Furious Combo

Chapter 30 - : Withering

Jiang Yan took out the key that fell from the **** Sparta and directly opened it. Under the gaze of Anna’s curious eyes, Jiang Yan took out a small triangular banner.

☆ Spartan Battle Banner ☆ 【Special】

Space Tip: You killed the captain of the **** Spartan team and won the team’s flag. The **** Spartan team was disbanded, leaving 1 player remaining, code-named evil wizard. When you kill the evil wizard, you will gain the power of the battle flag. You have obtained 24 gold attribute points stored in the Bloody Spartan Battle Banner, which can be assigned freely. This attribute point is not a task reward, and will not receive the task reward bonus of the level 2 temporary team.

24 gold attribute points!

Jiangyan felt that the adventure was just worth it!

It is a pity that the power of the Spartan Battle Banner needs to be beheaded by the evil wizard. The evil wizard ran up, but it was quite fast, and he was a magic-like professional in the control department. It was too difficult to catch him.

There is no such thing as a weak magician in this world. Just like Doctor Jiang Yan, he is also very good at melee. A magic warrior wearing gold armor was stabbed to death.

Magic professionals are good at long-range attacks, but they are not as good at melee as doctors. They must run very fast, and Anna can’t aim at long distances. How can he be able to kill evil wizards?

“Doctor?” Anna couldn’t see the attributes of the battle flag, looked at Jiang Yan’s strange look, and asked aloud.

“It is a piece of equipment that cannot be used. It is necessary to kill the evil wizard to see the specific attributes.” Jiang Yan finished, looking at Anna a little disappointed. He knows that Anna is eager to improve her strength. Although the Unknown Soul is a golden weapon, it is also suitable for Anna, but it must be equipped with at least advanced D level.

“Look at this, it’s also a **** Sparta drop.” Jiang Yan took out the flat metal box, Anna picked it up, looked at the gap in the metal box, and gently stroked it with her nails. opened.

In the metal box, there is a red velvet lining, and a dry petal lay alone in the box.

Red rose petals are like a flame that is about to go out.

Jiang Yan and Anna were silent. This thing has no attributes at all, nor is it contractor equipment. This is just an item collected by Bloody Sparta. The meaning of this item was clear to him and Anna when Bloody Sparta died.

That is the emotion that **** Sparta tried to keep, the rarest thing in the infinite space.

This withered petal is so dazzling that Jiang Yan’s emotions are still calming down in excitement. Will one day, he have powerful power, and will also cherish his feelings in a box, not to be seen by anyone. Until one day, he died in the mission world, this box will not be opened by irrelevant people.


Jiang Yan gently covered the metal box and put it in Anna’s hands. “gave it to you.”

What Anna was trying to say, Jiang Yan had raised the infrared telescope and looked north. Above the park, the clouds were light and windy, and the moonlight could leak, illuminating the top of the rock. In the distance, thick clouds rolled, and under the dark clouds, an old Cadillac car rushed insanely.

Jiangyan felt the wind around him suddenly cooled down, carrying heavy moisture, and rushed face to face.

In a flash of thunder and lightning, Jiang Yan saw clearly the appearance of the man driving the Cadillac sedan. He handed the infrared telescope to Anna, took out the M500 and another large pistol, checked the bullet, and said, “It’s going to rain, I’m afraid I can’t stay in this place.”

Anna took a look at the telescope, then put it down, took out the bullet from the contractor’s space, and pressed it quickly into the magazine of the hydrogen particle cannon. She regretted not doing it immediately when the battle was over.

The driver is Trinity. The girlfriend of the sixth generation savior, a very important plot character. What Jiang Yan and Anna did not expect is that in this world, Trinity’s appearance is very similar to the actors in the movie, just like a person.

Anna once proposed to go to the plot mission for help. This proposal was rejected by Jiang Yan.

The little devil’s warning, Jiang Yan never dared to ignore it.

But the characters in the plot are approaching the two. Jiang Yan and Anna are both inexplicably nervous, or a bad hunch.

“What should I do?” Anna looked at Jiang Yan, the rain fell, and the concave ground would soon be filled with water.

“Wait.” Jiang Yan answered two words. At this time, in the car chasing behind the Cadillac car, a dark red flame lit up. This flame accurately hit the tail of the Cadillac car. Then the Cadillac car was suddenly blown up, rolling forward in the air, and fell heavily. On the ground, gliding on the ground, wipe out a long line of Mars.

There was no one in Cadillac. The heavy rain looked like it turned into a torrential rain. It swept over and stirred up the haze on the earth, and then it was pressed down by the rain again. Only the rain that was grounded all day left, blurred the sight.

By the time the electric lights crossed, Trinity’s figure was close to the park. Running in the dark while changing the magazine for her pistol, the black leather jacket on her body reflected a slight chill in the rain wash, like armor.

Don’t come, don’t come …

Jiang Yan prayed silently in his heart. If you are now an A-level contractor, you will definitely not mind knowing Trinity. But now I am just an EE-level contractor, with the plot characters, it is lucky not to die too fast.

But fortunately, it seemed that Jiang Yan ran out of **** Sparta, Trinity almost turned, and went straight to the rock where Jiang Yan and Anna were hiding.

A barbed wire appeared in front of her. Trinity was running, his feet kicked hard, the whole person flew into the air, his body was in heavy rain, like a fish flying out of the sea, a beautiful arc was drawn, jumped over the barbed wire, and rolled in place To re-enter the running state.

The height of this jump is more than 4 meters. Jiang Yan asked him if he couldn’t do it, and his training result could only jump more than 2 meters high. For ordinary people, this is already quite high, which means that you can jump over a person’s head and attack downwards.

The car chasing Trinity stopped behind the barbed wire. Three guys in suits and sunglasses walked off the car.

During nights when the rain is pouring, you still have to wear sunglasses, I am afraid that only the Matrix agent.

Jiang Yan is considering whether to help Trinity. It was only a brief hesitation that his eyes collided with the headed Matrix agent.

Damn, how can such an environment be discovered!

Jiang Yan chose to hide in the park. Firstly, because his passport was invalid and the credit card could not be used anymore, he could only sleep. The second reason is that there is no public telephone in this park.

In the movie plot, when the plot mission wants to escape, it will use the telephone line. As long as the people on the Nebuchadnezzar pick up the ringing phone, they can let the digitized body escape from the phone line, and even the matrix agents are helpless.

The environment like a park was not a place where the characters in the plot escaped. Jiang Yan’s idea can’t be wrong, it’s just that things like fate are used to fool people.

The stagnant water gradually deepened, and the heavy rain washed the huge rock. Jiang Yan and Anna slowly stood up, and hiding was meaningless.

“Prepare to attack.” Jiang Yan gave the order. This time, even if it was wrong, he could only do so. escape? Just kidding, Trinity is faster than herself, and she hasn’t gotten rid of the agent. The best way to escape the pursuit of Matrix agents is to use an attack to stop the agents’ actions.

Three agents came to the barbed wire and jumped up at the same time. The height of this jump easily exceeded the top of the barbed wire. Anna’s Hydrogen Particle Cannon fired at almost the same time. The agent’s body in the middle twisted in midair, but did not avoid Anna’s shooting. The powerful impact force flew the Matrix agent back.

The two agents let by Anna landed heavily on the ground, the muddy water splashed, and the two people sank, holding their hands to the ground ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and looked up at the rock.

Anna’s mouth was pursed, although the eyes of the two Matrix agents were still like needlepoints through the lens of the sunglasses, stabbing her face, which made her very annoying.

Anna ’s second shot was shot without hesitation. This time, the attacked agent flashed a phantom in the rain. Anna ’s bullet flew past his ribs and shot into the ground. .

Jiang Yan’s gun also sounded at the same time. The problem with M500 is that there were too few bullets. If the distance is close enough, it is a fierce weapon. I am afraid that the distance is still close to 50 meters. Jiang Yan’s strength is not small, there is a correction for sports shooting, but this shot is still missed.


The bullet of M500 hit another agent’s head. The blood, brain plasma and fragmented bones exploded. The agent turned over and fell, his body was still twisting, but he couldn’t stand up.

An agent was shot, Trinity immediately turned around, holding a gun in both hands, and aimed at another agent.

Jiang Yan was also stunned. His sports shooting failed, causing the bullet to deviate far from the target.

Puff puff……

Anna ’s Hydrogen Particle Cannon fired, not the agent rushing to Trinity, but the agent that fell back to the other side of the barbed wire. The agent knew that he had heavy firepower aiming at him, and no longer jumped, but grasped the barbed wire with both hands and pulled it hard, and the barbed wire was pulled out of a gap of more than half a meter by him.

When Anna shot, the Matrix agent had already passed through the barbed wire, he passed through Anna’s bullet rain, ran, and his body had formed an acute angle with the ground. Behind him, a muddy long dragon appeared on the muddy ground.

This matrix agent, the target is Jiang Yan and Anna on the rock!

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