Genshin Impact: The Thing About the Sword God of Tivat

Chapter 312

Chapter 312:

General Raiden turned around and said calmly, “I said, wait.”

“Wait for him to fight me.”

Kujo Sara opened his mouth, obviously shocked by this incident.

Is that man named Yi Yu really going to challenge the general?

“General, is his battle with you so important?”

General Thunder was silent.

After a while, she replied softly, “It’s important.”

Looking at the general’s back, Kujo Sora only felt that there was something different about her.


Chapter 465 Illusion, Shadow’s Past (Subscribe)

Ying Xiangshan Yiyu has already cleaned up all the monsters.

Looking at the empty environment around, Gan Yu wondered. “Is it only these monsters? It always feels like something is waiting for us.”

Yi Yu nodded, nodded and said: “The Hua Sanli told us that this is the end of everything, then things must not be that simple.”

Sure enough, as soon as the voices of the two fell, they saw the black air around them condensed again.

At the same time, the vines belonging to “Seven Sanqi” Shen Ying also began to grow upwards.

Gan Yu’s heart tightened, and he said softly, “Be careful, I think this time the power has become stronger.”

Yi Yu smiled lightly: “Do you think I have anything to fear about your man?”

Gan Yu didn’t speak, but her eyes already showed her attitude.

Trust and Loyalty.

At this moment, those vines and black energy began to entangle, gradually converging into the appearance of a fruit.

After the fruit was formed, it began to beat like a heart.

“Oh, the guy this time seems to be really different.”

Yi Yu squeezed the Thunder Sword in his hand and said to Gan Yu, “Be careful, I’m going to go.”

At this time, some small vines grew from around the vines, forming the images of sea ghosts.

These sea ghosts are not as powerful as they used to be, but they look very fierce in large numbers.

“Since you can’t help Mr. Yi share his worries, then leave these little guys to me to deal with.”

Gan Yu raised his hand, and at some point in his hand, a strong icy bloom had already formed.

She threw this group of ice flowers into the sky, and at the same time chanted in a low voice.

“The epitome of wind and snow.”

Binghua forms a powerful ice-attribute field, and ice edges are continuously falling from it.

At the same time, Gan Yu took out his bow of Amos, raised his hand slightly, and the powerful Shuang Huaya was ready.

She is Gan Yu, not a weak woman who needs protection, but a fairy of Liyue!

Here, when Yi Yu flew in front of the group of fruits, he saw a slightly different picture.

As powerful as he actually entered an illusion in front of this fruit.

It is a far away country.

In that country, he seemed to have seen General Raiden, and he seemed to have seen a woman who looked a lot like Kamito Yae.

They were sitting under a cherry tree, talking and laughing.

Yi Yu never thought that such an expression would appear on that kind of woman’s face.

Such a general of thunder and lightning does not have the usual majesty at all, but looks like a girl, pure and ignorant and expecting

“Ying, you lost the hand again this time?”

The girl in the environment said this to General Raiden.

General Raiden lowered his head, his face full of unwillingness.

“Next time….I will win”

“Hey, Ying, you’ve said this countless times.”

“Then I’ll wait for your revenge.”

After the woman finished speaking, she lay down lazily and lay on Ying’s lap.

Ying’s complexion was soft, as if he had long been accustomed to such actions.

“I heard that in Mond, the devil dragon Doolin fought against the wind dragon Twarin.

“The forces of evil keep emerging, I hope it doesn’t affect our rice wife


After listening to her words, General Raiden’s tone was very dull.

“Don’t worry, with my sister and I here, this battle will not happen.”

The woman smiled and said, “Hey, even if it appears, we can easily deal with it with our ability.”

General Thunder also laughed.


However, in the next second, this harmonious style of painting disappeared instantly.

Chapter 466 Huasanli and Huzhai Palace (Subscription)

As soon as the screen turned, Yi Yu’s face had become another scene.

Ying was alone, still standing under the tree, looking at the sky above, speechless for a long time.

There was a little blood on her hands, and she couldn’t tell whether it was the enemy’s or…

Yi Yu could still hear the soft whispers that belonged to Ying.

“It’s just a fleeting dream…”

In the next second, various fragments passed in front of him.

Youying hugged a woman who looked exactly like him, crying silently.

There is also a picture of a cute ghost girl who was born in the uniform of General Inami, drawing a knife to the shadow.

Until a certain moment, these pictures come to an abrupt end.

The shadow in the environment turned around suddenly, and terrifying purple light flashed in 23’s eyes.

With a wave of her hand, all the pictures were shattered.

At the moment of withdrawing from the environment, Yi Yu heard Ying’s voice again.

“Only eternity is the closest to heaven!”


Seeing Yi Yu floating unmoved in front of the evil fruit, Gan Yu hurriedly called out, “Mr. Yi?”

“Oh.. I’m fine.” Yi Yu regained his senses and looked at the filthy fruit in front of him again.

Unlike the imagined big boss, this fruit did not have any desire to attack when he arrived.

It just lay there quietly, as if waiting for Yi Yu to slaughter itself.

Yi Yu floated forward slowly, the Thunder Sword in his hand clenched tightly, and the Extreme Sword Art was already ready.

“That’s it.”

“Instant cut!”

He turned into light, passed through in front of the fruit, and stayed in the air.

Just hear the sound of ‘bang’.

That was the sound of this evil fruit exploding.

On Shen Ying’s trunk, the filth gradually disappeared.

At the same time, around Gan Yu, the haunting sea ghosts also died suddenly, completely annihilated in this space.

Gan Yu was stunned for a while, then held the bow of Amos and trotted towards Yi Yu.

“Solve it?”

Yi Yu nodded, but there was an indescribable sense of loss in his heart.

what is the problem?

How do you feel, this fruit is like sending death?

At this moment, a sigh came from behind Yi Yu.

“In the end, do you still let you solve it yourself?”

The two turned their heads and happened to meet the familiar Yafold God Son.

Yi Yu frowned: “What do you mean?”

Suddenly, the black smoke scattered before condensed again and slowly turned into a human shape.

Gan Yu’s face sank.


However, the appearance of this human figure was very familiar to the two of them.

Yi Yu stared at each other blankly, and said in disbelief, “Miss Hua Sanli?”

“That’s right, she’s actually the filth itself.” The Eightfold God Son slowly gave the answer.

Yi Yu looked at the Son of God in disbelief and asked, “You already knew?”

Eightfold God Son silently.


“Then why are you 737…”

“That’s what I meant.” Hua Sanli said.

Although the fox mask covered her cheeks, Yi Yu seemed to be able to feel the relieved expression on her face.

“In the past, when I was in charge of cleaning up the filth, I knew that I would live and die with it.”

“When I was involved in the darkness, this thought of mine stayed.”

“So Shen Sakura is always like this, troubled”

“And General Raiden is thinking about the old relationship, and he doesn’t want to clear it up with his own hands.”

“So…what are you…”

Yi Yu seemed to understand.

But I saw the other party replied calmly: “Besides Hua Sanli, I have a name.”

“My name is Hu Zhai Gong, and I’m a witch.”

Chapter 467 The final breakthrough, the sword **** rises again (for subscription)

Yi Yu also had speculations about the identity of Hua Sanli.

It’s just… If this person is really Hua Sanli himself, how can…

That Hua Sanli is obviously a hero who removes the darkness and protects Rice’s wife.

How could it become such a filthy god, and even suffer this fate?

Eightfold God Child stepped forward, stood beside Yi Yu, and said silently, “She has no choice.”

“Why?” Yi Yu asked subconsciously.

“The power of darkness is too strong.”

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