Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 55: Benefits!

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

The ball rolled a bit and stopped. Suddenly a blinding white light came out from it and surrounded everything.

Everyone closed their eyes reflexively. Even Fu Yan closed his eyes but he soon noticed that the light had no effect on him. He looked around and saw everyone else closing their eyes and raising their hands to block the light.

The dark armored soldiers who were marching towards him suddenly started to fall down. They all fell down one by one.

Fu Yan did not know what the ball was and what it was made of, it's just that when the army started to march towards him, he got a prompt on the screen in front of him and he just followed the instruction shown on it.

Marin had also closed her eyes when the light burst out from the tiny ball. When she opened her eyes, she saw a scene that she would not forget for the rest of her life.

The battlefield was quiet, too quiet. No one made any noise. They all looked at the scene in front of them with gaping eyes and then looked at the young man who was standing in the middle of it as if nothing had happened.

The field was filled with bodies, all of them were wearing black armor. They were not dead, just unconscious. But still, it showed the power that the young man possessed. He used just a little ball and the results were too shocking. The Xoria empire's army looked at Fu Yan with fear. Their hands, which were holding the weapons, trembled.

Fu Yan glanced towards the unconscious army briefly, then turned towards Marin.

"Miss Marin, since there is no one to disturb us, we should talk about business."

Marin Briarfall looked at Fu Yan with surprise and fear. She knew that Librarians were powerful and due to the constant warnings from her father before his death, she had created an image of a powerful being in her head. Like they could destroy mountains and destroy planets easily. But when she saw the power with her own eyes, she could not help but become amazed and fearful.

When Marin did not reply Fu Yan said again.

"Marin Briarfall, I am talking to you." This time Fu Yan was not as polite as before.

Marin trembled a little upon hearing Fu Yan's cold voice. She looked at Fu Yan with fearful eyes and said softly but in a pleading tone.

"I am sorry for my rudeness. Sir, let's go back to the palace so that we can welcome you and after that, we can talk about the late fees. I promise we won't neglect any of it."

Fu Yan did not say anything and just nodded. He also wanted to see this alien planet. He was curious about the people living here. People here looked like humans, but according to the data from the library, they differed from humans on earth. They have blue blood instead of red and compared to the humans on earth, their average lifespan is 150 years.

Even their physique is different. For example, even a child from "Pheonon" could rival a bodybuilder from the earth. It was mostly because of the gravity here, which in terms of the Earth is 4G, but Fu Yan felt nothing mostly because of the suit he was wearing.

Marin invited Fu Yan to her carriage with great respect.

Fu Yan sat down in the carriage with Marin while the maids rode outside on the horse-like creatures. These creatures had 6 legs instead of 4 and their necks were long. They had antennas on their heads and had a long snake-like tail. But compared to a horse, they were 3 times faster and stronger. The end of their antennas had a bead-like shape. These beads would glow from time to time.

They traveled the barren land for 2 hours. Since Fu Yan had never traveled in a carriage before, he started to feel uncomfortable after a while but again his librarian uniform played its role. His fatigue vanished after he ate a capsule.

After traveling for 2 hours in the barren land, they arrived at a city. They did not stop there to rest but hurried towards the capital. Fu Yan looked outside with some interest.

He wanted to know about the culture on this planet and how they compared to earth. Since it was his first time traveling to a different planet, it was natural. They were passing through a market and it was full of people. The market looked similar to earth from the 1700s. People had placed different stalls on both sides of the street. There were no shops here. Wherever the carriage passed, people would stop doing whatever they were doing and bowed towards the carriage.

He noticed that it was not because of fear that they bowed but because of respect. He noticed this because some people upon seeing the carriage were excited and some even jumped with joy. Many children would run along the carriage but guards did not stop them.

"Looks like she is a good ruler or else people would not respect her like this." Fu Yan thought in his mind.

He looked at Marin who seemed a little timid being sitting with him. He smiled a little and said.

"Why are you so afraid of me? I am not going to eat you."

Marin was flustered upon hearing this and did not know how to answer. She had grown in the palace as the Queen of the Xoria empire. Wherever she went, people would respect her so she had never faced a similar situation before. She did not know how she should talk or how to behave in front of Fu Yan. She also feared Fu Yan after seeing him handle her maid and Adkin's army.

Fu Yan laughed a little and said.

"I am not unreasonable. I am a librarian and if someone threatens the books of the library then I punish them. Since you have returned the book safely then you don't have anything to fear. As for the late fees, I think it will depend on your hospitality. I might not even collect the fees if I am satisfied with you"

Fu Yan gave her a hint. Now it depends on her if she is able to understand his meaning. Since the book was only 1 year late and considering the borrowed time is 20 years so the late time is less than 10%. It was within his power to waive the late fees. But he was not going to do it for free.

He remembered what old Shun had told him. Being a librarian has its own perk other than the book from the library.

He was going to see what benefits Marin can offer to him and if he finds something interesting, he can dismiss the late fees and even consider lending her another book.

To borrow a book from the library, the person or the planet has to meet certain criteria but if the librarian wants he can lend the books on his own accord but only 2 per year and it consumes some of his credits too.

After saying this, Fu Yan stopped paying attention to Marin and looked outside. He had already given her enough information. If she is smart, she would understand what Fu Yan was trying to say and prepare for it. If it was the other, then Fu Yan could only sigh.

After traveling for another hour, they arrived at the capital city of the Xoria Empire.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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