From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 421: Cheeky Mr. Mo

Ash Corporations.

"You didn't have to drop me here," The headquarters of Mo Empires was in completely opposite direction but Mo Yuhan was very persistent in dropping her at the company.

The man kissed her forehead, "I wanted to."

She chuckled, "Alright, go then," She pointed her chin towards his car.

"I'll leave after I drop you at your office," His blue eyes twinkled.

She was speechless, "Fine, let's go," She hooked her arms around his and dragged him inside with her.

The employees quickly stood up as soon as they saw them. It has been more than a month since they saw their President. And now that she came back, she came with her man. Were they showing off their relationship in front of them who were just poor singles?

Despite their inner thoughts, they bowed respectfully, "President Tang, President Mo," They greeted in unison.

Tang Li nodded at them while Mo Yuhan's gaze flashed slightly.

He smiled, "Lili.."

"Mm?" She glanced at him.

He leaned closer to her ear, "You are beautiful today. Makes me want to..." His tongue gently peeked out to lick her earlobe before he gave it a soft bite and pulled back.

From their angles, the employees could only see that President Mo whispered something in their demoness's ears that had her go red in the face.

Their imaginations ran wild as they saw their lady boss lowering her head, letting her high ponytail fall over her shoulder, in an attempt to hide her side profile.

They never imagined there would be a day they would get to see the Ice Queen in a blushing mess.

But alas, she couldn't be blamed. When you have a man like President Mo, who is a walking powerhouse of hormones with that perfect carved face and body, a man who reeked of royalty, then how would you not blush with his naughty antics?

Their President was only blushing in the face, they would have blushed in the whole body. While the woman had such thoughts, the men too had similar thoughts.

When he got their sexy and alluring yet domineering Ice Queen with him, how could the frigid man not change his antics and tease her? The sight of their President Tang's blushing face was simply so charming that President Mo must have found it tough to resist.

As soon as they entered her office, Tang Li leaned back on the glass desk as she glanced at Mo Yuhan, "What were you doing there?"

He walked towards her and held her waist before putting her on the desk. "Exactly what you did in Song Mansion yesterday."

This man was getting cheekier day by day but it was not like she disliked it.

She parted her legs to let him stand between them and encircled her arms around his neck.

"Did you get to know who had installed those bombs in the yacht?"

He nodded, "You shot a person's hand. Do you remember him?''

"Yes," That weird man was hiding in a corner with his gun pointed at Mo Yuhan. If she had been seconds late, he might have succeeded in doing what he wanted, "Is it him?"

"He is the leader of another faction. Just like Kingsman Faction, many other people were out for that thing."

Of course, she did not need to be explained further about what the matter was. It was their desperate attempt to get power. She felt like mocking them. Like...where the hell would you wear that small jade bangle when you don't have delicate wrists like Huangfu Lin neither are you royalty!?

"What now? Don't tell me he will come to haunt us," The least she wanted right now was more action in life. Everything was peaceful at the moment and she preferred it like that.

"No, Ethan will deal with him," He stroked her hair.

Tang Li sighed in relief, "That's good. Everything is over, finally!"

"Are you sure?"

His question prompted her to look at him, "What do you mean?" She could not help but ask.

Mo Yuhan went silent for a moment before speaking up again, "Uncle seems to be holding grudges.."

Tang Li frowned, "I think he has a lot of misunderstandings. It will all clear up when they talk to each other, won't it?"

"Lili, I feel like he hates Grandpa Tang as much as he hates Grandpa Song," His words got her frown deeper.

"You think uncle hates Grandpa? But, why would he? He had nothing to do with the Tangs before. Moreover, our mother was his friend, what makes you think he hates Grandpa?" While they were in Song Mansion, she did not notice anything as such.

She was very tired at that time so it was possible for her to miss a few things. But the same couldn't be said about Mo Yuhan. Nothing escaped his eyes.

Looking at her worried expressions, he cupped her cheeks, "It was just an intuition. Don't take it so seriously."

She nodded, "I'll look into it," Even if it was just his intuition, it couldn't be underestimated.

He pecked her lips, "I'll help you with that."

She smiled and bit his chin.

"Are you seducing me?" He raised an eyebrow, "Or was that an indirect invite to stay here with you?''

"As much as I want you to stay, but both of us have our work waiting for us," She pointed her chin towards the files waiting for her on the glass desk in an exaggerated manner. It must have been done by Lin Shi on purpose, knowing that she was coming to work today.

Mo Yuhan pursed his lips, "If you say it like this, I feel more reluctant to leave."

"Me too," She hugged him and buried her face in his neck.

They both have been punctual people. Despite their marriage, they never compromised with their work. As much as they have always wanted to stay 24/7 together, they always balanced everything.

But after spending so many days together without having to do work, staying together all the time, they were reluctant to part from each other. was going to take some time to adjust to their schedules again.

"Lili...I have an idea."

"Huh? What idea?!"

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