Gimai Seikatsu

Book 5: Chapter 10: 30th of October (Friday) – Ayase Saki

The classroom was excited first thing in the morning. All I could hear were my classmates making plans for Halloween. Asking what costumes they should wear was one of the most prominent questions. Others talked about where they should meet up for a Halloween party. There was even a large group building around Maaya’s seat. They planned to meet up tomorrow to hold a costume party.

“Are you really not coming, Saki?” Maaya asked one last time to make sure.

“I’ve got other plans, sorry.”

I have a work shift on that day, and I can’t just skip it. I purposefully had kept the fact that I had a part-time job a secret. If I’m not careful, they might figure out where I’m working. And I also can’t really handle that kind of atmosphere too much. However…that also got me thinking. If it’s with the people I appreciate and feel comfortable around, then maybe spending the day together could be pretty fun. Someone I’m fine with having around… like Asamura-kun. Walking around Shibuya wearing a costume suddenly doesn’t sound so bad. I may not be good with that sort of stuff, but I want to treasure the time with Asamura-kun—the memories I create with him.

Once classes ended, I made my way to the Shibuya train station for my upcoming shift at work. The sun had moved towards the West, as the sky had started turning dark blue. The shadow of the Shibuya 109 was stretching along across the ground, even reaching down to my feet. The eastern sky that was visible through the gaps of the buildings slowly changed to the color of the night, and the breeze blowing against my cheeks smelled like fallen leaves. It wouldn’t take long until I would be able to see my own breath.

Upon entering the bookstore, I ran into Yomiuri-senpai, who had already been there before me, walking between the bookshelves. I bowed politely when our eyes met and headed over towards the girls’ changing room.

“Morning, Saki-chan!” She stormed into the room right behind me like she had chased after me.


For some reason, she always greeted me like it was morning. Even though it was turning dark outside. Maybe it’s just a habit of hers. I don’t think anyone has ever commented on it.

“Saki-chan, we’re supposed to fill the shelves today~”


Asamura-kun arrived roughly five minutes before our shift started, and we all worked on filling the empty spaces in the shelves. Our break arrived, so we went back to the office. Yomiuri-senpai kept fawning over Asamura-kun at every given chance, and I had no way of telling what she really thought. He agreed to bring sweets to work tomorrow or something along those lines. Maybe I should also say that to Asamura-kun. ‘Trick or treat…’ No, what am I thinking? That’s not like me at all.

After that, we started talking about Halloween tomorrow. Yomiuri-senpai mentioned she’d be having fun with some friends after our shift and going out in a costume. Asamura-kun seemed to be impressed by the kind of mature vibe she showed through that. And apparently with the professor from her ethics department—Assistant Professor Kudou Eiha. Just remembering what happened on the day of the open campus made me feel exhausted.

Yomiuri-senpai called her the top genius of the department who also had the mind of a demon. And to be perfectly honest, I could picture her with demon horns. I think she’s a chore to have around. She’s probably the kind of person who’d grind my gears the easiest. I’m not good at talking with strangers to begin with. There aren’t many people like Asasmura-kun that I can feel relaxed around.

“Either way, I’m worried we’ll get fewer students applying to our university if she keeps up that act~!”

That’s how Yomiuri-senpai feels about that wildcard of an assistant professor? Well, she’s absolutely right. She’d have a verbal debate on the level of a full-blown war with a person she’s literally just met, with absolutely no common sense involved. Not to mention that, if a discussion like that actually takes place, she’ll show no remorse to steamroll over the other person’s feelings, like it’s her only goal in life. It feels like she only sees the people around her as guinea pigs and test subjects. I’d really love for her to learn some common sense and restraint. That’s what I think, at least—

“Maybe not that much, I guess.”

I practically blurted that out without any intention of doing so. I’d never had such an experience before then. I’d used all of what my brain had to offer to come up with arguments and counter-arguments in an endless ethical debate. I was exhausted, to say the least, but even so—The study of ethics is a lifestyle, nothing more. If you live as a human being, there are only two options when it comes to being around other people: You either get accepted or rejected. If this is her only way of living, isn’t she just a clumsy and unfortunate person who doesn’t know any better? I don’t think I dislike that type of person. After all, I’m the exact same way.

After our break ended, Asamura-kun was the first one to leave the office. After he left, Yomiuri-senpai called out to me.

“So about tomorrow. Did you decide if you’re gonna dress up for your shift?”

“Again with that?”

During our last shift together, she asked if I was interested in wearing a costume for our shift on Halloween, saying that if I did she would do it too.

“I wanna see you with cat ears, Saki-chan. It’ll heal my exhausted eyes.”

“Why am I your medical treatment?”

“I’ll tell you about some great cosplay~ And you could join us after our shift, too.”

Um, she does remember that I’m still in high school, right?

“I can’t participate in any parties that involve alcohol, you know.”

“There’s no need to worry about that. We still have some minors in our group, so we keep the option open. And Professor Kudou is with us too as a chaperone.”

“I feel like you put way too much trust in the wrong people.”

Yomiuri-senpai flashed a wry smile.

“I guess she played a bit too much with you that last time, huh? But I still wanna have you around for some fun. I can tell you about some great makeup techniques and cosmetic brands. You’re bound to be curious about that sorta stuff, yeah?”

To be perfectly honest, that single offer was quite tempting. I’ve tried to learn more about makeup and fashion as the years have gone on, but I lack the crucial experience of an average high school student. A mature woman is to be expected to have really great makeup, so I might as well use this chance to learn about this early on, since I’m eventually going to reach that stage—No, this is much less complicated than that. I think I’m interested, that’s all.

“Oh, do I have a bite on the hook?”

“I’m not doing it.”

“Hmmm… There’s still more valuable information I can exchange for that, I think~ Have you ever gone to a nail salon before? As a high school student, you’ve probably never visited a beauty salon, I bet.”

“I don’t have that sort of money, after all.”

“But there’s nothing lost if you at least learn about those kinds of places, right? And you can’t forget about the diet foods and meal plans from the girls who are licensed nutritionists. It gets harder to lose fat as you get older, you know. Aren’t you worried about that sort of thing, Saki-chan?”

“…Is that all you talk about?”

“When all you do is read through tedious research papers and psychological debates, it’ll eventually make your brain rot. Some girls’ talk is crucial to give your mind a break. You know that, right?”

“I’ve never done any girls’ talk, so I wouldn’t know.”

“Even more of a reason to join us. It’ll be the first time for you. Also… it wouldn’t hurt to learn about techniques for attracting attention through fashion or a psychological approach to what outfits will help you win over your Prince Charming. Whether you want to be handsome or cool or cute.”

“Know your enemy, know thyself?”


“I may be curious about that, but I really can’t. My parents would worry about me.”

“So you say, but I bet you’ve got a date planned with your beloved Junior-kun, right?”

“O-Of course not!”

I tried to protest as best as I could, but she just grinned at me.

After finishing my homework and my bath, all that waited for me was to head to sleep. I slid my body under my covers, the slightly cold sheets making me almost shiver. I’ll probably need to invest in some bed warmers sometime soon. Once I had checked the time I needed to get up, I turned off the lights and closed my eyes. Right as my mind was drifting off into a deep slumber, a distant memory of Halloween from when I was a child came to mind.

I think it was from when I was in grade school. Probably in my third or fourth year. Mom promised me that we’d hold a Halloween party, but because of her job, that plan had to fall through. My father also headed out somewhere, leaving me all alone at home. Feeling lonely, amidst the darkness around me, I lit a single candle I had bought with Mom. We were a lot poorer than now, and our place wasn’t nearly as big. The dining room was roughly 7.5 square meters, with nothing in it but a small low table like you’d see in a traditional Japanese residence.

In the dead center of this table stood a candle in the shape of a pumpkin. I used a match to light it, which at least gave the otherwise dark room some light. I remembered the story A Little Match Girl and started imagining fantasies amidst the light in front of me. Mom and my father (though I replaced his face with the face of a random actor) were with me, as well as a large cake in the center of the table. Since I was a child back then, I had probably confused Halloween with Christmas. After all, I imagined that I was talking to a reindeer.

In my fantasy, I was having lots of fun talking and telling stories to my parents, who were smiling as they listened to me. I knew it was all just fabricated, but it was my ideal type of night. Shortly after that, I fell asleep. I woke up to the sensation of somebody gently shaking my shoulder, who turned out to be Mom. She scolded me for falling asleep while letting the candle burn. She then apologized for leaving me alone with a tight hug.

I remember thinking about how hard Mom must have had it. The inside of my blanket had finally started to warm up a bit by then, and I was slowly drifting away into a peaceful slumber, unable to resist the drowsiness. I still can’t forget that dim light from the candle back then. It’s the absolute symbol of my solitude. A simple candle in the shape of a pumpkin…

I wonder if they still sell something like that. I thought as I fell asleep.

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