Furious Combo

Chapter 12 - : Golden section

★ Life has a price ★ 【Dark Gold Soul Level · Professional Doctor Professional】

Location: ① Skill node on the first floor of the occupation skill tree.

Study requirements: Doctor occupation

Important: Dark gold soul-level skills have seven levels. When the proficiency of each level is full, you will have the opportunity to trigger advanced conditions and increase the skill by 1 level. Before the ability of each level is obtained, you also need to pay the price of 10 attribute points. Dark gold soul level skills need to pay at least 2 gold attribute points for each level. The distribution of attribute points will have a crucial impact on your skills.

Jiang Yan just froze for less than 2 seconds, and calmed up again. Originally thought that 240 gold attribute points obtained from the Sun King were enough. Now it seems that what I think is too simple.

The little devil looked at Jiang Yan nervously. She knew that Jiang Yan was going to assign attribute points on skill nodes. The method of assigning attribute points on skill nodes cannot be disclosed to Jiang Yan. She only hopes that Jiang Yan should not be too stingy and allocate as many golden attribute points as possible.

Seeing the nervousness of the little devil, Jiang Yan moved. It stands to reason that the more golden attribute points allocated on the skill node, the better the effect will be, but his own attribute points are obviously not enough. If all the golden attribute points are assigned , I can’t grow up at all.

Infinite space Since attribute points are divided into two types, these two attribute points must have their value and meaning.

Would never be more, the better, otherwise, is it easier to cancel the common attribute points?

But what is the most reasonable allocation?

Jiang Yan secretly gritted her teeth. It was a big mistake in allocation. She still has other skills to try. He used the spiritual power released by the soul blood beads to answer the space-

“The distribution of life valuable level 1 attribute points … 3.82 golden attribute points, 6.18 common attribute points.”

Dark gold soul-level skill life valuable level 1 attribute points have been assigned, including 3.82 gold attribute points and 6.18 common attribute points. The attribute points were successfully assigned. The space evaluation …

Contractor Jiang Yan, your dark gold soul skill attribute point allocation is close to perfect, triggering the dark gold soul skill hidden attribute special condition, and the hidden attribute level is perfect.

Jiang Jiang squeezed his fist hard and opened his eyes sharply. Right bet, attribute points can be allocated according to the golden ratio.

“How?” The little devil asked Jiang Yan nervously, she couldn’t make any hint about this matter, she would be banned from communication by space, and she couldn’t even write down any value in writing.

“Golden Section.” Jiang Yan answered only four words. In the eyes of the little devil, the light of **** fire ignited again.

This is the best means of distribution. Even the god-level contractors are gradually groped after they have advanced to a certain level. When groping out, the attribute assignment of most skills has been fixed. If you want to change, you must wash away all attribute points, retrain, and increase proficiency.

Such a price, no one out of 100,000 contractors can afford it.

Jiang Yan’s attribute point assignment is a perfect start.

My training plan seems to be strengthened again, otherwise, I’m sorry for Jiang Yan’s wisdom. The little devil squinted her eyes, hiding her desires. She said to Jiang Yan: “The distribution is good, are you ready?”

“Ready, how do we start?”

The little devil punched Jiang Yan’s cheekbones with one punch. Jiang Yan wasn’t beaten like this, but this time, he felt that the Venus that appeared in his eyes would fly out of his eyes. But it was only his body that flew out. He was punched out of the bed by the little devil and fell on the carpet.

“What are you doing!” Jiang Yan rolled over and sat up, glaring at the little devil.

The little devil bent down and lay on the bed, looking at Jiang Yan’s angry eyes, and asked curiously: “We are practicing treatment skills, I don’t hurt you, how do I start treatment?”

Her eyes are naive, like a young girl, with an innocent expression.

Jiang Yan said, the little devil said: “You don’t think that practicing healing skills is to hurt me first? Rest assured, you want to hit a woman and enter the mission world, there are opportunities.”

Jiang Yan was suddenly depressed, not because of the little devil’s beating. He lowered his head and said: “This skill cannot be practiced. Every time I consume 10 points of mental energy, I have to pay 1,000 survival points. I don’t have many survival points. Now. “

The little devil climbed onto the bed and used both hands and feet. He came to Jiang Yan and held Jiang Yan’s face with his own hands. He said softly: “Don’t worry, I can solve anything with me. This skill is more interesting than you think. Now that you are assigning attribute points in proportion to the golden section, the problem you are talking about is not a problem. “


“Yes, according to the distribution method of your attribute points, this skill has a hidden change. You can pay 0.01 spiritual energy each time, 1 survival point, you can also release this skill. I hit you because You do not need to pay for survival points when you treat yourself. Your bottleneck is mental strength. “

Seeing Jiang Yan silence, the little devil continued: “Also, when you treat others, the survival points you deducted yourself can be supplemented at the target. How much can be supplemented depends on your proficiency. Improve your skill level as much as possible. If you do n’t make money, I do n’t think you can make ends meet. “

“I understand, thank you.” Jiang Yan looked at the little devil’s eyes, his expression in the black pupil.

“Really understand?”

“I really understand.” Jiang Yan replied seriously, in this infinite space, there is no time for frustration, and no room for regret. Once started, no matter whether your way is right or wrong, go on.

Before the words fell, the little devil pulled Jiang Yan’s cheeks and pulled her back. Her forehead slammed into Jiang Yan’s nose, Jiang Yan flew backward, and her back hit the wall fiercely against the wall. on.

“You!” Jiang Yan’s gratitude was gone in his heart. He pointed at the little devil and wiped the blood flowing out of his nose with one hand.

The little devil smiled and said: “For the first fist, I only knocked out your 1 hit point. The two of us only communicated with each other, and it took a lot of time. Your hit point was automatically filled up, so I had to come back Take a look. If you do n’t want to waste your chance of being injured this time, start quickly. “

Jiang Jiang didn’t dare to delay any more time, tried to use his soul blood beads to control the spiritual power, and released a life price for himself. Then he immediately checked the combat record.

The first attempt to control, even if it was more successful, he paid 5 mental power and 500 survival points. Of course, even at this level of consumption, he can’t afford it. A successful treatment only added 1 proficiency to him, but consumed 5 points of mental power. The total value of his current mental power, including the Suzaku coat of arms bonus, is only 40 points.

If the distribution of mental power can be fined down to 0.01, 40 points of mental power is enough for him to successfully release 4000 effective treatments.

At the same time, Jiang Yan also had an unexpected surprise. After healed himself, the nose hurt by the little devil no longer hurts, not only stopped bleeding, but also healed the wounds inside.

The little devil showed Jiang Yan the perfect control, which made Jiang Yan’s desire to learn extremely intense.

Hell training, there is no stop. Jiang Yan became a human sandbag, and as long as his health was full, the little devil would attack. Each time, he still only killed 1 life. Jiang Yan can resist, but only in vain. Countless attacks on the little devil ended in failure.

Although the devil’s attack only deducted Jiang Yan’s 1 health, the pain was more intense. It stands to reason that such pain will make the contractor’s life value continue to fall.

Jiang Jiang has long forgotten to calculate, what is his proficiency is no longer important. As long as he is not well treated, the pain will never end.

The little devil occasionally treats Jiang Yan, but she treats it very few times, and every time she treats, she gives Jiang Yan mental energy. This ability of hers is not powerful, or is subject to some restrictions. Jiang Yan believes that if the little devil can do it, UU reads www. uukanshu.com will always keep her mental power full, so that her abuse can continue indefinitely.

Is different from Jiang Yan’s imagination. His treatment soon controlled the consumption of mental energy to 1 decimal place. After 1 hour, he was able to control the consumption of mental energy to 2 decimal places. It is just too difficult to precisely control the value of 0.01.

A dozen times of treatment, only once met the requirements of the little devil. Even so, the speed of training has increased hundreds of times.

After a successful treatment, Jiang Yan suddenly received the news of the space.

Contractor Jiang Yan, your ★ Life is valuable ★ Skill level 1 proficiency reaches 1000/10000, the hidden attribute of dark gold soul skill appears. Your mental power is permanently + 5% (calculated into the base attribute).

This prompt appeared, Jiang Yan didn’t even ignore the next punch of the little devil, but stood there in a daze.

Level 1 proficiency, only one-tenth of oneself, mental power will always be + 5%! If you continue to improve at this rate, your level 1 proficiency of this skill is full, and your mental strength will be permanently + 50%. Now his mental strength is 40 points, permanent + 50%, it becomes 60 points. And these 60 points of mental power are counted among the basic attributes, and they have priority in the detection and judgment of the enemy.

If you increase your level in the future and your basic attributes increase, you will get more mental power bonus. For a doctor, mental power is the cost of eating. If you advance your life to level 7, your mental strength is probably similar to that of a magician of the same level.

You must know that the profession of magician has a spiritual bonus. The profession of the doctor, the bonus is the life value.

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