Genshin Impact: The Thing About the Sword God of Tivat

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

“I’ll take you as a compliment to me.”

Kaia spread out his hands, and then signaled to everyone: “Let’s pass quickly, the power of ice may not last long.”

“Trust me, there is no one in this world who can cross the sea better than you!” Yi Yu said seriously.

Kaia’s head was full of black lines, and she said speechlessly: “Captain, you are enough…”

After going all the way, everyone naturally encountered the same dragon crystal as before.

This time, without saying a word, Ying destroyed it with a single sword.

“Okay, let Head Yi take you to the last temple.”

“I’ll take care of the aftermath.”

Yi Yu looked at Kaia and naturally understood what he was going to do next, so he said, “Be careful.”

Kaia was stunned for a while. He didn’t expect that Yi Yu could sense the existence of the surrounding elemental power without the Eye of God.

You know, he is simply relying on elemental reactions to perceive.

“Okay, let’s meet the Knights again, Lord Vice-Captain.” Kaia smiled heartlessly.

“Let’s go.” Yi Yu took Ying and left, leaving Kaia alone to ‘deal with the funeral’.

Although Ying was a little confused, she still followed.

Chapter 21 Does Little Cutie want to be responsible to her sister? (5/5)

After they left, everything calmed down.

However, Kaia said directly to the air: “I have long guessed that there must be someone behind the scenes of the riots of the Qiuqiu people.”

“I didn’t expect that the long-disappeared abyss sect is going to return to the arena now?”

A strange voice came from a wall behind Kaia: “Jie Jie Jie, since that man has left, I have nothing to worry about.”

Then, a person wearing a white mage robe who looked a little ‘furry’ floated out from behind the wall.

This person, or the creature’s appearance is very strange, and it doesn’t look like the existence of the Tivat continent at all.

It pointed at Kaia and said high above: “The prince warned us not to easily provoke Yi Yu of the Knights.”

“Although I don’t see what he’s capable of.”

“As the deputy head of the West Wind Knights, he didn’t even notice me here.”

“It’s not as good as you Kaia.”

“How many waves can a poor man who doesn’t even have the eyes of God make?”

In this regard, Kaia smiled and nodded in agreement: “Are you princes quite ‘on the road’, there is a chance that I will have a good meeting.”

“There is no chance. Although I don’t believe that Yi Yu has any ability, I still wait for him to leave before I start.”

“You are the owner of the Eye of the Ice Elemental God. When you encounter the shield composed of the ice element, I’m afraid there is no way.”

“Ha ha ha ha…

While speaking, a thick layer of ice shield appeared on the abyss mage.

Attribute restraint, this is the most feared thing in the Tivat continent.

However, regarding this situation, Kaia did not panic at all, and said casually: “There are many people in this world who want to kill me.”

“However, none of them succeeded.”

“Including you.”

“Hey, I’m not ashamed to say it.” Abyss Mage was furious, and raised his hand to release the ice blade, ending the life of this hairy boy.

At this moment, a huge amount of heat came from a distance and gathered into the shape of a flaming bird, rushing in at a fast speed, directly smashing the mage who was about to move to the ground.

When the ice shield met the fire, it melted instantly.

Abyss Mage collapsed to the ground, looked at the red-haired man who walked in step by step from outside, and said unwillingly, “How could it be you!”

“Go to **** and think about it.”

The red-haired man waved the big sword in his hand, and the sword killed the monster’s life.

Kaia clapped her hands again and again and praised: “Long time no see, your state is still so hot.”

“Hmph, did you guess that I would come, so you are so courageous?”

It was Diluc who spoke. He kicked the corpse of the Abyss Mage into the air, and then said lightly, “So, behind the Wind Demon Dragon, it is the Abyss Church after all.”

“It should be, then wait for the deputy head to investigate the last temple.” Kaia responded casually.

“But it is certain that the Dragon Calamity will always end.”

Diluc didn’t say anything, turned around and prepared to leave.


Kaia’s voice made him stop abruptly, turning his head to look at the former brother.

“Aren’t you curious about Yi Yu’s origin?” Kaia looked at the dead abyss mage on the ground and said, “This time even the abyss sect paid great attention to him.”

Diluc was silent for a moment, then continued to walk out, leaving only one sentence.

“He’s a man you can trust.”

Looking at Diluc who was leaving, Kaia stayed where he was and said to himself, “Yi Yu…”

“To be so noticed by the Abyss Religion, what secrets do you have?”

When Yi Yu brought Ying to the temple of the Lion of the South Wind, she happened to see Lisa sitting on a rock reading a book, and she was a little surprised.

When he set off today, he didn’t remember that Jean had said that Lisa would come.

Although, in this plot, she should have appeared.

Seeing Yi Yu coming over, Lisa closed the book in her hand, holding her delicate chin, and said pitifully, “Little cutie, if you don’t

Come here, my sister’s white skin is about to be sunburned by this vicious sun. ”

“At that time, you will have to be responsible for me.”

“Do you want to cutie?”

come again and again…

This witch… I can’t take it anymore…

Although he thought so in his heart, Yi Yu quickly apologized and said, “It’s all my problem, Sister Lisa, let’s go in.”

“Oh, it seems that I don’t want to.”

“What a cruel man.”

Yi Yu: “…”


“Also, why don’t you care about why your sister is here?” Lisa didn’t stand up, but said something resentful.

Hiss… Yi Yu took a deep breath.

How does Grandpa answer this? !

Do you mean to say…Aren’t you the NPC of this quest?

“I was too eager to know the secret of the Wind Demon Dragon’s riot.” Yi Yu apologized again and said with concern: “Then, what is the reason for my beautiful, elegant and noble sister Lisa to appear here?”

“It’s not Qin, she heard what Amber said and asked her sister to come to help you.”

“Although my sister, I told her, in this Mond territory, nothing can threaten you.”

“But she just doesn’t listen.”

“There’s no other way. For the sake of my sister’s good best friend, I had to walk for a while.” Lisa looked helpless, then finally stood up and said, “Then, today, I’ll be a little more serious.”

“Let’s go, travelers, and cute, why are you all in a daze?”


Chapter 22 Why don’t we come ‘frankly’? (Flowers plus more!))

Walking in the temple of the Lion of the South Wind, Ying looked at the purple gemstone hanging on Lisa’s neck and asked curiously, “Excuse me, is this a gemstone?”

“You said this? It’s the eye of God.” Lisa replied as a matter of course, and then said to Yi Yu, “Little cutie, how did you teach this world to travelers?”

“I…I don’t have the Eye of God, so I can’t popularize this stuff.o…” Yi Yu replied helplessly.

“It turns out that this is the Eye of God.” Ying thought of what Yi Yu said before, and remembered the gems like this on everyone in the Knights, and silently remembered it in her heart.

“Why is there such a thing as the Eye of God?” After thinking for a long time, Ying asked such a question again.

Lisa was silent for a moment, and then said with a smile: “This question is going to be talked about for a long time. You can understand it as the blessing of the gods to those ordinary people with extraordinary talent and superhuman will.”

“Then why didn’t Head of Yi Yu have it?” Paimon inserted such a sentence beside him.

Yi Yu: “…”

“You said Cutie, he has a lot of secrets.” Speaking of this, Lisa became resentful again and said, “I think the most profound code of Sumeru Academy is not as hard to understand as Cutie.”

“How about it, sweetie, do you want to find a chance to be honest with your sister?”

Yi Yu asked subconsciously, “How can you be honest with each other?”

“Oh? Of course it’s the kind of ‘frankness’ you think about treating each other.” Lisa smiled playfully, looking like a lawless witch.

I’m going to die… This woman has absolutely no way to drive…

Yi Yu could only change the subject and said, “There should also be Long Jing here, clean up this place, and we can go back and report to my sister.”

“Okay, since it’s Little Cutie’s request, then I reluctantly agree.”

A white magic book appeared in Lisa’s hand, which was Lisa’s weapon.

Ordinary three-star weapon: ‘Walk in another world’

Yi Yu once asked her why she used this common magic weapon, and he had clearly seen Lisa’s book ‘Gambling Dogs’.

“Since I met Little Cutie, I have more fantasies.”

“There are more fantasy magics, and the magic tools are not so important.”

Come on, this answer naturally made Yi Yu run away. o…

To be honest, Lisa’s strength is a bit unfathomable. She bombarded Chuqiu and Slime with the thunder element at will, and Ying didn’t even have a chance to shoot.

“Sister Lisa, seems to be in a bad mood…” Paimon whispered to Ying aside, “Did someone just say something wrong?”

“Or is it that people with thunder attributes are born violent?”

Yi Yu: “…”

“Little guy, don’t talk nonsense, otherwise.o…Do you want to try lightning strikes too?” Lisa’s voice came faintly, scaring Paimon to run back to his small space.

“Traveler, if you can obtain the approval of the wind element, it is very possible to obtain the ability of other elements.” Lisa continued to sway the thunder and lightning at will, “It’s just… the land of the rice wife of the thunder attribute, now It’s still shutting down the country.”

“Have you been to Dao’s wife?” Yi Yu asked such a question subconsciously.

“I…” Lisa smiled, then pointed to the gem on her neck, and said lazily, “I got this eye of God at the wife of rice,…” It didn’t just drop out of nowhere. ”

Yi Yu was stunned for a while. He didn’t expect Lisa to be a person who knew the land of rice wives very well. The version of the land he traveled through in his previous life was still very mysterious. o…

“Little cute wants to know more about Dao’s wife?” Lisa blinked and looked at Yi Yu, the corners of her mouth twitched, and jokingly said, “Then why don’t you come and ‘be honest’ with your sister tonight.”

Yi Yu: “…”


After dealing with the last enemy, Lisa said to Ying, looking at the still-undissipated lightning in the room, “Okay, that’s the last Longjing.”

Ying nodded, raised her hand with an attack, destroyed Longjing, and then said, “So, only seeing Qiuqiu and Slime, it seems that I can’t find the reason for Feng Molong’s irritability o…”

“No, the Qiuqiu people shouldn’t be here.” Lisa responded to her and said calmly: “And the abyss sect who instructed the Qiuqiu people!”

Ying nodded understandingly, and then suddenly realized: “So, it is certain that the so-called ‘Abyss Religion’ is mainly behind the disaster of the Wind Demon Dragon.”

Hearing this sentence, Yi Yu was overjoyed.

My God, the protagonist made a declaration that the ‘mission’ was over?

Sure enough, just after Ying finished saying this sentence, he heard the voice of the system in his mind: “Congratulations to the host for completing the special task ‘The Mystery of the Wind Demon Dragon’ and obtaining 500 world experience.”

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