From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 429: Weak husband

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't you with him because of his wealth and status? Because he is a member of a royal family? What if he lost everything? Won't you leave him alone?" Lan Xingyu glanced at her, trying to gauge out her expressions. 

Tang Li could not help but laugh, "Does he looks like a man who will ever suffer a loss?" She paused for a moment before adding, "And even if he loses everything, I can always back him up like he always does with me. Do you think that I, Tang Li, will need to rely on a man for wealth and status? Mo Yuhan is my love, not my employer neither an object that I use for profits."

"You...But he is royalty."

"So am I," Tang Li smiled, "The surname 'Tang' before my name is not for decoration."

"You...You...You..." Lan Xingyu found herself speechless. She initially had this doubt but she never believed it. She always tried to avoid the truth, "But I have something against you," She tried to look domineering.

Tang Li sneered in disdain, ''And what is that?" Her aura overshadowed the woman's facade.

"Mo Yuhan doesn't know about the letter issue, does he?"

Tang Li stiffened.

Lan Xingyu smirked at her victory, "What do you think will he think about you if I expose your little tricks?" 

Tang Li sighed, "Why are you so silly? I am hiding it from him because I am embarrassed. He will laugh at me if he comes to know how childish I was. Do you think he will leave me over something so trivial? Naive!" She raised an eyebrow, ''I will appreciate it if you can pack your luggage and leave. As per our conditions, I let you stay here and we don't owe each other anymore," With that said, she turned around and left.

Lan Xingyu: "_" Why is it so difficult to get Mo Yuhan?

On the other hand, Tang Li massaged her forehead as she pushed open the door to their bedroom with another hand. "Ah-" She was pinned to the wall as soon as she stepped inside,

"Yuhan, what are you doing-" The man interrupted her words with a passionate kiss. He sucked her lips before increasing the intensity. 

They parted when she gasped, completely out of breath. She placed her head on his chest and encircled her arms around his waist, "Sorry for getting late."

"So, shall we continue where we left off?" 

Just as she was about to nod, the doorbell started ringing. 

Both of them looked at each other, "Who could it be this time?" She frowned.

"Let's just ignore whoever it is," Mo Yuhan said, setting his passionate gaze on her. 

"Don't seduce me like that," She pressed her palms on his chest and slightly pushed him away, ''What if it is urgent?"


The next day.

The atmosphere on the dining table felt just way too cold for Lan Xingyu. She gulped softly finding it harder to breathe.

Mo Yuhan stabbed the fork on his food and Lan Xingyu suddenly imagined her neck on his plate. 

She followed the man's gaze and glanced at Tang Li and her brother who seemed to be completely unaware of the stifling atmosphere.

"I still can't believe you turned out to be Lu Yifan. It came off as a surprise," Tang Li chuckled, shaking her head. 

"And you, Miss Tang, turned out to be a big shot," The man flashed her a ridiculously handsome smile and both of them ended up laughing. 

Mo Yuhan stabbed the fork on the omelette for one more time, thoroughly destroying its remains. 

Lan Xingyu flinched while the nan picked up the glass of water before bringing it to his mouth in an attempt to soothe his parched through. 

"You can just call me Li like you used to..."

Mo Yuhan broke into a coughing fit as the water ended up choking him. 

And that immediately got Tang Li's attention. She quickly pushed herself to her feet before walking towards him. "Why are you so careless today?" She patted his back. 

Mo Yuhan, who was just recovering broke into another long and dragged coughing fit. 

It was as if he was going to die in the next few seconds.

Lan Xifan rolled his eyes. What an exaggerated man! He was still the same. He would stoop to any level to get her attention.

Tang Li panicked, "How the hell were you drinking water? Shall we go to the hospital?"

Mo Yuhan's coughing gradually decreased as he wrapped his arms around his wife's waist before leaning his head on her abdomen, "I feel weak," The man softly muttered.

Tang Li raked her fingers through his hair, "Let me take you to room. You should take some rest. How many times have I asked you to take a break? But you never listen to me. Let's go now!" She glanced at Lan Xifan, "Let's talk later."

He nodded.

A certain 'weak' man slowly stood up as he leaned on his wife with one of his arms encircled around her waist.

They turned and walked upstairs, but not before Mo Yuhan flashed a victorious look at Lan Xifan. 

His expressions seemed to be screaming 'My wife is my wife. Only mine. From top to bottom. Exclusively mine.'

Lan Xingyu speechlessly glanced at their retreating backs before looking at her brother, "H-He..." She couldn't find the proper words to describe what she was feeling.

Initially, she was shocked when she saw her brother here yesterday.

Since she ran away to come here, she did not expect her brother's sudden arrival.

But then, that shock was nothing compared to this shock.

"What? You never expected that great Mo Yuhan to be so petty and childish?" Lan Xifan raised an eyebrow at his sister, "Look carefully. This is the real him when he is around her. It has been like this all the time. She is the only woman who ever exists in his eyes. After all, he is not the perfect god that they show him to be. He too has got some flaws. Since he is nothing like the perfect god that you crafted in your heart, are you not interested in him anymore now?" He hoped she would get her thoughts straight after this. 


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