Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap'

Chapter 271

Chapter 271 - I'm Only Avenging You f(r)eeweb(n)ovel

“Am I the sole optimist here, sensing our progress?” Am I the only one perceiving our improvement? Do I stand alone in this assessment?

Mu Sifa clutched his chest, stifling his agony. This pain surpassed even Shang Cijie's departure, fueled by the lack of trust and regard from Shang Cijie.

“Resurrecting past harmony?” Shang Cijie's laughter erupted suddenly, his gaze chillingly fixed on Mu Sifa. “Mr. Mu, jesting with me, are you?” Am I not explicit? Did I not declare my intent for revenge?

Each word from Shang Cijie felt like a dagger piercing Mu Sifa's heart.

Oh heavens! It's truly underway.

Nong Mobai, nearly frantic, cast a glance at Xiangyang. Initially intending for Xiangyang to clarify, he was met instead with a smug grin, deliberately provoked.

Damn it, if this lad wasn't Ann Yichen's cousin, I'd have decked him already.

“Why the panic? Let Xiaojie handle it,” Mu Sizheng remained as composed as a mountain, unruffled.

“Leave it to Xiaojie? Are you out of your mind!?” Nong Mobai muttered a curse under his breath towards Mu Sizheng.

Amidst their squabble, the notion of entrusting the matter to Xiaojie bewildered him. Yet, Xiaojie's response also caught him off guard. He appeared entirely different from five years prior.

“Just observe,” Mu Sizheng offered no further explanation, urging Nong Mobai to maintain composure.

Irritated, Nong Mobai begrudgingly acquiesced to Mu Sizheng's guidance.

“But if they come to blows, you intervene!” Nong Mobai's concern lingered.

“They come to blows?” Mu Sizheng chuckled, finding the notion amusing. “Your concern should lie with that lad!” With a smile, he swirled the wine in his cup.


Nong Mobai was perplexed by Mu Sizheng's words, questioning their meaning.

To everyone's astonishment, Shang Mingming calmed down and moved to sit quietly in Mu Sizheng's lap, walking over from the sofa.

Shang Mingming announced with a hint of schadenfreude, “Big Father, we're in for an entertaining spectacle.”

Mu Sizheng chuckled, expressing his amusement at never witnessing anyone manage to intimidate the young master.

The “young master” Mu Sizheng referred to was Xu Moyu, the intelligent spouse of the current leader of the Chinese Sect, Han Shaolin.

“Naturally, who else but Mr. Moyu!” boasted Shang Mingming, touching his nose in a self-satisfied manner.

“What is this, revenge on me? Directing their retaliation towards me? How is this considered revenge?”

Overwhelmed by frustration, Mu Sifa felt an urge to lash out but realized the futility of the argument, blaming Xiang Yang for the situation.

“Wasn't it you who pursued me? You were the one who pressured me,”

Shang Cijie quickly countered, sounding vehement yet displaying a blush on his face.

“I don't remember forcing you.”

Shang Cijie, in his anxiety, forcefully slammed the table, perhaps attempting to mask his guilt and revert to a more endearing demeanor.

Mu Sifa's spirits lifted upon understanding the situation. Whenever this topic arose, he couldn't help but feel bashful.

A sinister grin crept onto the corner of Mu Sifa's mouth, seemingly grasping Shang Cijie's expression.

“W-why are you laughing?” Shang Cijie stuttered nervously, his panic evident.

“I'm not laughing,” Mu Sifa denied, though his smile only widened further.

A flicker of jealousy tainted Xiang Yang's gaze, swiftly erasing the pride he had displayed moments earlier.

How repulsive, why should a man blush like that? It's revolting.

It's clear that Mr. Sifa belongs to me, so why, Shang Cijie, did you attempt to snatch him away? Unforgivable.

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