Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 79: Trust in Yourself, and Miracles Could Happen

Dora had to make a choice here, either to follow the already well-planned out steps of withdrawal put by her associates, or to trust James and his man right here Rigo.

Her hesitation was easy to be noticed by Rigo who decided to push a little further upon her by saying:

"If you can't trust James who literally saved your life, then at least don't trust your associates again who betrayed you and put your life at risk in the first place."

His saying was the last punch to her standing wall defending against her approval. Rigo's words were right, she was still suffering from the betrayal she had on the hands of her closest persons and associates. Now she was again standing in front of a choice and she was yet thinking about following her associates.

James didn't intend anything bad for her since day one, he always was there trying all the time to be in support.

She took a deep breath as she made up her mind, she would follow James and leave away from here.

"Listen up, there is a change in the flight plan of our cruiser here."

She suddenly stepped forward a couple of steps before saying these words out loud. She managed to get all the attention on deck while she added:

"We will follow the course that Mr. Rigo will provide to you."

"What do you mean by that?" an old man suddenly moved from the crowd with an angry look over his face.

"I mean what you all understood," Dora said without budging an inch to the back.

"That's hilarious, do you think we are ready to leave everything to these thieves?" another old looking man stepped out from the crowd as he joined the first fellow in protesting against Dora's decision.

"Shame on you for listening to an outsider and neglect us, your mother would be ashamed of you little one," an old looking lady with annoying arrogance said.

Before anyone else joined the circus, Dora suddenly took out her gun as she didn't hesitate to launch three subsequent hits towards the three of them. Her reaction was unpredictable and her moves were fast, so the three hit the floor with their bloodied bodies before they even realized they were shot.

"Any arrogant bastard wants to test my patience again?"

Dora suddenly yelled with a loud vicious voice that was totally different from the Dora Rigo knew and dealt with from before. At this moment he felt grateful he didn't step on any of her nerves from before.

"I don't owe anyone of you a debt to come here and judge me. if you don't want to follow my simple orders of retreat, you are welcomed to be toasted like trash and left here in this dirty filthy spot of space to rot. I'm not in need of anyone to tell me what to do, what I say must be done without a question or else you will end like these three."

She then glanced towards everyone around here while her heart was beating fast. She wasn't herself at this period of time, just stepping out from personal disasters one after another without a break. She could use a time out to release all this tension and these idiots just gave her the opportunity to do so.

After nearly a heavy long minute of silence, she said without glancing towards Rigo:

"Go ahead and do whatever you need to do. Anything happens that you don't like just inform me, and I swear to make whoever did this regret it his whole life."

Rigo couldn't stand in his position and delay from responding to her words, as he moved so fast to bypass her while she whispered to him:

"James will be in my care, don't worry about him."

Dora was really stressed, but she wasn't the type to lose her sanity over some wasted reasons. She had to admit, being like this, this bad side of her personality felt really good to her. She felt like nothing in the world cared anymore and she was immune, nothing could threaten her no matter what.

However she knew she couldn't remain like this anymore like before. After all she was now someone with more leading responsibility in a very turmoil time.

Rigo moved towards a section regarding the navigation control of the whole cruiser. The first thing he did was to erase all the previous data and began to look for a far place to go to.

There were certain conditions for such a place, as it had to be out of any known existing super power in this sector. It also needed to be in a system with many inhabitable planets, abundant resources and an easy escape route if things went south there.

Rigo wasn't optimistic regarding Dora, he knew James was considering her as a close friend, even if he didn't literally say it out loud. However he knew best that her position was critical and her situation was much more complicated than theirs.

Dora had a rebellious force to organize, and those arrogant peacocks wouldn't be satisfied without getting their wishes.

They would push over Dora until she would move away from James and try to send her into her doom. Rigo knew he couldn't stop this distasteful future, even if he would be pained by the loss of Dora.

He just hoped when time came, James wouldn't be so bitter on losing her. He sighed before he started working, and in the process he took a copy out of the system installed inside James' small cruiser and let it replace and take full control over this large cruiser.

This was like an insurance policy for any future misdoings any rebel leader would think of or try to pull. This was one of the main functions of Rigo, to anticipate potential threats and try to neutralize them.

As for James, he wasn't aware of all this as he was standing right now in a world of his own. He was like swimming in an ocean of stars, with some strange pulses that kept happening irregularly, like a heart who was about to stop.

That freaked him out, however the voice of the scepter came to calm him:

"Don't worry, I'm not dying."

James unintentionally turned around himself trying to locate the source of the sound but he couldn't. He smiled bitterly before saying:

"Then is it me?"

"No, it's just your anxiety with some senses of yours being agitated towards the about to be born rival of yours," the scepter said.

James took a deep breath before saying:

"I have thought about it, there is no proof that the new guy will be my nemesis, right? At least we still have nothing in common yet."

The sound paused for a moment before it came again:

"You have a point in regard to your ignorance to what you actually possess. But your nemesis isn't, she will be raised from the beginning on the simple basics of the powers you both have. Don't be mistaken, a child raised only on hatred would hardly know anything related to kindness.

Barely she will have any goodness left in her, so give up that hope on her. She is going to be trained to be a serial killer, someone who will seek all her entire life to kill you."

James was surprised the more the sound spoke, and his biggest surprise was about the true identity of that rival of his. It was a she not he.

"H-How do you know all of this?" James asked, expressing his doubts.

"It's simple, because that girl also had an artifact like me beside her. I can sense everything about her like that artifact can do the same to you."

That was strange to James, however he rapidly accepted this as he just passed through a lot recently.

"Ok, I will move away from here. what do you need me to do?"

"It's simple, all you need to do is to take me out and put me over the navigation unit of your cruiser. the rest I will handle," the voice said.

James felt some embarrassed before he said:

"I just don't know if doing this is the right thing."

"It's the only solution that we have right now, it's the only way out for you, kid," the voice replied.

"I know, but… but all you say is that I lack knowing anything about my powers while my supposedly enemy has a great teacher beside her," James said while shaking his head.

"I'm a far better teacher than that old arrogant lizard," the scepter suddenly said with faint anger in its tone.

"Oh, I didn't mean that, what I meant is after you are gone, I will have no one left by my side to teach me," James said.

"If you say to yourself it's a bit unfair then you are right, it's a bloody damn unfair but what can you do about it? Will you just surrender to your pathetic fate and weep on the corner alone waiting for the girl to come and kill you?

Listen I'm not risking my own life to save yours for you to throw it out like a trash like this," the voice before James heard a long sigh before the voice came again, "listen kid, neither I nor you have a saying in this.

You were born with some freaking gift that no one ever had, and I was destined to be reborn again on the hands of an ignorant weakling like you. So tighten up and listen well to my words…"

The voice took a few moments of silence before it said again with a serious strong tone:

"Learning something can be easy if you have an assigned teacher by your side, but it's not the only way to learn. Being gone isn't the end of the world for you, instead it's the beginning of a long and wonderful journey.

So man up and don't be like this, and be ready to look for teachers all over the universe. Even if you can't find any, learn from your own. There is nothing out there to stand before sheer will, and with some luck miracles could happen."

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