Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 76 - [It takes a few steps to domesticate the gods] [VIP]

A message was sent onto the virtual screen behind Aran. That was what Dongqing and the others had recorded to Rong Anyu.

Aran directly clicked on the surveillance video, deliberately let Qiao Sha watch it with him.

During the surveillance, Rong Anyu was emotionally unstable and spoke incoherently. For a while, it was said that a black snake, non-human, broke in and was eaten by Rong Yin.

After a while, he said that it was a robbery.

In the end, all the people who really collapsed confessed their passing, from entering on the 36th, to his son, the hidden black wolf swallowing the 36th.

He emphasized several times that Rong Yin was instigated by Qiao Sha to swallow No. 36. Qiao Sha had a gun. It was Qiao Sha who killed No. 36 first and let the monster wolf swallow Rong Yin.

Rong Yin didn’t understand anything, it was all the things Qiao Sha forced and led to do.

Alan listened quietly, her eyes kept on Qiao Sha’s face, she didn’t have much emotion, and it was not even surprising that Rong Anyu would say it all.

“Is what he said is the truth?” Aran asked her.

Qiao Sha nodded without hesitation, “Every sentence is true. I taught Rong Yin to swallow number 36, isn’t it? I solved a big problem for you.”

Solve the trouble with trouble.

Aran watched her and said nothing, his plan was not like this.

But she did solve the 36th easily, the trouble that the Supervision Bureau had been trying to solve.

“He swallowed No. 36 effortlessly, his ability is more powerful than you think.” Qiao Sha said to him: “He is such a powerful non-human, is it a pity that he is only supervising the training? Every year there will be staff from the Supervision Bureau. In the process of controlling non-human beings, it is difficult for humans to fight against non-humans. Why not use non-humans to fight non-humans?”

Her meaning is so obvious, of course Aran can hear it. She is saying, why not turn Rong Yin into a weapon for her and the supervision bureau?

Alan sat quietly, looking at her, but a wave surged in her heart. What did she guess? Guessed the ending he planned?

Obviously he had only taken the first move, but she had already taken the initiative to move towards his ultimate goal.

He put her beside Yongyin, which was the first move.

He really wanted her to get close to Rong Yin, to teach Rong Yin, and to become Rong Yin’s weakness. Controlling her in this way is equivalent to controlling Rong Yin.

She was chosen because she is the heroine of this world, and it is easier to attack and hide.

But this was different from what he had expected. In anticipation, even if she attacked Rong Yin step by step, she would only become the weakness of Rong Yin.

And now, she directly let Rong Yin become her weapon.

She disrupted all the plans and rhythms he had anticipated, but she ended up in the same way by different routes.

To deal with non-human beings with concealment is the ending he wants.

“You shouldn’t be angry.” Qiao Sha said to him: “You should be happy, happy that my chess piece is becoming more and more useful. You should make good use of me at this time.” Her finger pointed over and closed the back Surveillance video.

The room was quiet again.

Aranzi stared at her carefully, she was indeed right, she did the “task” he always wanted her to do.

But she did a great job, far beyond his expectations, from training Rong Yin to destroying No.36 by using Rong Yin overnight.

Good beyond imagination, good beyond control.

This made him feel uneasy.

And she knew so clearly that he was using her to put himself in the position of the chess piece.

“Qiao Sha.” Alan called her peacefully, “have you already planned the next step for me?”

She raised her eyebrows and smiled triumphantly and said: “Now that Elder Ruan knows that I am a member of the Supervision Bureau, or you can lock Rong Yin into the Supervision Center Tower now, but I guess that will irritate him and make him Faster blackening out of control.”

“Oh, yes.” She said as if thinking of something: “You better give him an injection to calm him now, and don’t let him wake up for the time being, otherwise he won’t wake up and see me, he will lose control, he swallowed 36 The capability of the number is in the phase of integration, and I am afraid that it will get out of control and it will be difficult for the regulatory bureau to control it.”

“What then?” Aran listened patiently, looked at, and said for her: “Either…”

She didn’t answer directly, but asked, “I remember there are two non-human employees in the Supervision Bureau? Holly, who else?”

In the memory of the original owner, Holly seems to be a special staff member of the Supervisory Bureau, because Holly is also non-human, but she is not like Rong Yin. She does not have a terrible mental body that can easily get out of control. She just becomes an adult, her five senses and combat power have changed. Ordinary people are a hundred times stronger.

Holly is more like a human with enhanced physical fitness, so she is very stable, and was approved by Arrant to enter the supervision bureau and become his subordinate.

Qiao Sha remembers that in the original text, there were two “special non-human employees” in the Supervision Bureau, but the other original text did not specify who they were.

Aran did not answer her, and asked directly: “So, do you want to be hidden and join the [special group] of the Supervision Bureau?”

“Yes.” She replied straightforwardly, as if satisfied that he was so smart and able to guess what she wanted to say, “Special approval for Rong Yin to join the Supervision Bureau and become a special employee, I will be responsible for monitoring and controlling him, so that not only can continue. Supervising him can also allow him to check and balance non-human beings.”

Qiao Sha sat in the chair and said with a smile: “My useful chess piece is just placed in the Rong family as Mrs. Rong, monitoring Rong Yin, which is too wasteful.”

Aran also looked at her with a smile. She didn’t feel wasted before, but now she is really wasted. She is terribly smart. She is calculating him, and the calculation is accurate.

“Then you think, where should you put your chess piece?” Aran asked her. She said so much and calculated so much, she didn’t just want to be admitted to the supervision bureau, what does she want?

Qiao Sha lightly folded her right leg on top of her left leg, and said to him, “The position of the leader of the special team.”

Aran was shocked. He didn’t expect her to be promoted? If it was in the past, what she wanted was probably to leave Rong Anyu and return to him.

Because when she just married Rong Anyu, she mentioned to him that if she can complete the task of supervising Rongyin, she hopes to divorce Rong Anyu and return to the supervision team. She doesn’t want to stay in Rongan anymore. By Yu’s side, she wants to come back and continue to be her special teacher, even if she stays in the Supervision Bureau, he will only do a clerical job by his side.

But now, she doesn’t want to be a special teacher. She wants to enter the special group and become the group leader.

She didn’t even mention that she hoped to divorce Rong Anyu.

Aran had to admit that the leader of the special group was indeed no one more suitable than her at the moment.

She proposed a perfect “next step”, as if swallowing number 36 was paving the way for this step.

Is this her design?

“You already thought about it?” Aran asked her, when did you start planning this step?

“I didn’t think about it very early.” Qiao Sha said bluntly: “From the time you sent me a WeChat message, the 36th came in hiding, I just wanted to try it.”

Try to see if Rong Yin can become her sharp edge, and try to see if Rong Yin can join the Supervision Bureau with Rong Yin.

She didn’t want to just be an “undercover”, entangled with the useless Rong Anyu at the Rong family.

Her purpose is Aran.

Her confession made Yalan stop saying anything. He nodded and said, “Perhaps you should give it a try. I will apply for special approval to allow you and Rong Yin to enter the special group.”

Qiao Sha smiled and glanced at the clock on the wall, and said to him: “Maybe he has already come.”


Aran didn’t understand who this “he” was referring to.

Outside the room, someone knocked on the door and reported in a low voice: “Director, Executive Li wants to see you, and he has arrived in the conference room, and Ruan Simin is also here.”

Aran raised her eyes to Qiao Sha, and suddenly reacted. The “he” she said was Executive Li, who lived in the Cuihu villa area and was a neighbor of the Ruan family.

The reason why the Supervision Bureau did not directly enter the Green Lake was also because of the executive Li who lived in the villa area.

Although the Supervision Bureau is not under the jurisdiction of Executive Li, many special approval and seizure procedures are all subject to the instructions of the executive above.

Did she ask Ruan Simin to invite this executive Li over?

She has already calculated that she must enter the special group and become the group leader, right?

Aran suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if he was her “chess piece”. She didn’t know when she started disrupting all his plans, rebelling against the guest, and pushing him on the road.

This was the first time he had this feeling.

Qiao Sha got up, “Do you want me to see Rong Yin? Avoid him causing unnecessary casualties.”

Aran did not speak.


In the infirmary.

Rong Yin was injected with calmness, but still woke up. His physique was different from ordinary people, and even non-human beings in general. A normal dose of calmness only made him dizzy and his limbs weakened.

When Aran and Qiao Sha walked in, Rong Yin seemed to be drunk, shaking the infirmary into chaos unsteadily.

Isaac was also there, and he was trying to control Rong Yin, pressing him onto the hospital bed, holding handcuffs in his hand, and handcuffing Rong Yin to the bed.

In the confusion, Aran called out: “Isaac, let him go.”

Isaac turned his head and looked at Aran and Qiao Sha next to him. Qiao Sha was looking at him. He retracted his handcuffs and released his uncontrolled hiding.

Rong Yin got up from the hospital bed and leaped towards Aran, his eyes fierce.

Holly behind Aran moved.

Qiao Sha was one step faster than her, reached out and hugged Rong Yin, held his tight body, and hugged him in her arms and said lowly: “Hold me.”

The crooked face faintly fell into her arms, and in a dizzy, unconscious state, he subconsciously raised his hand and hugged her tightly.

This hug was like a switch, he quieted down, his head tilted, and fell asleep in his composure.

Isaac and Holly were dumbfounded. She was better than a tranquilizer.

Aran looked at Qiao Sha, who was stroking Rong Yin’s back, and didn’t notice that he frowned. “From today, Rong Yin has officially joined the special team.”

Isaac was surprised that he did not hear clearly, “Join the special group? In what capacity?” Is it a non-human being supervised by the special group? still……

“As a member of the trial team.” Aran replied: “I will officially join tomorrow and become your colleague.”

Isaac was even more surprised, to allow this kind of out-of-control non-human being to become a member of the special group? ? Then who will control him? He just swallowed number 36.

“I will make a formal introduction tomorrow when I enter the job.” Aran didn’t want to explain the special group in the infirmary, and only said to Isaac, “Isaac, you **** Ms. Joe to **** Rong Yin back tonight.”

The name is an escort, but it is actually a surveillance.

Today’s Qiao Sha makes him feel incomprehensible, and he is worried, he is afraid that something will happen to her again.

Isaac looked at Qiao Sha and nodded without saying anything.

This is just an ordinary task for him.

Out of the infirmary, Aran called her again, and he told Isaac to leave first with a lethargic face, and stand alone with Qiao Sha in the corridor.

“Your mission at Rong’s house is over. If you want, you can divorce Rong Anyu at any time.” Alan said to her, “I don’t think Rong Anyu will disagree.”

After this scene, Rong Anyu saw Qiao Sha as if he saw a ghost, and now divorce is easy.

“If you want to move away from Rong’s house, you can live with me again.” Aran’s voice was lighter, “The password has not been changed.” It was still her password to open the door when she was there.

Qiao Sha stood under the corridor but refused him with a smile, “No. Although I am not interested in being Mrs. Rong, I am very satisfied with being the stepmother of Ruan’s grandson.” If she wants to go all the way unimpeded, she will definitely need Ruan Simin to be strong. The network of relationships, just like this time.

The wind blew her hair, and she turned away neatly.

Aran looked at her back, her smile sank a little, she refused to go back to him.

He realized that this world had the biggest mistake this time-the heroine no longer admires the male lead.

This means that without the bait of “love”, he will not be able to control the heroine.

It is not only the villain who is out of control, but also the heroine Qiao Sha.

He stood in the corridor, watching her leaving behind, and slowly frowned his brows.

“Director.” Holly appeared behind him, and asked him worriedly: “What are you worried about?” She had never seen the chief frowned and thought so frequently.

Are you worried about what happened after Rong Yin joined the special group?

“Holly.” Aran turned her head and asked her in confusion and seriousness: “Why would a woman fall in love for?”

Holly froze for a moment. She looked at Aran’s divine face, her cheeks were slightly hot, her eyes lowered like a guilty conscience, and she replied: “I don’t know, maybe sometimes it just needs a look.”


Aran looked back at the corridor with no one, maybe he should walk the line of affection.


The dog vomited again, this time just on Isaac’s clothes.

Isaac almost wanted to jump out of the car and leave. He had never seen a non-human being as calm as drinking too much.

Obviously Rongyin himself was sleeping quietly in Qiao Sha’s arms, but the concealed mental body ran out—a black wolf of normal size was staggering in the car, whining and vomiting. Into him.

Only he and Qiao Sha in the car could see this mental body and the yellow vomit that this mental body vomited.

Isaac was about to vomit because of the smell of the vomit. He stretched out his hand and opened the window of the car and retched.

The old man Ruan in the front row looked back at him and asked with concern: “Is Mr. Isaac motion sick?”

Ruan Simin couldn’t see the mental body and the vomit, only saw Isaac’s “push away” action like a sudden cramp, and retching from time to time.

Isaac couldn’t explain it, so he closed his eyes and gave an “gracious”.

Fortunately, the car quickly arrived at the Rong’s old house.

I didn’t return to Ruan’s house because Ruan’s house was messy and bloodstained, and Ruan Simin was afraid of irritating to hide.

Rong Anyu was sitting in the co-driver in the car and dared not say a word.

When he arrived at the Rong family’s old house, he was the first to get out of the car and said to Ruan Simin, “Dad, I’m in a hurry to go back to the city, you just…”

“You stay.” Ruan Simin directly opened the door and said to him: “I have something to tell you.”

Rong Anyu stood stiffly outside the car door, watched Qiao Sha push the car door, and looked at him with a smile. He was like a ghost, and he stepped back subconsciously. This was the expression when this woman shot and killed. She was more than a ghost. horrible.

She is more than terrible.

It was not until Ruan Simin talked with Qiao Sha in the living room when he entered the old house that he learned that Qiao Sha was a member of the Supervision Bureau. Not only was it a member of the Supervision Bureau, the old man actually helped her get promoted into a team. long.

Rong Anyu was silly, when did the old man join hands with Qiao Sha to save Rong Yin? Why doesn’t he know anything? Did the old man know that she instigated Rong Yin to eat another non-human? ?

Seeing the old man’s gratitude towards Qiao Sha, Rong Anyu felt like a fool, being played around by this terrible woman Qiao Sha!

And Qiao Sha just sat there, saying everything as usual: “Xiao Yin is a poor child with a long-term heart, and getting along these days, he treats me as the only friend. How can I bear to watch him be locked in the supervision tower? ?”

Rong Anyu was dumbfounded, what kind of only friend, does this woman think he can’t tell, does she hide her intimate behavior? She is his stepmother, would a normal stepmother hug her stepson?

And Rong Yin is actually willing to get close to her and obey her words. Is this a friend’s relationship?

He is not a fool!

“Although it’s a bit too much, I hope Miss Qiao can stay.” Ruan Simin pleaded generally: “Xiaoyin needs Miss Qiao. I am afraid that no one can take care of Xiaoyin except Ms. Qiao. Ms. Qiao can make any request, as long as I It can be done.”

Rong Anyu immediately said, “Didn’t Ms. Qiao always want to divorce me? I agree. To pay the six million debts for you is to thank Ms. Qiao. Ms. Qiao took some time and we went through the divorce procedures. , Of course, I still hire you to be Xiaoyin’s special teacher. The price is whatever Miss Qiao will open. What do you think?”

He is going to get a divorce. Even if he is afraid of Rong Yin and this woman, he can’t stand his son and his wife being together and wearing this outrageous green hat.

But Qiao Sha sat on the sofa and gently put down the tea cup in her hand and said: “I have no other requirements. The only requirement is not to divorce.”

Rong Anyu stood up angrily, “What do you mean?” She who resisted him and did not have a relationship with him, she is also the one who does not divorce now!

“Sit down.” Ruan Simin glared at him coldly, “Can’t speak well, can you?”

Rong Anyu is going crazy, what does this woman want?

101 didn’t understand, “Why do you keep a husband like the host?” Why don’t you get a divorce? What is the use of the host keeping him? Is it to continue to use Father Ruan’s network in the future?

However, as long as Rong Yin is still dependent on her, even if she is not Rong Anyu’s wife, Old Man Ruan will run the relationship for her like this time and help her achieve her goals.

Qiao Sha smiled and looked at Rong Anyu. This husband is quite useless. Apart from being rich, he is not as good as Father Ruan.

However, she needs the identity of a wife, and this identity will become a resistance to Tolerance, and she cannot completely belong to Tolerance.

Domestication is different from love, love can be possessed.

Domestication is to become [the sun] that he cannot get.

Just like Aran domesticated the heroine, because the heroine knew that she would never be worthy of Aran, so she felt that it was not enough to give him everything.

“It’s like I have domesticated you, because I will leave at any time and will never be bound to you.” Qiao Sha gently said to 101.

101 was speechless and silent for a long time. He couldn’t deny what the host said and thought. He found that he really didn’t know when he had been domesticated by her.

He began to take the initiative to open the hook for her and resolve any requests she made for her.

He began to stop asking her to do anything and accept her style of behavior.

He even unknowingly began to feel that the host was doing a task for him, which he should have done.

When did it start?

he does not know.

“Are you angry?” Qiao Sha asked 101.

“No.” 101 answered honestly: “I just think you are right.”

What right does he have to be angry? From the first world, she didn’t ask for anything, and it was him who made the profit.

The host treats him with all his benevolence and righteousness.


It’s almost dawn.

Rong Anyu slept in the guest room exhaustedly. Elder Ruan had already given him a death order. If Qiao Sha did not file for a divorce, he could not divorce. He needed Ruan’s family business. Elder Ruan would only be a grandson. It’s non-human again. Once the old man passes away, he must take care of those family affairs.

He decided to bear it again, until the old man passed away.

He opened his eyes and listened to the movement next door, and he was fine. Not only would his wife stay in a room with Rong tonight, even Isaac from the Supervision Bureau would stay in the room.

He was so angry that he didn’t see how poor Chu Chu Qiao Sha could be such a terrible woman.

What’s the use of such a terrible woman, no matter how beautiful? Who dares to touch it?

In the next room, only a faint night light was turned on.

Isaac sat on the sofa next to the bed, looking at Qiao Sha, who was sitting on the side of the bed, wiping her cheeks and palms for her sleepy face.

Under the night light, her cheeks were swayed and hazy, and her eyes were hanging behind her ears, her eyebrows drooping, like a gentle dream.

She looks so gentle and beautiful, is she really using a gun to subdue No. 36 first? Did you instruct Rong Yin to swallow number 36?

Isaac cannot be connected.

“Woo” The concealed black wolf fell on her feet, hugging her ankle uncomfortably, licking the back of her instep with her tongue from time to time.

After finishing wiping Rong Yin, she squatted down again, holding the black wolf’s white paws, and rubbed the pads under the fur with a cool towel, “Will it be better to wipe it with cold water?”

The black wolf murmured coquettishly, resting his head on her knees, arching her arms, and the falling limp.

Isaac hurriedly looked away. This mental body was deliberate. She had just taken a bath and was only wearing pajamas.

“Are you the second non-human member of the special group?” Qiao Sha asked him suddenly.

When his mind was wandering, he heard her ask and blurted out almost subconsciously: “How do you know?”

After speaking, I heard Qiao Sha lightly laugh.

She said to him: “You will know.”

He froze for a moment. This was not the first time he saw her, she asked his name, did he reply?

She returned it to him intact.

Does she always remember his words? Caring about this sentence?

“Host, do you want to attack the godfather again?” 101 asked her, although it was just the same.

How is it a strategy?

Qiao Sha just thought that her team members enthusiastically admired her, taking her orders as the bible, rather than obeying Aran.

101 always feel that the purpose of the host is not just the leader of a special group.

Qiao Sha slept on another sofa in the bedroom, afraid that Rong Yin would wake up in the middle of the night and could not find her.

Under the calming effect, Rong Yin couldn’t control his mental body, and the black wolf was always outside, lying uncomfortably in Qiao Sha’s arms, with his head against her chest, and slept with her.


Early the next morning, Rong Yin woke up, and he saw Qiao Sha sleeping on the sofa and his mental body.

The pain in his brain was about to split, and his stomach was tumbling to vomit. What’s more terrifying was that he found his body became strange.

The sheets were wet, I don’t know if it was his sweat or something.

He sat on the bed and covered his face. He didn’t dare to look at Qiao Sha on the sofa. Last night… he had a dream like that all night. In the dream he not only touched Qiao Sha, but also turned into a Black snake, give her…

And he clearly remembered that there were two Jinjiang black snakes.

His face and neck were flushed, and he peeked at Qiao Sha from his fingers, her body was covered with a blanket, and her bright arms and shoulders were exposed.

His mental body was squeezed in her arms, and his paws were still pressed against her heart.

The room was very quiet, the curtains were still drawn, and it was dim, as if it were still in a dream.

Rong Yin looked at her, couldn’t help but lifted the quilt and got up, walked towards her lightly, and squatted beside the sofa.

The black wolf woke up with a “Woo” and looked at him.

He reached out and grabbed the black wolf’s long mouth, pointing his finger to silence it.

Don’t wake her up.

He just wanted to get closer to look at her, she was so good-looking.

The eyelashes are curly and long, the mouth is red and full, and the collarbone is so thin, but so…

His throat moved, and the pictures in his dream last night were lingering. She was very soft and hot, her voice was very charming and charming, and she would bite her lip and cry and beg him…

Is she really like this?

This kind of thing in reality is really so…happy?

He couldn’t help approaching her, his nervous heart was about to jump out, a stream of electricity flowed through his heart, numbly crisp, he leaned close to her face, and wanted to kiss her lips, the closer he got closer, Even breathing stopped.

She is so fragrant, and her delicate breath is full of sweet fragrance.

His nervous throat was dry, and the tip of his nose touched the tip of hers…

“What are you doing?” The bathroom door was suddenly opened, and someone stood at the door and asked him quietly.

He almost bit his tongue in shock, bounced up, and glared at the person, “Who are you?” Who is that? Why is there a man here?

He immediately bent over to cover Qiao Sha’s blanket tightly, and stared at the person vigilantly and fiercely.

The black wolf jumped off the sofa with a low bark, getting bigger a little bit.

Qiao Sha on the sofa sighed, stretched out her hand and took her tolerant hand, “Don’t be so fierce, that’s your new colleague.”

Rong Yin was shocked by her fingers, numb half of her body, and looked at Qiao Sha.

Qiao Sha sat up from the sofa, her eyes falling on his body hard to control.

Rong Yin’s face was hot immediately, and he hurriedly turned to his side, “Dong Dong Dong” ran into the bathroom, and shut Isaac outside the door with a “bang”.

Isaac moved and walked over to Qiao Sha calmly and said, “You have been careful of him recently. The mental body of No.36 is a black snake. He just swallowed No.36, and there is no way to control the black snake’s ability for the time being.”

He saw Qiao Sha’s incomprehensible expression, and added: “Snake has a bad personality.” After speaking, he also had some red ears.

Qiao Sha pulls the broken hair behind her ears. It turns out that it is true that the snake has a bad character in the legend?

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