Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 84: Charles Trap Fired Back at Him

As James was worried about Alex's reaction, he missed the nearby Eli's stern face with that gloomy look over her face. He thought he was helping everyone by saving them, however what happened in the end proved him wrong.

He didn't help anyone, and what he just committed by the hands of that scepter would turn against him so soon, without even knowing it.

It was karma, this mysterious connection between doings and destiny.

James' mind was busy with finding the truth about Islinda, and how he would deal with Alex's problem, however at the same moment there was another thing going on without him knowing it.

On the other end of the commanding deck, things were a bit messy inside the once spacious goods hunger. Different types of cruisers and fighters coupled with legions of different unit soldiers were filling this place to the brim.

No one was vacant enough to set an eye over this place, as no one expected a sneaker to be there. a shadow of someone just flashed by passing behind the only couple of guards stationed here in a miserable attempt to control this mess.

This person moved like he was so familiar with this place, jumping from corridor to another until he ended up in a tight room filled with monitors and devices.

A secondary control unit was there, and he sat down on one of the seats before he entered a password to activate the unit.

"Please say your registered name to grant you access."

The metallic voice came suddenly which was something he anticipated. He just smiled as he said:


"Identity confirmed, you can access anything under your privilege," the sound said.

"Which means… everything," Charles said with a big evil smile over his face. He started to access the monitor cameras watching over the commanding deck. What he saw there made him question his eyes, as the situation there seemed quite unsettled.

He could smell gun fire already in the place, as James was the unspoken ruler of the place. at the same time he listened to the words spoken softly in the small gathering of different rebel powers.

Everyone was scheming against James and Dora. First of all they wanted the power to be in their hands, distributed equally between themselves. The presence of James wasn't accepted by them, as they knew James wouldn't agree on the idea of sharing power.

Also Dora was in the same situation as James, so they had to eliminate both of them. as for Dora, she wasn't feeling herself right now as she sensed some faint danger coming.

She mistakenly thought the source of this danger came from James, not from her rebel forces. The mistake she started doing was to ask the aid of some rebel forces.

That made it clear that she wasn't on good terms with James, and that what these little snakes were waiting for. Charles was able to hear and monitor all that, however he wasn't content with observing only them.

He started to monitor the prison cells, where Alex and Islinda were kept. In less than half an hour, Charles managed to get a whole picture about the current situation, and from this he started to speculate the shape of the final forces that would survive this little power struggle here.

Charles was watching all this as he knew where he would strike next.

After bombing all the large cruisers from before and exploding it, he sought for this famous cruiser of the rebels. He intended to seize control over it however the sudden appearance of the terases race toppled his plans.

Right now was a golden chance for him to fix everything and seize control over this cruiser. Charles had no allegiance to anyone, with no loyalty to anything, so he could do whatever he wished as long as he wouldn't end up being dead.

So, he sat his eyes over three targets here, Eli, Alex, and Islinda. He knew those three would be the key to change everything, provided that they would be given enough help to do what he wanted.

Alex and Islinda were pieces of cake to him, he could communicate with them any moment he wanted and even give them support. The tricky one was Eli, but she was also the most crucial one.

Without Eli, his little mutiny wouldn't succeed.

The first step he thought of was to create a diversion somehow so he could seize the chance and reach out towards Eli.

He was sure Eli would help him, as she was now in a psychic trauma. He wanted to get advantage of this moment before her own defensive mind would interfere and reach out to a certain compromise.

What could be a good diversion other than starting fire? For him this was the perfect job, as he was still in possession of many bombs. He just moved towards a most significant place where no one was there. it was the armory, the place where many weapons were stored.

He couldn't access there, and if he could he wouldn't be this mad to set fire there. This place didn't have only weapons, but also ammunition and explosive things like bombs at least.

So he chose a room distanced a couple of corridors away from the armory and he then disabled the fire system there. He wanted to start a fire he could control, so he disabled the fire system in some corridors before he was satisfied.

He left the fire systems in the armory adjacent corridors working to prevent the fire from reaching the armory.

He was set, and so he headed back towards a secondary communication unit. He checked Eli's situation again, she was still busy with her own misery and shock.

As for others, nothing suspicious could be detected. To contact Eli directly he needed an inside man to do so, and this man could only be himself.

So he went straight towards the commanding deck. He knew if he entered there he might slip the surveillance of those inside, but the closer he would get to Eli, the riskier it would be.

So, he headed towards the transport carriage where he was taken directly towards the commanding deck with some other personnel who were bringing different reports about the situation in the cruiser.

The presence of Charles there didn't ring any bells, as there were different forces in this cruiser right now and no one knew the exact faces of the other forces. So, Charles managed to slip like this until he neared the commanding deck.

Once he reached the deck, he didn't delay to trigger the bomb he planted there beside the armory. His feet didn't touch the ground of this deck when the explosion just happened with some minor tremors on the main hulk of the ship.

This trembling was so slight, but it was detectable. Having such a turbulence amidst the travel wasn't something small, and this usually indicated there was a major problem that needed to be fixed at once.

"Status reports please," Dora suddenly yelled at her assistants, at the time everyone here was starting to panic.

Lacking information in such a situation was disastrous, so the first thing Dora did was to look for information.

"Reports from the cruiser's defenses, we are good," one voice came announcing the check.

"Status of the engines are good."

"The life support facilities are good."




"The attacking cannons are good."

"The internal pressure is stable, no breach in the ship."

"There is a fire alarm in the section A-25 beside the armory."

Finally one report came with the real problem here. When fire was mentioned, the havoc escalated to an unprecedented degree. Dora took a deep breath as this wasn't the first fire situation she would face in her life.

"How bad is it? Are there any other places with fire? Is there any other crisis here?" she moved to be near the control units where she began to give her orders and threw her questions.

"There is no damage to the ship body so far," one voice replied.

"There are no other fire sources in the ship," another voice said.

"This fire is the only problem we found so far," a third said.

"The fire systems in this section and the sections around it are disabled. I believed they were ruined by the explosion aftermath," a voice came to pinpoint the main problem.

Dora understood what that meant. As the first procedure ever in fighting fire was to isolate the damaged sections and bury them under fire extinguishers. However she couldn't do this right now as the fire systems were down.

The only option was to use the manual labor to fight the fire manually, or else the fire would spread to undesired places, like the armory for instance.

"This is bad, you should isolate the section now. what are you waiting for?!"

Suddenly one rebel leader said in aggressive tone pointing the blame towards Dora who glanced coldly at him while replying:

"This isn't the time to freak out Tribli, if you have a problem with my leadership then let's discuss it after we kill this problem."

"The only problem here is you, your inadequate leadership will cost us our lives," another leader stepped in to stir things up.

before Dora could open her mouth, a third, a fourth, and a fifth leaders began to declare their intentions.

The best time to strike was the time when your enemy was at his weakest, and Dora now was vulnerable. Her mind wasn't ready to deal with these bastards at this critical time.

That was what these rebellious leaders wanted, and that what Charles depended upon.

Using this chaos, Charles managed to move slowly to stand unnoticed beside Eli who wasn't paying any attention to her surroundings at all. Once he reached there, he leaned to her and whispered:

"It's not easy for you to lose all your friends like that. It's a shame your brothers and sisters died in such a horrible way. I feel sorry for them and for you."

Once he spoke, she raised her head slowly to look at him. her eyes were red and her mind was already in more chaos than the world around her. Charles knew he got her attention, so he said:

"If you want to get your revenge then follow me, I will help you to achieve justice."

He said this while he stretched out his hand to her. He smiled warmly to make her trust him, and for a moment she was really going to fall for his dirty trick.

"Oh, I can't say I'm surprised and happy to see you alive, Charles!"

This voice came abruptly to make Charles freeze in his place, at the same moment his stretched hand was met by another, not Eli's hand but James.

For Charles this was a perfect plan to turn tables over everyone, however for James this was the perfect plan to regain the lost trust of Eli and make Dora be more close to him.

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