Furious Combo

Chapter 37 - :Cooperation?

Jiang Yan spit in Smith’s hand, and Smith was stiff. At this moment, it was like thousands of caterpillars burrowing into the core of his program along the pores of his program, wriggling non-stop and vomiting disgusting mucus.

Leaving on the side of dying Anna suddenly jumped up and hit Smith’s back with a punch. Her fist, with a raised ganglion, just hit the indentation in Smith’s spine. Smith was numb and Anna had taken out the M500.

When Jiang Yan switched weapons, he had returned the gun to Anna.

M500 hits Smith on the back of his head, with a sudden shot. Smith’s head was lifted entirely and flew out in half. Anna’s hand also changed the A2 combat shotgun and swept up to the copy of Agent Jiang Yan.

At such a short distance, the shotgun cannot shoot into the air. Jiang Yan was light, and she already had an extra A2 in her hand.

The cooperation between him and Anna is purely instinctive without any practice. A2 flew out the two most recent Smith replicas. Jiang Yan did not flee to the outside, but came to Anna next step, and Anna and back to back, each took out two large pistols and shot them.

Jiang Yan’s pistols have little lethality, but most of the time they can hit the knockback effect. Smith’s replica is far less powerful than his body. Jiang Yan and Anna rushed down the stairs and came to an armored car.

Jiang Jiang threw the hydrogen particle cannon to Anna and blocked it in front of Anna, saying: “Load a bullet, the energy crystal has 8 guns.”

Anna quickly filled the bullets, and in the police station, more copies of Smith rushed out. Jiang Yan took the pain to pick up his index finger and healed himself. If it weren’t for the little devil’s weird training, he could not shoot with his ring finger.

Anna only filled more than 40 bullets, and Smith’s replica has already approached. Jiang Yan’s large pistol can only be wounded and repulsed, but he cannot kill this powerful copy of the agent. Most bullets were evaded by agent replicas. If it weren’t for Smith’s body to be killed, these replicas’ actions were a bit delayed, and Jiang Yan had been surrounded again.

“It really surprised me.” The face of a replica suddenly had an expression. Jiang Yan knew that this was the resurrected Smith body. His two pistols fired wildly, 30 rounds of magazines were empty, and two new pistols were immediately replaced. It was just that Smith’s body waved, and nearly a hundred replicas rushed insanely. The foremost replica, with Jiang Yan’s bullet, plopped on Jiang Yan and knocked Jiang Yan down.

Anna had no choice but to stop filling bullets. But when she looked up, she saw that more than a hundred copies of Smith came out of the police station.


A steady stream of agents rushed up, and Anna’s hydrogen particle gun couldn’t care about filling the bullets and had to fire. She also knew that her and Jiang Yan’s melee abilities were far inferior to these agents. If the two sides are engaged in a gun battle, Jiang Yan may escape. The most feared thing is this human-filled tactic, and he and Jiang Yan will run out of bullets sooner or later.

Anna wanted to persuade Jiang Yan to leave. After she broke off, she couldn’t speak anyway. Jiang Yan paid such a big price to make himself alive, and he could no longer have the idea of ​​suicide.

The clouds in the sky suddenly lighted up, and a cloud covering hundreds of miles above the head became red. The raindrops falling from the cloud burned, submerging both Agent and Jiang Yan.

This attack came without warning, Jiang Yan’s heart tightened, evil wizard!

The locked door of the armored car was suddenly pushed open, and a voice came out: “Get on the car.”

Jiang Yan stepped onto the armored vehicle in one step. Anna was entangled by two agents at this time. Jiang Yan turned back two shots, repelled the agent, and pulled Anna into the car.

Is another three agents follow suit, rushed into the armored car, Anna easily removed Jiang Yan’s scarf, wrapped around his fist. A one-meter-high figure suddenly jumped out and hugged an agent, biting down with his mouth open. Its mouth grinned, forming a huge obtuse angle, biting the agent’s head entirely.

Anna punched another agent into a paralyzed state, and then shot his head with a shot. Jiang Yan’s tiger tooth saber was also drawn from the third agent’s neck. His knife directly cut off the agent’s cervical spine.

The **** atmosphere in the car suddenly became stronger, and Anna grabbed the collar of the evil wizard. The evil wizard smiled and left the driver’s seat, saying: “You come.”

The armored vehicle shook violently. This kind of police armored vehicle is not very heavy. The number of Smith replicas outside is more than one hundred. Even if the door is not torn, the car can be lifted forcibly. What’s more, there is a hole in the roof of the car, which is the position of the machine gunner.

The engine of the wheeled armored vehicle roared and rushed out. The evil wizard and the puppet fell, and the puppet did n’t mind, and continued to gnaw at the body of the agent whose head had been bitten off. The body of the agent had changed and became a normal policeman ’s costume.

The evil wizard stared angrily in his eyes. He desperately came to rescue Jiang Yan and the two of them. He didn’t know how many people were left in this temporary team. If the Japanese who died on the order died and Jiang Yan died on the other side, he would be wiped out by space.

Even if there is hatred between the two sides, he can’t sit still and watch Jiang Yan killed.

The only thing he worried about was that Jiang Yan turned over and killed him. After all, judging from the situation of the other party, this man and a woman do not care about the consumption of survival points.

The evil wizard did not think of dying with Jiang Yan, otherwise, he would be desperate earlier, instead of watching the **** Spartan die, he escaped himself.

Jiang Yan was also a little troubled. He killed two teammates of the evil wizard himself. This hatred may be as deep as the sea, or it may only be an ordinary encounter. He didn’t know the interpersonal relationship in the **** Spartan team. In case the evil wizard is close to him, he is desperate to fight with himself.

Don’t say hurt yourself, if the evil wizard kills Anna, he doesn’t know what to do. The **** task must be completed by teammates at the same time, otherwise, it will be wiped out by space.

Perhaps the infinite space is to encourage everyone to cooperate with each other and cultivate team awareness, but the reality is always far from the desire. Where does trust come from among strangers.

Anna didn’t want to involve herself, and when she shot herself directly, he believed Anna. This evil wizard just responded, Jiang Yan dared not put his life in his hands.

The police armored vehicle of the Matrix world, I do n’t know what model it is, six sets of wheels, a triangular metal collision angle in front, and the windows in the front driving position are metal shutters. This thing is nothing like four, but the performance is undoubted. Anna instantly increased her speed to more than 30 kilometers and rushed up the stairs.

The armored car roared, flying over a dozen copies of Smith. The gate of the police station has been completely destroyed by bullets, and even if it is still there, it cannot withstand the collision angle of the armored vehicle.

Anna drove into the armored car arrogantly, rammed in a wide corridor, even turned a corner, and collapsed a corner of the wall, throwing the Smith replica hanging on the car to half, and then rushed out of the back door.

Armored vehicles, there are six copies of Smith, scrambling to get in from the machine gunner position above. Jiang Yan took Anna’s Hydrogen Particle Cannon, filled the bullet with one hand, and bombarded the other with a large pistol. The gunshots in the car were deafening, and the evil wizard had to cover his ears with his fingers.

Jiang Yan pointed to the equipment scattered in the armored vehicles, which had bulletproof helmets, and also had sound insulation function.

The evil wizard shook his head, chose a pair of earplugs, and plugged his earplugs. Jiang Yansai gave him two pistols to help him defend against the roof entrance. Jiang Yan started to fill the bullet quickly.

Smith is more powerful than the other two agents, and can be resurrected from the replica immediately after being killed. Does it really depend on the savior to survive? But Neo hadn’t awakened yet, even Murphy was watching him.

Another way is to leave the matrix space, but if you don’t know if you leave, you will be recognized by the space. Survive for 30 days in the world of the Matrix, beyond the matrix, do you count?

The puppet quickly devoured a policeman’s body. It glanced at the evil wizard. The evil wizard nodded, and the puppet crawled over to the body of another policeman. It crawled very carefully, for fear of encountering Jiang Yan. In Jiang Yan’s body, there is its fear.

The six Smith replicas on the armored vehicle were shot by the evil wizard’s bullets, and the UU reading www.uukakanshu.com fell one by one under the vehicle. After rolling on the ground for a few laps, they climbed up and tried to catch up.

The power of the homemade pistol is not enough to kill the replica of Smith.

Jiang Yan finished filling the hydrogen particle cannon, returned the gun to Anna, and then refilled the M500 bullet. The M500 has only 5 rounds of bullet capacity, but it is powerful and can kill matrix agents at close range. After filling the M500, Jiang Yan filled the bullets of the A2 combat shotgun.

“Doctor …” The evil wizard called, and the two men fought. Check the battle records, and you can know the other party’s contractor code. He cried a little, not knowing if Jiang Yan had broken the witchcraft, leaving a shadow in his heart.

Jiang Yan said while filling the bullets: “Wizard, don’t worry, I won’t kill you, at least this world won’t. You just did me a favor and I will give you a chance. But you have to do something with me thing.”

“whats the matter?”

“I can only believe you by killing the Japanese who acted alone.” Jiang Yan’s tone was unquestionable.

The puppet at the foot of the evil wizard suddenly raised his head and secretly glanced at Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan frowned, and the evil wizard stepped the puppet’s head on the ground with one foot and crushed it hard.

“There are only 4 people left on this mission. If the Japanese is dead, I can be sure that you have to rely on us to survive. As for the next meeting, maybe you will die, but I need you now, and you need us more, Do n’t make the situation difficult to control, otherwise, I would rather waste a chance of resurrection, and kill you little monster, of course, including you. ”

Jiang Yanping said plainly that the three A2 bullets had been filled, and I finally felt a little emboldened.

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