Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 57: Planet Energy

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

After Marin ran out of the room, Fu Yan sat down on the bed, embarrassed. He did not know what to do. He told Marin to satisfy him but he only meant in terms of knowledge and gifts. He never ever thought of taking advantage of her. This thought did not cross his mind, not even once.

He sighed and lay down. He tried to sleep but after the last incident, his mind was not ready to rest.

It's not that he did not waver when Marin came in, it's just that he thought rationally and thought about the consequences.

First of all, he is not on earth and he did not know about the culture on the planet "Pheonon" in depth.

Second is also that he is not on earth and if he went with the flow and proceeded to have sex with Marin, he would have to take his clothes off. If that happened then the Library uniform would lose its effect and he would be crushed by the "Pheonon's" 4g gravity.

After trying hard to sleep for an hour, Fu Yan gave up and started to think about how he would face Marin tomorrow.

Marin, on the other hand, after running out of Fu Yan's room she went straight to her residence.

She had dismissed all of her maids for tonight because she did not want anyone to know about this. After entering her room, she jumped onto her bed and plunged her face into the pillow. She could feel the heat coming out of her ears. Her face was all red and she was cursing herself for jumping to conclusions.

Though she might be a Queen, she was a teenage girl too. It's just that dire situations have made her mature fast compared to others. Like any other young girl, she had many fantasies too, like marrying a prince charming and falling in love but when her father died and before dying he feared that Marin's brother would not be able to rule as a good King, he ended up naming Marin as his Successor.

After taking the throne, she had to harden her heart and try to act like a ruler. She even had to exile her brother because he was causing turmoil in the kingdom by making the small lords to riot.

After just a year of struggle, battles, and conspiracies, she had transformed from a teenage girl to a mature woman.

She had never thought about her marriage after her father died. When Fu Yan asked her to satisfy him and that he might forgive the late fees, she didn't know why the first thing that came into her mind was that he wanted her body.

But when she went to Meet Fu Yan and he clarified what he meant, she blushed while thinking about what she had done. When she tried to think about how she would talk to the Librarian tomorrow, her mind was blank. She could not think of anything.

She tried to forget thinking that it was all a bad dream but the reality is not that easy to be forgotten.

She just lay down on the bed but sleep was miles away from her. She spent all night thinking without even a wink of sleep. The same went for Fu Yan. Both were young and this was the first time in their life that something like this had happened.

Well no matter what this is going to be one event that both would never forget for the rest of their lives.

In the morning, a maid greeted Fu Yan.

"Respected Sir, I am Furya. I am here to tell you that breakfast is ready. I have a message from the Queen for you.

The Queen said that she is feeling ill, so she is sorry for not being able to welcome you at breakfast herself. She hopes that you will forgive her."

Fu Yan smiled, embarrassed, upon hearing that. He knew the reason why she was feeling sick.

He did not reply and just nodded. The maid guided the way and after a while, they arrived in a beautiful garden.

Fu Yan looked around and saw many different kinds of flowers and plants. All of them were very beautiful and refreshing to look at. He ate his breakfast which contained some kind of meat. He did not know what animal it was, but it sure was tasty.

After eating breakfast, the maid gave him a tour of the castle. He saw many things but what interested him most was some weak-looking men who were working out in the training field and when they sparred with those of heavy builds, these weak looking men easily defeated them.

He asked the maid about them but the maid was not able to answer his question. According to her, she was just a household maid and she did not know about things related to the military.

Fu Yan nodded a little upon hearing this and did not inquire about it further.

He decided to ask Marin about the reason and if it's related to some technology that they have developed then he might ask for it as payment.

After the tour, Fu Yan came back to his room and the maid notified him that Marin would be meeting him after 2 hours in the main hall.

Fu Yan nodded and lay down to rest. He did not know about the time he slept but he woke up when the maid informed him that Marin had arrived in the main hall and was waiting for him.

Fu Yan arrived in the hall under the guidance of the Maid.

There were many people present and most of them were old.

"These should be wise men that are present in every kingdom." Fu Yan thought.

His seat was next to Marin which showed that Fu Yan's rank and honor were not lower than their Queen.

When he sat next to Marin, he could see many people frowning. Fu Yan glanced at them a little. He did not get angry because of their behavior.

Marin had red eyes and dark circles could be seen under her eyes. Fu Yan looked at her embarrassingly. He knew the reason for that and he wanted to apologize to her for that.

Fu Yan opened his mouth and said in a soft voice that only Marin could hear.

"Miss Marin, I am sorry about last night. I know my vague words have caused you trouble so I want to apologize for that. To tell the truth, I never thought of taking advantage of you. I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings."

Marin blushed upon hearing this. She could feel her face heating up just from thinking about last night. She was embarrassed but also surprised.

She had heard from her father that Librarians were cold and had no feelings but she could feel that Fu Yan was different from what her father had told her.

Though last night was mostly her fault for the misunderstanding, Fu Yan was still apologizing to her.

She felt a little relieved and happy. Her complexion improved a lot after hearing this. She smiled and said.

"Sir, I am sorry too. It was my fault too for misunderstanding your words."

Fu Yan nodded when he heard her reply.

After replying to Fu Yan, Marin stood up and looked at the ministers seating below and said.

"Sir Librarian came to our Empire, to our planet, to get back the cube that my father had borrowed from his library. Since we did not return the cube on time due to many people trying to grab it for themselves and were late by a year, now we owe late fees. I gathered you all here to witness this moment because I want you all to know that cube that I possessed is no longer with me. This might help us avoid meaningless fights in the future that started because of my foolish brother."

After saying this, she paused and looked towards Fu Yan. Upon seeing Fu Yan nodding, she continued.

"Sir Librarian will now tell us about the compensation that we have to pay." She pointed at Fu Yan after saying this.

Fu Yan sighed when he heard what Marin said. She was using him to solidify her position. He knew from the gazes of many ministers that they did not like Marin being their ruler. So Marin wanted to use Fu Yan to deter them. He did not mind her using him like that. He thought of this as compensation for last night.

Fu Yan stood up and said.

"When Adoh Briarfall borrowed the book from the library, he was a new reader to the library and for the new users, we give them a discount of 90% for the first book they choose. He paid the fee in the form of planet energy and that was 2% of your whole planet's energy. But that was all. Now when the book was not returned on time, then the late fee will be calculated on the actual value of the book. Now the late fee will be 10% of the energy of your planet."

Ministers below started to chat among themselves and after a while, an old man stood up and asked.

"Sir, what is this planet energy that you are talking about?"

Fu Yan smiled and said.

"Planet energy is what a planet is based on. You can call it the life force of a planet. The more energy a planet has, the richer will be its lands, and the more prosperous it will be."

The ministers whispered among themselves from below and one young man stood up.

"So you mean, when you take this planet's energy, we will have fewer crops and our lakes will dry."

Fu Yan nodded and said.

"Yeah! You can say that. Well, there is another..."

When Fu Yan was speaking, the same young man interrupted him.

"How dare you try to take our planet's energy. It was the old king who made the deal with you, we don't have any business with you. We won't give it to you. You go away from here." After saying this, he started to walk towards Fu Yan in a threatening manner.

Fu Yan frowned when the young man interrupted him and took out a small pen from his pocket. He pointed it towards the young man. A small white light blinked on the pen and the young man was laying on the floor unconscious.

Fu Yan looked at the crowd below and said.

"Anyone else wants to say anything? You can say it now otherwise don't interrupt me."

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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