Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 131: Taken Over!!

Editor and Proof Reader: Delther 

Nir slowly plunged the dagger into Ben's head, and Ben's body slumped immediately. Nir slowly removed the dagger and then turned to look towards Fu Yan to see his reaction but was met with cold, golden eyes. 

Nir knew that Fu Yan was not going to take his orders back, so he turned his eyes towards the camera in the room and threw his dagger towards it.

After doing that, he walked out of the room and went on a killing spree. There were screams, shouts for help, and sometimes, the sounds of gunfire, but after a while, everything was engulfed in silence. 

Fu Yan slowly walked out of the room and started going towards the operation theater where Xen was operated on. 

While walking, his steps were heavy and grief could be seen on his face, but his golden eyes showed no emotions as if they were not a part of his body. 

As he walked down the hall, Fu Yan saw bodies, drenched in blood. Some people had a surprise look on their faces, some had despair while others had anger. 

But one thing was certain, that all of them had died a quick death. While dying, they could not do anything other than showing emotions on their faces. 

Each of them had a clean wound on the forehead or on the back of their head. Fu Yan could see that Nir was being merciful to them as he gave them a quick death, but he did not mind it because all he gave the order was to kill them all, not how to kill them. 

Fu Yan walked past the dead bodies calmly and then entered the operation theater. 

He calmly looked around the room filled with the dead bodies of the doctors still wearing their operating gowns, then towards Xen whose body was placed on the operation table. 

Fu Yan slowly walked towards Xen, and then gently touched his face. Looking at Xen's face that was filled with peace, Fu Yan could not help but let out a soft cry. 

Tears rolled down on his cheeks and his body bowed towards Xen with his face touching Xen's.

When Fu Yan heard about the death of his uncle and aunt and that Xen was missing, all his thoughts were about the safety of Xen. But now, seeing Xen's cold body, grief suddenly engulfed his body. 

Fu Yan felt as if his world was falling apart. The only people whom he cared about in this world, were now gone. 

In fact, the moment he saw Xen being operated on, his consciousness immediately went to the Library and he did not hesitate to spend 1000 credits to search for a solution to heal Xen and then spent another 2000 to get the medicine that could even regrow limbs in a matter of minutes but the moment, his consciousness returned to earth, all he saw was Xen's cold body through the eyes of Nir. 

Even though there were other methods that could even revive the dead, he did not have enough credits for them and as a result, he could only see his loved ones being taken away from him. 

Fu Yan wailed for a while, then he slowly stood up and anger filled his eyes. The golden light in his eyes shined with even more brilliance. 

Unknown to Fu Yan, an intense battle was going on inside his mind as the golden light was trying to overwhelm his brain, but his neurons and body's self-defense was trying to fight back. 

Even though there was some resistance, the golden light was slowly gaining upper hand when Fu Yan suddenly got angry, his rationality decreased and the golden light looked like it found an opportunity and it launched its attack. 

It suddenly engulfed Fu Yan's whole brain. When this happened, Fu Yan felt darkness before his eyes, and then his thinking slowly started to fade away. 

All of this happened in a matter of seconds and then suddenly the golden light that had currently occupied Fu Yan's whole brain, started to lose its brilliance. It was as if there was not enough energy or brain activity to support its energy consumption, as Fu Yan's brain was clearly showing fatigue. 

The golden light seemed to have consciousness because when it sensed that the brain could not support it, it contracted itself and slowly moved to a certain part of the brain while giving back the control of the brain to Fu Yan. 

After all of this happened, Fu Yan slowly opened his eyes and found himself on the floor. He was still trying to comprehend what happened and did not know that him being not too smart had saved his life, or more like saved his consciousness. 

He was somehow lucky that he was not high level enough in the Library and his brain had not been developed enough to sustain the golden light or else the Fu Yan or consciousness of Fu Yan would have ceased to exist in this universe. 

Fu Yan shook his head a little and tried to clear his head as he was feeling extremely tired for some reason. He felt as if he would fall the next second but he forcefully got himself together and picked up Xen's body. 

After that, he walked out of the operation theater while carrying Xen's body and looked around. 

All he saw were bodies and blood, and he could still hear screams and cries of help from time to time. It seemed as if Nir was still busy with the order he had given. 

After looking around a bit, Fu Yan walked with heavy steps towards the room where he was held before and stepped in. 

At first, he wanted to teleport straight away from the operation theater, but after thinking for a while, he decided to not expose all his cards. Even though he did not care about what the organization behind all this or country C would do, he still decided to show some restraint. 

There were cameras everywhere in this underground facility and Fu Yan knew that someone was monitoring everything that happened here from the outside and they would have seen Nir killing everyone, even more, the reinforcement might have been arriving shortly. 

So he decided to go to the room where Nir had destroyed the camera and teleport from there. 

Fu Yan did not notice that his thinking had become more rational somehow, even though he still did not react to the dead bodies, he was thinking more clearly now. 

After a while, sensing Fu Yan's location, Nir walked into the room. He was covered in blood and near his hands, the blood had started to dry. 

Even though his body was covered in blood, the dagger in his hand was still shining sharply with silver light and not even a tiny drop of blood could be seen on it. It still retained its sharpness even after puncturing hundreds of skulls. 

After entering the room, Nir calmly stood beside Fu Yan as if waiting for further orders. 

Fu Yan did not ask whether he had killed every single person or not and slowly extended his left hand to Nir while using the right to hold Xen's body.

Nir shifted the dagger to his left hand and grabbed Fu Yan's hand with his right one. Fu Yan let out a rare smile after all this and then they disappeared from the room with a flash of white light that was only visible to those who were present in the room. 

Just after 10 minutes of Fu Yan's departure, 10 trucks filled with soldiers stopped at the entrance of the facility. 

Soldiers carrying guns disembarked from the trucks and made their way into the facility with caution. 

When they went inside the hall, many of them could not help but vomit. Even though all of them were battle-hardened soldiers and were considered elite in the army, seeing this scene, even they could not help but tremble a little. 

Even for them, this was too much. Seeing the expressions on these bodies made them even more horrified. If not for the orders from above, they might have already turned around and left but orders were orders and they had to follow them. 

After searching around the facility for more than 1 hour, they did not find any survivors. All they saw was blood and cold bodies, and the most horrifying thing was that all of them had died with a single strike on their head. 

[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]

I had a very severe headache but still wrote the chapter, because i did not made any promise but said that i will update today. there will 2 chapters tomorrow.  Thats all. I am going to sleep now. Bye.

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Unethical Service Providers (Genre: Urban)


Hurting Hope: Freedom With Sins (Genre: Fantasy)

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