Genshin Impact: The Thing About the Sword God of Tivat

Chapter 324

Chapter 324:

He pointed to the huge sacred cherry tree in front of him with his finger.

“Look at this **** cherry.”

“From the beginning, was he eternal?”

“Not really.”

“It is the care of the witches of Mingshen Taisha from generation to generation and the belief of the people that such a miracle can be formed.”

Ying also raised his head and looked at the Thunder Sakura Tree that had existed for some unknown time.

in memory…

Those pictures appeared again, and there were many people calling their names softly in their ears.

“Ying, you lost your hand again.”

“Ying, you definitely won’t find me.”

“Ying, let’s have a try.”

These voices were like spring water, pouring into her thoughts.

The pain of loss, like a split in her soul, was unbearable for her.

Soon, Yi Yu saw her covering her forehead, and her body seemed to be shaky.

He quickly helped him with his eyes and hands, and said worriedly, “Are you alright?”

Ying frowned and waved his hand: “I’m fine…”

Yi Yu sighed and said, “If you are always reluctant to give up, you will never get it.”

“Everyone suffers in one way or another.”

“But the nature of these pains is not injury or regret.”

“That’s all because of…”


friend. “Love?” Ying was startled, and subconsciously looked at the man in front of him.

Yi Yu hesitated for a moment, and finally slowly took out something from his arms.

It was a mask in the shape of a fox.

The style of the mask is a bit old, but it is not difficult to see that the former owner was a woman.

Seeing this mask, Ying’s hands trembled a little.

“She… is gone too.”

About the last bit of the soul of Huzhai Palace, this **** also knows.

It’s just, how could someone as heavy as her be able to do it in person and let the only remaining one disappear?

This is something that shadows cannot do.

As Yi Yu said. Giving up is the biggest obstacle for her.

…..for flowers 0……

As a result, the mask, gently stroking the pattern on it, the naughty Hu Zhai Gong’s voice and smile appeared in front of him again.

At this moment, Yi Yu spoke again and said softly, “She asked me to tell you something.”

Shadow raised his head and stared at him blankly.


“She said, I hope you will be happy.”

After listening to this sentence, Ying Shi didn’t hold back any longer.

A tear slid down the mole on his cheek and finally dripped onto the mask.


Looking at her appearance, Yi Yu said slowly again: “In the underground of this Mingshen Taisha, the most rooted place of Shenying.”

“That day, Hu Zhai Palace let me see a lot of pictures from the past.”

“Those memories of you.”

Ying suddenly raised his head and stared blankly at the man in front of him.

But she saw Yi Yu smiled softly at her again.

“So, Shadow.”

“If you really have something to say, you can tell me.”

“Because, in this world, I am already the only one other than the Son of God.

“The one who knows you best.”

This made Ying lose his mind for a while.

At this time, Yi Yu added a little embarrassedly.

“Of course, compared with Kamiko, I have one difference with her.

Shadow looked at him, quietly waiting for the next chapter.

Yi Yu smiled slightly.

“Compared to her, I’m a man.”

“Sometimes, it may be better to have a man with you.”


Chapter 484 Traveling with Shadow (For Subscription)

After listening to Yi Yu’s description, Ying only felt that he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Yes, in this world, who knows who they are?

She thought of what the woman Tianli had said to herself.

For a while, Yi Yu’s image became a little fuller.

Gradually became a friend, instead of the Mond who was single-mindedly trying to overthrow his eternity.

Thinking of this, Ying lowered her eyes slightly and said softly, “Thank you.”

“However, there are many things I still don’t want to talk about.”

“Again, it’s nothing more than cutting the heart again. “Seven-seven-zero” is meaningless.”

Yi Yu thought for a while, and then said, “If that’s the case, then let’s not talk about these sad things.”

Ying was stunned for a while, and then asked: “Then.o What do we do?”

Yi Yu tilted her head and thought for a while, and finally said with a smile: “I’ll take you on a trip.”

“A lot of people say that travel is the best way to get rid of troubles.”

“Wait until you have seen the mountains, rivers, waters, birds and beasts, the infinite things in the world.”

“Maybe these worries will be diluted and vanished.”

“Besides, with our ability, this world is so big that we can go anywhere, just in one thought.”

“Travel?” Ying was stunned, only to feel that some unprecedented feelings came out of his heart.

It felt weird, but it was full of anticipation.

“But…I don’t know where I want to go.”

“Looking at Dao’s wife, for a moment, it is a place of sadness.”

Yi Yu nodded silently.

There are too many knives in this place, rice wife…

He thought about it for a while, and then said, “That’s not the wife of rice.”

“Not in Rice Wife?” Ying was even more stunned.

When was the last time the Inaba who left came?

Oh yes, it was when I attended the banquet of the Seven Gods with my sister…

Yi Yu fumbled for his chin again.

“I think, where should I take you?”

“Yeah, if it’s the scenery

“I thought of a nice place.”

He held Ying’s hand, and the other party didn’t have any resistance.


Shadow was silent for a while, seemingly hesitant.

“If I leave like this, Tianshou Pavilion…”

Yi Yu asked curiously, “Isn’t there a general there?”

Shadow shook his head.

“No… The general’s body is my body.”

“In other words, it’s the one you’re pulling right now.”

Yi Yu’s expression suddenly became enlightened.

It turns out that now this is equivalent to pulling General Thunder?

“Then… what about the general’s consciousness?”

Ying said as a matter of course: “I was temporarily stopped by me.”

Yi Yu just felt that there was nothing to say.

“Otherwise, I think the general is also an independent person.”

“You just deprived her of her rights…isn’t it nice?”

Shadow shook his head.

“If my heart is not at peace, then the general will also be affected.”

“I see.”

He waved his hand and said with a smile: “Hey, let’s go there for a while, there is no one in the Tianshou Pavilion. o…”

After that, a teleportation halo started to appear under his feet.

Shadow opened his mouth quickly.


It’s a pity that in the next second, she had already teleported with Yi Yu and came to a place that was somewhat unfamiliar to her.

Here, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the mountains and mountains are stacked, and the birds and flowers are fragrant.

At this moment, she and Yi Yu were standing on a lonely peak, watching the clouds.

The immortal breeze blew past, blowing the unknown yellow and white flowers under his feet, making people feel a little more comfortable.

Seeing such a scene, Ying subconsciously asked, “Where is this?”

Yi Yu smiled slightly: “This is called Jue Yunjian.”

“It’s where the immortals of Liyue live.”

“Between the Clouds…” Ying muttered silently.

Yi Yu let go of her hand and squatted down at the same time, picked one of the yellow-white flowers, and handed it between her palms.

“This is, pure heart.”

“The implication is that one mind is clear.” 0.6

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