Furious Combo

Chapter 8 - : City? Rules

This is only divided according to the rules of task release, according to the contractor’s own division, there are team tasks, personal tasks, hidden tasks, world plot tasks, city tasks and so on.

Every world that performs tasks is collectively called the task world. Most of these mission worlds are independent and interconnected. The origin of the mission world is more intriguing.

These worlds are basically imagined by human beings. Such as movies, games, novels, dramas, myths and legends, etc. These fantasy worlds also have different levels.

The wider the spread, the higher the number of missions in the world, the higher the level. For example, the Lord of the Rings novel has a relatively high status in Europe and America, and after the spread of several series of movies, the audience must have exceeded 100 million people. So the Lord of the Rings world is at least S-level.

Of course, the level of fantasy is thin, and the story is not full, the level will be reduced accordingly.

For example, the Titanic movie, although the audience is huge, but because the plot world is narrow, the level is only D level.

If the world of Journey to the West is definitely S-class, it may even be God-level. This world has a huge structure, and the plots of various fantasy extensions are also very rich and have a large audience. It has also been adapted many times, including movies, TV series, games, fan stories around and so on.

Some mission worlds have few audiences, but they have rich backgrounds, which will also improve the world rating evaluation.

There are some duplicate worlds in the mission world. The power of these worlds will be lowered according to the mission, and the reward will be reduced accordingly. The reward that the contractor gets in the world of the replica is also not as good as the main mission world. Tasks that occur in the copy world will not affect the progress of the main task world.

The evaluation of the rank of the mission world is not very accurate. Therefore, the contractor does not care about this. As long as he understands his level, he can roughly know the difficulty of the task world he has experienced.

Generally speaking, the level of the mission world will not exceed a large level of the contractor’s own level.

Contractor’s level is a total of seven major levels, namely-

E, D, C, B, A, S, and God levels. In each large level, there are 3 small levels. Taking E level as an example, it can be divided into E level, EE level, and EEE level.

General newcomers, such as Jiang Yan, will all be rated as rank-less. Only those contractors who survived the first mission world and survived and completed at least 50% of the mission will be evaluated as rank E .

The contractor is a semi-data life. Although it has blood and flesh, it has very detailed attribute points. The level of contractors for spatial evaluation is divided according to these attribute points. In general, the equipment owned by the contractor will not be counted in the space evaluation. Unless some special equipment, it may affect the space evaluation.

Jiang Jiang hasn’t checked his own property panel yet, so it’s not clear what level his space rating is. He is not in a hurry, anyway, the first mission world is relatively simple. If a little devil helps him to train, according to the little devil’s words: the first world is to give him rewards.

What makes Jiang Yan depressed is that he only now knows the importance of survival. A contractor, in the first mission world, space will give away 500 survival points. Once the survival point returns to 0, the contractor will be erased by space, that is, death.

Regenerate the body when you are reborn, even if it is wasted, you can ensure that the foundation of this body is laid well enough, which will have many benefits for future development. But those clothes and accessories are wasting his wealth.

Jiang Yan is not a person who can’t let go. His survival point is still enough. He is concerned about issues related to his mission. What is the city of miracles, what is the city advanced.

There are two types of cities where contractors live. One is called a space city. It is controlled by infinite space. Contractors perform their tasks step by step. In these cities, contractors live relatively stable and safe. There are many safe areas, and there can be no fighting between contractors.

Another kind is the city controlled by the contractor. These cities are called free cities.

Jiang Yan was shocked when he heard this message. As a contractor, he could control the city! Perhaps infinite space is not omnipotent, or in other words, infinite space has very strong demands on contractors, and requires contractors to constantly become stronger.

Otherwise, this will not happen at all.

Free cities are also different. Spaces are not divided, but contractors divide them into two types.

One is the fifty cities under the control of five miraculous cities, which are called independent cities. Contractors are not called free cities unless they belong to a city controlled by a miraculous city.

The city level also corresponds to the contractor level. The five miraculous cities are ruled by five divine contractors. These five miraculous cities have powerful powers and can issue missions independently. Each miracle city controls ten secondary cities, namely two S-level, two A-level, two B-level, two C-level, and two D-level independent cities.

All cities exist in a huge void, and their location is not fixed. The two cities will never meet unless one city is attacked by the contractors of another city.

Not much has happened. Because the spatial coordinates of free cities are constantly changing, the contractors in other cities cannot be mastered even if they are strong. The only opportunity to determine the spatial coordinates is when a free city is advanced.

At this time, the space coordinates of the advanced free city will be fixed and last for at least 24 hours.

These 24 hours are quite dangerous. Once the space coordinates are discovered by contractors in other free cities, they will face a crazy attack.

If your city is of great value, the city of miracles will definitely participate.

For example, the Sun King’s S-level free city dark gold gear, because he wanted to advance into a miracle city, he was combined by the alliance forces of the five miracle cities and destroyed.

Although the city of miracles can’t move the god-level contractors to attack the dark gold gear, it can mobilize a total of 10 S-level cities to unite in the attack. Such an attack completely destroyed the Sun King family. If Jiang Yan does not appear, the big cleaning will be quite successful.

Dark Gold Gear City wants to advance to the D-class city, and will risk being attacked by other free cities.

Jiang Yan felt that his task was so difficult. Not only to fulfill the wish of the Sun King, but also to face the greed of the contractors in the infinite space.

Because of attacking the free city and killing the contractors in the advanced city, the enemy’s wealth is bound to be obtained. This is much more efficient than performing space missions. Just a 24-hour battle may make a contractor rich.

The little devil tirelessly explained to Jiang Yan all the common sense about this space. Jiang Yan kept these common senses firmly in the depths of the soul’s blood beads, continuously analyzed and summarized.

Only by understanding the rules can we survive in this world. Infinite space is far more dangerous than the neighborhood where he was a child.

But many questions, Jiang Yan didn’t get the answer of the little devil in the inquiry. According to her statement, Jiang Yan’s current level, some things, are not allowed to know. He can only fumble for himself during the mission, or after the advancement, he is informed by the apostle. This rule must not be violated, and the little devil does not dare to fight the space.

Understanding these trivial common sense, Jiang Yan only re-examined his wealth. When he entered the viewing state, suddenly a prompt appeared in the space …

E-level free city dark gold gear reorganization is completed, contractor Jiang Yan, as the only contractor in this city, you have the power to rename dark gold gear.

Power items include: free city name, city natural coordinate name, city street name.

Contractor Jiang Yan, do you rename the E-level free city dark gold gear?

“Rename.” Jiang Yan immediately agreed. The name Dark Gold Gear is associated with the Sun King family. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com The city is still safe. Once advanced to a D-class city, it may be very dangerous.

A D-class city, the city of miracles may not send people to attack, but if this D-class city is called a dark gold gear, I am afraid that the city of miracles will spare no effort to destroy everything it creates.

Hatred of such things has nothing to do with morality.

Spoiled the plan to cleanse the five miracle cities, and he must have been hated by the contractors of the miracle city. There is an old saying in China that is called the first to sell the label.

Means to insert a straw stick in your hair and betray your head.

If you don’t change the name of the dark gold gear market, it will be no different from the first one.

Contractor Jiang Yan, please rename the E-level free city dark gold gear.

Jiang Yan pondered. The Sun King wants to build a city of miracles that belongs to the descendants of the Yanhuang. The name of this city should be orientalized. Otherwise, the name is not true and it is a big joke. If this city is named New York or something like Paris, Jiang Yan himself is difficult to accept.

It was only at this time that Jiang Yan discovered that he was poor and poor in knowledge of the East.

Like most Americans, he does not care about the other side of the earth, the past, present and future of that country. Most of his knowledge of Huaxia came from novels he had seen as a child, as well as those of his compatriots in Chinatown.

As for the movies and comics that young people like, most of them are Japanese.

Contractor Jiang Yan, please rename the E-level free city dark gold gear. If you give up naming, the space will randomly choose one. 10, 9, 8, 7 …

Because Jiang Yan thought for too long, the space began to count down.

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