Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 886 - Manda Training

After breakfast, Manda drove away a pair of kingfishers from the nest and inspected the eggs in the nest.

There are a total of ten bird eggs in the nest. These bird eggs were not born by the kingfishers. They were painted by Manda. When Manda painted the pair of kingfishers, he also painted a nest of bird eggs. A crack is drawn in a bird’s egg, which means that there is a nestling that is about to break its shell.

But after so many days, these bird eggs did not move at all. Watching the females hatch their eggs so hard every day, none of them can hatch without reason.

The witch’s explanation for this was: “The birds drawn do not know how to hatch eggs. Maybe there are no chicks in these eggs.”

No matter what the witches explained, Manda still couldn’t get better. He asked the witches to take him out to relax. The witches were a little embarrassed and quickly informed Circe.

Circe didn’t mind: “Let him go, don’t restrict his activities, even if he wants to jump into the sea, don’t stop him.”

The witches dressed up Manda carefully and took him out of the palace.

Manda admired the strange buildings along the way. Some witches lived in mushroom-like houses. According to the witches, they were originally mushrooms. Other witches live in huge pods, which are also real, produced on the bottom island.

The witch’s house is not so peculiar. Their style is more unified, and they all like gorgeous luxury. They put more thought into the color and decoration of the house. There are huge murals on each wall. These murals were created by the owner of the house. The artistic talent of the witch is amazing.

Of course, these murals are not just works of art, but also a symbol of combat effectiveness. A witch painted sixty giant wolves on the wall of the main house, and these giant wolves have made great achievements for Circ.

Speaking of war, Manda asked: “The witch **** said that the Queen of the Sea has invaded your kingdom, but I don’t think it looks like a war has happened here.”

The witches looked at each other, and no one wanted to answer. Manda sneered: “What? Let me guess right? Actually, there is no war at all, right?”

The witches shook their heads, and a slightly older witch stepped forward and said: “Your Majesty Crowdersay, the kingdom of wizards is not just one island. The name of this island is Aiyo Island, which is equivalent to the capital of our kingdom. There are many small islands around the capital, stretching hundreds of miles away. Those places are equivalent to our cities. At present, nearly half of our cities have been taken away by the sea queen. I am afraid that it will not take long. Hit our royal capital.”

Manda said with a stern look: “But you don’t have the appearance of preparing for battle. How can you face a powerful enemy in such a sloppy state?”

The witch lowered her head and said: “We are not good at fighting, and we don’t want to fight, we just want to live steadily.”

“This won’t work, tell Circe, if you want to protect his kingdom, you must first have a qualified army.”

“We have an army, but they are all on the battlefield.”

“Then I will help the goddess train another army, a stronger army.” Manda looked at the distant pool. A red witch was playing by the pool with a creature similar to a dragon.

“There is no such thing as a warrior!” Manda stepped forward and shouted at the witch, “Come here and fight with me. Let me see what you can do!”

The red witch was stunned. She didn’t know Manda or why Manda snarled at her.

“Didn’t you hear me?” Manda was furious, and rushed towards the red witch in a fast pace. The witch behind him ran violently, but couldn’t catch up with Manda.

Seeing Manda rushing forward, the witch chanted a spell, causing a rope to appear under Manda’s feet.

Manda tripped over the rope and plunged into the pool. The witch rushed forward and shouted to the witch: “What are you doing, do you know who he is?”

“I really do not know……”

“There is a man on the island. The goddess told everyone in advance, don’t provoke him at will. Don’t you know the goddess’ orders?”

The witch remembered Circe’s command and was so frightened: “Is he the King Claudesai? I really didn’t want to, I will go down to save him!”

The witch chanted a few spells and was about to jump into the pool, but was stopped by an older witch.

“Don’t pay attention to him, this matter has nothing to do with you, he jumped off himself.”

A witch next to him said: “Are you crazy? I saw that she used witchcraft!”

The elder witch shook her head and said, “He couldn’t have been in such a simple witchcraft. He was deliberately creating trouble. Remember the Queen’s instructions. Even if he jumps into the sea, ignore him.”

The witch was very accurate, and Manda did jump into the pool by herself.

He was a direct disciple of Circe, and he was a high-level **** himself. How could he have been involved in such a simple witchcraft? He wanted to see what mystery was in this pool of water.

The water in the pool was very deep, and Manda continued to dive to the bottom of the pool. At first, the water in the pool was warm. After diving for about ten meters, the water in the pool began to heat up suddenly.

Manda saw the water inlet on the edge of the pool. This should be a canal that draws water from the river. As Circe said, the river water is very hot, and the temperature of the river water that has just entered the pool exceeds that of ordinary flames.

Fortunately, Manda has a body of a demigod. After hardening the golden fingers, his only weakness is hidden. The hot pool can’t hurt him.

Continue to dive for more than 30 meters, and the water in the pool began to get cold again, from the right temperature to the bitter cold, like a cold spring gushing upwards from the ground.

Manda dared not continue to dive, the cold was beyond the limit he could resist.

He moved up quickly until he surfaced, took two deep breaths of air, and shouted at the witch; “You are so bold, dare to use witchcraft to calculate me, I want to tell the goddess, you wait and get the whip.”

The witch knelt on the ground with a grieved expression: “Your Majesty, please forgive me, I really don’t know it is you, I beg you to come up first, please!”

If Manda had anything to go wrong, it would by no means be solved with a whip.

The witches around were also frightened, and they begged Manda for mercy. Only the older demon goddess was indifferent: “Your Majesty, please come up first. Speak slowly.”

Manda came to the shore. The witch wanted to help him change his drenched clothes. Manda refused: “For a real warrior, let alone water, it’s covered in blood. What’s the deal, please? Tell the goddess, tomorrow to gather all the witches and witches who can fight, I want them to become real warriors!”

The witch relayed the news to Circe, and Circe smiled: “He should know that there is a canal in the pond, and he wants to escape into the river through the canal, and then escape.”

“Is he crazy? The river can boil his bones, even if he is a demigod, he can’t hold it.”

“It doesn’t matter if you can hold it, or if you can’t hold it, just leave it alone.”

“But he said he wants to train soldiers…”

“He’s right. You are a little lazy. It’s time to accept some beatings. Just do as he tells you.”

The witch left Circe’s palace angrily, and Circe sighed lightly: “Make a fuss, make a fuss, don’t want to leave here anyway.”

At dawn the next day, hundreds of witches and witches came to the bottom of the mountain in military uniforms Manda ordered the people not to use any witchcraft, and ran to the top of the mountain with him alone.

The witches and witches who can live on Aiyo Island are all at Tier 4, so it’s not a problem to run to the top of the mountain, but according to Manda’s speed standard, this is difficult to do.

Manda’s request was that after he reached the top of the mountain, a hundred-percent hourglass would be opened. After the sand ran out, those who did not reach the top of the mountain would be given a whip, and those who secretly used witchcraft would be twice given the whip.

From the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, everyone has just started, and Manda is almost at the end.

But two witches blocked his way, and the road to the highest peak was surrounded by a circle of city walls. No one was allowed to step into the city wall unless Circe’s permission was obtained.

This city wall was painted, but the painted wall is not fragile.

Observing through the peeling eye, Manda saw at least the six-layer magic circle. It was not wise to break through, and there was no need to anger Circe for this kind of thing.

Manda sat under the city wall and opened the hourglass. When the first witch came to the city, the sand had already flowed out.

After a long time, the witch and witch were all here, and Manda pointed to the city wall behind him: “Why can’t I go in?”

The elder witch gasped and explained: “This is the order of the goddess and the rule of the kingdom. Even we can’t enter this forbidden area. The two witches guarding the city gate did nothing wrong.”

“Very well, they are right, you are wrong!” Manda raised the hourglass and whip, “Everyone has timed out, put up a posture, twenty whips per person, after the punishment, let’s continue!”

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