Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 75: Running Away with Your Life

James was shocked and stupefied with what he just heard. His mind couldn't get it all, but he knew he was in danger and that scepter was offering help.

Although he knew how strong that scepter was, he felt greatly threatened especially when the scepter wouldn't be there to help him anymore.

"Is there a way to replenish your energy?" he asked the only thing that was in his mind now. If he was to survive, then he wouldn't do that without the aid of the scepter.

"There are ways to replenish my energy, the fastest is to collect souls like the way I was created with," the scepter said.

"What?! No way I can kill innocent people to replenish your energy," James decisively refused this solution, especially when there were others he could use.

"Then you have two more ways, the longest is to let me rest inside your soul and I will replenish my energy from yours. It's long but it's guaranteed. The other solution is to seek for energy stones, these are rare things in this universe, and very dangerous to come by."

James felt the last solution was the one he should focus on. He didn't recognize these energy stones, but if the scepter said they existed, then he would search and find them.

No matter what he had to revive his scepter, no matter what cost he had to pay for it.

"Now go out and do your things, try to leave fast. All you need to do is to get near the net and crash into it. leave the rest to me."

The scepter sound then faded away with the world around James. In a blink of an eye he returned to the ship where he was.

"Are you already awake?" Rigo simply asked without turning to look at him.

James once heard his voice and he jumped off his seat like he was electrified. This sudden move of him startled Rigo who left everything he was doing and asked with uncertainty:

"Are you alright?"

"Tell me, have you contacted Dora yet?" James rushed to ask as he knew his time here was limited.

The urge and worry in his voice made Rigo feel there was a terrible thing happening, so he replied at once:

"I have made contact with her and she is now consulting her advisors about what to do."

"Link me to her," James said, and when Rigo looked strangely at him he added with a strict tone, "do it now!"


Rigo returned to his seat as he took a few moments before a hologram screen appeared in the middle of the deck. As the screen appeared, James ordered:

"Send a word to everyone, we need to regroup as fast as we can."

"I-Is everything ok?" Rigo asked with doubt and concern.

"Just do it!"

James' behavior was odd, not only for Rigo but also for Dora who just appeared on the screen and watched his last order to Rigo.

"Are you ok?" Dora asked with worry in her eyes. She knew James, even during their darkest moments he wasn't like this, he wasn't in this despair.

"Listen to me Dora, we all are at risk of being killed here. we need to leave, and we need to leave now."

James ignored her question as there was no time to waste. His mind was set only on one thing, to escape from here before that person was born and come to get him.

"W- I just received Rigo's request and I told him to wa…"

James didn't wait for her to continue her words as he shouted at her:

"It's either we leave now or you will die. I have a way to escape, but I need a large cruiser to do so. If you don't want to die just listen to me and do as I say."

The attitude of James was weird even for Rigo who glanced shortly at him. Rigo scanned James body but he found nothing wrong with him. He was perfectly fine a couple of minutes ago, which was really strange to just change abruptly like this.

"Calm down James, you are making me nervous," Dora tried to calm him and understand more about the situation, however her approach was met by a weirder response of James as he said with strange tone:

"Fine, I will head to the net and leave, if you want to live come to the coordinated Rigo will send to you, bye."

He then pointed to Rigo to shut down the call. Rigo did what James ordered although he was feeling more wrong about that. James stood in his place for a few seconds before going to sit beside Rigo as he asked:

"How long before they meet us?"

Rigo looked again at him as he replied:

"Five minutes, I chose a spot near the net to meet there, it's in the middle of the distance between us."

"Don't waste time explaining things to me, just move this ship towards that location. Also send the coordinates to Dora as well, hopefully she knew what was best for her," James said with a cold tone that he never used before.

"Are you ok?" Rigo asked with caution.

"Just do as I say, why is everyone interested in hearing my reasons now? Just do the hell I say without question!!"

Rigo had his own share of the explosive words of James, so he didn't open his mouth again as he returned to focus on flying the cruiser. In the middle of that, he ran many tests to assess James' condition.

All was fine except for his mood, which indicated severe panic and great stress. Rigo hoped this was just a minor setback, as he didn't want James to end up like this forever.

The part of the space trapped here inside the huge net of terases race was calm, very calm. Every power was now trying to gather their forces together, so there were two huge sides in the net, with each eyeing each other and most importantly eyeing that great net.

This wasn't peaceful at all, it was so stressing that might drive men crazy. Rigo felt that tense in the place, so he thought that might be the reason behind James' weird actions.

In less than five minutes, the small cruiser they were at reached the place of meeting with the rest of the small fleet. In less than one minute, many ships began to approach here.

Finally James' fleet was assembled once more and they were ready to act according to his orders.

"What do you want me to do now?" Rigo asked with caution as he didn't want to anger his leader again.

"Did you hear out from Dora?" he asked.

"No, not yet," Rigo replied.

"Hmm," James was thinking about abandoning her and running, however something inside him refused to do so before checking on her. Maybe, just maybe she was coming and got delayed.

"Contact her again before we leave."

He finally made up his mind to try and check on her. If she was coming then he would wait up for her, or else he would start to leave here. this place had become very dangerous for him to stay any more second in it.

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