Furious Combo

Chapter 1 - (Classic)

Dark Gold Gear Volume · Chapter One (Classic)

Well, some readers in the book review area said that in the cloud of fog I wrote at the beginning, Lao D wrote a concise version here in a responsible spirit, clear and clear, accurate and profound, I hope you like it.

Jiang Sanhuo (that is, Jiang Yan) rolled over and sat up, babble? Didn’t you get hit by a car? Why didn’t you die? (There must be suspense)

Could it be that I crossed! (Point out the key)

Jiang Sanhuo quickly ran to a mirror, and saw a handsome man in the mirror who was more than 80 meters tall and had a look comparable to XXXX (referring to all stars)

Hahahaha! Really traveled, this world, I’m here, I conquer! (Implies the core idea of ​​the whole book)

Jiang Sanhuo was very happy. Now he doesn’t hate the driver who ran down at the red light and knocked him down. (The character of the protagonist is shaped so that the prime minister can hold the boat)

On the earth (the protagonist’s hometown), Jiang Sanhuo is just a student of a third-rate university (mainstream), just graduated (contrary to the previous article, but for the sake of rapid progress, forget it, just write it), in a small family The company goes to work (the only opportunity for all third-rate university graduates, this is called rationality).

The company boss is very **** (because he is not good for the protagonist, see below), and he is only a kinship (his youngest uncle graduated from Tsinghua, even as a vice president, and not to the protagonist), Jiang Sanhuo is not happy in that company , By being suppressed, by the way Tucao society)

Everyone stomps the boss and disdains him (this society is wrong, not the protagonist). Jiang Sanhuo has long missed it (the protagonist is wise, don’t wait for the other party to fry you squid)

If you just resign, there is no (typo, prove that the author is also a person, and will make mistakes, and it is a pinyin input method, not Wubi, slow update everyone forgive me) salary, he ca n’t even eat food, so he has to endure and try to find opportunities (maybe It is a vote, which will be reflected in the following text, the protagonist is decisive and decisive).

(The above introduces the protagonist’s origin, background, and perfection)

Jiang Sanhuo was hit by a car just because he accidentally ran through a red light (baby? Contradicted with the previous article? Forget it, everyone understands that the protagonist ’s memory is still in confusion and will not be modified). At that time, he was carrying a newly purchased hand. The computer is rushing home (forget about second-hand computers). The world ’s largest online game has unlimited space to be tested. He is on leave to go home for the first entry (the protagonist has the initiative).

Jiang Sanhuo suddenly thought that he had passed through, but he knew nothing about this world and had no strengths. How can he dominate (the author also wants to know).

Jiang Sanhuo’s mind suddenly heard a voice.

“Master …” (Are you familiar? Are you familiar with it! Friendly call!)

“Who are you?” Jiang Sanhuo was shocked and looked around (in fact, there is no need for each protagonist, there is at least one grandfather around him, 2 to a lot of beautiful women surrounded, the protagonist did not adapt immediately, in order to show him although The talents are different, but they haven’t started on the path of life yet. The author hopes to write a gradual and reasonable novel)

“I am the main **** of infinite space, at your service.” (The protagonist’s aura expands and the cheat program is installed)

“Master God? What can you do for me?” (Go straight to the theme, the protagonist does not go straight to the theme all the time, see below)

“I will help you understand this world and achieve your dreams.” (This is not MLM, this is missionary. Those who do not believe in such things, of course, are jealous of the protagonist’s luck)

(Omitting the main **** function, minus 18,000 words, why? Because this is not a selling point, the selling point is coming …)

Jiang Sanhuo felt tired (nonsense, I am tired), he came to the bedroom and wanted to sleep (why not take a bath first? Because the mainstream novel, the first bath, it is a mandarin duck bath, can not be washed casually )

Pushed open the bedroom door, Jiang Sanhuo was shocked! (I was stunned, are you surprised now?)

There is a beautiful woman lying on the bed (the author is a horror novel), half-covered clothes (required), showing the skin of Shengxue back (more elegant words).

Jiang Sanhuo is very contradictory. Is he going to watch carefully first (to avoid danger, do not think about it), or to say hello first (how to wake her up)

Forget it, I am a gentleman. Jiang Sanhuo thought of this and cried out, “Hey, who are you?”

The beautiful woman on the bed turned over to reveal her peerless face (just didn’t see the face? Yes, the beautiful woman can guess without looking at the face)

Jiang Sanhuo couldn’t help drooling, and realized that it was inappropriate, and pumped it back vigorously (the real gentleman must pull it back, and the gangster rogue fell on the shoes)

The beautiful girl laughed (believe me, laugh, not fart), sweet and authentic (I do n’t know a few +): “I am the maid assigned to you in unlimited space (that is, the apostle, some scum writer must write so Obscure, unhappy reading). “

The beautiful woman said, sitting up, kneeling down on the bed to Jiang Sanhuo (all beings are equal, why do you have to kneel?), When she lowered her head, the double peaks of her chest came out from the clothes (must kneel down, otherwise the posture is wrong , Have to kneel again)

“Maid?” Jiang Sanhuo was very unhappy to hear this title. He is a person from a society ruled by law. How can he get used to this title (the protagonist’s humanity)? Jade (must have a typo, otherwise the last typo was intentional) He said to the beauty: “I do n’t need a servant, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. If you want, be my friend. ). “

The beauty was shocked and trembling (must tremble, otherwise it would affect the visual effect) and said: “Never can, my everything belongs to the owner, how to be a friend of the owner? (Loyalty is necessary, the protagonist halo first Secondary launch)

Jiang Sanhuo sighed a long time (posing, that is, posing), he also knew that it was impossible for this beauty to reverse her concept immediately (in fact, it could never be reversed)

“Well, what’s your name.”

“I don’t have a name yet, please give me a name.”

“Don’t call my master (angry!), So, in the future you will call me Sanhuo brother (the elder brother and the third point insurance). As for your name, call it Jiang Sanshui (are you strange)?”

“Why the name?” (You idiot, don’t you know his sister?)

“Because I always wanted to have a sister like you!” Jiang Sanhuo’s eyes flashed with tears, his parents died prematurely, he wanted a little affection and did not know where to look (mainly not allowed by law)

Jiang Sanshui’s eyes flashed with tears (this is not a Korean drama, although crying, but there is no terminal illness, rest assured, the protagonist is healthy, the ability is still strong …)

“Sanhuo, you are tired, I will give you bath water.” (Prove that the previous author’s judgment is correct)

“How dare I trouble you, let me go.” (Let’s go together, my heart)

“No, this kind of thing, I want to come.” (Nonsense, otherwise what do you do, do you help the protagonist to dominate the world? Such a simple thing, the protagonist is enough)

To know the future, and listen to the next decomposition (this is called suspense, don’t you want to see how they take a bath?)

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