Furious Combo

Chapter 41 - : Chase 183; Evolution

[While writing, the insurance jumped suddenly, the computer shut down, and then the old D took a break for a while, but the update time was missed, sorry]

“Bullet can’t kill him.” In Anna’s left eye, although Smith’s body can overlap on the ballistic, such an attack is meaningless.

“Sorcerer.” Jiang Yan driving called.

The blood in the eyes of the evil wizard gradually dissipated. He was a little embarrassed and said: “Doctor, in order to find the Japanese, my mental energy consumption is too large, it needs at least 8 hours to recover.”

“Can you shoot?”


Jiang Yan took out two submachine guns and stuffed them into the evil wizard, saying, “Go help Anna.”

The wizard held two submachine guns in his hand, and Jiang Yan stuffed four more magazines in his pocket. “Don’t save.”

The evil wizard is helpless, thank you for bumping, turning over the front seats and coming to the back. Anna has taken out two shields and inserted the seat, the shield is more than one meter high, blocking the window. Anna took out a pistol and fired at the roof of the car, smashing the roof of the car, then punched a big hole, stood up, and shot all the roofs around her.

“Stand up and fight.” Anna’s voice was cold and hard, and the evil wizard didn’t mind. This is also true if it is a flame rose. Smith’s car is getting closer and closer, and will soon approach the pistol’s range. The cars of the three of them are not bulletproof. If a bullet is drilled from the back of the seat, it is really dead.

Jiang Yan brought all the equipment in the armored car, and accidentally got it right.

The evil wizard summoned his courage, broke the roof of the car, stood beside Anna, and raised his submachine gun. The range of the police submachine gun is very close, Smith’s car is still 100 meters away, and the evil wizard does not dare to shoot indiscriminately. Jiang Yan told him not to save bullets, at least it must be within the range before it is wasted.

He wasn’t sure that he could help Anna, just swept the corner of his eyes. Anna saw Smith’s car approaching, and the Hydrogen Particle Cannon switched to the second form. The silver light in her left eye floated, and a dazzling white light was sprayed from the muzzle. The Hydrogen Particle flow went straight to Smith’s driving seat.

I don’t believe it, so you can escape!

Smith’s license plate suddenly exploded with silver brilliance, and the emerged Bible verse was instantly submerged by the stream of hydrogen particles. The click sound exploded, and a metal license plate flew up to the sky, and the figure above appeared-IS5416.

Smith braked suddenly. The car made a harsh noise on the slippery ground. After a long glide, it stopped completely.

咣 ……

The silver-gray license plate landed on the ground and bounced twice, making a dull metallic sound. It seemed that it was not a thin license plate, but a huge iron shield.

Smith’s replica walked off from the co-pilot’s position and stooped down to pick up the license plate. The white light on the license plate has faded away, shrouded in a dark breath, and the tentacles are cold.

Smith was behind the steering wheel, staring at the distant car, and honked his horn. The trumpet sound was extremely harsh, as if Anna’s shot angered Smith’s car. On the wet ground, white water vapor appeared, spreading out under Smith’s car, quickly covering everything on the road.

Anna has been staring at the farther and farther Smith, the water is rising, she has a pain in her eyes, and then she saw a strange scene. The body of Smith turned into millions of silver symbols in the water vapor, constantly changing and combining.

Anna’s heart sinks, Smith is evolving! The distance between the two sides is not too far. You know, Anna ’s visual ability is no more than 5 kilometers.

Smith was also looking at Anna. In his eyes, the straight road turned into a corridor made of green symbols. It was the earth, the sky, the wind, the plants …

At the end of the green corridor, the car is also made up of countless green symbols.

This is the truth of the world. Smith’s feet slammed on the accelerator. The replica beside him was not seated yet. The car door closed violently with a loud bang. White water vapor, wrapped in Smith’s car, chased in the direction of Jiang Yan’s escape. A distance of a few kilometers is not a problem for Smith at all.

Anna watched Smith chase and secretly calculated how many bullets she had left. There are also 200 universal bullets and 1,220 12.7㎜ bullets. Energy magazine, only 7 attacks left.

It is impossible for the Hydrogen Particle Cannon to persist for 29 days, not counting the ammunition taken from the armored car, unless Jiang Yan went to rob the arsenal. The first form of the Hydrogen Particle Cannon is very difficult to kill Smith. The M500 is powerful, but only 14 bullets remain.

Doctor’s dagger attack is indeed strong, but Smith’s melee melee ability is far more than two people, and the number of replicas is too terrible. There is no chance of relying on melee.

Can evil wizards lean on it? If there is only one day left, it can.

Pale water vapor is getting closer and closer, constantly changing shape, horse, giant wolf, cheetah, tiger …

Among the steam, it is Smith’s car.

“I can’t see it!” The evil wizard concentrated, and it was difficult to see where the car was in the water vapor. He yelled, and his heart was slightly panicked.

Smith’s abilities have exceeded the plot he knew.

“Follow me and shoot. After four empty magazines, you go back to rest.” Anna’s voice was cold and she had pulled the trigger. Among the bullets of the Hydrogen Particle Cannon, there are some tracer bombs, which can clearly mark the position to attack in the night.

The evil wizard simply followed Anna’s crazy fire, and the distance between the two sides was close to 50 meters, and the submachine gun and the pistol could be deadly.

Bang! boom……

In the white water vapor, Smith’s replica was also shot. Anna easily moved her body. Before the bullets were fired from the gun barrel, Anna had already judged the attack route.

The evil wizard snorted, and a bullet flew past his ears, knocking off his left ear.

Even so, the evil wizard did not retract. He replaced the new magazine, followed the tracer’s trajectory, and pulled the trigger to the end.

White water vapor can’t block Anna’s sight. In the digital lens, Smith’s expression is clear and recognizable. Anna’s attack, after tearing the water vapor off, turned out to be a bit off. It’s just that the Hydrogen Particle Cannon itself has some peculiarities. It is blocked by water vapor, and its power has not dropped, but it has turned over the roof of the Smith car.

Smith’s steering wheel was violently spinning, and the car ran out of a snake-like movement in the water vapor, just like a fighter. The four tires made a sharp, rasping friction. The speed of the car did not decrease, and the water vapor near the ground exploded, forming a scene like a huge wave.

Smith is almost integrated with this car, and can drive the car to avoid the bullets.

Bang Bang …

Anna persevered and finally hit a bullet again, hitting Smith’s car tire again. In Smith’s hand, the silver symbol poured down, repairing the broken tire directly, and this time, his car just wobbled slightly without slowing down.

The evil wizard’s submachine gun has no head, but attacks based on Anna’s tracer traces. Two bullets just hit the shoulder of a replica of Smith, bloody.

In the wound, a silver symbol flew out, quickly repairing the body of the replica.

The evil wizard reluctantly returned to his seat. Two submachine guns and four magazines were empty. He did not know if he had hit the enemy. If it is not too much mental energy, at this distance, he is sure to stop Smith’s car.

Hateful, if it is not for the doctor to destroy his team, his team skills are at least two times stronger than now, and his mental strength will also increase three times. If it were not for a substantial drop in strength, he would not have come to the other party to cooperate so early.

Jiang Yan gave the evil wizard a treatment to stop the blood on his ears. The evil wizard calmed down, and all the killings in his heart were sent into the summoning space to let the puppet bear.

Anna also slowed down the attack speed, but changed the rhythm and shot, making Smith’s avoidance more difficult.

Unfortunately, the unnamed soul of the gold weapon cannot be used, otherwise, if …

Smith’s eyes stared coldly at the car that Jiang Yan was driving. The three people in this car had very strange bodies. If they swallowed it, they would gain more freedom and more ability ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ silver in his eyes The symbol of the is constantly changing. Among the strange patterns, there is greed, envy, and deep jealousy. He has determined that the first three people are by no means human. In other words, it is not a normal human being. It seems that these three people are the ultimate goal of their own evolution.

Semi-data body, with flesh and blood.

What makes him jealous is that the other party clearly has a strong life form, but his strength is poor. Why does such a humble existence have such a perfect body!

Must … eat them!

In the body of Smith, the silver symbol raged, and the roar of his car’s engine resembled a roar of a dragon, which spread out for dozens of miles in the night.

Anna shook her head irritably, and the evil wizard looked nervous. Only Jiang Yan was unmoved.

“Anna, fire suppression.” Jiang Yan ordered suddenly.

Anna didn’t ask why, just released the skills of digital lens, paid 1 point of mental strength, and obtained 360 ° angle of view for 120 seconds. At the same time, she also specifically attacked Smith’s replica, making it impossible for the replica to attack Jiang Yan’s car with a pistol.

2 kilometers away, a huge tank truck approached, Anna saw the tank truck and knew what to do.

She took out the A2 combat shotgun again and threw it to the evil wizard, saying: “Help me suppress the fire, otherwise … we are going to die here.”

If the tank truck explodes, the highway will definitely be blocked. No one can run Smith by running on two legs.

Seeing Anna so nervous, the evil wizard had to stand up again, armed with an A2 combat shotgun, and followed Anna to shoot wildly.

Smith also saw a large tanker truck coming from a distance in the white water vapor.

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