Galaxy's First Ruler

Chapter 72: Winter

Winter 2010

Leavenworth, USA

"The fuck you looking at?!"

Boomie was a tall kid even among the tallest of middle schoolers.

Leavenworth, being a small town, had a tight community. The events of a morning could have spread to the town's edge by the afternoon. In the group of middle schoolers and a few lurking fresh high school bullies, Boomie had become quite famous in the last three years.

'The red chicken and its psycho chick.'

Every parent knew the names by which Boomie and Aldrich had got called back then. It's not just because of their looks, but also the unusual way the two friends, if friends they were, behaved among themselves. None could remember a single time when they had seen Aldrich walking side-by-side with Boomie.

Aldrich felt the towering Boomie behind him. Again! It wouldn't be much if it were not for the mean look Boomie gave to everyone who looked in their direction. Aldrich was too busy studying human anatomy. A thick book that could very well be the satanic bible in the eyes of kids of that age.

When one had a photographic memory like Aldrich, every moment had to be used efficiently. He had his ways to avoid any confrontation, but Boomie seemed to have taken things on his shoulders. As was clear by the countless bruises on Boomie's body and the reasons for these bruises.

Aldrich and Mrs. Delmar, Boomie's mother.

The lady who couldn't walk or understand any words had become a major point of teasing for Boomie. Even worse was the lack of his father's involvement in Boomie's life. The support that Boomie got from the teachers and his parents' friends wasn't lacking, but it wasn't the support that Boomie needed.

The other was a boy. Even when people hadn't noticed Boomie around him, Aldrich was quite infamous for ruining children's days in the school and neighborhood. What could Aldrich do when he didn't have the brawn to pass through this stage of life in silence?

Counselors had begged Aldrich to let them know what he had whispered in the ears of a few children. What in the world could make a couple of vibrant children lose the brilliance in their eyes? The punishment of just slapping Aldrich's face seemed too harsh.

Aldrich closed the book and put it in the bag. The turn had come for Aldrich and Boomie to go separately towards their home. The alleys were chilly, and winter's cold made them shiver, but the school was near enough to not opt for the school bus.

"Oi, keep reading. Let's play at your home for some time."

Aldrich turned around and noticed the sudden offer had differed from the norm. Boomie, as rough in manners as he was, had never for a single time gone anywhere other than home after school. His father hardly took care of his wife, and it came upon Boomie to check up on her every day.


Aldrich saw the smile on Boomie's face but his mind had already caught many unusual things about Boomie with a single look. To let him go as it is without probing further would be a crime for him.

"Festivals are coming up," Aldrich said.

The two children didn't leave any heavy footprint on the snowy road. The surrounding people looked away as they noticed the "whisperer" followed by Boomie.

"Yay! This time I will get a customer."

"Boomie, no one would want to learn bouldering from a child."

"Ugh! I have an idea. How about you whisper something in their ears too? HAHA… !"

Boomie seemed the same as always to Aldrich. The same laugh and the same expressions. For the first time in Aldrich's life, he hated himself for not being prepared enough. The 14-year-old had yet to master Psychology.

"Hmm, I can think about it. Your bruises have faded away too. You wouldn't look like a creepy child, right Boomie?"

"… Yeah."

Aldrich very well knew the source of these bruises. Only less than half had come from the skirmishes with other kids. Most of the bluer ones were from his father. Aldrich's mind raced, thinking of the slight pause in Boomie's voice. But Boomie ran past him like a wind, seeing the Guo Antique shop's sign.

As the evening approached, Boomie said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Guo and left for home. Aldrich saw him vanishing in the noise of the joyous town.

"Mom! Boomie forgot his homework. I will be right back."

Aldrich shouted and ran in Boomie's direction. He wasn't an expert sprinter, but his destination was clear. Aldrich eyed Boomie, taking out the keys and entering the house. With a quick look around, he made sure that none was noticing him. He went around the house and lock-picked the backdoor.

"Ma! I am back!"

Aldrich heard the shouts of Boomie and hid behind the curtains in the hall. He observed in silence as Boomie took out the hot soup from the oven. Aldrich crept his way towards Mrs. Delmar's room as he saw Boomie entering it with a plate in his hand.

"Here! Careful, it is hot."

Aldrich heard Boomie's voice and craned his neck to look at the scene inside the room. If it were to be anyone else, this was the moment for them to let out a gasping noise. Aldrich's eyes became wide as he saw Boomie dripping the spoon in the soup bowl.

But there was no sign of Mrs. Delmar on the bed in front of him.

The house wasn't big and as close to the basement as Aldrich was; he had already caught a familiar scent. Aldrich approached the basement, leaving Boomie in the room, and found a big lock over it. But the lock couldn't fight back for long.

Aldrich stepped down and approached a corner without lighting the basement up. Even in the darkness, the bloody prints were vividly visible. He crouched down and saw the rotting body of Mrs. Delmar.

"This… "

Aldrich felt the wound on her head as he inspected the body and sighed in relief. No children of their age could have this much strength. Aldrich was about to stand up when he noticed something under the body.

He gently slid the dead body away, and his hand jerked back in shock.


The sudden creaking noise made Aldrich look at the basement's door.

Boomie was standing there with a blank and lost look on his face. But Aldrich's eyes couldn't move away from the flashing kitchen knife in Boomie's hand.

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