Furious Combo

Chapter 804 - :negotiation?

Time passes slowly, no matter how fast the time flows in the two realms, it can’t change the growth of the wood built in the outer space. The two realms want to control all the planes. Jiang Yan adjusts the time flow internally.

However, Jianmu’s roots have been expanded into the entire space of the two realms, and the two realms are merged into a huge space. Although they still can’t directly shuttle between each other, they can connect with each other with the help of Jianmu.

A year and a half have passed in the Chaoge City area. The mountains and rivers have expanded by dozens of times in size. Fairy birds and beasts are everywhere, and cities are rising up. The construction is amazingly fast.

Because the development of various planes itself is to mine resources for these resources, take it back to the two world stones for refining, and distribute it. Each plane in infinite space can also receive the tasks sent by the two world stones. After completing the tasks, also No longer bear the life force needed by the space controller

That is to say, these planes that communicate with each other are no longer managed by the space controllers, but they can do tasks in the infinite space and absorb resources.

The Suzaku team finally understood why the space controller hated Jiang Yan, and it was necessary to kill and then quickly towards Song City. Now it has become a parasite of infinite space and Jianmu ’s own regular power makes the space unable to cut off. , There is no way to kill Jianmu

When Jiang Yan came out of the two world stones, he didn’t know the details of these changes. All his energy was used to perfect the two world stones, so that in the rules of the two world stones, the power of the Asura sword became a fairy road completely rule

There are many people waiting for Jiang Yan. When Chao Song Space reminded Jiang Yan to come out, many people gathered at the foot of Qishan outside the two realms and waited for Jiang Yan

Above Qishan, the private site of the Suzaku team Jiang Yan glanced at everyone and looked back, but Yu Nan was still not out of the two realms. As long as Jiang Yan did not leave the Chaoge City personally, Yu Nan can now be at any time Appeared next to Jiang Yan and communicated by Mirage Bracelet, not restricted by the rules of this plane

“Anything important to Anna?”

“Qulou wants to see you, she … still tells you personally. In addition, our twenty-four second-level teams now all reach the level of infinite space s-level. The first four teams are equivalent to the god-level team, our level. Should the division be based on the set of spaces, should it be reformulated? “

“anything else?”

“Nothing is temporarily safe, unlimited space, Joan of Arc, Heavenly Court, have never appeared”

“Then let Kulou come first” Jiang Yan sat down, let everyone surround him, and talked to him about the little change in the past year, Kulou flew up from the mountain and fell on the mask on Kulou’s face in front of Jiang Yan It has been transformed into a pure wooden mask, the rung above is completely gone, and the fusion of regular power is extremely perfect

Jiang Yan also opened the eyes of Suzaku before he saw the wisps of Qi in the body of the dry building, even the mask could not resist. If it were not the equivalent of a fairy-like mask, the evil released by the dry building could directly let the low-level contractors Scared to death, that is, the b-level contractor, I am afraid that it will also be destroyed.

In Kulou’s eyes, a zigzag pattern with vertical and horizontal knives has been formed

“Dry building, how come, isn’t it smooth on earth?”

Kulou frowned: “The elders of Yiyi’s life and death are in control of the Yin Ruins. The current Yin Ruins are attacked in three days. All the contractors of the space city are basically controlled by our Chaocheng City on the launch of the earth. I did n’t dare to come back to the bases on the earth. Most bases directly surrendered to our Chaoge, just … “

“Are you worried about B?”

“Yes, B’s strength may be only a little weaker than that of Yu Nan. If he is demonized, it will be bad. Even if it is not demonized, if captured by Joan of Arc, it will become an extremely powerful angel.”

“How can it be?”

“When we left, B was poisoned by soul. He was suppressed by some strange equipment, and the elders let him go. There was also a plan. At that time, killing B and complaining too much. If you let go of B, one day, If B becomes a scourge, the elders ’home will be justified.”

Jiang Yan’s thoughts, the elder’s home is not all stupid, or that they just have a short-sightedness, it doesn’t mean that they have no eyesight, the difference between myopia and blind is very big

They did not kill B immediately, but let B escape. The task of B could not be established. Although some people attacked Yinxu, they could not bring out too much force, because the gains were not worth the loss. Now those who attack Yinxu are trying Weaken the power of the Yin Ruins, and after the Yin Ruins are weak, B will die and launch a lethal blow

This kind of thinking is normal

However, Jiang Yan had seen the Yinxu army and knew that this gradually weakening method was meaningless to Yinxu and invested too little force. The loss of Yinxu was not as good as the degree of recovery. Instead, it attacked one party, and it will inevitably damage the soldiers. Yinxu sent a tonic

The Yinxu has a system of elders, so there must be wizards from the ancient times. These wizards are rarer than Taoists, and they are also the cards of the elders.

Wizards can completely transform the power of the killed enemies into Yin Ruins, just like Chaoge City, using two world stones to contain souls

Killing enemies and strengthening yourself is almost one of the necessary conditions for the city of miracles

This has the taste of Yangmou. B is let go. If he commits suicide, I am afraid there are not many people who sympathize with him. If he is killed on the spot, it is estimated that more than 30% of the contractors in Yinxu City will defect.

The appearance of a benevolence and morality in the elder’s home, B’s choice is running out

Now that B has a lone team, it is easy for Joan of Arc to start thinking about it, and Jiang Yan takes the initiative to contact Joan of Arc

“Jean, I am a doctor”

“Oh, Lord Chaoge, what are you looking for?” Jiang Yan talked with Joan of Arc on the Chaoge plane, using the power of building wood to find the coordinates left by Joan of Arc from the broken mainland plane. This time the consumption is quite small

The calm voice of Saint Jean de Ping, but her heart was turned upside down because Jiang Yan found her simple, but she could not determine Jiang Yan ’s position through this dialogue, only to trace the broken pieces she had lost The mainland, the coordinates are blurred, even if the divine power is consumed, it can’t be traced

“In fact, there is still more than a year to meet you, but if you have time now, we will meet once on the broken continent.” Jiang Yan’s words are also quite concise

“Okay, I’ll set the time, is it okay?”

“no problem”

“Twelve hours later, I have coordinates to leave for you.” Joan of Arc said, and she cut off the contact. The communication coordinates she left to Jiang Yan, but she couldn’t trace Jiang Yan’s location, began to worry, Jiang Yan is stronger than her in understanding certain rules, and will in turn track down the location of her **** kingdom

In 12 hours, Jiang Yan did not make much preparations. He advanced in the Real Immortal in the two realms. After the Sky Tribulation did not even attract people in Chao Ge to advance, he and Yu Nan, also known as the Suzaku team The absolute main force, fortunately everyone is used to such progress as Jiang Yan

If the Suzaku team is now dispatched, in addition to the chaotic devil who has followed for more than 200 years, the messy army is also quite a god-class team, and there is no doubt that there is a strong army.

Anna has a large number of robots that can be summoned, robots that can be dispatched directly from the mechanical space, and advanced transformers are also available

Yu Nan did n’t have any summoning creatures available. Jiang Yan himself was just a green bear god, but the fighting power of the two of them broke the table.

Then there is the clown. The clown has lost the **** elves, but the existence of the advanced artifacts of the **** cube, innumerable incarnations, can simulate a lot of **** creatures to help in battle, he is not afraid of fighting groups

Li Chunfeng is also considered a net worth now. He is a powerful supporter when fighting Suzaku, but his skills of spreading beans and becoming soldiers are also excellent.

This is the strength of the first five core combat members. Later, Hong Ling is regarded as a treatment profession. Jiang Yan does n’t care much about the treatment now. Hong Ling alone can complete the treatment of 25 people in the team. It also has healing abilities, a huge range of state skills, and long durations.

This is the merit of the monk. Jiang Yan did not let Shifang change his faith.

Guan Qinglian, three people, originally explained that the dragon was the most powerful, but now Guan Qinglian has become a powerful Taoist because of the destiny, and he has to survive the robbery of the earth immortal.

Relatively weak, it is still a servant of the Desolate King, but it is just the desolate King ’s personal combat ability, and he is also chasing after the wind.

Speaking of Feng Jianren, now that he has the ability to suppress the demon factor, he will no longer be controlled by the defects in his bloodline ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ People are not so cold anymore, they can follow the Suzaku team all the year round, wholeheartedly Improve martial arts skills

The 25-person Suzaku team really does n’t have any shortcomings. The creatures that can be summoned to help are not counted as robots. There is also a team of 30,000 to 50,000. Jiang Yan has to take it all year round in order to cover his own strength. Thousands of **** legion devil dispatched

Counting around, Jiang Yan did not feel that Joan of Arc threatened her now, but he was still very cautious. Each member of the team distributed two more lightning beads for self-defense.

With Jianmu communication, the Suzaku team came to the broken continent almost instantaneously. At the same time, there were twelve demons of the Suzaku Hell Legion. These demons, after arriving, dispersed immediately, leaving only six thousand. Accompany the Suzaku team, stationed in the temporary fortress, quietly waiting for the arrival of Joan of Arc

The broken continent has now returned to life, but it was destroyed quite seriously at the beginning, and its growth potential is not even as good as the half plane near Chaoge City.

Near the castle stationed, there is a desolate desert. Jiang Yan chose this place because it is not suitable for the battle of the gods. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is My biggest motivation)

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