Genshin Impact: The Thing About the Sword God of Tivat

Chapter 336

Chapter 336:

“Why didn’t you kill it?” Dina showed a rare smile.


“Do you know why it hates me so much?”

Yi Yu shook his head 0.6.

“I don’t know.”

The Qiuqiu person just behaved very strangely, as if he saw the biggest enemy.

“I’ll tell you something.”

Tina looked at the Rubik’s Cube in her palm and seemed to be remembering something.

Yi Yu remained silent, waiting for the next chapter.

At this time, I heard Dina speak again.

“Do you know the origin of the Qiuqiu people?”

Yi Yu shook his head. “I don’t know.”

But she saw Tina raised her eyes, looked into her own eyes, and said calmly: “Actually…the one just now is the people of Canria.”

Chapter 505 No One Can Go Against Heaven (Subscribe)

Hearing the words of the former Supreme God, Yi Yu was completely stunned.

Soon, he came back to his senses and said in disbelief, “Wait… What did you just say?”

“Did I hear it wrong?”

Tina shook her head and said calmly, “You heard that right.”

“I mean, these Chuqiu people are the former people of Kanria.”

Yi Yu looked at the direction that Qiuqiu had just come from, and was speechless for a long time.

What kind of behavior is this, to make a race completely reduced to this kind of appearance. . . .

He looked at the keeper of heavenly principles with a complicated expression, and asked in a difficult voice:

Tina’s expression was indifferent, and she replied softly: “Yes, but no.”

“I just fulfill the will of the sky, which is the request of Sky Island.”

“If you say that I am the executioner, then I have nothing to say.”

Yi Yu gave her a deep look.

“You did all this?”

Even with such a beautiful face, the feeling it gave him was still an indescribable horror.

That is to turn the living people into such creatures!

Seeing the expression on his face, Dina raised her eyes slightly and said again, “Don’t get me wrong, this is not my strength.”

“I just said, I’m just the executor.”

After she finished speaking, she glared at Yi Yu again and hummed, “If only I could have the power to rewrite the rules.”

“Then I will turn you into a Qiuqiu first.”

Good guy, arrogant Tianli!

This joke made the scene a lot easier.

Yi Yu paused and asked again, “Why is this happening?”

Tina looked at the Cold Sky Nail above and sighed, “That’s how civilization progresses.”

“Since you have the courage to fight against the sky, you will bear the corresponding punishment.”

“However, compared to those prosperous countries in the past, Canria is the strongest.”

“In the end, not all of its people are here.”

“Some of them became the Abyss Order as you know it.”

“Some have survived incognito.”

“But more mediocre people have become like this.”

Yi Yu nodded and thought of the phenomenon that Lisa once told her.

“According to the records of Xumi’s historians, the Qiuqiu people suddenly increased rapidly from five hundred years ago and became a species that can be seen everywhere…”

Tina turned her head, looked at him again, and said calmly, “I see that you seem to be very interested in Kanria’s affairs.”

“However, I still advise you.”

“Don’t learn from them.”

“Even if it’s me, I’ve fallen to this point… Do you understand?”

A glimmer of light flashed in her golden pupils, and then she emphasized word by word: “No one can defy the way of heaven!”

“So, you know why the Seven Gods have so many opinions about Kanria, but they never did anything…” Yi Yu nodded silently.

The result of the resistance will undoubtedly affect the entire country, become a Qiuqiu people, and disappear into the long river of history.

In this way, the Queen of Ice’s approach is full of admirable courage?

Knowing it can’t be done!

At this time, Tina glanced at Yi Yu and asked again, “Okay, is there any confusion?”

Yi Yu shook his head.


“Oh, right…”

“You and Ying…”

To this day, Ying still remembers and hates the 783 people who separated him from his relatives!

Tina folded her arms and said indifferently, “I have all the memories of the little guy.”

“She was separated from her brother, that’s what I did.”

“It’s just… these two people already have different life experiences.”

“Even if I didn’t intervene, they’d be the end of it.”

There’s nothing wrong with that.

Yi Yu said again: “That Paimon’s state…”

Dina glanced at him again and said, “Don’t worry, she will be fine.”

At this time, Yi Yu thought of something again and said, “Oh, yes, I still want to know.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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