Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 258

Lennok immediately recounted the tale of how two students from the Necromancy Department faced expulsion following allegations of engaging in rituals for the Gido sect. To his surprise, one of them was acquainted with Priscilla.

Upon hearing the entire narrative, Priscilla’s countenance grew complex.

“Phenia was…”

“In our laboratory, we are actively investigating any connections to the Gido sect for a specific purpose. It would be immensely valuable if you could provide us with any information regarding this student named Phenia.”

“After her admission to Rabatenon was confirmed, she was temporarily my roommate in the dormitory.”

Priscilla spoke contemplatively.

“I heard she hailed from the Machine City of Makina. She maintained a pristine lifestyle, and her personality was so untroublesome that we became friends.”

“I see.”

“But Phenia followed the Machine Order, not Gido… I am utterly perplexed as to why Gido is being mentioned.”


Upon hearing this unexpected story, Lennok also fell into contemplation.

The Machine Order.

In contrast to the Gido, who revere the creatures of the Outer Sea as deities, the Machine Order prioritizes the rationality and logic of machines over human nature. This religious faction is deeply rooted in the android lineage.

As its name suggests, the Machine Order holds significant influence in the Machine City of Makina and, while radical, not to the extent of the Gido.

“Necromancers often adhere to specific faiths,” Mila casually interjected. “They claim it’s because the entities they summon for their rituals exude immense power. It doesn’t appear to be an uncommon practice.”

“The issue lies in the fact that both the Gido and the Machine Order transcend the realm of conventional faith.” 

The Gido, venerating Outer Sea monsters, and the Machine Order, exalting machine logic and reason.

“The university administration wouldn’t expel two individuals on mere suspicion. It’s highly probable they were caught attempting something,” Lennok surmised. “And if members of two different orders, each devoted to distinct entities, collaborated on such an endeavor, it’s likely far from ordinary.”

“…It’s been over two months since I’ve had any contact with Phenia,” Priscilla spoke with a slightly pained expression. “I thought she was preoccupied with her coursework and exam preparations, but I had no inkling something like this had occurred.”

Even Priscilla was perplexed by Phenia’s involvement in such matters.

Lennok nodded slightly and continued, “Priscilla, do you happen to know Phenia’s address?”

Their only option was to locate her residence in the city.

* * *

District 37.

A modest apartment complex situated near the industrial district.

While the area fell slightly below the city’s average public safety, it wasn’t notorious for serious violent crimes. Given that Phenia lived here alone, her life appeared to be relatively untroubled.

Priscilla, following Lennok, surveyed the area with a somber expression. “It was definitely around here… But I can’t recall the exact location; the streets are too intricate.”

Recalling a street she had visited only once eight months ago proved to be a daunting task. Moreover, the labyrinthine streets in this area made it easy to become disoriented.

“Do you remember which floor she lived on?” Mila, who had nonchalantly accompanied Priscilla, inquired, thinking of it as a leisurely outing.

“I don’t believe it was very high, maybe around the 3rd floor…?” Priscilla replied uncertainly.

Lennok and Mila exchanged silent glances. The vague floor level recollection made it challenging to pinpoint Phenia’s exact apartment.

It seemed they had no choice but to conduct a thorough search.



As Lennok sighed and silently retrieved Davi.


Upon seeing the lively little fox, Priscilla’s face lit up with delight, and Mila tilted her head in curiosity.

“What’s this adorable creature?”

“Professor Evan is an extraordinary spirit summoner. Davi is a spirit summoned by the professor,” Priscilla explained, hugging Davi gently. She wore a faint smile as she continued, “Davi is quite popular in our department.”

“Really? Why do I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere…” Mila mused, her brow furrowing slightly as she pondered the familiarity.

Lennok, too, subtly turned his head, his thoughts racing. He hadn’t revealed Davi in its fox form during his undercover work, yet Mila’s reaction hinted at some inkling.

‘It was when we first met,’ Lennok realized, recalling the magic he had used to detect her presence in the undeveloped district. He remembered vividly the memory of three foxes racing and forming a massive net of lightning.

Although Lennok’s magical abilities had evolved significantly since then, the fact that the spirit Davi was inspired by that form made it impossible for Mila not to make the connection.

‘Disguised as a spirit summoner, I can’t avoid using Davi…’ Lennok thought, realizing the need to carefully manage Mila’s memory to avoid unnecessary revelations.


Meanwhile, Davi playfully swayed its tail back and forth, alternately glancing at Mila and Priscilla.



In response to Lennok’s command, Davi emitted electricity from its body and released a massive surge of mana while nestled within Lennok’s embrace.


The intense surge of mana detection briefly startled even Mila, who stood askance. Although it was Lennok’s power, his guise as a spirit summoner necessitated this level of dedication.

Lennok’s eyes snapped open as his sensory domain expanded to cover several kilometers in an instant. Since awakening his mana, he had primarily used magical detection to sense presence and danger. However, as he honed his skills, he focused not just on expanding the range of his sensory domain but on enhancing its accuracy.

The key wasn’t the quantity of information he could gather but the precision with which he could discern what mattered.

Ignoring the torrent of information flooding his mind, he selectively concentrated on what he sought.

Across the sprawling apartment complex, he detected decaying corpses, bloodstains, stolen items, and various living spaces, all while following the lingering traces of mana. He filtered out the mixed mana signatures of artifacts and objects, homing in on those that resonated with life.

Davi provided an update.

[Detection result: Seven mana users inhabit this apartment complex.]

“Wow… Can you do that too?” Mila marveled, but Davi paid her no mind and continued.

[Three life signs are situated on the upper floors above the 10th, two are underground. The remaining two are on the 4th and 7th floors and are currently absent.]


Both sisters fell silent, taken aback by the incredible precision of the detection.

While Mila and Priscilla possessed high-level magical detection skills, neither could differentiate mana users with such accuracy across such a broad range, let alone identify the whereabouts of those who were currently away.

Mila admitted with a sheepish smile, “This little guy is quite sensitive. I’ll need to be more cautious in the future.”

Priscilla chimed in, “We should start by investigating the 4th and 7th floors.”

“What about the two you mentioned underground?” Priscilla inquired, and Davi responded.

[Detected beneath the recently laid concrete floor of the nearby complex. Their life signs will likely cease soon.]


While Davi lacked emotions, the information it relayed sent a shiver down their spines.

“I’d rather not get involved in that,” Mila muttered awkwardly, forcing a smile.

If living humans were buried under cement, it was evident that they were connected to the criminal underworld, a method notorious in such circles. Getting mixed up with them could add complications to their situation.

The group made their way to the residence of the mana user detected on the 4th floor, following Davi’s lead.

Standing in front of door 402 in the narrow corridor, Lennok inquired, “What’s your assessment?”

“…Something feels off,” Priscilla replied after a moment of contemplation. The group promptly proceeded to investigate another possible residence on the 7th floor.

Priscilla clapped her hands in front of door 704. “Ah, this is it. I remember Phenia complaining about the worn-out doorbell.”

“Good. So, what’s our next move?” Mila asked. “You’re not planning to wait here for your friend to return, are you, mage?” 

“…That won’t be necessary,” Lennok replied, naturally reaching for the doorknob.

Unlocking it with ease, he pushed the door open, and an overpowering scent of blood wafted out.

The faces of the two sisters instantly hardened. “This is…!”

Taking the lead, Mila stepped inside, with Lennok floating Davi behind her.

The apartment, unit 704, consisted of three rooms. It was excessively spacious for a single occupant, but it appeared cramped due to the clutter within.

The room was littered with unidentified bone fragments, worn leather, artifacts emitting faint magical auras, and faded ores. However, what drew their attention the most were the strange characters inscribed on one wall in bright red blood.

The characters, written in blood, emitted a putrid odor, and the chaotic state of the room left no room for doubt: something was terribly wrong.

“Phenia!” Priscilla, her face pale, called out her friend’s name and began searching the apartment.

Observing her, Lennok picked up a droplet of blood trickling down the wall with his finger. “This blood feels unusual. It’s not typical.”

[Analysis result: The blood contains 4% Tenzier oil, a component not found in normal blood composition.]

Tenzier oil. With Davi’s assistance, Lennok quickly researched the term and discovered that it was commonly used as a lubricant by androids and individuals with mechanical body parts. It was a type of oil that wouldn’t pose significant harm to the human body, so a small amount mixed with blood wouldn’t be a major health concern.

Davi continued to provide information. [After hacking into the blood research institute’s network and inputting the component structure for analysis, there’s a 71% probability that the blood belongs to a female of a similar age to Priscilla.]

“So it’s confirmed. This blood belongs to Phenia. Considering the presence of Tenzier oil, she must indeed be associated with the Machine Order.”

Mila’s jaw dropped in astonishment at the rapid exchange between the mage and the spirit.

“Wait a moment… This is entirely different from the image I had of spirit summoners. Are you really a wizard?”

For Mila, who had experienced much in her life, witnessing a mere spirit hacking into a laboratory network to analyze blood was a completely unprecedented sight. However, Lennok simply smiled nonchalantly, maintaining his typically impassive demeanor.

“My field of study just happens to be like this. Unfortunately, I owe a lot to various places.”

Now that things had progressed to this point, it seemed more beneficial to let Davi take the lead while Lennok subtly supported it, ensuring no overlap with his other identity. In fact, this turn of events could be seen as fortuitous. Once he firmly established himself as a spirit summoner under Aris, the relentless scrutiny he faced might lessen. Dealing with the nuisances arising from his papers was one thing, but proving his capabilities in his rightful position could reduce the annoyances that constantly surrounded him.

“Ha, I knew this city was full of eccentrics… but I never imagined a wizard who used spirits in this way…” Mila muttered in incredulous amazement.

Davi wagged its tail and continued to share information. [I’ve also identified the source of the strange characters on the wall through image comparison in the network. The sample is too limited to guess their specific meaning, but they are definitely characters used by the Gido sect.]”

“Well done.”

Davi’s abilities were limitless within the giant city, although they couldn’t be utilized in the network-free towers or autonomous regions. The way Davi swiftly gathered and summarized information that Lennok would have had to painstakingly collect befitted its title as a ‘cyber spirit.’

“The Gido sect’s characters written in the blood of a Machine Order follower. There are several possibilities to consider…”

The answers likely rested with the other person involved rather than Phenia.

“Phenia was used,” Priscilla, exiting the room, stated with a grim expression.

The chaotic scene within the house and the writings in the owner’s blood left little room for interpretation.

Lennok studied the characters on the wall and murmured, “These characters… I can’t ascertain their exact meaning, but they abruptly stop in the upper right corner of the living room wall.”


“As if they were inscribed across the remaining space and then suddenly halted.”

“Were they attempting some sort of ritual here?” Mila speculated.

“That seems highly likely,” Lennok agreed. “They probably intended to carry out the ritual here in Phenia’s house but for some reason abandoned the idea and moved elsewhere.”

If the conditions weren’t right to proceed with their plan here, the question remained: where did the culprit go next?

The answer wasn’t difficult to surmise.

“We need to return to the university,” Lennok stated as he adjusted his glasses. “Perhaps the ritual has never truly ceased from the beginning.”

As the saying goes, the darkest place is under the candlestick. If the preparatory steps for the ritual were established within the school, it was highly probable that the perpetrator would reappear at the scene.

* * *

Drip, drip…

The slow sound of water droplets echoed in the stillness.

Phenia, feeling her limbs growing stiff, quietly observed them. Suspended in mid-air, she spoke in a parched voice to the person standing with their back to her.



“Let’s put an end to this.”

Her involvement had begun out of curiosity, from the very first time she had received help.

The proposition had been for Phenia to assist in conducting a ritual in the Necromancy Department’s lab, a request that piqued her curiosity due to the mention of a rare catalyst and the substantial expenses associated with the ceremony’s preparation. However, as she learned the true nature of the necromantic ritual, there was no turning back.

“People will die.”

The concept of creating a massive altar for the Gido sect in the basement of the Necromancy Department was nothing short of madness.

Despite being a member of the Machine Order, Phenia had only undergone a couple of baptisms in her youth and hadn’t been heavily influenced by its ideology. In contrast, Lanfei was as devout as they came, thoroughly indoctrinated into the doctrines of the Gido sect.

In response to Phenia’s words, Lanfei slowly turned his head.

“I’m actually sad too. My time as a student at Rabatenon was more enjoyable than I thought.”


“If you hadn’t interfered back then, it wouldn’t have come to this.”

“But that’s…”

“As a consequence of our capture during the ritual, we were both expelled from the school… It’s only right that someone takes responsibility,” Lanfei asserted, gazing up at the suspended Phenia.

“I don’t want to die.”

“…Neither do I.”

“Then you shouldn’t have meddled with my work!!”

With a forceful grip on Phenia’s collar, the sound of dripping water intensified.

The droplets falling from the knots binding Phenia glimmered with a vivid crimson hue.

“If your interference hadn’t disrupted the ritual’s preparation, we wouldn’t have needed to go to such extremes,” Lanfei gasped, his voice shaking.

“After purging the unnecessary oil mixed in your blood, I will initiate the ritual. If that’s insufficient, I will use someone else’s blood to fulfill my duty.”


“Thanks to you, Phenia, you’ve helped me make a firm decision.”

Releasing her collar, he stepped back.

“I had hoped that as a fellow believer, even from a different order, you would understand my sentiments… But it appears this city is still populated by the unenlightened.”

Lanfei slowly turned his back and began rinsing his hands in the sink.

Just as Phenia was on the verge of resigning herself and closing her eyes, an eerie and distinctive voice reverberated.

[Control over the power room system established.]

And then,

[Commencing the operation.]

The surroundings plunged into darkness, a step ahead of the rest.

(To be Continued)

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