Genshin Impact: The Thing About the Sword God of Tivat

Chapter 14

Chapter 14:

“Don’t call me little Amy!” A shy look appeared on Fischer’s face, and he said angrily: “Your sister is being entangled by fools, I see, you should go back and help her.”

Hearing her say this, Yi Yu’s face changed suddenly, and she ignored Ying, the protagonist, and ran straight towards the city.

Looking at Yi Yu who was leaving, Crow Oz sighed again: “For Mr. Yi Yu, Qin and Barbara are inviolable people.”

Ying nodded silently, and then said to Paimon, “Let’s go take a look too. o…”

When Yi Yulian climbed over the wall and ran all the way to the gate of the Knights, he happened to see a few uniquely dressed people standing in front of Qin.

Fools! The advance team that once appeared in the game!

And the leader of them is actually someone who has never appeared in this story before.

Eighth Seat of Fools Executives…


On the opposite side of her, Qin’s face was very ugly, and there was even a trace of sadness between her brows.

Seeing this, Yi Yu was furious in his heart.

This is not a game anymore, this is the world in which I exist.

No one can bully Qin in front of me!

(The protagonist is about to show his power!).

Chapter 27 Mond’s honor, I will defend it! (new book for encouragement)

The door of the Knights of the West Wind.

“So, our attitude is like this… The lady played with her decorations and said plainly: “If you can’t destroy the chaos dragon

“It’s better to leave Mond’s city defense to us fools.”

“As you can see, our strength is beyond your Mond’s imagination.”

Although the lady’s words were very bland, the coercion contained in them was unquestionable.

The three Fools’ advance team, Fatty Bing, and three purple-clad Warlock Lei Ying stood behind the lady, with a feeling of starting a fight if they couldn’t agree.

Although Qin didn’t speak, her clenched fists were revealing her inner nonsense.

Seeing that Qin didn’t answer her question, the lady still said to herself, “In my opinion, the dragon disaster in Mond is easy to deal with.”

“Just take that beast…”

“Stop!” Qin gritted her silver teeth and said coldly, “What did you say? Beast?!”

“Twarin is the guardian of the four winds of our Mond!”

“Oh? The acting head of the group doesn’t seem to understand the situation.” The lady looked at Qin playfully, and responded, “The guards of the four winds have all passed away.”

“Eagle of the West Wind, the main force of your knights, has followed the so-called great regiment for a long expedition.”

“Going to a foreign country.o…I haven’t even heard from it yet”

“The wolf of the north wind, now only has a name!”

“And the Dragon of the East Wind has also become a dragon that only knows destruction.”

“What’s left? You who represent the Lion of the South Wind? What else can you do?”

“Tell me, who else can protect Mond?”

Although the lady’s words were very impolite, it made Qin’s face extremely ugly, and she even took a small step back.

She was silent for a moment, then calmly said: “Lord Barbatos, the **** of wind, will bless us.”

“Hahaha, Fengshen?” The lady seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world and said, “Where is your god?”

“If we fools want to forcibly take over Mond City now, I would like to see if your **** will come out?”

These words are even more stinging for Qin. The disappearance of Fengshen is actually the biggest reason for the subsequent collapse of the guardian of the four winds.

Her face became a little gloomy, and her undulating chest showed her inner restlessness.

Seeing this, the lady took advantage of her momentum and asked in a cold voice, “Tell me, the one who can protect Mond…

“Who else?”

Before Qin could speak, she heard a flat male voice:

“And I.”

Hearing this voice, Qin turned her head suddenly, her eyes trembling, looking at Yi Yu who was standing beside her at some point.

They patronized and argued, but no one found out how Yi Yu was standing here.

The lady was stunned for a while, looked at Yi Yu for a long time, and then sneered at Qin: “Oh? Where did the unknown junior come from? The Knights have been lonely enough to need it.

Has this person come out to cheer? ”

“Why are you here!” Qin’s eyes were full of anxiety, and her tone was a bit reproachful. She didn’t want Yi Yu to face this kind of pressure.

Unexpectedly, Yi Yu, who had always listened to her words, was extremely strong this time. He stepped forward, stood in front of Qin, and said coldly, “I, Yi Yu, the deputy head of the West Wind Knights.”

“Have the right to say that.”

“Do you understand?”

In an instant, an extremely powerful aura erupted from Yi Yu’s body, and the aura rolled over towards the crowd of fools on the opposite side. Except for the lady, other warriors were in a trance for a moment.

That’s an illusion…

This man is horrible!

The lady was stunned for a second, squinted her eyes, and took a good look at the stranger in front of her again.

After a long time, she opened her mouth and said slowly: “So you are the deputy head of the Knights who just took office?”

“A man who doesn’t even have the eyes of God.”

Yi Yu quietly looked at the lady opposite, and asked plainly, “What if you don’t have the eyes of God?”

The lady showed a playful smile at Qin, and then said to Yi Yu: “Silly boy, this is a world where the weak eat the strong, and there is a gap between people.

, Sometimes the gap between humans and animals is greater. ”

“Captain Qin, I’m so disappointed in you. I didn’t expect you to condone your younger brother and take such an important seat.”

“Let me see, your Mond’s Kaia is much stronger than him.”

The lady was talking to herself there, and the opposite Qin’s heart was full of anger!

It’s okay for this woman to show her prestige in front of her, but she couldn’t accept that she wanted to slander Yi Yu like this.

Feng Yunsu’s strength was restless on Qin’s body. She looked at the executive officers of the fools opposite and suppressed the anger in her heart and said, “You fools really don’t care about us Mond?!”

In this regard, the lady smiled slightly mockingly: “Yo, what, did I tell you?”

“You!” Qin was about to speak, but suddenly saw a big hand blocking her.

“Enough, sister.” Yi Yu turned her head, smiled at her, and said, “I will let me handle my affairs myself.”

“and also…”

Yi Yu’s gaze swept from the advance team of fools in front of her to Warlock Lei Ying, and finally stopped on the lady.

He looked at the powerful executive and said word by word, “Don’t think that Mond is unmanned!”

“What kind of stinky fish and rotten shrimp, dare to scatter wild in Mond?”

“Mond’s honor, I will defend it!” Qin stared blankly at her brother. At this moment, she suddenly felt a sense of security.

Chapter 28 is nothing but stinky fish and rotten shrimp! (Reward plus more!)

The atmosphere suddenly became a little calmer.

In this confrontation, the originally calm sky gradually became a little darker.

It didn’t take long for the members of the advance team behind the lady to react, and said angrily to Yi Yu: “You brat, you are really shameless.”

“How dare you speak to the executive like this!”

In response, Yi Yu just glanced at him and said lightly, “Cricket, don’t talk, okay?”

“You!” The member of the advance team was furious, as if he was about to start.

at this time.


This is the woman’s own applause.

She looked at Yi Yu in front of her and praised Qin: “This little man is really brave.”


“Even in our Winter Kingdom, few people have the courage to speak to me like this.”

As soon as the voice fell, the lady’s light-hearted words suddenly became cold: “Should I say that you are brave…or are you unafraid?”

The surrounding air became cold, and that was the strength of the lady.

This is the owner of the Eye of the Ice Elemental God from Solstice.

Ice is the coldest force in the world, and the ice of Winter Solstice is even more so.


Under this kind of pressure, the lady found that Yi Yu, who was in front of her, did not change her face, and even her breathing was so calm.

Yi Yu spoke slowly and asked plainly, “As an executive officer, do you only move your lips?”

The lady looked at Yi Yu, and then at Qin, who was in a daze, and sighed helplessly at her: “Hey, I really don’t understand, what qualifications does such a hairy boy have in front of us?”

“This courage, I approve.” The lady waved her hand and said to the foolish warriors behind her: “Alright… o you… Let this young man know what constitutes a man’s prestige.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

With the lady’s answer, the foolish warriors behind her all showed smug expressions.

It’s time to teach this hairy boy a good lesson!

While speaking, the three warriors stood up together.

The strong muscles, the tall body, and the ice spray gun in his hand made those who saw it shuddered.

The corners of the lady’s mouth twitched slightly, and then she said, “Let this young man feel it.o…”

“To the cold of winter.”

After that, three extremely cold shields appeared on the three fat men at the same time.

Ice Shield!

This Fatty Bing was also the one who had a headache when Yi Yu was playing games…

Seeing this, Qin’s face became particularly ugly!

Isn’t this bullying? !

Looking at Qin with a worried expression on the other side, the lady sighed, “Captain Qin, I’m sorry.”

“I can only tell your brother in this way.”

“Without the eyes of God, how powerless.”

Qin bit her lip and said nothing.

Although Yi Yu’s swordsmanship is really good, how long can this swordsmanship last in the face of elemental power?

When he ran for deputy head with Kaia before, Kaia didn’t use the power of the Eye of Ice!

The lady turned around and waved her hand: “Young man o… While I’m eating, let my subordinates have a good time with you.”

“Wait until you can defeat my men…”

“Oh no, as long as you can tire my men.”

“I’ll tentatively agree and stop bothering about Mond’s defense.”

“let’s go.”

After she finished speaking, she took the other three Lei Ying Warlocks and prepared to walk towards the bottom of Mond City.

She wants to enjoy the unique food of Mond City. It is said that the deer hunter restaurant is quite special?

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