Gate of Immortality

Chapter 244: Mighty Sword Intent

Yang Shi held the saber as it was glowing with golden Metal qi. His Gold Devil Seal was churning with Metal qi.

  Suddenly, His saber was combusted with crimson flames as the flames rolled on Yang Shi's arm. 

His spirit flame merged with his Metal qi, making metallic sparkles appear. He combined his spirit flame with Gold Split.

" Flaming Gold Slash!"

His saber slashed out as the air filled with flaming after images. Mo Xiaowen's palm swept like a gust as his silver sword light streaked like a flash. It blocked some of the saber lights, but a few managed to get past the attack.

Yang Shi's figure moved as he shot like an arrow. His saber swung as he targeted the shoulders of Mo Xiaowen.

" Sword Fingers- Cross Slash!" Mo Xiaowen closed his palms as thin silver rays covered around Yang Shi like a net. Yang Shi's saber moved like a whirlwind as he pounced.

" Tiger Descending from Mountain!"


His saber roared and a tiger made from flame materialized. Mo Xiaowen's palm became bright as several illusory swords appeared.

  The sword clashed with the flaming tiger, but it still moved forward. But suddenly, Yang Shi changed his attacking direction.

His Celestial View saw the attack trajectory of those illusory swords. Although they were fast, he can still use the gaps between them.

" Gold Split! One Line Chop!"  Yang Shi's saber became clear as he made a diagonal slash. 

With his agility, he used a slight gap in the attack of Mo Xiaowen as his saber already reached his body.

  A ten meter saber light flashed like a star as it slashed the left arm of Mo Xiaowen.

Mo Xiaowen finally laughed as he saw there is no way to dodge this attack if he didn't use his full power.

  But he never considered using his full power to fight against Yang Shi. That will be the same as killing him.

He used his left arm to block the slash. A thin line of wound appeared as blood trickled down,

" Good! Such a fast and sharp attack." Mo Xiaowen praised. " Moreover, the Metal qi in it is also causing extra damage."

" Still, it's not enough." Yang Shi laughed bitterly. " I hope I can witness the true sword skill of Brother Xiaowen."

" Let it be." Mo Xiaowen nodded as he grabbed his sword hilt.

" Sword Opening! Brilliance!" His sword unsheathed like a gust of wind. The moment Mo Xiaowen's sword appeared, it shone with a blinding sword light. Just looking at it can sting a person's eye.

A streak of silver light shot at Yang Shi with terrifying speed. Yang  Shi's hair stood on its end. Even with his Celestial View, the attack looked blurry.

He placed the saber in front of him in a vertical manner. His Gold Devil Armor erupted fully. But before even Yang Shi could counter attack, the sword ray slashed at his chest.


Yang Shi blasted back like a ragdoll. A large wound appeared on his chest. He was thankful that Mo Xiaowen retracted most of its power at the last moment.

He was astonished as his Gold Devil Seal was torn in half. His defense couldn't last against this attack.

" One last time!" Yang Shi's eyes became serious as he got up. Although the blood was flowing out from his wound, he knew it was nothing more than a shallow wound.

" Still stubborn?" Mo Xiaowen was startled.

" One move!" Yang Shi grabbed his saber with both his hands. His saber intent became concentrated in the blade. Yang Shi used the Soaring Eagle Immortal Steps to its maximum.

His dantian boiled as he pushed all of his spiritual qi into his meridian. He used all of his spiritual qi to fuel his technique.

  He could feel his meridian swelling, but that made his speed reach a new level.

Yang Shi's body shuttled as it left after images behind it. His saber whistled as it cut through the wind.

" With a swing, even an immovable mountain shall split in half!"

" Mountain Cut!" 

Yang Shi's saber aura erupted like a tidal wave. A saber image of twenty meter appeared as it descended downwards.


The saber fell as a terrifying energy came forth. The ray of saber light slashed the ground in half as it traveled vertically at Mo Xiaowen.

Mo Xiaowen's eyes turned serious for the first time as his sword aura erupted, He used his sword to block the attack of Yang Shi.


The sword collided with the saber as the ground cracked. To Mo Xiaowen's surprise, he was pushed backward. The pressure of Yang Shi's attack made him frown.

" Marvelous!" Mo Xiaowen sheathed his sword as he clapped. Yang Shi stood feebly, gasping for air.

" Even you jus comprehended the basic saber intent, your usage has far exceeded any cultivator of Primordial Spirit Realm." Mo Xiaowen praised.

" Even among disciples of ancient families and larger sects, such talent is rare." Mo Xiaowen thought.

" Brother Xiaowen, what is your sword intent stage?" Yang Shi asked.

" I only comprehended the low stage of the First realm." Mo Xiaowen laughed.

Intents are categorized into nine realms, from the first realm to the ninth realm. Basic realm is below the first intent realm. The Basic realm is like a gateway, where one can only use a tiny part of intents.

What is intent? When a cultivator awakes the soul, he could feel the energy within heaven and earth.

  With the comprehension of a type of energy, the cultivator can borrow more power from nature.

If one can understand the source, they can use the respective energy more efficiently.

For example, a normal cultivator who uses his technique to manipulate flames is far weaker than the one who comprehended the Fire intent.

With comprehending the Fire intent, one can create fire without even using spiritual qi. They can borrow the power of flames from nature itself.

Of course, comprehending an intent is far more difficult than one can imagine.

  Firstly, most people start thinking about intents when they reach the Violet Palace Expansion realm.

  Moreover, even with the soul, it can't guarantee to comprehend the intent.

There are various restrictions to comprehend intent.

Firstly, the technique practiced by the cultivator. Only techniques of Heaven grade and beyond have insights of intents.

  The higher the technique, the better chances to comprehend an intent.

Secondly comes innate talents. There are countless people with unique bloodlines and physical constitutions. Such people had a natural affinity towards the intents.

  For example, those with a bloodline of a higher stage cultivator can comprehend better than any average person. 

A person who has a Flame attribute body can comprehend Fire intent much faster.

Thirdly, there are many wondrous treasures in the world, which contain natural intent by themselves.

  Having them is like ascending heaven in a single step. But those are much rare and one needs to have enough luck and strength to find them.

" Brother Yang, have you ever thought to leave this place and head to the province capital??" Mo Xiaowen suddenly asked.

" Not before I breakthrough to Violet Palace Expansion Realm. I am still lacking in strength." Yang Shi shook his head.

From Yang Shi's geographical knowledge, they are living in the Floating Cloud Continent. It has three major domains- Southesea Domain, Crystal Pearl Domain, and Soaring Mountain Domain.

The Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom is on the border of Western and Southern provinces, But it's still considered as proper Western Province. 

There are also many kingdoms around them, but Azure Feather is much more powerful than them.

Currently, the most powerful kingdom in Western Province is Soaring Star Supreme Kingdom, while True Martial Sect is the giant of Southern Province.

There are five major kingdoms in the Western Domain. If one ranks them, Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom will definitely secure third place.

  The first place naturally belongs to the Soaring Star Supreme Kingdom while the second place goes to the Turbid Wave Sect. Even it's called a sect, it controls a kingdom of the size of Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom.

Apart from five of them, the rest of the kingdoms are pretty weak in comparison. If not for a pact formed by their ancestors, they would have already been devoured by the powerful kingdoms.

" Although things are looking calm, in fact, a terrifying undercurrent is flowing in the shadows. The opening of Mysterious Spirit Realm will just hasten the process." Mo Xioawen spoke lowly.

" Undercurrents?" Yang Shi's eyes squinted.

" Hehe, You don't need to worry about it now. Junior Brother Yang, be prepared for the Royal Martial Tournament and Mysterious Spirit Realm." Mo Xiaowen laughed.

Yang Shi looked at the rising sun as he fell in contemplation.

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