Furious Combo

Chapter 33 - : Team, real name

For a team, trust is not enough. The most important thing for a team is ability. Jiang Yan must have combat power and control. In order to control his team with his doctor career.

Suddenly, Anna and Jiang Yan stopped talking. The two stood under the bridge, and the rain continued to cover up the footsteps until the footsteps approached, less than ten meters away from the two.

Unexpectedly, Matrix agents chased after him in a spirit.

Jiang Yan drew the knife, Anna raised the gun, and each turned around. The two agents suddenly burst out at an alarming speed, and in the blink of an eye, they reached the eyes of the two.

The distance of ten meters was too short for the agent. Jiang Yan felt that his wrist was kicked by Brown with a crisp sound of breaking. The gun head of Longinus’s gun flew out, Jiang Yan’s M500 had not pulled the trigger, the whole person had been kicked on the bridge post, and slowly slid down.

M500 released, Jiang Yan’s mouth spewed blood, and saw a strange scene in his eyes.

Agent Jones’ body suddenly rushed into Anna’s body. The two of them coincided, and Anna’s eyes showed terror, slowly raising the hydrogen particle cannon in her hand, and the muzzle turned to Jiang Yan.

Every 1 cm of her muzzle movement, the green tendons on her head must beat for more than ten times. When the muzzle almost lifted up, suddenly Anna’s eyes shed red blood and stopped moving.

Jiang Yan added a price to his life. He just got rid of his loss of control. Brown had come to him and punched him in the stomach.

Anna’s nose, blood spewed out violently, and her muzzle gradually lifted up again, aiming at Jiang Yan. Brown turned sideways and strangled Jiang Yan’s neck with his own arms. The great strength prevented Jiang Yan from resisting.

The skills on the Suzaku coat of arms have been used, and he does not know how to get rid of Brown’s control. In terms of strength, he is too far away from the other party.

Brown’s face, a smile appeared. This smile is very strange. Matrix agents have always been cold. They are originally programs and do not need to laugh.

He said softly in Jiang Yan ’s ear: “It seems that your friend has a very strong will and will not kill you. But it does n’t matter. She will be ours. “

Anna approached step by step, the hydrogen particle gun trembled, and moved to Jiang Yan’s forehead. Her turquoise eyes have turned blood red, and the silver symbol in her body is like a storm, destroying her semi-data body.

Jiang Yan was still calm, he even sneered and said, “You two, don’t you fear that Smith knows?”

Brown, who strangled Jiang Yan’s neck, shook obviously. Then, strangling Jiang Yan’s neck again and again, Jiang Yan’s breath could no longer be adjusted, and he lost his ability to speak.

“It seems that you know a lot of things, but Smith also wants to do the same thing. If we do it, he will only be obedient.” Brown said to send Jiang Yan’s body forward, Jiang Yan’s forehead collided with the muzzle of the Hydrogen Particle Cannon.

“Kill him, what are you still struggling with?” Jones’ voice came out of Anna’s body.

“You filthy things smell bad, but you have to pretend to be noble, pure, and friendship … you are just a bunch of maggots, living in a dung pit, without knowing the taste of fermentation. Let me see See, what are you doing for the sake of refusing to shoot! “

Anna suddenly screamed, her voice still pierced the night in the thunder. Jones wants to peep into her soul, that is her pure land, not to be contaminated.

Jones laughed wildly, his voice separated from Anna’s body, like the drum sound of the primitive era, low and wild.

“Ha ha ha ha, hate betrayal? Because of this, you will not kill him? Stupid and lowly life, you can never evolve to …”

Anna’s eyes suddenly flashed a silvery gray light. Jiang Yan only noticed at this time that when he was communicating with the space or viewing the property panel, there was a hint of white light, and Anna’s light seemed to be different from other contractors.

Jones’ voice suddenly stopped, and Jiang Yan saw a trace of determination in Anna’s eyes. She turned the muzzle while pulling the trigger. The 12.7㎜ bullet of the Hydrogen Particle Cannon was poured into herself frantically.

Anna’s windbreaker, red silk skirt, and her white body were torn apart in the rain of the hydrogen particle cannon, and the whole person was beaten in two pieces. Jiang Yan almost unconsciously released a healing technique, and that Brown was already in a logical confusion.

This is not within the scope of his procedure and cannot be understood.

Jiang Yan’s life is valuable, only to stop Anna’s blood. He couldn’t check the property panel at this time. In his left hand, a dark dagger appeared, and his backhand penetrated Brown’s heart.

Tiger tooth saber backhand three consecutive stabbing, finally in the third attack, hit crit damage.

Brown’s body, there appeared three tearing wounds, and silver symbols flew out of the wounds. This strange scene scared Brown himself.

This is a sign that he wants to disintegrate. He is a program. It stands to reason that in this world, it will exist forever unless the matrix wants him to die. However, Jiang Yan’s attack severely damaged his program, and even generated a logical storm in his body, tearing apart to form his most important logical relationship.

When Jiang Yan’s fourth knife pierced into Brown’s body, Brown screamed, his body exploded, and countless silver symbols slammed into the darkness. In this explosion, thousands of silver symbols passed through Jiang Yan’s body, making Jiang Yan feel very weak, his legs softened, and he knelt on the ground.

His life is slowly passing by. The data that makes up the matrix agent is also destroying his body. But Jiang Yan didn’t realize it, Anna’s body fell in front of him.

Fresh blood is not sprayed outward, and the contractor ’s semi-data body is composed of flesh and blood, which is far smarter than the matrix agent. But even so, Anna was unable to survive because she was interrupted.

She is not dead yet, she can even raise her head and look at Jiang Yan.

Anna’s green eyes, there is no pain and sorrow, some are just a hint of relief.

“Doctor, I don’t owe you anymore, right?” Anna’s voice was too soft, just in Jiang Yan’s ear, like a thunderstorm in a rainstorm, leaving his brain blank. Anna’s head hung down slowly, her forehead knocked on the ground and made a slight impact.

After a brief absence, Jiang Yan hurriedly checked her property panel.

Matrix Agent Brown was killed by him for the second time. Jiang Yan obtained 6000 survival points this time, as well as 5 gold attribute points, 50 common attribute points, and 2 data lens fragments.

Space reminder gives Jiang Yan a little peace of mind. Agent Brown is continuously killed by the same person. It will take at least 48 hours to be resurrected.

He took off his coat, found a fairly dry floor under the bridge, paved Anna’s two bodies, and tried to stitch them together.

Anna does not bleed, but the internal organs have been smashed, and the spine has been broken into two. This kind of injury, I do n’t know how many survival points it takes to repair.

Even if all his survival points were transferred to Anna, it was not enough. Jiang Yan understood this, and his expression was numb. He held Anna’s face and sat on the ground, not knowing where to go.

Did you leave Anna’s body? She is not dead yet. Waiting for her death here? Jiang Yan’s tears dropped, hitting Anna’s cheek.

His tears were not because of Anna, but he remembered his inability to face the death of his sister.

Anna has been with him for less than a day, all he brings is appreciation, and the shock of his death.

Doctor, I do n’t owe you anymore, right?

This is Anna’s last words, no sorrow, no fear, even regret, are deeply hidden by Anna. There was a smile on her face.

“Anna, don’t die.” Jiang Yan said, opened her contractor panel, and chose to hide the Suzaku coat of arms on the equipment position.

“Build a team.” Jiang Yan’s soul blood trembles and communicates with the space.

Contractor Jiang Yan, please name your team.

Space sounds indifferent, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is like this world.

“Team of Suzaku.” Jiang Yan answered quickly, not wanting to waste too much time, even if Anna did not die, she would not have much life.

Contractor Jiang Yan, Suzaku team is established, you automatically become Suzaku team captain, with the first sequence of permissions, please check for specific permissions …

Jiang Jiang simply skipped this paragraph and directly selected the invitation.

You invited the contractor Anna (codename) to join the Suzaku team …

The invitation failed. The Suzaku team is a special team. If you invite a member to join, you need the real name of the member.

The white light disappeared in Jiang Yan’s eyes. He took out a bottle of pearl milk tea and poured it into Anna forcibly. There was a hint of blood on Anna’s face.

“Anna, what is your real name, I want to know your name!” Jiang Yan lowered her voice, but more like roaring.

“The name … simple.”

“I invite you to join the team, you quickly choose to accept, I will give you surgery!” Jiang Yan operated on both sides, until he saw Anna’s eyes flashing silver-gray light, which slightly relieved.

I hope that the Suzaku coat of arms will not let me down, and I must save Anna.

Contractor Jiang Yan, Suzaku team established successfully. 2 personnel, less than the lower limit of the Suzaku team.

Suzaku team skills are not activated, team attributes are not activated …

Suzaku’s coat of arms? By-products …… Has been formed, equipped with simple concealed equipment for contractors①.

Contractor Jiang Yan, you can trade with your teammates through the team crest. You can……

Jiang Jiang kept his survival point at 100 points regardless of March 7, July 21, and the rest was transferred to Anna ’s Suzaku coat of arms? Then he took out his surgery bag, ripped Anna’s clothes, and began to operate on Anna.

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