Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 867 - The Wrath of Bacchus

Concentrate the divine power that forms the ring on a point outside the ring.

Pull the ring toward that point, pulling the ring into a cone.

The cone becomes an arrow and becomes the direction of the celestial body.

Manda used the method taught by the **** of celestial bodies to move the wooden house from the top of the left-wing mountain to the side of the mountain.

The wooden house fell to the ground, and the divine power was exhausted, but before landing, the **** of celestial bodies reminded Manda: “You’d better put the wooden house back to the original place. If others see an extra wooden house on the mountainside, it will attract you. The necessary doubt, and the cracks left near the top of the mountain will not disappear.”

The crack referred to by the celestial **** belongs to the vacuum area under the wooden house.

This is different from Manda’s imagination. Manda believes that when the wooden house moves in the air, the vacuum area below will move with it. According to the description of the celestial god, the vacuum area will not move and will remain in place unless it is lifted. Place the object on the sky back to its original place.

This event is prone to make many associations, such as the underworld.

It was almost dawn, and Manda ate some pearls. Before anyone noticed the abnormality, he moved the wooden house back, walked a full circle around Qixing Mountain, and returned to his house, preparing for Meimei to sleep.

Horna warmed up the bed, and Manda just got in, throbbing to dissipate her sleepiness.

It was the spy’s urgent case again. Manda opened the letter and saw the news he didn’t want to see the most.

In Golden City, a Dionysian believer was killed during the sacrifice, the blood stone of the **** was taken away, and the class is unknown.

Madsa again?

Impossible, just received Gaia’s warning, he should at least converge a little.

What’s more, the tundra is so far away, and there is no fire nearby for him to shuttle and jump. He can’t come so fast.

Could it be that there is really another angel?

It cannot be arbitrary, if it is just a low-level Bacchus believer, without an angel, a high-level divine punishment warrior can also kill him.

What Manda is worried about is that Madsa’s previous actions have aroused the vengeance of the gods. If they unite to kill the believers of the ancient gods, a war is inevitable.

Manda went to Golden Light City through the underworld and saw the believer’s body.

This is not an ordinary believer. Judging from his breath, he has an eighth rank.

An eighth-tier believer was killed. This was definitely not something that an ordinary divine punishment warrior could do. It seemed that the first speculation was closer, and indeed there was more than one angel.

Losing a Tier 8 believer, Bacchus will not go crazy, will it?

In fact, Bacchus has gone mad, and he has lost not just an eighth-tier believer.

He was in the temple of Hermes at this moment, insisting on asking for an explanation.

“I saw Manda’s temple. He has reached the fifth level. When he comes to Olympia, we will have another fifth-level god.

Brother, I respect you very much. Your vision is very good. Your believer is about to become a fifth-order god, but my substitute in the world just died, and my artifact was lost! Are you indifferent? “

Hermes squeezed his chin and looked at the body of the demigod. His body was wounded by the Holy Light, and he was obviously dead by the skills of the Lord of God’s Punishment.

“I will ask Manda to investigate this matter. Please wait patiently for my news first.”

“I’m patient enough, brother! Since April, my believers have been killed continuously, which is a great humiliation to me, but Manda has been investigating for so long, but has found nothing.”

Hermes frowned and said: “Manda fights in the mortal alone, don’t you think it’s easy?”

Dionysus pointed to the bluestone slab and said: “My believer is also fighting, he died!”

“If he doesn’t want to die, he should follow Manda to fight. The same goes for gods and people. If he doesn’t want to struggle with the Lord of God’s punishment, he must learn to let go of suspicions about each other.”

Bacchus calmed down: “I want to go to the mortal world, but also to help him.”

“Don’t worry, there will be a chance.”

Hermes issued an oracle to Manda: “Find out the identity of the murderer. Whether or not Madesa did it, don’t fight the opponent.”

Finding clues should go to the place where the crime occurred, but Manda didn’t want to go to Cotai City again. He had already been there once. The other party was an expert who was better at killing people than Madesa, and did not leave him any clues.

The current Pope Cquein?

It may be him. At the beginning, he and Madesa were both candidates for promotion to the angels, and Madesa took the upper hand with superior skills. The second angel might indeed be Kequn.

But he made an oath in front of the Skettis River, and he will not be an enemy of Roma for his whole life. After becoming an angel, he can escape the sanctions of the River of Oaths?

How should this matter be verified?

Take a trip to Shenglin City?

Manda was not so crazy. He went to the Royal Capital Cathedral, trying to get some news from Leo’s mouth.

Leo’s face has a lot of wrinkles, and his hands also have a lot of calluses. This man who is very surprised by the unexpected has experienced a lot of vicissitudes of life under the temper of the years.

Manda offered to donate 20,000 gold coins to the church on the condition that Leo could provide some valuable information.

Leo rejected Manda’s donation, and he made it clear to Manda that this incident was definitely not done by the church, nor was it done by the Seraphim Madesa.

“I know that you are trying to maintain order in the kingdom, and I also feel deep sorrow for the dead, but if you want to impose a crime on the church, I will fight for this life to fight you desperately.”

“I didn’t want to impose charges on anyone, I just need…”

“I’m going to start praying. As a believer of other gods, you’d better not stay here.”

Manda shrugged and was about to leave, only to notice some subtle changes.

“There are two more candles under the idol. Did you place it wrong or did I remember it wrong?”

Leo was silent for a long time and slowly said, “Eleven candles are dedicated to the Lord, one candle is dedicated to the Seraphim, and the other candle is dedicated to the Wise Angel.”

From Leo’s standpoint, he has given the maximum hint.

Wisdom angels, really new angels have appeared.

Manda didn’t do any more inquiries, and directly reported the news to Hermes. An angel-level opponent was scary enough, and even more terrifying was that Manda didn’t know anything about it.

Hermes’ thoughts are basically the same as Manda’s. Things need to be investigated, but Manda can’t let Manda take risks alone.

Dionysus has always wanted to go to the mortal world, just to take this opportunity to perfect him.

That night, Millow was taking a nap in the temple with a wine can, and suddenly saw a young man sitting next to him.

The young man took out the wine sack and poured a glass for Millow. Millow drank it and found that the taste of the wine was very special.

The boy smiled and said, “Have you never had such a good bar?”

Millow smacked his lips, aftertastes, untied his wine pouch, and poured a glass for the teenager.

“I can’t help myself!” The young man sneered and drank the wine, the smile on his face solidified.

This is the wine made by Worm through the improvement of the wine recipe of Polyphemus.

Millow rubbed his nose and said, “Have you never had such a good bar?”

The young man was furious: “You are presumptuous!”

At dawn the next day, Millow came to Manda’s bed and said in Manda’s ear: “Bacchus wants to see you.”

Manda opened his sleepy eyes and looked at Milo in amazement: “You mean Dionysus?”

“Are there any other Bacchus?” Millow lowered his voice again, “I didn’t know him well before, but now I found out that he is not a good-serving god, and his temper is a bit big, so bear with him.”

Manda washed, dressed neatly, and came to the temple of Bacchus.

Bacchus sat on the stone steps, looking down at Manda: “Salute to me.”

Manda leaned over to salute.

Dionysus frowned and said, “Does this conform to the rules of mortal salutes to gods?”

Manda heard the words, knelt on her knees, and saluted again.

Dionysus nodded and smiled: “You are very clever, and you don’t give me a chance to attack, but in my month of sacrifice, I lost a lot of believers and lost my substitute. I must have this temper. Made.”

“You can vent your anger on the enemy.”

“Have you found the enemy?”

“Forgive me for incompetence…”

“It’s my brother’s business to forgive you,” Dionysus drank the wine in his sack, stood up and said to Manda, “I am only responsible for punishing you.”

Millow’s eyebrows stood up suddenly, and he had been joking for most of his life, but there were some things that should not be ridiculed.

Even his **** can’t hurt the Patriarch of Claudesai.

Bacchus noticed the changes in Millow, and looked up and down his favored one: “Whose kind of seed are you? Mine or his?”

Millow didn’t say He didn’t bother to answer such idiotic questions.

Manda still bowed his head and said nothing. Dionysus was restricted in the mortal world. If he did too much, Manda could teach him to be a **** at any time.

But now Manda must restrain, because he can feel Hermes’ gaze.

Bacchus is violent by nature, but under Hermes’ gaze, he shouldn’t do too much. More importantly, Manda doesn’t want to show her strength in front of Hermes.

But Manda was wrong. Bacchus did not mean to constrain. He respected Hermes and was regarded as one of the supporters, but it did not mean that he respected Manda as well.

He threw the wine bag and walked to Manda.

Mandala stopped Milo and told him not to act rashly.

Bacchus’s expression became more and more ferocious, and the thick wine mist filled the entire temple.

Seeing that he was about to act on Manda, he suddenly saw Long Gesen walking into the hall with a tall man.

“Dionysus, are you here to do something, or are you here to cause trouble?”

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