Genshin Impact: The Thing About the Sword God of Tivat

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

The wounded and sick are so miserable, and Barbara’s kindness shines so brightly!

Looking at the two people in the conversation, and the look Yi Yu gave her, Lisa also smiled and encouraged: “Barbara really worked hard, these years, she has also

It is a well-known great physician in Mond City. ”

The feeling of being praised makes Barbara happy, she is such a child who needs encouragement.

“Being able… to be a little better, I’ll be able to share the worries for my brothers and sisters…” Barbara lowered her head and said silently.

“You are already very good.” Yi Yu looked at her and said very seriously: “My sister and I are proud of you.”

“Hee hee, next time I’ll talk to my brother, I have to go and help the disaster-stricken people below with Sister Rosalia.” Barbara took the initiative to break free from Yi Yu’s arms, and then ran outside.

In this regard, Yi Yu smiled, and then shouted at her back: “Brother still said that!”

“Barbara, rush the duck!”

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “Illustration” button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

Chapter 13 My good sister, she is the protagonist! (2/5, ask for flowers)

When Yi Yu and Lisa returned to the hall of the West Wind Knights, they saw Qin, who had returned, talking to Ying.

Paimon was flying around, and Ke Li didn’t know what they were tinkering with.

“That’s what happened…” Qin pondered slightly, just now she realized that this traveler is not from this world.

Just when she saw Yi Yu push the door in, she subconsciously looked at Yi Yu and Lisa, and another thought popped into her head.

Is this my younger brother a person from this world?

This is not the first time that Qin has suspected that, as the acting head of the Knights, to be able to reach this position, Qin’s delicacy is naturally stronger than most people.

After all, there are too many abnormal places in Yi Yu.

Lisa looked at Qin and then at Yi Yu who was beside her, but didn’t speak.

But Qin didn’t think too much about it. After all, no matter what, this is the younger brother who gets along with him day and night!

Thinking of this, she waved at Yi Yu and Lisa.

After another mutual introduction, Ying and Lisa got to know each other.

“I’ve caused you trouble.” Ying looked at the wound on Yi Yu’s arm that had disappeared, and still said a sincere thank you.

“You look cute, but you are as cute as Yi Yu’s brother.” Lisa returned to her mature look, actually joking.

“Okay, this traveler wants us to find someone for her.” Qin Guo is really a resolute person. After interrupting the conversation between the two, she continued: “At present, the only way is to post a missing person notice.”

“If the dragon plague subsides, perhaps the Knights can have more ways to help you.”

“Thank you very much…” Ying quickly waved her hand and said, “I don’t want to cause trouble to the Knights either.”

“Also, let me help with the matter of quelling the wind demon dragon.”

Qin was about to refuse, but heard Kaia’s voice beside him: “Alright, I would like to see the strength of the traveler from another world!”

Kaia said this while playing with the Mora coin in his hand.

Qin’s expression was a little tangled. At this time, wouldn’t it be a bit bad to let a foreigner participate in the mission of the Knights?

At this time, Yi Yu could see Qin’s worries, and secretly thought that something was wrong.

My God, I can’t let my cheap sister influence the line of the ‘protagonist’!

My good sister, she is the protagonist, the protagonist!

What does protagonist mean? !

The experience of countless novels and stories shows that it is necessary to focus on the idea of with the protagonist as the core!

Thinking of this, he said to Qin, “Sister, other travelers have said that, so don’t refuse.”

“Everyone is a friend, right?”

Since Yi Yu said so, Qin agreed after thinking about it, and said to Ying, “Thank you for volunteering.”

“Lisa, then follow the plan you said before.”

“The previous plan?” The little expert Paimon who chimed in flew over at this time, with a confused expression on his face.

Ying also turned her knowledge-seeking gaze to Yi Yu.

At this time, Lisa took the initiative to speak, and explained lazily: “Now Mond’s elemental flow and leyline circulation have become like a clump of thread caught by a cat.”

“To cause such a bad situation, in addition to Feng Molong’s own abilities, there is also the help of the surrounding ‘Four Wind Guardian’ temples.”

“If you can, it’s best to explore the other three temples of the “Guardian of the Four Winds”, and maybe you will find the mystery behind the disaster of the Wind Demon Dragon.”

Hearing Lisa’s last words, Yi Yu’s heart was shocked.

Come on, isn’t this the system task of the Lord? !

“Then, I’ll leave this matter to you. I’m really sorry. As the head of the regiment, I can’t get away.” Qin said this to Ying apologetically.

What a word.

“Nothing, I’m happy.”

Yi Yu was secretly happy watching from the side…

Ying is worthy of being the ‘protagonist’, and naturally accepted Qin’s ‘entrustment’.

That’s right, everything went towards the script that I was looking forward to.

“Okay, traveler, what would you like to eat at night?” The hospitable Amber interjected at this time and invited Ying.

“It’s better, let’s go to the bar and sit for a while, and then get familiar with it.” ‘Brother Kai Zi’ made another constructive suggestion.

“Kaya, now is not the time to be negligent!” Jean frowned, disapproving of Kaia’s suggestion now.

The Dragon Calamity has just passed, so the Knights should focus more on the Wind Demon Dragon.

“Leader, don’t be like this, it’s getting late, it’s not a good idea to let them explore the abandoned temple now.” Kaia is indeed an old fritter, and he found the focus of the debate in two or three times.

Hearing what he said, Qin helplessly nodded and said, “Okay, then… Yi Yu, take them there and find her a place to stay by the way.”

Hearing the leader’s agreement, both Amber and Kaia cheered.

“Keli is not allowed to go! Continue to close.”

“Wuwuwu, Captain Qin is too much.” Xiao Keli wailed and walked to the ‘confinement room’.

“Underage drinking is prohibited.” Kaia smiled heartlessly at Keli, then looked at Paimon on the side and said:

“Emergency food? Would you like to come with me?”

“Of course Paimon wants it!”

“And this

(Ask for flowers!).

Chapter 14 Ice and Fire, Two Opposite Brothers (3/5, please comment)

Paimon responded confidently, and then disappeared beside Ying.

“I’m a little tired, traveler, when you have something delicious, remember to call me.”

A small voice came from out of nowhere, causing everyone to be amazed secretly.

“Huhu, disappeared again?” Brother Kai rubbed his chin, wondering what he was thinking.

“What a magical fairy.” Lisa said with emotion.

“Fairy?” Yi Yu’s heart moved, and he suddenly asked, “Why do you say it’s a fairy?”

“You should know that on the Continent of Tivat, you can meet that kind of magical fairy at any time.”

“Follow them and often get some unexpected rewards.”

“Judging from my knowledge, this little guy is similar to such a creature.”

“A long time ago, it was a race that was willing to guide humans. o…”

Lisa’s words made Yi Yu ponder.

What is the identity of this little Paimon?

“Stop talking about this, let’s go.” Kaia shouted, and took the lead in happily leaving.

What a ‘True Monarch on Ice Crossing the Sea’!

Doing business without you, this kind of thing always rushes ahead…

Yi Yu smiled helplessly at Qin, and then followed the crowd away.

Seeing the two leave, Lisa looked at Qin in a daze and said thoughtfully, “Qin, what were you thinking just now?”

“Ah?” Qin didn’t expect her little movements to be caught by this girlfriend. After being silent for a long time, she said frankly: “There is a traveler of unknown origin.”

“Suddenly, I think of Yi Yu’s identity. Will his life experience be like this traveler, but he is actually in another world?”

“When did Tivat become the destination of travelers from other worlds?” Lisa joked, obviously, she thought Jean’s point of view was a bit absurd.

“Okay, Lisa, aren’t you going to have fun with them?” Qin smiled, put the thought behind her, and asked her best friend.

“No, I don’t like cute girls with other girls around, it will affect the magician’s mood.” Lisa smiled and shook her head, then pushed open the door on her right hand, which is the location of the library.

Seeing Lisa closing the door, Qin was stunned, but didn’t say anything.

This close friend understands her brother’s thoughts, but she also has nothing to do with Yi Yu, who is ‘oil and salt’.

“Hoo, may Fengshen bless you.” Qin sighed helplessly.

At the same time, a certain green figure who was playing the piano alone on the roof of the knights sneezed suddenly.


Someone rubbed his nose and wondered, “Did I sleep too long? Are you allergic to Mond’s dandelion pollen?”

“Hey, this is our most famous bar in Mond!” Kaia skillfully pushed open the door of the backstreet bar and introduced Ying.

At the same time, he looked at a tall man in front of the bar who was wiping a glass and said, “Wow, what a surprise, you actually have the mood to play the role.

Front office intern? ”

Seeing that the other party ignored him, Kaia approached him kindly and asked curiously, “Hey, I heard, haven’t you been going to sell some chickens recently?”

“Hmph, boring.” The other party answered Kaia’s question speechlessly.

The person who answered Kaia was a tall man with a stature similar to him. Unlike Kaia, this man had fiery red hair and was dressed in a small Western-style leather tuxedo. The whole person looked very calm and composed.

A fiery red glass coat of arms was placed on the front desk by him.

Obviously, this is the owner of the eye of a fire element god!

This is the king of the entire Mond wine industry, Diluc, who is respected by outsiders as the ‘underground emperor’ of Lord Diluc.

Looking at the entire Mond City, the wealth he possesses is probably second to none.

Ying looked at Diluc and Kaia who were tit-for-tat, pulled Yiyu’s sleeve and said, “The two of them, do you have a story?”

“They…the story is deep.” Yi Yu was silent for a moment, then said with a smile.

If…fire is the most destructive and violent energy. Then ice should be the coldest, coldest force.

But Diluc and Kaia formed a great contrast in this regard.

Kaia is that carefree man who can chat with the citizens of Mond at will.

He was especially popular among Mond’s drinkers and seniors, and was even known as “the man most deserving of a granddaughter.”

He joked and laughed all the time, while slowly tasting fine wine, such a kind man made it difficult to associate him with the cavalry captain of the West Wind Knights.

Whether it is a drunken hunter or a thief who sees wine, no matter how vigilant the visitor is, they will tell the truth under the ingenious inducement of Kaia.

This is Kaia, a sleek, often ‘wild’ person.

This is completely different from the characteristics of ice.

On the other hand, Diluc is the complete opposite. He doesn’t like to chat with people. He is obviously the emperor of the Mond wine industry, but he has never been drinking.

He also doesn’t like to go around detours, and although polite to the residents of Mondstadt, he rarely socializes.

This is also completely different from the characteristics of fire.

In short, these are two completely contradictory people.

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