Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 67 - [Domesticated geeky male protagonist] [VIP]

But I want to get to know you.

Mingyuan looked at her in the blue light. She didn’t deceive him or coax him. She told him truthfully, why did he blame her?

He shouldn’t blame her, but just fell into his dream.

Her breath was next to his fingers, and Ming Yuan only saw it at this time. She was lying on her side under his palm, wearing only a flimsy garment, a piece of snow-white softness ready to come out.

His eyes were confused, his heart was confused, and he hurriedly loosened the quilt.

The quilt covered her body and head again.

She moved under the quilt and got out, pinching the quilt with her hands, only showing a crimson face and bright eyes.

Is she shy?

She blinked gently and looked at him, “Don’t you blame me?”

Mingyuan’s heart was also stirred up. He didn’t know where to look, only that he didn’t dare to look at her. He had never looked at a woman carefully, and now he gave birth to an uncontrollable pitiful and cuteness between her every move. .

“You…” He looked at the lamp with the light out, and asked her, “What did you see in my dream?”

Doesn’t he know?

Qiao Sha blinked again, yes, he could only perceive her into a dream, but he couldn’t perceive which dream she had entered, she did not enter the dream he was having.

His earlobes are actually red.

Qiao Sha looked at him. What is he guilty of? He thought she had fallen into his dream? So so guilty?

What did he dream of just now?

“Did you dream of me just now?” Qiao Sha didn’t ask him what he dreamed, but deliberately asked him if he dreamed of her.

Sure enough, his eyelids moved, he moved to look at her black hair hanging on the side of the couch, but he did not dare to look at her face, “Did you see it all?”

Okay, the holy monk really dreamed of her, she guessed it was a very sweet dream, otherwise, what is his guilty conscience? Why don’t you dare to look at her?

“I saw the golden wind and jade dew with me in the dream of the sage master.

His eyes were turbulent, and he looked at her face all of a sudden, her eyes, as if panicked, blurted out: “I never…”

But he didn’t say it, those words in his heart were like a violation of the precepts.

Qiao Sha had a clear and regretful expression: “Have you not dreamed of going up against the phoenix with me?”

She raised her arms and sat up, “Then what are you doing with me in your dream?” The quilt slipped from her body, revealing her thin clothes and her skin.

Ming Yuan looked away again to look at the lotus lantern, “You didn’t enter my dream?” He frowned, she was just cheating him? What he said? She didn’t see anything?

“You have to answer me first.” With a smile in her voice, she looked at him under his eyes, “What did you do with me just now in your dream?”

There were playful teases between her eyebrows, exactly the same as when she deliberately forced him to walk into her before calling her Shasha.

But Mingyuan was still teased like weeds. He moved away from the bed and left her range, as if he had followed her way, time and time again.

“Don’t play around with me anymore.” Ming Yuan stood by the lotus lantern with his back to her, helplessly and compromised.

Qiao Sha sat on the couch and looked at his back in the dark, pursing her lips and grinning. She prefers to tease him. What a fun it is to watch the mountain-like calm and unintentional saint master messing with Fang Cun.

“Okay, then you look back at me.” Qiao Sha’s voice was full of smiles.

Mingyuan’s back moved, only listening to her say: “Look at me, I won’t ask you anymore, I also tell you, what did I see just now in my dream, okay?”

He looked at the lotus lamp without a wick and asked himself, why didn’t he dare to look back at her? Why don’t you dare to look back at her?

In the quiet and secluded room, he turned around at the square table and beside the lotus lamp and looked at her on the couch, but she didn’t know when she was behind him, only half a step away from him.

That face was unpredictable under his eyes, and his heart jumped suddenly. She looked at him straightforwardly, and half step forward, her bare toes resting on his monk shoes.

Panicked, he hurriedly backed away, hitting the square table behind him, and the lotus lantern shook.

“Boom” fell on the table.

In those noises, he lowered his eyelids, as if he wanted to press on his “clanging” heart.

But the face and the thin white neck were right under his eyes. Her thin white fingers passed through his side and hugged him. She lifted up the lotus lamp on the table behind him and screamed teasingly with a smile. He: “Bu Liansheng, look at me.”

His heart is like that lotus lantern, held in her palm.

He confessed his fate and raised his eyes to look at her. Her bright face, stern eyes, and the smirk at the corner of her lips were printed in his eyes and fell into his heart.

I can’t avoid it anymore, I can’t forget it.

He will eventually fall into a nightmare full of her.

“Host, Mingyuan’s favorability has increased again. It is now 85 percent.” 101 couldn’t help but sigh. The host is invincible in playing with men. As long as she is given a little time, she can make all the zeros. One hundred percent.

Qiao Sha let go of the lotus lantern and pushed it away for half a step, as if not playing with you anymore, and said to him: “I just didn’t know what happened. I entered your dream a long time ago…”

Mingyuan raised his finger.

A large monk’s robe was taken from the shelf and wrapped around Qiao Sha’s shoulders.

He turned his head, stretched out his hand to hook up the belt on the monk’s robe, tightened her flap, and fastened it neatly, “What do you see?”

I can’t control my eyes to look here, so I can only wrap it up for her.

Color monk.

Qiao Sha pursed her mouth and smiled, stood there and let him fasten the belt, and answered him obediently: “I saw you talking with a man by the Red Lotus Lake. He was holding a baby girl and said he has a name. “

Mingyuan frowned, turned his head to look at her, “Did you see him? What else did you see?”

Qiao Sha looked into his eyes, decided to give it a try, and asked him directly: “He is the Demon Venerable, right? What happened to you with the Demon Venerable?”

Ming Yuan didn’t deny it, watching her pause for a long time, as if thinking about telling her.

Qiao Sha took the initiative and said, “If you don’t want to tell me, forget it. If I want to know, Xiao Nie will tell me.” She put on a monk robe and turned away from under his eyes. Your past.”

Mingyuan’s fingers were empty, and her heart was also empty. She sat back on the couch alone, her eyes down without looking at him.

He doesn’t know why, he doesn’t want to see her like this.

“Yes.” He replied. Originally there was nothing to hide about this incident, although his past had never been known.

But Xie Mingjun also knew about the matter between him and the demon.

If she wants to know his past, he doesn’t mind.

He turned and sat on the futon, lowered his eyes and said to her, “My past is not interesting. If you want to know, I can tell you.” He raised his eyes to the azure bead in her hand, “Don’t enter again. my dream.”

“Well, if you don’t like it, I will never enter your dreams again.” Qiao Sha raised her hand and threw the blue beads into the tea cup beside his couch, “You know, I seldom lie to you.”

There was a smile on the corner of his lips that he hadn’t noticed, he knew, he heard it.

“Host, it has increased by 5% again.” 101 updates the data in real time. Mingyuan’s favorability is already 90%. Once a man falls in love, his IQ is 0. What do you say and believe…

The host has been lying to him, but he doesn’t know it.

“He is the sacred lotus in my mountain.” Mingyuan looked at the red lotus that was open at the door, and said quietly: “He is not a demon, but the companion lotus of the birthplace of the Buddha. He was born with the Buddha. , Was offered to the Buddha before sitting, it was originally a holy lotus.”

The sacred lotus associated with the Buddha.

Qiao Sha was still shocked, she didn’t expect that silly white sweet little Nie, that Demon Venerable, was such an incredible setting.

“This mountain was originally a burial mound and a mass grave.” Mingyuan lowered his eyes, looking at the blue bricks under the futon, as if looking at this mountain, “Li ghosts and demons came out of the mountain, and the world was chaotic. The resentful ghost in this mountain planted the holy lotus on this mountain, and used the holy lotus to cleanse the grave mountain. He has been in the mountain for a long time, for a hundred years and thousands of years, the evil spirit of the mountain has been transformed into a demon, but he has gradually born Spiritual knowledge that shouldn’t be there.”

“What about you?” Qiao Sha couldn’t help asking: “Who are you?”

Who is he?

Mingyuan raised his eyes to look at Xiang Qiao Sha: “Do you know my name, what does Bu Liansheng mean?”

she does not know.

“The red lotus is born between inches.” Mingyuan told her, “I am the mountain spirit born to serve the holy lotus. I am this mountain.”

He raised his eyes, and the drizzle outside the window suddenly poured down, and all the branches and leaves rattled with the sound of the rain.

Qiao Sha looked at his face, his quiet eyes, and his heart throbbed as expected.

——No one knows his origin, and no one knows the depth of his cultivation. He seems not interested in everything in the Three Realms. He stays behind closed doors, shuts himself in the Red Lotus Temple, guarding the mountain.

——Whenever the mountain was there, he was there since.

——He seems to be one with this mountain. The grass and trees in the mountain are his eyes, ears, nose and nose. He can hear and see her every move.

——Her wet fingers rested on the old blue brick under the window, as if on his knees.

——He doesn’t care about the people in the world, his mission is to suppress the devil.

——If the Demon Lord cannot be blocked, he will no longer exist.

All these descriptions of Mingyuan imply his identity and who he is.

Qiao Sha looked at the little cinnabar mole on the center of his eyebrows, and even felt that his cinnabar mole was because of the red lotus in the mountains, the redness in the mountains, and the little cinnabar moles on the center of his eyebrows.

Bu Lian was born, born for the holy lotus.

Qiao Sha’s heart did not know why, as the drizzle outside the window trembled gently, under the red lotus pond that the demon’s life soul suppressed, this mountain meant that it was suppressed in Mingyuan’s body.

So he sealed a soul nail for himself.

Qiao Sha gently sat on the blue brick beside him, her black hair hanging down in front of his knees, “Then what?”

He looked at her, her temperature and touch clearly made him feel that she was like sitting on his lap, snuggling and leaning against him.

He couldn’t help but gently drew a strand of her black hair with his fingers, and looked down and said, “I was enlightened by the beads, and the beads gave me a name and ordered me to serve the holy lotus. While I practiced with the beads, I served the holy lotus. For a hundred years and thousands of years, I have cultivated a righteous fruit. I have obtained this Dharma body and the name of the Holy Master Mingyuan, but I am lonely in the mountains. I often chant by the red lotus pond. say.”

“He learned my tone and voice, and talked to me.” Ming Yuan recalled that long memory, and the first sentence he said to him was: “He called me a monk and asked me: Is it fun to be a human being.”

That was the first time Sheng Lian spoke to him. He hadn’t gained the Tao at that time. Hearing Gu Lian Yu talking to him in his voice, he only felt novel in his heart.

The mountain was too lonely, no one had spoken to him except for spiritual practice, so when Guren spoke for the first time, he answered him.

“I shouldn’t answer his words.” Mingyuan sighed softly, “Perhaps if I don’t answer him, he will feel bored, and he won’t be born with a devil, so he can be his holy lotus with peace of mind.”

“No, once the spiritual wisdom is born, he will start to be curious and give birth to many dreams. Whether you talk to him or not, he will be curious and yearn for being a person.” Qiao Sha felt otherwise, she asked Mingyuan: ” How did you answer him back then?”

Mingyuan watched her, her eyes were full of curiosity, and there was no trace of impurities. Is she bad? Some of her behaviors are indeed not good people, but he always feels that she is carrying a kind of childish wanton and revenge, which is very much like the former demon.

Is the devil evil? He did all the evil things, but he was very pure.

Ming Yuan couldn’t explain to the world and the decent school that the devil in their mouths was actually the sacred lotus purifying thousands of grieving souls.

Just as he couldn’t explain to others, he thought she was so cute.

“I answered him, I don’t know.” Mingyuan looked at her delicate face, he wanted to touch her, but he shouldn’t, “Although I am a grown-up, I don’t know what it’s like to be a human being in the mountains.”

“Then what did he say?” Qiao Sha asked him again. She listened to the story like a story. She leaned forward and sat on his futon, with her body next to his knees and the palms of his robe sleeves. A flower

He didn’t avoid her, he sniffed her, looked down at her and said: “He asked me again, what is a human being? I said at least a human body and a name are required.”

He didn’t know what a person was at that time, he only knew that maybe he had a body and a name, even if he was a person.

But he didn’t expect that such an answer planted a demon in Saint Lotus’s heart.

When he took care of Shenglian again the next day, he found that Shenglian had turned into his appearance, sitting by the lake, looking at him, and said to him: From now on, I will be called Bu Liansheng.

That was the first time he had encountered an accident. If Sheng Lian turned into a man and left this mountain, he could not shirk the blame and was to be punished.

He used the Buddha beads given to him by the Buddha to set up a barrier, dispelling the phantom of his body, and trapped him in the lotus lake again.

Since then, he has become an admonisher, admonishing him, and he has turned into a demon, a demon, not a human being.

Admonish him, he is transformed into his appearance, using his name is not a human being, but a demon that imitates others.

Teach him not to go astray because of a momentary curiosity. Originally, he only spent decades in the mountains and purified for a few decades, and then he could return to the Buddha beads. At that time, he could become immortal when his merits were perfect.

But these are useless after all.

Ming Yuan didn’t notice it at that time. Saint Lotus didn’t know when it spread out from the bottom of the lake, and kept peeking out of the mountain, and a red lotus bloomed beside the stream below the mountain.

Mingyuan only knew that he was very quiet after that time, but he didn’t know that he saw all kinds of people passing by by the stream down the mountain.

Mingyuan discovered the clues and started asking him from Shenglian—Do you think the name Zhang Sheng is good?

——What about Liu Yong?

Ming Yuan never mentioned these unfamiliar names, and this mountain was never allowed to be entered by anyone. Ming Yuan guessed that he had left the mountain.

In order to warn him, Mingyuan deliberately made a bet with him. Mingyuan allowed him to turn into a human being and be a man for a day. Whether he is Zhang Sheng or Liu Yong, as long as someone is willing to treat him as a human being and be with him The life of others, whether it is relatives, friends, or partners, counts as he wins.

After winning, Ming Yuan completely unblocked the barrier and let him be a man.

But if he loses, he has to return to the mountain, and before the expiration of the time limit, he will never be allowed to reincarnate or leave the mountain.

“Then what’s the result?” Qiao Sha couldn’t help but urged him.

The bluish white faintly appeared outside the window, as if it was about to dawn.

“As a result, he lost.” Mingyuan glanced at the window, “How can there be two “Zhang Sheng” in this world, how can he be considered a human being by using someone else’s name? That’s it.”

He had known this a long time ago, Sheng Lian was not a human, but to imitate others, he would only be regarded as a demon by the decent.

Sheng Lian was so naive without personnel. He turned into Zhang Sheng and went to Zhang Sheng’s home to live with Zhang Sheng’s wife and family. How could he not be regarded as a demon?

That night, the disciple of the authentic sect nearby came to get rid of him, the demon.

For Shenglian, these were just small spells, and they couldn’t hurt him at all. It was Zhang Sheng’s family and his wife who hurt him.

Zhang Sheng’s family and his wife pretended to treat him as Zhang Sheng in order to help the decent disciple get rid of him as a demon.

That was probably the first time he had eaten human food.

But the medicine was put in the meal and the charm was put on his clothes. He was wounded all over his body, almost killing Zhang Sheng’s family.

It was Mingyuan who rushed to take him back to the mountain and told him that he had lost.

Mingyuan thought that he would stop dreaming about being a human being at this point, and he was indeed peaceful for a long time after that.

But less than half a year later, Mingyuan smelled the breath of people in the mountains. He hurried over and found that Shenglian had transformed into a human body again. This time he did not transform into his appearance again, but a strange face, and also Holding a dead girl.

He said he had a name, his own name, and that the baby was his child.

“This is the dream I saw.” Qiao Sha held Mingyuan’s finger, “What then? What’s his name? Where did the child come from?”

But before Mingyuan answered her, the door behind her was knocked.

Qiao Sha was angry and raised her hand to knock the outsider away, but listened to that person anxiously: “Sage Master Mingyuan, Senior Haiyue’s body suddenly became stiff, I’m afraid they are in an accident.”


“It’s just that the corpse is stiff.” 101 explained to her, “In this world, the primordial spirit is not a death. The body of the cultivator will remain in a state of lethargy, but once his primordial spirit, that is, the three souls, is gone, it is When you die, your body will become a corpse, and there will be a corpse.”

So, Haiyue is dead? Didn’t they rescue Aga from the underworld?

Useless decency.

Qiao Sha got up and went out with Mingyuan, and went to the next room to see Haiyue’s body.


Sure enough, the purple stiffness was gone.

The crowd surrounded the corpse, asking what Mingyuan should do in a panic.

Suddenly a fishy wind blew in the mountains, which was still mixed with the smell of decay.

Mingyuan and Qiao Sha could see together, only to see Xie Mingjun carrying his sword back in the light drizzle. His white clothes were wet by the rain, and the silver hair on his head was now only the chance of his forehead. A jet-black hair made his pale face especially bloodless and dead.

He has become a demon?

Qiao Sha clearly smelled the yin and decayed breath from him, she didn’t know what that breath was.

But other people know that it is the evil spirit of the immortal.

Xie Mingjun, in a demon.

At the moment when Xie Mingjun appeared, everyone was sure that he was no longer the previous Xie Mingjun.

The heads looked at the master, who secretly winked at them holding the sword, and almost immediately reached a decision.

When Xie Mingjun stepped into the Buddhist room, they stepped aside, surrounded Xie Mingjun, and trapped him by laying down a barrier.

“No wonder Xie Shengjun.” The master ancestor reinforced the enchantment, staring at him vigilantly and said: “We set up the enchantment just to prevent trouble.” He paused and asked Xie Mingjun: “Has Xie Shengjun been enchanted?”

The answer was obvious. He was just to determine whether Xie Mingjun was sane now.

Xie Mingjun stood in the barrier and did not move. He did not look at everyone. He only looked at Qiao Sha. Qiao Sha stood beside Mingyuan. She was still wearing Mingyuan’s monk robe. His eyebrows faintly beat.

“Yes.” Xie Mingjun tightened the magic knot on his wrist again. The knot had long been submerged in his skin, bleeding from it, so that he could wake up, he could not lose control, he could never lose to the heart. magic.

Xie Mingjun lowered his eyes, took something out of his sleeve, and handed it to Mingyuan.

His fingers were blue and purple, and he was holding a handful of jasper hairpins. The hairpins were from the sea and moon, and everyone felt a ray of ghost from the hairpins clearly.

“Senior Hai abandoned his two souls of heaven and earth and found a strand of Aga’s ghost.” Xie Mingjun’s fingers trembled slightly, which was tied by a magic rope, “but there is only a weak soul.”

What is a weak soul?

Qiao Sha only saw the hairpin, a strand of incense like burning sandalwood, and a thin strand wrapped around the hairpin, unable to detect which one of the three souls was.

——”Aga? Is that Aga?”

Xiao Nie in her body suddenly became excited, trying to control her body to get the hairpin, but she was pressed into her body: You had better not act rashly, otherwise Aga won’t be saved.

She said to Xiao Nie.

Xiao Nie calmed down as expected, and only softly said to her—”Will they lie to me? They took the souls of others to lie to me?”

Qiao Sha actually felt compassion for him, and pity the parents of the world, she said to him: They can’t deceive me.

He was completely silent, and said no more.

Qiao Sha did not take the initiative to take the hairpin, and Mingyuan took the hairpin in his hand.

The other leaders asked one by one, what about Haiyue?

Xie Mingjun lowered his eyes, clenched his sword and said: “Senior Hai, the world and the earth are scattered, his life and soul have fallen into the underworld, and he has entered the road of reincarnation.”

All of them were ashamed, as if they were dead.

Qiao Sha was disdainful, but she had entered reincarnation and reincarnated as a human being. She thought her soul flew away.

Haiyue only lost his cultivation base and his life, but Ajia was killed by them, and he has not entered the cycle of reincarnation until now, only such a small strand of ghost is about to disperse.

The leader clenched his sword in indignation, and said word by word: “We must let the demon lord’s soul fly away before we can avenge Senior Hai!”

How unreasonable and decent, can this be blamed on the head of the demon? It’s obviously that the old man of Haihaiyue is not good at learning, otherwise why did Xie Mingjun come back alive?

Qiao Sha was extremely disdainful.

101: “…Host your three views are getting more and more terrifying.”

Qiao Sha looked down at the wisp of ghost on the hairpin. The ghost was struggling, but it seemed to be bound by something, unable to escape the hairpin, “Is this Aga’s soul? Can she incarnate in a human body? At least it can. Only by showing good looks can it be used to lure the demon lord to the bait.”

Otherwise, just tell him to the demon venerable that this is Ajia, and a fool would believe it.

Everyone looked at the hairpin in Mingyuan’s hand.

Ming Yuan had already explored the ghost in the hairpin, frowned and shook his head, “This ghost is too weak to be transformed into a form, it doesn’t even have spiritual consciousness, it may just be the girl’s weakest heavenly soul. “

The weakest heavenly soul?

101 explained for the puzzled Qiao Sha: “You know that the heavenly soul is the primordial soul that controls the cultivation of the immortal cultivator. This primordial soul has no sense of consciousness and thinking, and it cannot be transformed into a form.”

She knew that the ray of heavenly soul in Xiaobichen’s scorpion pill.

“But Aga is not a cultivator, she is just a mortal.” 101 said: “So her heavenly soul is very weak, just a ray of ghost, no effect at all.”

So, Aga is indeed a mortal? Not a demon, they killed a mortal little girl in the first place?

“Maybe.” 101 responded uncertainly.

Qiao Sha thought, is this decent? Even if she is the daughter of Mozun, she is just a mortal little girl.

If someone kills her daughter, she will fight those people desperately and kill them all.

She swept those people.

Everyone was discouraged and questioned Xie Mingjun emotionally, “Senior Hai entered the underworld with you, and only found this weak heavenly soul? Are there no other souls?”

“What the **** is going on? Please also Xie Shengjun clarify the ins and outs.” The other said.

Xie Mingjun lowered his eyes, and the blood on his wrist fell drop by drop.

“Enough.” Mingyuan interrupted the others, suddenly raised his hand, put a ray of spiritual energy into Xie Mingjun’s forehead, and said to him: “Xie Shengjun, you should concentrate on it, maybe you can restrain you. Demon.”

The wisp of spiritual energy lowered Xie Mingjun’s negative pressure, but only Xie Mingjun knew that he was already powerless to return to the sky.

He just wants to finish the last thing.

He raised his eyes to Qiao Sha, but Qiao Sha was not looking at him.

No one was watching him.

They looked at Mingyuan, and Qiao Sha also looked at Mingyuan, he was like a useless chess piece.

In his whole life, he has been decent and upright, and betrayed his only wife, is it worth it?

The lotus pond outside the door seemed to react to something, and it churned.

Mingyuan knew very well that he was about to be unable to suppress it. He looked at the hairpin and said, “There is another way.”

Everyone looked at him.

He raised his eyes and looked at Qiao Sha: “Your Mirage Dream Ball.”

The other heads looked at Qiao Sha in surprise, she actually has a mirage dream bead? Isn’t the pearl the legendary pill of the mirage dragon? They have only heard of it in legends, how could she have?

Qiao Sha probably knew from their eyes that the beads were very rare. She thought it was just a souvenir that Xiao Bichen brought back when she returned home. So it was so good?

“In the teacup in your room.” Qiao Sha said, and he watched her throw it in.

The others were even more surprised, not daring to believe it, and asked Mingyuan: “Sage Master Mingyuan is sure that it is a mirage dream bead? Isn’t it an ordinary bead?”

Qiao Sha sneered.

Xiao Bichen outside the door raised his hand, and a azure bead spun out of the Mingyuan Buddhist room and fell into his palm.

“Mother.” He walked in and handed the beads to Qiao Sha.

Qiao Sha took it in her hand, and the blue light reflected the house into an ocean. She asked Xiao Bichen: “So these beads are so expensive?”

Xiao Bichen doesn’t speak, it’s not expensive, and all the treasures in the world add up, but her smile is not as valuable.

Everyone looked at the azure bead and stopped talking, and they couldn’t be sure whether it was a mirage or not, and they had never seen it before.

But Mingyuan knew it was true, she had used it to enter his dream.

“The mirage can not only enter a dream.” Mingyuan looked at Qiao Sha, as if only saying to her: “You only need to form a magic circle, and you can send the dreamer’s spiritual consciousness back to the dream.”

Qiao Sha was extremely surprised. This means that through the magic circle, he can return to the past world in that person’s dream from the beads? ?

This bead is so powerful.

She really didn’t expect it.

“Then we can send a person back to the devil’s past and kill him before he becomes a demon?” The master was the first to react, “but how can we enter the devil’s dream?” He looked at him. To Qiao Sha, “She has the two souls of Demon Venerable in her body, can she enter the dream of Demon Venerable through the two souls of heaven and earth?”

“No.” Ming Yuan vetoed it almost immediately, “If the Demon Venerable Earth Soul in her body is released, do you have the ability to suppress it?”

Everyone shut their mouths.

“Even before returning to Demon Lord before becoming a demon, you can’t kill him.” Ming Yuan said quietly.

“Why?” The others were puzzled.

Mingyuan shook his finger.

“Because he is the companion of the Buddha.” Xie Mingjun raised his eyes, and a strange look appeared in his eyes: “He can purify thousands of ghosts and evil spirits. Do you think you can kill him?”

There was a fire in his heart. At the beginning, he and Mingyuan gave their lives, and it took all their energy to strip the Demon Sovereign’s Three Souls and suppress them. Why are these people not grateful? Why…

A ray of spiritual energy penetrated into him again.

It was Ming Yuan, he tried to suppress the demons in Xie Mingjun again and again.

“All of you work together to send someone back. You only need to extract Ajia’s life and soul and bring it back immediately.” Mingyuan said straightforwardly: “This is the safest and best way, the only way.”

Qiao Sha’s heart surged, and she became excited. She clenched her fingers, and wanted to tell her to go directly. She could not have been better.

But she waited, waiting for others to look at her.

Waiting for others to speak, “Isn’t Miss Joe the best candidate?”


Xie Mingjun squeezed the sword, raised his head, and stepped forward.

Mingyuan’s palm was pressed on his shoulders, a burst of spiritual energy entered, and he whispered: “If Xie Shengjun becomes a demon, there will be no turning back.”

But the anger in his heart couldn’t be suppressed. He was already decent and sacrificed to suppress the devil to such a degree that he was willing to die for his way and decentness.

The only thing he insisted on was to solve the matter and bring Qiao Sha back to the fairy gate safely, even if it was to send her back to Jianzong, at least… at least he kept her.

Why did they push Qiao Sha into this disaster again…

“Okay.” Qiao Sha raised her eyes and said, “I am willing to do this, but not for decency, for you.”

She looked at Mingyuan, looked at him, and said softly: “I only care for my heart, for the person I care about, I don’t want to see him suffering.”

Mingyuan’s palm pressing Xie Mingjun was stiff and hot. He didn’t know what she meant.

She is for him.

——”Are you for me?”

Xiao Nie asked her lowly in her ears, and then said after the question, “Or for the monk?”

Qiao Sha didn’t return to him. She heard 101 tell her that Mingyuan’s favorability and Xiao Nie’s favorability increased by 5% at the same time.

Xiao Nie’s favorability is now 80%.

And Mingyuan is now 95%.

Qiao Sha held the azure bead, swept over Xie Mingjun, and said to him, “My husband does not have to stop me.” She smiled bitterly, “If you were able to save me in the devil’s cave back then, I wouldn’t be where I am today. “

Xie Mingjun was stunned. He looked at her. He couldn’t explain. She was right. If he hadn’t left her in the Demon Cave that day, he was for the sake of decency, in the name of the holy monarch, and in order to give the decency… She stayed in the devil’s cave alone.

If he had the first choice to save her, she would not meet Xiao Nie, and would not be involved in the suppression of the demon.

She will not go where she is today.

All things today are due to him.

Qiao Sha stopped looking at him, turned around and said to Ming Yuan: “You don’t have to enter the dream of Demon Venerable, enter your dream.”

Yes, this is his idea.

Mingyuan caught her eyes, only he and her understood what happened in his dream. You don’t have to enter the dream of Demon Venerable, you can find Ajia in his dream.

Mingyuan gave a soft “graciousness”, and an inexplicable emotion surrounded him, as if…someone in this world has a connection with him, and has a secret between them.

Someone understands his past and understands his heart.

hurry up.

Qiao Sha couldn’t wait any longer, she wanted to see what the Demon Lord looked like and what her name was.

This has become the secret she most wants to know now.

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