddenly rang again. She looked at the number. The call was from Young Master. She hesitated for a moment, and then picked it up.

“Young master, Miss is in the bathroom…”

“Zhu Yan, go into the room immediately. Don’t leave her from now on.”

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