Furious Combo

Chapter 10 - : The soul that cannot fall

[I do n’t ask for a vote, I ca n’t do it … Voting is a virtue, you are all compassionate people]

Jiang Yan’s hand clutched the hydrogen particle cannon tightly, not willing to let go.

His memory is enough to allow him to sweep through the property panel, and clearly describe all the properties of the hydrogen particle cannon in his mind. Even if the sky falls, there will be no omission.

But Jiang Yan still looked at the attributes of the Hydrogen Particle Cannon repeatedly. This black weapon brought him not shock, but incomparable satisfaction, excitement, and expectations for the future.

The little devil explained to Jiang Yan a lot of the rules of this space. Jiang Yan made two inferences. After knowing the relationship between the contractor level and the basic attributes, he saw the attributes of the hydrogen particle gun and immediately calculated it. To kill the weapons of the D-class contractors, as long as the properties of the water particle cannon can be fully exerted.

Is judged as a EE-level contractor by space. Under the influence of the Suzaku coat of arms, he will default to a newcomer. As a newcomer, the first mission world will not be too difficult, even if you meet other contractors, it will not exceed the E level. With this gun, you can guarantee yourself to come back alive in the world of the first mission.

His soul is already in absolute calm, but the anger in his heart is unwilling, never really calmed down.

I am in the United States, and I am already a fourth-generation immigrant. The first three generations worked hard and struggled at the bottom of society. Like all Chinese immigrants, Jiang Yan’s mother gave everything to Jiang Yan to study in order to make him stand out. He did it, and he could also offer his sister a school and the best school.

Everything stopped abruptly at the beginning of the best life.

After coming to the infinite space, despite the short and pitiful time, Jiang Yan has already forgotten what legal system and national rules, and he hopes to return to the original world, even if it is only one day, he must vent his hatred in his heart. , Let the people who caused it pay the price.

Jiang Yan obsessed with the firearm in his hand. What flashed in his mind was how he returned to Los Angeles, found the gangster’s lair, holding a hydrogen particle cannon, and swept the plows.

“Have you thought about it?” The hatred in Jiang Yan’s heart has reached a level of madness, but it is still very calm. The footsteps of the little devil came behind him. He turned around, the calm emotion in his eyes, then smart and cunning No one can tell.

The little devil glanced at the hydrogen particle cannon in his hand and frowned, “Do you really want to kill?”

“I … um.” Jiang Yan didn’t want to lie or know how the little devil saw it. A simple yeah made the little devil a little surprised.

“I smell dangerous, it’s your heart.” The little devil reached out his hand and put his palm on Jiang Yan’s chest. She gently raised her head and sniffed Jiang Yan’s neck.

“The smell of hell, the feeling of a lava burst. If you want to fall, you must sell me your soul, I can give you a good price.” The little devil withdrew his hand and could not help licking with the tip of his tongue Lips.

She is very hungry. Jiang Yan is like a sweet cake soaked in poison.

“Don’t dream, you and I have signed a soul contract, and you have to help me improve my strength.” Jiang Yan answered calmly. The temptation of the little devil is too simple for him.

“However, this waiting will be very long.” The little devil said patiently.

“I can afford it.”

“Well, if you change your mind, you must tell me that other devil, like me, will not be sincere to you, and never deceive.”

“I believe it.” Jiang Yan’s answer was dry, and the little devil didn’t mind.

“Jiang Jiang, the training plan, I have already thought about it. You now tell me your remaining survival points, attribute points.”

“The survival point is 826,000 points, the common attribute point is 2400 points, and the gold attribute point is 240 points.” Jiang Yan is like a computer. When the little devil asks a question, he can immediately give an answer.

“So little!” The little devil couldn’t believe it. A black hair flying from the top of her head suddenly penetrated from behind Jiang Yan’s head for soul communication.

Of course, this time, the little devil said that he would not dare to put his black hair close to Jiang Yan’s soul blood.

“This is not enough? Didn’t you say …” Jiang Yan argued, he also knew that he wasted too many survival points when he repaired his body. However, according to the little devil, after entering the space, the ordinary contractor only had 500 survival points from the space when he first quested. If he survived several worlds, he might not be able to save 2,000.

“Stupid … Stupid!” The little devil turned into a smoky black face before growling Jiang Yan’s soul, and roared.

“These are enough for me to advance to the S-level?” Jiang Yan opened his own attribute panel, the data above was clear, and he judged according to the number of attribute points that he needed to increase every time he advanced.

“You! Are all angels in your head!” The little devil cursed Jiang Yan with the most vicious words.

“I’m not religious.” Jiang Yan’s answer made the little devil collapse. Her perception swept through Jiang Yan’s property panel and finally knew why Jiang Yan was so strange.

【Contractor: Jiang Yan · Code: Doctor]

Spatial evaluation: EE level. The special effect of the Suzaku coat of arms takes effect, the spatial evaluation is -1, and the revised evaluation is no level.

Occupation: Doctor (Occupation equipment level is opened to D level; occupation skill tree is opened)

Soul Strength: 0.5 (average of E-level contractors) + 2 (world-level attribute) +1 (Suzaku crest bonus)

Affiliated Soul: Shard state, soul strength +1

Soul attribute: absolutely calm

Normal talent: natural recovery (90% of the contractor has this talent), the doctor profession can still save the natural recovery state in the combat state.

Blood veins: failed to pass the test, being sealed.

○ Basic attributes ○

Strength: 10 + 8 + 0 (gold attribute point + normal attribute point + equipment attribute point bonus, the same below)

Spirit: 20 + 0 + 0 + 20 (Suzaku heraldry bonus)

Physical strength: 10 + 8 + 0

Life: 20 + 0 + 0 + 180 (physical strength × 10 additional) +200 (special bonus for E-level doctors)

Outbreak: 10 + 2 + 0 (The explosive force determines the percentage of attack bonus in the angry state of the contractor)

Defense: 10 + 4 + 0

Speed: 10 + 6 + 0

Intelligence: 10 + 8 + 0

○ Attack & Exemption ○

Your basic physical attack: 90 (strength × 5)

Your basic magic attack: 400 (mental power × 5)

Your basic physical attack save: 10 (gold attribute points must be saved)

Your basic magic attack save: 20 (gold attribute points must be saved)

Space Tip: The above attributes are your best state, and the attack attributes are the strongest attacks that can be achieved without the skill.

The **** soul attribute turned out to be absolutely calm. It seems that he wants to seduce Jiang Yan’s depravity in the future. In a flash, the little devil became extremely lost, and she found that the possibility of finding her place was almost cut off.

Even if he gets rid of Jiang Yan’s contract in the future, it is impossible for Jiang Yan to sell his soul to himself.

Before the soul blood beads, the face transformed by the little devil no longer twisted, from the black smoke state to the deep red, as if there were flames to be ejected from inside. But she tried hard to suppress, and even moved back a bit, so as not to cause the soul blood to fight back.

“Your attribute points are good, but before you advance to the EEE level, you should wash out the ordinary attribute points and replace them with gold attribute points.” The little devil said mechanically, thinking about how to change this kind of madness situation.

An incorruptible soul, to the devil, seemed to be a fortress full of wealth, making her think about going to capture all the time.

Fortunately, she still knows what is the most important thing. There are no half-point mistakes in the process of pointing Jiang Yan.

“Well, I will remember.” Jiang Yan answered seriously, not knowing that the little devil was watching his perfect soul and suffering.

“You need to sell some of the things here, only keep the ones that can not be acquired in space, in exchange for survival points. Almost, it needs more than 4 million survival points.”

Speaking of this, the little devil pulled out her hair from behind Jiang Yan’s head, and she didn’t want to look at Jiang Yan’s soul blooddrops anymore. You can see it, but you ca n’t eat it. For a devil who needs to eat, it is paradise.

Of course, the heaven in the heart of the devil is the **** in the eyes of mortals.

This time, Jiang Yan did not raise any questions. No matter how good the wealth left by the doctor is, if you can’t improve your strength, it is just something outside the body, and it is not worth cherishing.

“Your vocational skill tree has been opened, and there is a hidden skill tree. UU reads www.uukanshu.com a soul skill tree. In this way, you have enough skill nodes to learn more skills. Now the In Chaoge City, there are no contractors and no free city market. You can only buy skill books with unlimited space, so it will be very expensive. “Little Devil explained as patiently as possible.

“You’re in charge, I believe in you.” Jiang Yan said to believe, not trust.

“I will buy three skill books for you, two dark gold soul level, and one silver level. These things, you take it back, I will not sell it to the space, someone will buy it from you in the future, unless you have too much on hand Urgently, otherwise, don’t sell it easily. “The little devil started quickly and divided the things on the bed in two, let Jiang Yan put away the items on one side.

“By the way, the Tiger Tooth Saber and the Universal Bullet Box are absolutely not for sale. The Tiger Tooth Saber is for you to use. The Universal Bullet Box is equipped with a Hydrogen Particle Cannon. At least you cannot find a better one before you advance to the C-Class Contractor Replacement. “The little devil told Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan listened to the little devil’s words and specially checked it.

These two pieces of equipment are really unique. After checking the properties, Jiang Yan knows more about the price of space recycling. He inherited 1,745,360 survival points from doctors. These survival points were obtained by selling doctor equipment. Judging from the price law of space recycling contractor items, the original value of this one million survival point should be close to 20 million survival points.

Such a brutal level of salvation is almost catching up with the US tax bureau.

Jiang Yan did not know that there are several departments on the other side of the earth that are comparable to the US Taxation Office.

【☆ Tiger Saber ☆ and ☆ Universal bullet box ☆ For detailed attributes, please refer to the works】

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