Game of Thrones: The Prideful One

Chapter 47:

Author Note: Here, ya go!

If you want to read chapters ahead what I have done so far, be sure to check my patreón! I have eleven chapters ahead!

Also in another great news!!!! I got an editor that will make sure everything is neat and perfect! he is currently working on chapters 1-33! This is all thanks to you guys! Thanks for the support!


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The news of my marriage to Daenerys spread like a pandemic across the realm, which in turn made me the number one enemy of Westeros to some.

Assassination attempts were a common occurrence now, merchants, and other individuals would try to end Daenerys life every now and then.

The reason behind this, Varys.

When he offered me a deal, I knew he wanted something from me, I initially thought he wanted to put Viserys on the throne or any Targaryen for that matter, I was correct in this assumption, what I didn't know until a month ago, was there was another Targaryen roaming free.

"I really should've read the books more in depth," I sighed as I read the letter Varys intended for Illyrio.

Aegon Targaryen, or how they call him, the young griff, Varys had somehow managed to keep this little secret away from me.

But now that I knew, what to do with him? What to do? Should I kill him? I knew close to zero about him, for all I knew he could be a great guy, but it didn't matter if he was the best person in the world, I wasn't going to give up my plans of conquering Westeros and getting Throne.

I suppose, I could offer him what I had offered everyone so far, you either submit or die, he will have the choice.

Now with Varys, my decision was set the moment someone tried to poison Daenerys, I don't care how much he has to keep his cover, I will kill the bald bastard, and make him regret ever making an enemy out of me, if I wasn't as informed as I was, Daenerys would be dead and so would be my babies.

No matter what he was thinking when he revealed our information, or why he did it, what mattered was that he put in danger the life of my unborn children and wife, and for that he would die. Painfully.

Tywin Lannister, another soon to be dead man, they really oversell the old lion, he really thinks Gregor Clegane will even see a glimpse of Daenerys, he will die before he can even breath close to her.

"We are leaving Vaes Dothrak today right?" Daenerys entered my tent, with her fourth month baby bump showing, every morning she would wake up even more beautiful than the last day, shining like my own little star.

"Yes," I smiled as I kneeled to kiss her bountiful baby bump, "We have been four months here, we have everything we need, but if you feel like staying we could, I don't want to tire you,"

"I'm pregnant, not made out of crystal," Daenerys giggled, brushing my hair with her fingers.

"Is there a difference?" I teased.

Daenerys just laughed at my tease as she added her own, "I might be made out of crystal, but look at you, the strongest man in the kneeling to my fragile pregnant feet,"

I chuckled, not quite ready to lose, "Aye, but I recall you getting on your knees pretty often for me,"

"Alright, let's call it a tie?" Daenerys laughed.

"Fair enough," I nodded as I stood up giving her a kiss, "We should be leaving tonight, let your handmaidens know, alright?"

"Yes," Daenerys nodded in agreement as she started to walk out of the tent, "By the way, will I ride my horse, or?"

"Absofuckinglutly not, you will ride in a cart so padded with comfort you will feel you are floating," I didn't know if riding a horse was a good idea with all the movement this brought.

"Alrighty," Daenerys chuckled as she caressed her belly, "Your papá is quite overprotective, isn't he?"

"I am, and I wear that shit with honor," I laughed.

"By the way, can you tell your ravens to stop trying to brood my belly," Daenerys added, trying hard not to laugh, "I wake up every morning with ten to twenty ravens on my belly,"

*Caw!? No brooding?! How in the hell will your eggs hatch then?! No brooding this generation! I swear! Caw!*

*Hrmmm brooding we will, stop us you can't, Yrsss.*

*Caw! What they said!! We will continue with the extra brooding to ensure they are strong Ravens caw!*

"Unfortunately," I laughed as I shrugged, "Is out of my hands,"

"Very well," Daenerys sighed, "I will see you later,"


I continued to arrange all the matters I had to before leaving, besides me were the eggs I had bought so long ago, my Ravens still brooding them.

Perhaps it was time to try and hatch them, I was called the son of the fire, the champion of the light by the god of fire himself, and those titles fit perfectly with this situation. Or at least that is what I wanted to believe.

I remembered from the books that Dragon eggs are notoriously difficult to hatch, and even though they can maintain the spark of life inside of them for decades if not centuries. The secret key to hatching them seems to involve some form of blood magic, as the House words of the Targaryens hint, it requires fire and blood.

And considering how Daenerys hatched them, I had a general idea how to do it, to do so, I would have to burn the eggs in roaring flames, while another creature is simultaneously being burned alive, a life in exchange for a life. Fire and Blood.

Dragons in the wild probably just used prey animals to fulfill this purpose, but I wasn't sure an animal would work, besides they were extremely loyal to me, so human sacrifice will do the trick quite nicely, it was at least worth the shot.

Maybe I could put Viserys in the flames, it would certainly be interesting to see if he can burn or not.

"Time to burn these eggs," I chuckled.

*Caw!? You will not Gordon Ramsey our babies! Caw*

I sighed, I would now have to explain to them why I wanted to do it, they had grown quite protective of the eggs.

"Allow me to explain," I chuckled.


[Ned Stark POV]

The seed is strong, Jon Arrys last words, I had finally found out what he meant, Robert didn't have any lawful children, Cersei had cheated on him.

I was glad I had sent my Daughters back to Winterfell a few months back, for what I had to do would bring the realm to chaos.

And here I was sitting by myself waiting for someone to confront the lies.

Cersei, the person I wanted to talk to arrived and walked up to me, "You're in pain." Cersei pointed to my shoulder, mocking my injury after the altercation I had with her brother, her lover.

I shift uncomfortably with my cane as I slowly stand, "I've had worse, my lady."

Cersei feigned interest as she added, "Perhaps it's time to go home. The South doesn't seem to agree with you."

This wasn't going nowhere, so time to push it, "I know the truth Jon Arryn died for."

Cersei eyed me for a second with her eyes showing mixed emotions between worry and pride, "Do you, Lord Stark? Is that why you called me here, to pose me riddles?"

I noticed her fear, but my eyes drifted to the bruise she had on her face.

I inquired pointing at her bruise, "Has Robert done this before?"

Cersie smiled, as she shook her head, "Jaime would have killed him. My brother is worth a thousand of your friends."

I glared at her, " Your brother....or your lover?"

Cersei simply smirked at me, making me realize I was right on my hunch.

She then stood up proudly, as she added, "The Targaryens wed brothers and sisters for 300 years to keep bloodlines pure. Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We shared a womb. We came into this world together. We belong together."

All of this was starting to make sense, it wasn't Tyrion who pushed Bran, it was one of them, my son saw them and they tried to silence him still, "My son saw you with him." I said with my blood boiling in anger.

Cersei took a deep breath nodding as she added, "Do you love your children?"

What kind of stupid question was that, "With all my heart." I answered not skipping a beat.

Cersei smiled, "No more than I love mine."

I scoffed, "And they're all Jaime's."

My comment made Cersei laugh, "Thank the Gods. In the rare event that Robert leaves his whores for long enough to stumble drunk into my bed, I finish him off in other ways. In the morning, he doesn't remember."

Cersei always hated Robert, and this was her way to make him pay, by making him fathered kids that weren't his, "You've always hated him...."

Cersei eyed me in disbelief, as she added, "Hated him? I worshiped him! Every girl in the Seven Kingdoms dreamed of him, but he was mine by oath. And when I finally saw him on our wedding day in the Sept of Baelor, lean and fierce and black-bearded, it was the happiest moment of my life. Then that night he crawled on top of me, stinking of wine and did what he did, what little he could do, and whispered in my ear, Lyanna. Your sister was a corpse and I was a living girl and he loved her more than me."

I can understand her pain somewhat, but what she did was unforgivable, "When the King returns from his hunt, I'll tell him the truth. You must be gone by then - you and your children. I will not have their blood on my hands. Go as far away as you can, with as many men as you can. Because wherever you go, Robert's wrath will follow you."

Cersei laughed, and she spat, "And what of my wrath, Lord Stark? You should have taken the realm for yourself. Jaime told me about the day King's Landing fell: he was sitting in the Iron Throne and you made him give it up. All you needed to do was climb the steps yourself. Such a sad mistake."

I eyed her before I shook my head, "I've made many mistakes in my life, but that wasn't one of them."

Cersei smiled coldly, "Oh, but it was. When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." With that she left, I could only hope she would take my advice and leave.

*Caw… he dead, he just yeeted himself, caw-*

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