Furious Combo

Chapter 18 - : Bloody Sparta

The woman’s figure is not as exaggerated as roses, but full of temptation. In the gray short trench coat, it is a silk suspender skirt, wearing calfskin boots at the feet. She held her legs together and leaned against the bed. On her left hand was the crooked head.

This scene has a kind of unspeakable stimulation and temptation.

Beautiful young women and death are things that make men crazy. The woman at the foot of the bed moved her body slightly so that she was slightly away from the head.

Jiang Jiang has decided to watch her move her body. If possible, cooperate with her. The way she moved her body was somewhat similar to that of the little devil. Only people with excellent power control would move silently on the ground in such a trace.

If she was scared and stupid before she screamed, this woman could not make such delicate movements. And by adjusting her body, she can bounce and attack at any time.

“Sorcerer, don’t worry about it.” The man with muscles suddenly opened his mouth, the wizard’s eyes jumped, and then he lowered his eyelids.

Jiang Yan thought, not knowing how these three people plan to deal with these newcomers. As long as it is not a direct hands-on, otherwise, it is impossible to defeat three.

And he would not have a helper, only then the man shot and killed, everyone saw the consequences, he died strangely himself. Without understanding the reason, no one will attack each other again.

Two of the 12 people died, and four of them also woke up one by one, seeing the horror in the room, and yelling again. Jiang Yan knew that these four people would not live long.

The scene was quickly controlled by the gun in Rose ’s hand, and she only slowly said at this time: “Have you received the space reminder? There are still 10 minutes, we are about to enter this **** mission world. I hope you join me Team, so that everyone can take care of each other. If you say it straightforward, we will protect your safety. “

Jiang Yan did not know the strength of this rose, but when she lied, she was very sincere, as if she really wanted to protect the safety of these newcomers and let everyone live.

The older the contractor, the less trustworthy he is. Jiang Yan thought deeply of what the little devil had said.

The woman at the foot of the bed slowly supported the bed and stood up, saying, “I don’t know who you are and I don’t want to be with you.”

Jiang Yan was immediately nervous. The Japanese man like a cheetah didn’t make a head bird at all. How could this woman, whom he favored, be so mentally handicapped, at this time challenge the prestige of the other party. Even if you don’t trust the other party, wait until the task begins.

“Who are we? I am the flaming rose of the **** Spartan team, this is the evil wizard, the man who looks great, is our captain, our team is named after him. Now you know Who are we, or do n’t want to be with us, do we?

Flame Rose? Jiang Yan saw that there was a rose embroidered in dark blue silk on the chest of the woman in leather. The rose flower was growing in a flame, and it was embroidered very vividly, as if the flower was still struggling with the flames.

When she asked if it was, the gun in her hand was already aimed at the eyebrow of the woman in the short trench coat.

“Besides her, who would refuse to act with us?”

“I.” Jiang Yan got up from the bed and took a step forward, but only standing behind the body of the woman wearing a short gray trench coat, she seemed very afraid of the woman’s pistol.

“Oh? Who else?” Flame Rose looked at the remaining five people.

The last four people who woke up shrank, and said one after another: “I follow you!”

“I follow you too!”

The cheetah-like Japanese man finally spoke, his voice thick and magnetic.

“I’m not going to follow you. If you want to shoot, try it.” His hand was pulled out of his pocket, and he had an extra knife in his hand.

The evil wizard laughed again. He raised his eyelids and looked at the flame rose: “How about, I said you can’t suppress the scene. Should I kill them for you?”

The strong man who hadn’t spoken by the window suddenly said: “Let them go and give them weapons.”

If it is not the first time to wake up and hear that this man ruthlessly decides the life and death of everyone, Jiang Yan will surely think that this is a man with good intentions and a friend worth making.

Fortunately, he was brainwashed by the little devil, and he was the first one to wake up. He already knew the attitude of these three people to everyone and the final decision.

“Captain, you always have a soft heart, hey …” The flaming rose put away his pistol, looking helpless. She drew three short knives from her boots and turned them around, the knife handles against Jiang Yan and three others.

Jiang Yan was the first to pick up the knife. The woman wearing a short trench coat and the Japanese man also took over the weapon.

Flame Rose smiled: “It’s very sharp, but don’t cut your hand.”

Jiang Yan holds the knife in his hand, so does the Japanese man. The woman wearing a short trench coat takes a silk scarf from the trench coat, wraps it around the knife a few times, and then inserts the knife into the pocket of the short trench coat.

She was very skilled in winding the blade. Jiang Yan saw that her fingers were white and delicate, her nails were not long, and she was painted light red. Just looking at this pair of hands, I thought she was a delicate little woman.

“Where are we?” A fat man asked among the four people who chose to be with the **** Spartan team. They saw that Jiang Yan and others had obtained sharp short knives, and they were not reconciled.

“You can get a gun, only after entering the mission world.” Flame Rose explained patiently, as to what they could get, only Jiang Yan knew.

Contractor Jiang Yan, you will enter the mission world, the Matrix in 1 minute. Please check the equipment on you, and the items that are given away from the space, the countdown begins …

The three people in the **** Spartan team looked at the three people on Jiang Yan’s side. Jiang Yan was the least valued. Obviously, the woman in the short trench coat was very smart, but her combat effectiveness was definitely not as good as that of the Japanese man.

Analyzed by three senior contractors, but did not immediately start. To kill a person, you have to lose 2,000 points of survival. They have lost too much in the previous world. Not only have they killed all peripheral members, but they have also gone to a core member. In order to treat the injury, the team’s savings are almost spent. If you start now, it will be difficult to deal with the four idiots around you.

They think so, Jiang Yan thinks so too. Killing the three people on your side first will make the choice of the **** Spartan team much less. If there is no opportunity to kill the four people who follow them with special methods, the **** Spartan team will be unable to make ends meet.

If you want to harm me, I will kill you.

At the end of the 1-minute countdown, Jiang Yan walked out of the room first. The woman in the short trench coat was one step behind him. The Japanese man, like a cheetah, came out third and deliberately kept a certain distance from the two in front.

The three members of the **** Spartan team looked at the three people who left first, and finally there was a cold look in their eyes. There were only four newcomers around, the three of the **** Spartan team just exchanged their eyes, took out the four pistols, distributed them, and then left with joyful four newcomers.

If those newcomers know that the pistols given to them are just like goods, the attack power is less than 5, and the durability is even only 1, I am afraid they will not be so happy.

In the world of the Matrix, the air is as clean as the eyes of a baby. Just through the bright sky, Jiang Yan always feels that the master of this world is looking down and observing.

Jiang Jiang remembered a description in the movie that every one of the people who hurried on the street was just a battery.

The sky was approaching dusk, Jiang Yan’s speed was not fast, the noise on the street was easily ruled out by him, and only the footsteps of the woman in the gray short trench coat were getting closer. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Jiang Yan suddenly turned left and walked into a dark alley. The sunlight had completely disappeared, and the eyes were dark. Only contractors can quickly adapt to such light changes after receiving training. Jiang Yan turned around and pulled out a large pistol.

In front of him, there was a bright blade of light, and Jiang Yan shot without hesitation.


The woman’s short knife flew into the air in a huge gunshot. Jiang Yan clearly saw that when she shot, the woman’s short knife sank, apparently shooting a bullet in her wrist, hitting the short knife, and flying the weapon given to her by the **** Spartan team into the sky.

Jiang Yan’s right hand, the second pistol appeared strangely.

The woman’s short knife flew up, and she was about to follow up immediately. Her fist was clenched. When she saw Jiang Yan’s second gun suddenly appeared, her muscles suddenly relaxed and her hand dropped.

“Why attack me?” Jiang Yan’s left hand pistol opened fire again, with a bang, and the short knife flying in the sky was hit again. There was a trace of dignity in the woman’s relaxed expression.

“Want to listen to the truth?” The woman asked. Her back is the exit of the alley, and the light sets off her figure, so that every curve on her body is backlit, and the edge of the curve is also a little brighter.


Jiang Yan’s left hand pistol fired another bullet. The short knife that fell to the ground could not withstand continuous attacks this time. Jiang Yan’s bullet also triggered a special effect, breaking the sharp short knife into two.

“You can say it or not.” Jiang Yan answered without threatening tone. Just looking at the short knife he shot in the air with three consecutive shots, an emotion that Jiang Yan didn’t understand appeared in the woman’s eyes.

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