Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 72 - [It takes a few steps to domesticate the gods] [VIP]

“It’s so dark inside, are you sure you want to go in? It’s enough to come with you in the middle of the night…” The voices of the two boys rang outside.

They seemed to take a picture with the flashlight of their mobile phone.

A beam of light dangled to sweep away like hiding in a corner, he was frightened holding his head and stuffing himself into the garbage dump, while his ferocious mental body barked fiercely and wanted to rush out. .

The contrast is amazing.

Qiao Sha stretched out her hand and grabbed the fur on the giant beast’s neck. With the other hand, she took off her windbreaker jacket neatly and put it on her concealed head, covering all his trembling body.

Rong trembling slightly, he heard the woman’s calm and gentle voice, “Don’t be afraid.”

He curled up under her windbreaker. The windbreaker was full of her smell, her blood, her shampoo, her body temperature…the smells were intertwined, and they were light and gentle, so strange that he didn’t hate him.

He heard her voice, and she was saying to the two boys outside: “Classmates, have you seen my dog?”

The footsteps approaching him stopped.

“There are some people.” A boy was startled.

Another boy asked: “Your dog? Are you looking for your dog? Are you not a student on this campus?”

“No, I live nearby.” Her voice was still calm and gentle, without a trace of panic or helplessness, like the most gentle net, walked over to the two boys and said: “I’m sorry to sneak in. In your school, my dog ​​sneaked out, knocked open the south gate of your school, and ran in. I chased him in and couldn’t find him.”

There was a hint of worry and guilt in her voice: “I’m so sorry, can you keep it secret for me?”

The two boys seemed stunned.

Then he hurriedly said: “Of course of course.”

“It’s okay, we won’t report it to the principal. The dog is very anxious if it is lost. I heard the dog barking here just now. It should be here. What kind of dog do you have? Would you like us to find it for you?”

They talked to her enthusiastically.

She seemed to smile at them and said softly, “Thank you so much. I am so lucky to meet you tonight.”

She can lie so much, and she doesn’t even feel nervous when she lied.

Everything she said was gentle and calm.

He shrank under her windbreaker, and for the first time he didn’t feel that the voice was too loud.

Her voice is gentle and gentle, not noisy.


In the night, Qiao Sha was standing in an abandoned classroom, looking at the two blushing little boys. They dared not look at her. They pushed each other, holding the flashlights of their mobile phones to help her find the dog.

A teenage boy wearing a basketball vest and shorts with sweat and rain on his face. After shaking Qiao Sha with his mobile phone and seeing her clearly, his cheeks and ears became red.

She wore a shirt and a black hip-knee skirt with her black hair loosely tied behind her shoulders, talking to them gently and tenderly, beautifully like a summer night’s dream.

Qiao Sha knows her appearance and figure very well. Such an appearance is also top-notch in the world of immortality where the average value of the face is high, let alone in the modern world.

So after passing through, she asked if 101 was too exaggerated.

Such an appearance is a disaster for a little girl who has no ability to protect herself.

The appearance of more than 200,000 times, the appearance of more than 6 million sold.

She raised her hand and touched the wound on her neck. It was mainly uglier, maybe there was not so much pain, but it didn’t matter, she came.

She is much worse than the original owner, she is never stingy, and she is not ashamed to use her appearance.

The huge black beast beside him stared at the two boys with faintly red eyes, and was vigilant to eat them at any time.

Qiao Sha stretched out her hand and touched its neck. It turned out that some people couldn’t see the non-human spirit body, but the two classmates couldn’t see the black behemoth.

“It’s true that not everyone has the ability to see non-human spiritual bodies.” 101 said: “Only a small number of people can see non-human spiritual bodies, such as you. These people are qualified to be instructors.”

“Did he go outside?” Qiao Sha said to the two boys: “I looked for it here, but I didn’t find it.”

The two boys turned around to see her, their faces flushed again, “It is possible that there is a garbage dump outside, where stray dogs often go to find food.”

“We will help you find it over there.” Another boy said, pushing his friend.

“Really?” Qiao Sha said with a grateful expression, “Thank you so much. If you delay your rest, I can just find it myself.”

101 found that the host’s speaking style was so similar to that of Aran. It seemed that you were afraid of your insecurity and delayed you, and you could refuse, but in fact, you would do it for him if you were right.

“No delay, no delay, we sleep late.” Two adolescent boys pushed out, and one of them was pushed back again.

Blushing, he scratched his head and walked to Qiao Sha, muttering: “Add a WeChat? If I find it later, we can contact you… No other meaning.”

“Okay.” Qiao Sha did not hesitate, took out his mobile phone and added WeChat to each other, the boy turned around and ran out.

Qiao Sha watched them run away, then turned and walked back to Rong Yin’s side, “It’s okay.” Her palm lightly fell on her windbreaker, and through the windbreaker he touched his tight back.

He shook. Qiao Sha didn’t give him a chance to shake it off, so she withdrew her hand and said to him, “Are you going home with me? People from the Supervision Bureau are outside. If your mental body is discovered, you will Was taken back to the supervision center tower.”

He shrank silently under the windbreaker.

Qiao Sha stood beside him patiently waiting for him to answer.

He didn’t feel a trace of impatience or impatience from her, she just waited quietly.

Until his mood calmed down a little bit, she said again: “If you don’t want to go home, I will take you to open the house, okay?”

He moved lightly on the windbreaker, and the eyes buried in his arms lifted up a little bit. He didn’t want to be caught in the supervision tower, and he didn’t want to be locked in that old house anymore. It was not his home, it was him. Cage.

Her fingers stretched over, touched the windbreaker, and slid from his back to his waist, as if hugging him through the windbreaker. He was shaken by the breath and the gentle touch.

But her hand just reached into the pocket of the windbreaker, took out something, and quickly left him.

“I found it, I’ll bring my ID card.” She was at her side, so light, “but you didn’t bring it, so we can only stay in a hotel that is close to it, do we want to go?”

He blinked under the trench coat.

The black giant beside Qiao Sha disappeared out of thin air, he put away his mental body?

That is to say, he did not resist her for the time being and agreed to open the house?

“You wear my windbreaker.” Qiao Sha said: “Cover your wound.”

He moved and put the sleeves of his clothes under the windbreaker, only to show his face when he put on the windbreaker.

On her dirty face, a pair of light-colored eyes looked at her, and moved away when they touched her.

Qiao Sha smiled lightly, he was wary of sensitive kittens, but his mental body was a ferocious dog.

He quickly got dressed and stood up, lowered his head and did not make contact with her, and walked out of the narrow corner with one foot dragging the ground.

Qiao Sha realized that one of his feet was bleeding, and the torn chain was still locked on his foot.

She remembered in her mind that when he got out of control, he would be locked in the basement. At first, his hands were chained, but he was always able to get away.

His father was afraid that he would cause trouble and that he would run out. Later, even his feet were chained, and he would not let him go until he calmed down.

He walked out dragging the iron chain and blood, and the tinkling sound made him frown.

“Do you need me to help you?” Qiao Sha stretched out her hand to him.

He hid for a while, lowered his head and said, “No need, thank you.”

It turned out to be quite polite.

Qiao Sha looked at his back, retracted her hand, and slowly followed behind him, watching him walk into the rain, and the two boys ran back facing him, he suddenly retreated vigilantly.

Qiao Sha took two steps forward, gently wrapped his palms around his waist, and stroked his tight back through the windbreaker as if soothing. He stood stiff beside her, and the rain wet his black hair. Falling on his pale face.

“He is?” The two boys stopped in front of him, looking at him in surprise.

He lowered his eyes, not looking at them, but his back was taut like a cat that would explode at any time.

“He is my younger brother.” Qiao Sha smiled and walked to him, stroked his palm from his back, and held his wrist under the windbreaker, “He came to me, thank you for helping me find my dog. But something happened to my house, so I won’t look for it tonight.”

Across the windbreaker, she clasped his wrist tightly, rubbing the back of his hand with her fingers soothingly, and the mental body he was about to release stopped again.

As if she had opened the barrier of protection.

He didn’t resist this time, and let her lead the two boys, walked through the heavy rain, and walked out of the door he had smashed through.

In the dark night rain, he could endure the feeling of rain on his body. He looked at her and held his hand. Her hands were thin and slender, and they were surprisingly beautiful.


On a rainy night, Holly, who was hiding in the car outside the school gate, watched in surprise, a strange scene in the heavy rain—the soaked Qiao Sha pulled the also soaked non-human teenager and walked out of the door.

He was much taller than Qiao Sha, his figure was thin and thin, with his head hanging down, obediently let Qiao Sha lead him, standing by the side of the road, waiting for a taxi to slowly drive over.

The taxi light illuminates the heavy rain and illuminates the two people. He only turned his head to hide from the light, but there was no agitation.

how come.

According to her investigation, this non-human teenager was born in hiding and was more likely to lose control than other non-humans. He had never received training, like a bomb that could explode at any time, and could not approach him at all, let alone discipline him. .

And just a few hours ago, he almost snapped Qiao Sha’s neck out of control.

How could it suddenly become so… obedient?

In a short period of time, Qiao Sha trained him?

Holly looked back at Aran in the back seat in surprise, “Chief, his mental body is hidden.”

His out-of-control emotions seemed to be calmed down, and his mental body was hidden, and they couldn’t capture it anymore.

Alan looked at Qiao Sha and Rong Yin outside the car window, and slowly smiled with her cheeks supported. She has changed, become better and more useful.

What she couldn’t do before, now she can.


In the taxi, he was like a wet puppy. For the first time in a taxi, he sat nervously in the seat, with raindrops running down his black hair and hanging on his forehead and chin.

Qiao Sha did not loosen his wrist, nor did he let her loosen it.

She had a strange sense of peace, and that sense of peace made him feel safe.

The windows were all closed, and the radio told the driver to close.

The quietness of the car made him relax a little bit. Qiao Sha turned her head to look at him from the window glass. The stains on his face were washed away by the rain. He is very beautiful, unlike Surya and Rongga. Same, he is beautiful like a fragile foam, the little mermaid.

Pale, morbid, and delicate to the point where the mandible is beautiful.

He is only 19 this year, just a few days after he became an adult.

He let her hold him motionless, like a dog that only feels safe when he is led.

The taxi stopped outside an old community.

She took Quiet Rongyi and got out of the car, led him in, and stopped in front of 601’s room.

“This is the place where I lived before.” Qiao Sha opened the door and pulled him into the room with no lights on. “I rented for a year, but I haven’t gotten the rent yet. I can’t find the hotel so late. You stay here first. I’m here.”

She turned on the light, closed the door, and squinted her eyes slightly stimulated by the light and sound, and trembled.

She deliberately released his hand and saw that he subconsciously took the initiative to grab her, and his cold fingers grabbed her fingers.

Only for a moment, he reacted, hurriedly let go, and retracted into his sleeve.

Qiao Sha looked at him, “click” and turned off the bright light again.

The room returned to darkness.

But in the darkness, he could see more clearly than ordinary people. He clearly saw her face and her outstretched hand.

“Do you want me to hold you?” she asked him quietly.

He looked at the beautiful hand, which was very soft and the temperature was just right.

“I can’t see you, are you not so shy?” She asked quietly again.


He doesn’t know why his cheeks are hot, does she think he is shy? He is not shy, he hates, hates being touched, being touched by anyone.

“I don’t like others touching me.” He just said, his mental body suddenly condensed in the pitch black and jumped out.

“Woo” rushed under her palm and arched her head in her palm.

He was frightened and angry, seeing her staggered, hugging the mental body that was much smaller than usual, rubbed its head and smiled and said, “Really? But it seems to like it very much.”

His face turned red all of a sudden, and he was very annoyed. Why did it come out? Obviously it would only come out when he was emotionally out of control, but now it ran out without being obedient?

“Go back!” He withdrew his mental body abruptly, his face hot and red.

She leaned against the wall, tilted her head and smiled at him, smiling at him without saying anything.

Can she see him? Can you see the expression on his face?

His heart jumped up abruptly by what she saw, and when he saw her raising his hand, he thought she was going to turn on the light, so he hurriedly reached out and covered the switch.

Don’t turn on the light, she will see it when the light is on.

She smiled in the dim, her fingers dropped on the cuffs of his windbreaker, pulled his sleeves, pulled him towards her, and said to him: “The wet puppies must be washed before they can sleep in mine. On the bed.”

Drenched puppy.

His heart jumped suddenly, her face was hot, and her toes almost stepped on her feet. She moved back and he stepped on her wet footprints.

He realized that he was barefoot, she was also bare, and the floor she had stepped on was warm.

He couldn’t help moving his toes, and was involuntarily led by her.

He is not her dog.

He was led into a small bathroom before she released him.

“Will you take a bath by yourself?” she asked him uncertainly.

He said hurriedly: “Of course I will.”

Of course he will take a bath by himself, and he is not a real monster.

She seemed uneasy, turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature of the water for him, and turned around after a while and said, “Everything is in the bathroom. Call me if you need it.”

The door closed gently.

He stood in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, he was dirty, and he made her trench coat dirty.

He took off the windbreaker carefully and took a closer look. It was full of his blood and dirt. He could buy another one and return it to her.


Outside the bathroom door.

Qiao Sha took off her soaked shirt and skirt, and found a nightdress in the closet to put on.

The original owner left here and took almost the clothes away, only some old clothes were left.

She found a few more men’s T-shirts and shorts. Isn’t the original owner alone living here?

She swept the small living room and bedroom. There were many beer cans and takeaway garbage in the living room, and the bed in the bedroom seemed to have been slept.

Did the original owner’s brother come to live here? Why does he have the key to the original owner living alone? Why live in her room so grandiosely.

The sound of running water in the bathroom stopped, and a figure seemed to be standing behind the frosted glass door of the bathroom, but did not speak.

Qiao Sha took a large white shirt and strappy shorts from the original owner, opened the door a little, and passed it in, “The clean one is my old clothes.”

The person inside took it with a wet hand and said softly: “Thank you.”

Will he become the villain who killed many people in the future?

“Yes, the host.” 101 told her: “The reason why Aran, the chief director of the Supervision Bureau, stared at him so special is because he was born non-human. With the ability to kill, he indirectly killed his mother at the age of three, and completely lost control after the age of nineteen. He killed many people from the Supervision Bureau and innocent people indiscriminately. Of course, he also killed many non-human beings.”

The plot about Rong Yin in Qiao Sha’s mind emerged one by one. After this escape in the original plot, Rong Yin lost control and killed Holly of the Supervision Bureau.

This was the first time he directly killed a person. After tasting human blood, he was completely unable to control himself.

It was also because of his special physique that attracted many non-human beings, and those non-human beings also wanted to eat his body to gain his abilities.

He didn’t have a shelter. Both humans and non-humans wanted him to die. In the end, he went crazy and killed almost all the non-humans and the Supervision Bureau, including the original heroine Qiao Sha.

In order to stop him, the original heroine Qiao Sha was also killed by him and swallowed the body.

After the heroine died, the world collapsed.

The heroine task of this world is very vulgar-the heroine domesticated the violent villain, prevented him from blackening and killing, let him enter the supervision center tower, and learn to be a normal person.

There is great peace in the world, and the heroine also got the sun in her heart, and the love of the hero Aran was with him.

But so far no quest person has completed this task, because the villain Rong Yin is too easy to lose control, even if he is full of his goodwill points and makes him fall in love with the heroine, he will be jealous, possessive, and love the heroine. He was blackened by Chief Aran, killed all the people in the Supervision Bureau, killed Aran, and killed the heroine.

He can’t be domesticated if he doesn’t love the heroine.

Too much love for the heroine will produce crazy possessiveness. He will never allow the heroine and the male lead to be together, and if he doesn’t pay attention, he will blacken and kill the male lead.

Therefore, the avatar of the main **** will come to this world, as the male lead, to assist the tasker in repairing this broken world.

Therefore, this world does not have progress bars such as favorability and hatred, as long as the ending is reached.

Qiao Sha wiped her wet hair. What’s difficult in this world is not to brush the goodwill of the villain, but to “domesticate.”

Domestication is not only [love], but also [obedience].

Just like a dog will always obediently wait for his owner to leave work, a dog will never ask his owner to accompany him only.

The heroine’s task should be to let the villain wait for her obediently, even if she is with the heroine, he will wait for her obediently.

101 admits that the host analysis is correct, but it is easier said than done.

“But the villain is not a dog, he is a wolf that will blacken at any time.” 101 said: “Wolves don’t allow anyone to covet his partner.”

Qiao Sha walked to the window and glanced at the private car parked downstairs outside the window. It was Dongqing’s car, and she followed her all the time.

Aran is also in the car, right?

“Then domesticate the male lead.” Qiao Sha closed the curtains and made the male lead obediently obediently waiting for her to take the time to caress.

101 was surprised. He didn’t understand what the host meant. Can the male lead be domesticated? The male lead is a clone of the main god.

“That’s right.” Qiao Sha asked him again, “Why did the concealed mental body just now become so small, about the size of a normal wolf.”

“The size of the mental body is based on his mood. For example, when you see such a big beast in the teaching building, it is a huge mental body that split out to protect himself when he was extremely violent and felt dangerous.” 101 explained to her : “But like just now, his mental body is about the same size as a normal wolf, because he feels safe, and his mental body is not here to protect him.”

Oh, it turns out that the more dangerous he feels, the more ferocious his mental body will be to protect himself.

So the white sock dog just now came out to sell cute? Asking for caress?

The bathroom door behind was pulled open.

Qiao Sha heard the clanging of chains, and turned her head to see the hidden face standing there with her head down. He was washed clean, his black hair was still dripping with water, and she looked extremely thin in a large white T-shirt and shorts.

On his thin arms and legs, there were all wounds.

“I’m done.” He stood there with his head down and said to her: “I will pay you for your clothes.”

Qiao Sha saw the bathroom, and he neatly folded her windbreaker on the washing machine.

He looks so good at this moment.

“No, I have your father’s card.” She said.

He was stunned for a moment, as if remembering that she was his stepmother again, he suddenly pursed his mouth a little unhappy, and repeated it again, “I will pay you.”

Are you jealous? Are you jealous?

Qiao Sha nodded on the sofa beside her, “Sit here and I will take a look at the wound for you.”

He seemed to want to refuse.

Qiao Sha said again: “Otherwise the blood will stain my bed.”

He lowered his head, walked over and sat on the sofa, pulled his white T-shirt from his waist, revealing the wound on his back, and said to her, “I washed it.”

“Da” softly.

Qiao Sha turned on the dim light on the bedside, and the light fell on his back warmly, his thin spine protruding, and the cleansed wounds were still dripping with red blood. , Looks cruel and beautiful.

Qiao Sha’s fingers brushed his wound lightly, and he tremblingly grabbed the armrest of the sofa.

“Does it hurt?” Qiao Sha asked him.

He lowered his head and said nothing.

Qiao Sha pressed **** his wound, he snorted in pain, turned around and grabbed her hand.

“It hurts?” Qiao Sha smiled softly at him under the warm light, as if not intentionally, and said, “I’ll be lighter.”

His anger was suddenly discouraged under her gentle smile. Didn’t she do it on purpose? Maybe she didn’t mean it.

He let go of her hand and sat down again, feeling her very light cotton wool on his back cleaning his wound.

It’s very light, and when it’s light, he relaxes a little bit.

She asked him again: “Does it hurt?”

He subconsciously replied: “It doesn’t hurt.”

She seemed to smile, and gently pressed the gauze on his wound with her finger, stroked the skin on the edge of his wound and said, “Good.”

Like complimenting his spiritual body.

He was stunned for a moment, looking at the dim light from the bedside lamp, his ears became a little hot, and he was not her dog…

She pulled down his clothes, walked to his face, squatted down, squatted under his eyes, in front of his knees, he saw the snow-white skin under her black nightdress, her collarbone, her heart… …The nightgown that slipped onto her thigh had lace like eyelashes.

His face and ears turned red for an instant, and he saw a woman for the first time…

No, it’s a beautiful, young woman, a woman full of sweet shower cream.

He had only seen babysitters, aunts, and elderly teachers in the past. They were wrapped tightly, and they were far away from him in fear.

But this woman was so close to him, he had spied on places that he had never seen before.

His heart was about to jump out, he knew he shouldn’t watch it, but he couldn’t help but watch it.

She is so beautiful.

He hurriedly moved to get up, her gentle fingers supported his injured right leg.

While the chains were clanging, her fingers lightly touched the scratched wound on his leg: “How did it hurt here?”

She is so beautiful.

He looked at her flusteredly, looked at her, and heard her in his ears, but all he thought was: she is so beautiful and so fragrant.

how did you make it? Where did you get it? He had forgotten that he had many wounds, maybe they were hits, maybe he was scratching them, he forgot, every time he loses control, he can’t help loathing himself and want to tear himself apart.

She hung her head and cleaned the wound on his leg. He didn’t feel any pain anymore.

Her damp black hair fell from behind her shoulders and fell on his knees, itchy, and his fingers on the sofa moved.

He wants to touch her.

She must be very soft and full.

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