Genshin Impact: The Thing About the Sword God of Tivat

Chapter 334

Chapter 334:

“Brother Yi really didn’t lie?”

Yi Yu quickly affirmed: “Of course, trust me.”

“Drink this, and I’ll take you to eat grilled and cold meat.”

The allure of food finally made Paimon give up thinking.

She picked up the cup and drank it all at once.

Until a certain moment, the cup in her hand hit the ground below, making a cracking sound.

,,boom! ,,

Yi Yu watched Paimon’s changes silently, waiting for the woman’s arrival.

“Um…why is it so hot again…”


With Paimon’s final whisper, a golden light appeared on her body again.

A powerful aura came oncoming, making the Longji Snow Mountain seem to boil.

Snowflakes are flying all over the sky, and the gods are about to come.

Under Yi Yu’s gaze, a pair of slender thighs stepped out of the golden light and stood in front of him.


Every time I see her, Yi Yu always thinks, I’m afraid this is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Facing his reckless gaze, a bit of anger appeared in Tianli’s brows.

“Have you seen enough?”

Yi Yu’s face was not red, and his heart was not beating, 783 replied: “No.”

Ha ha! Grandpa has become stronger now, still afraid of you? !

Tian Li was a little surprised by his attitude, and took a good look at the man in front of him with his beautiful eyes, and then suddenly realized, and asked with a half-smile, “No wonder you are so confident in front of me.”

“It turned out to be stronger?”

“So, you should have defeated Yingying?”

Yi Yu nodded and said confidently, “That’s natural.”

“And, in this way, your bet with Ying is complete.”

“Should I be thankful?”

Looking at the man in front of him, Tianli was also terrified by the speed of his growth.

He used to be someone who could be crushed to death by himself, but now he can defeat the seven rulers of the world under his subordinates.

If he…

Can you help yourself achieve that goal?

Chapter 501: Dialogue with Tianli, the Origin of the Nail in the Cold Sky (Subscription)

Seeing that the most beautiful woman in the world seemed to be lost in thought, Yi Yu cleared her throat and asked curiously, “What are you thinking?”

“Oh it’s all right.”

She restrained her expression and asked indifferently, “Why did you let me out on purpose?”

Yi Yu was stunned for a while, then smiled and said, “Hey, according to what you mean, do you really like being a Paimon?”

Tianli’s expression was dumb, but he turned his head away and didn’t answer.

In fact, she really envied that snack food.

No worries, nothing to think about.

not like myself…

Worrying about this, worrying about that, and in the end, I was sold by my own people…

Thinking of this, she felt more and more miserable about her fate.

However, Tian Li’s mouth was still very calm, and he said to Yi Yu: “My coexistence with her is only temporary.”

“As I said, when my power is awakened, if you can’t find a way to separate us.”

“Then this little guy will only die.”

These words reminded Yi Yu.

Although this one looks a lot more amicable now, he still doesn’t understand her affairs.

He crossed his arms and complained to Tianli.

“Okay, okay.”

“Why are you so cruel?”

“People are not fierce anymore, what are you still fierce…”

Tianli: “…”

“You haven’t said yet, what is your purpose?”

“And I chose this Longji Snow Mountain…”

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked at the Nail of Cold Sky floating in the air.

Yi Yu came over, stood beside her, and said softly, “Because I think a lot of secrets are buried here.”

“First of all, can you tell me what the Frost Nail is?”

Tianli just asked back: “Knowing this, is it any good for you?”

Yi Yu smiled and replied frankly: “As you can see, my strength has now reached a new level.”

“In addition to the few gods I haven’t met yet, it’s time for me to think about the sky.”

However, Tianli shook his head and replied affirmatively: “Don’t think about it, Sky Island can’t go up now.”

“Otherwise that God of Ice…”

“What happened to the Ice God?” Yi Yu looked at her curiously, waiting for the next words.

Tianli was silent for a moment, and then hummed: “It has nothing to do with you.”

“As for the origin of this Cold Sky Nail, I can explain it to you.”

“That’s fine, let you understand what is the power of God.”

Yi Yu nodded and said with a smile: “All ears.”

As soon as Tianli raised her hand, the surrounding snow began to slowly condense in her hand, firming up, and finally forming a picture like a model.

Yi Yu watched all this and didn’t open her mouth to interrupt.

While doing this, Tianli calmly explained to him: “In a primitive world, everything comes from nothing, and then from nothing to nothing.”

々 These are the rules of the world, and the executors of the rules can often transcend them and live above all living beings. ”

Yi Yu raised his eyebrows: “Is it Sky Island?”

Tianli nodded, the animation in his hand changed again, and said: “For Sky Island, its task is to maintain the balance of Tivat Continent,

. “First of all, there cannot be a highly developed civilization.”

“Secondly, civilization cannot stand still, which is not what the gods want to see.”

Yi Yu frowned and said, “Isn’t this a contradiction?”

Tianli raised his eyes and glanced at him, but did not (Zhao Qianhao) answer the question, but calmly said: “When a civilization exceeds the allowable range of Sky Island, the punishment will come.”

“That’s the nail.”

She raised her jade hand, took one directly from the wind and snow model in front of her, and said lightly, “Its origin…”

“Actually, it’s just an ordinary pillar on the island of the sky…”

Yi Yu was stunned for a while, then raised his head and glanced at the mighty Hantian Nail above, speechless for a long time.

Is it just an ordinary pillar with such power…

Chapter 502: The Terrorist Existence of the Black Sun Dynasty (Subscribe)

Looking at the silent Yi Yu, Tian Li paused and said, “In the distant past, it was also called the War of Demons by the creatures of this continent.”

“At that time, under the rules of Heaven, the entire continent was divided into seven parts, and each region had its own test.”

“Sky Island is obvious to the world.”

“Whoever passes the test and competes to become the king can become the ruling **** recognized by Sky Island.”

“Blessed with the power of Sky Island…”

“Heart of God.”

Yi Yu was stunned for a while, and subconsciously took out a purple hourglass-shaped item from her arms.

After Tianli glanced at it, his expression became a little strange.

“Shadow’s Heart of God?”

“How could she give this to you?”

Yi Yu smiled helplessly: “For her, this kind of thing has long since lost its value.”6

“As for gifting me…”

“Just as a small gift.”

In fact, this was a gift from the 783 son of Yazhong God, but he was too lazy to explain it to the other party.

Based on her current relationship with Ying, I’m afraid she really doesn’t care, right?

After listening to his explanation, Tianli’s expression became even more bizarre.

“Giving the heart of God as a gift…”

“You two… it’s really romantic.”

Yi Yu scratched his head awkwardly, but changed the subject and said, “Continue what you just said.”

“You said that Sky Island gave the heart of the gods to the seven gods, and then what?”

“The one who can stand out from the Demon War and become the winner will definitely not be a mediocre person.”

“So are the Seven Gods.”

“They already have extraordinary strength or wisdom, and with the help of the heart of God, they have completely established (cdag) their dominance.”

“The power of the heart of the gods assimilates with their own power and eventually becomes a manifestation of some element.”

“That is the true God, the omnipotent God!”


Having said that, she paused and said again: “To have such power, the price is the rules of Sky Island.”

“Rules?” Bai Ye was a little curious, and asked again, “I can understand that… do the seven gods have to be limited by some kind of constraint?”

Tianli nodded and said slowly, “You’re right.”

“The first person to discover this was the Sumeru God who claims to have infinite wisdom.”

“As the spokesperson of Sky Island, the Seven Gods must assist Heavenly Dao in the maintenance of the world.”

“Maintenance?” Yi Yu frowned, as if thinking of something.

“You mean?”

Tianli’s expression was flat, and he said softly: “For example, five hundred years ago, it was the Seven Gods who ended the glory of the Black Sun Dynasty with me.”

After listening to this sentence, Yi Yu regained his senses, and just remembered that the person in front of him was still a terrifying existence…

No way, who kept the two of them from fighting recently?

By the way, what is your relationship with her now?

Cooperation? friend? enemy?

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