Furious Combo

Chapter 793 - :independent

This tip was originally designed by him, in order to find a suitable servant one day, promote it, and build an eternal city, so that he can create a doppelganger and go to control. [WWw.YZUU dot m]

It is a pity that although there are many space cities, none of them meets his requirements for advanced eternal city. On the other hand, on the side of the Free City, Chaogecheng became an eternal city, and it also got rid of his control.

The two most exciting cities are Yinxu and Bianliang.

Bianliang City knew that Chang’an City had been jointly defeated by Yin Ruins and Chao Ge, and had been nervous and prepared for the war. When I heard that Chaoge City advanced into the Eternal City, they were still scared, but then they discovered that Chaoge City had lost its coordinates and would never appear in the space system anymore.

Bianliang City tried to contact the detailed works in Chao Ge and found that they could not be reached. All the methods were exhausted before it was determined that Chao Ge City had disappeared.

Bianliang up and down, a surprise.

If Yinxu and Chaoge jointly attacked, their most expectation was that they would cause huge damage to the other party and make the other party unable to bear such losses and withdraw their troops.

Now that the Chaoge City has disappeared, it is relatively easy to achieve such a tactical goal if you face the Yinxu alone. The people of Bianliang City have no confidence at all to win, and can only do so. Originally this expectation was also somewhat distant, but because of the disappearance of Chaoge City, it became quite realistic.

The people of Yin Ruin are the opposite. The elders came to B at the same time, inquiring why they left Chaoge City and did not keep their promises.

Yi originally wanted to calm down, but the elders were aggressive. B was also angry. In the hall, he said angrily to the hundreds of elders in Yin Ruin: “People from Chaoge City came to you three times and five times and wanted to send troops to attack Bianliang, but how long has the agreed time passed? For what reason?

The elders remembered this. When they said that they had attacked Changan, they would attack Bianliang one after another.

But because of the attack on Changan. Too much manpower was lost. [Ye * zi] [Yu * you] If the elders are worried about the continuous attack, because of their reduced strength, on the side of Bianliang City, they have been caught by Yinxu for too many benefits, so they have been dragging this matter back.

This is your own dragging back, no wonder Chaogecheng.

The elders were speechless, and Yi sneered again: “I know what you are thinking, I am afraid that I will do my own thing. I have robbed you of your power. I am afraid that the power of Chaoge City will be robbed and I will steal the loot of Bianliang City. ! “

“City Lord, so to say, is it wrong?” An elder said dissatisfiedly.

“Inappropriate? People’s Chaoge City will care about the spoils of Bianliang City? You don’t want to think about it. In the battle of Chang’an, they didn’t get any benefits. Haven’t they directly advanced into the Eternal City? If you will promise me , Attacking Bianliang, uniting Chaoge. Now that we have won Bianliang, Yinxu has the strength to advance into the eternal city. The result? People ca n’t wait for Chaoge City, advanced level. And they have completely got rid of space control. “

Yi Yue said more and more angry, too lazy to curse, and walked away, leaving the elders looking at each other in the hall.

What makes Yi angry is that even if Chaoge City advances to the Eternal City, even if it escapes, then the Yin Ruin will be strictly guarded. It is difficult to advance to the Eternal City, and it is necessary to escape like Chaoge . It is almost impossible.

This thing must not be blamed on experience. B also knows that Jiang Yan may not have calculated everything. The advanced eternal city must have been thought about very early, but Jiang Yan must not have thought of it. Directly and completely get rid of the control of space, or even jump out of the rules of space, and simply disappear.

Blaming Jiang Yan is unreasonable, but B’s plan is indeed completely disrupted. It is no problem to win Bianliang City. But without the help of Chaoge City, B lacked an army like the Suzaku Hell Legion to attack the rear, and the plan to attack on both sides was completely bankrupt.

Such a defect, B just wanted to break his head, and there was no way to make up for it, so B was a little gaffe, and directly conflicted with the elders.

Of course Jiang Yan knew that if he disappeared, he would cause some troubles there. [] It was just that when he discovered this spatial coordinate point, he had no choice at all.

Not all the time, you can find a hidden coordinate point, you can get rid of space control.

In the past, he imagined that the separation from space control is to achieve a certain degree of his own strength, so that space is helpless. But now, it is completely so that the space can’t touch its own song.

These are two completely different concepts. Today’s Chaoge City can obtain a stable development time and enhance the strength of all people in Chaoge City.

Especially a large number of native devil can become the most important force in this city.

Compared to free people, indigenous people are the most reliable. And the descendants of these free people will be true aborigines. After decades of development, most of the people in this city are indigenous people.

At that time, after contacting with the plane of infinite space, you can look for opportunities, control some planes, and integrate into your system of Chaoge City, just like the master of space.

Chaoge City has now completely evolved into a plane, not a planetary form, but an octagonal land, which is covered with a sky of nine days above, covered with layers of fairy light, and below the mainland, it is formed by the gloomy black gas Hell layer by layer.

Many demons have moved to **** to survive. The environment there is more suitable for foreign demons. The Suzaku Hell Legion in Chaoge City is made up of native demons.

Above nine days, directly above Chaoge City, the Taoist palace floats in a huge space interlayer. There are no more Taoist palaces in Chaoge City. Instead, there are small Taoist temples.

The scale of the city has expanded a lot, and it is interlaced by two square walls with a length of two hundred and forty miles, forming a new Chaoge.

In the new Chaoge City, the outer wall looks like a simple red granite, uneven, and it seems not suitable for defense, but the wall is tall and thick, and the convex parts outside are all part of the gear of fate.

In the center of the city, a huge lake appeared, almost hundreds of square kilometers in size. The shape is like a slightly flat gourd. This lake is at the foot of Qishan, and the height of Qishan is as high as nine kilometers. The bizarre peaks are abrupt, and it seems a bit strange to stand such a mountain in a city.

The area of ​​Qishan is much larger, from a mountain to nine, and the core of Jiang Yan ’s Suzaku team is a parallel space at the core. There is a passage in the parallel space, which connects to the plane of Chaoge City. This passage continuously flows fresh water outwards, forming a waterfall, rushing down the mountains, and gathering to the lake.

At the end of the lake, there is a river that drains out of the city and merges into the moat. Chaoge originally had no moat. After advancing to the eternal city, a huge moat with a width of more than three miles was added outside the city.

The layered city walls were actually transformed after the growth of the gear of destiny, and the wall of Chaoge has been completely replaced by the gear of destiny.

The moat is on the other side of the city and flows into the city again. The target Qishan is absorbed into a cave at the foot of Qishan and returns to the parallel space, forming a simple cycle.

Chaoge City, at the core of this face, is centered on Chaoge City, and has more than 300,000 miles of land each in southeast and northwest.

Every 120 miles, there is a flat place where you can build a town. Within a thousand miles, there must be a place where the river is soothing and you can build a male city. The whole plane is flourishing, and I do n’t know how many rare and exotic animals are growing, and the ground is thick and contains countless mineral deposits.

Between the **** and the world, there are 108 layers of earth fire space, the stars above the sky shuttle, not fixed, but moving endlessly.

Jiang Yan feels very satisfied. This world belongs to him. The rules are perfect and he is booming. Even if there is no Chaoge City, sooner or later, intelligent creatures will be born and form a civilization.

But with Chaoge, everything is centered on Chaoge, and civilization will expand to occupy the entire plane.

Around Chaoge City, the petrified forest has also mutated and is no longer offensive, but is intertwined with the power of the two world stones, and will not attack the intelligent creatures of the plane at all.

Unless foreign enemies come, these petrochemical plants are usually precious wood.

The people in Chaoge City heard Jiang Yan’s voice in the two world stones. Chaoge advanced as an eternal city, and since then, it has completely got rid of the control of flawless space and become a truly free city.

From then on, neither indigenous people nor free people will be forced by space missions to do endless tasks. All tasks will be selectable. If you want to gain wealth and power, you have to put in more effort. If you just want to be an ordinary person, there is a lot of land outside that can be cultivated, and there are a lot of mines that can be mined.

Or you just want to be a businessman ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Even if it is just a hawker, you can live by paying taxes regularly.

The rules of Chaoge City, all creatures, even if they do nothing, level 0, can have a thousand years of life. Here, if you want to live, you don’t have to starve to death, there is no need to work, and you can eat mixed and wait for death.

Of course, if you want to gain a certain amount of power, the only way is to join the army, join the Suzaku Hell Legion, and open up the outer space.

A large amount of information, as Jiang Yan’s announcement of independence fell, was sent to the city’s mission system, most people were excited to inquire, only a few, simply let the tension down and relax, falling asleep.

The Suzaku team was above Qishan, and Jiang Yan ’s home organized a luxurious banquet. The captains in Chaoge City were invited to come, including people with certain status among the indigenous people.

On the top of Qishan Mountain, a huge platform is above the clouds and fog, where the fairy lights are lingering, like the legendary fairy world, with golden jade, pavilions and pavilions everywhere. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.) RQ

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