Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 64 - [Domesticated geeky male protagonist] [VIP]

his name?

The sky was still dark, and the pool of red lotus was glowing in the dark night. He was also glowing, his face was glowing, and his eyes were glowing.

It was Mingyuan’s face, but he was so different from Mingyuan. He had a strange beauty that made people afraid to look at it, but he couldn’t help being attracted.

He is not Mingyuan.

Qiao Sha looked at those eyes and confirmed that he was the life soul of Demon Venerable? Has the devil’s life and soul been completely awakened? Possessed on Mingyuan?

She couldn’t feel the movement of Xiao Nie imprisoned in her body. He had been silent in her since he had been in this mountain.

But he is indeed still in her body, isn’t this a ghost of him?

“Aren’t you Mingyuan?” Qiao Sha held the door, and the cyan Buddha beads on her wrists gently knocked on the wooden door, “Or do you want me to call you Bu Liansheng?”

“Bu Liansheng.” He murmured and repeated the name, but he didn’t know what he was thinking with his eyes down. His long black hair fell into the red lotus pond and merged with the water. “I like this name very much. I want such a name too, but I don’t have one.”

Qiao Sha moved his finger lightly, clicked on the door frame, looked at him with low eyebrows, and looked at his muttering, he seemed a little abnormal.

Is it the fate of Demon Lord? His fate soul is different from the unconscious heaven soul, and it is also so different from the earth soul with independent personality and gender.

“Really?” Qiao Sha followed his words and asked him, “Do you think your name is not as good as [Bu Liansheng]?”

He raised his eyes to look at her.

Qiao Sha looked at those eyes carefully again. His pupils were different from those she had seen in the movie. They were a pupil with a pupil superimposed on it. Behind the amber pupil there was a black pupil, strange and bright.

“I have many names, but none of them are my names.” He said unhappily, “I don’t have a name.”

Qiao Sha thought of Xiao Nie. He seemed to be possessed by someone, so he called by his name, “Then what should I call you?”

She wanted to test who he was.

“Bu Liansheng.” He said, “I like this name.”

Can’t deceive, he is more difficult to deceive than Xiao Nie.

“Good.” Qiao Sha answered him.

In the night, he raised his hand without a comb, and reached out to her: “Come.”

Qiao Sha looked at that hand, the hand under the wide sleeves was white like a thin lotus root and bones.

“Host, be careful.” 101 said to her: “He should not be Mingyuan. From the system interface, his favorability for you is 0, and I can’t detect it for the time being.”


Then Qiao Sha could be sure that he was the life soul of Demon Venerable, not the second personality split by Ming Yuan, or what Xiao Nie had done.

The male protagonists in this world who did not have a good impression of her, only the life and soul of Demon Venerable.

“Come to me.” He said to her again.

He and the night red lotus are together, and the beauty is irresistible.

Qiao Sha stepped out of the door, and the barrier set by Ming Yuan became very weak.

This shows that Ming Yuan was temporarily trapped by the man in front of him?

She stepped on the wooden floor under the cloister with her bare feet. The rain was very cold, and Qiao Sha put her hand in his palm.

He shook her fingers, looked at her with a smile in his eyes, took her, pulled her to his side, and sat in his arms.

The action is extremely natural.

Qiao Sha was confused by his movement, what he wanted to do.

She sat in his arms, almost touching his body. He was so cold, his body was cold, and his breath was cold. The lotus fragrance surrounded her and him, and it was hard to tell who was on him.

“Do you like it?” He still held her hand and asked her.

“What?” Qiao Sha raised his eyes to look at him, trying to find his intentions. He was speechless, it was not a normal person’s logic at all.

“Ming Yuan.” He took her hand and placed it on the red mole on his eyebrows, and slowly let her stroke his cinnabar mole, cheeks, and lips, muttering: “Bu Liansheng.”

His cool breath floated on her fingertips, and he rubbed his lips with her fingertips, and then down, stroking his Adam’s apple and his neck.

Then under the monk’s robe, murmured: “I.”

Qiao Sha’s fingers trembled slightly, and he snorted softly.

The voice was as thin as a gossamer, and very emotional, as if being touched, a place of joy. (Hello auditor, I have brought it here in one stroke)

He lowered his eyes, held her chin with cold fingers, bent his head and rubbed her forehead, nose and lips with soft cold lips.

Asked between her lips: “Do you like it?”

He seemed to be asking whether he likes Mingyuan, Bu Liansheng, and him.

It’s like asking again, do you like to spend time with him like this?

Her hands are hot, he is cold, and she seems to have touched a piece of ice.

Qiao Sha’s earlobes were softly twisted by him.

His lips were kissed gently.

He guided his finger to browse Mingyuan under the monk’s robe…

She was almost emotional.

But he was too cold, there was no sensuality in the cold, he was simply seduce her.

“If you like it, Bu Liansheng is yours.” He hugged her on the wooden floor next to the red lotus pond, her long black hair hanging down on the ground.

Very naturally leaned over and kissed her again. (Hello auditor, there is no follow-up)

He used Mingyuan’s body, like a sacrifice, and took the initiative to be like her, for what?

If he is the devil’s life soul, what else can he do?

Qiao Sha stretched out her hand and gently grabbed him on his throat, stopped him, “What happened to Mingyuan and me, can you escape from his seal?”

He really stopped in the palm of her hand, looking at her without speaking.

“You should have sensed that there are your Heavenly Soul and Earth Soul in my body.” Qiao Sha’s finger nodded his cheek: “You must have smelled the lotus blood on my body. I promised your Earth Soul. Help him rescue you and find Aga.”

When he heard the name “Aga”, his eyes moved indistinctly.

“Aga, did you see Aga?” He still asked her in a tone.

It is really the soul of Demon Venerable.

Qiao Sha finally figured out something. It seemed that “Aga” was very important to Demon Lord.

“I saw it.” Qiao Sha coaxed him with the truth, “Since I promised your earth soul, I will definitely do it for him, so what should I do to completely release your life and soul, let you and the sky Soul, earth and soul gathering?”

He looked at her, as though seeing her heart through his eyes.

Qiao Sha felt that Xiao Nie, who had not been moving in her body, seemed to move, and she immediately blocked Xiao Nie so that he would not reveal anything to his life and soul.

“You are a lie.” He took her hand away, pressed her palm on the wet floor, leaned down and said to her: “You said you like Bu Liansheng, how can you not help if you like him? He banned me? How could he help me in turn?”

“Because I also like your earth soul.” Qiao Sha said: “I promised to help him, I don’t want to make him sad.”

Xiao Nie moved in her body again, as if he really believed it.

But the “Bu Liansheng” in front of her looked at her and touched her lips: “It’s a deceptive mouth. If you can’t bear to make him sad, how can you take away the heavenly soul? Make him miss the door to open? “

Now Xiao Nie in her body calmed down.

“You won’t let me out.” He said confidently.

It’s really not easy to deceive.

Qiao Sha wanted to say something, so he was kissed.

He kissed her softly and murmured: “These coaxing words, go to deceive Mingyuan and make him fall in love with you.”

Is this the purpose of Mingxue? If Ming Yuan fell in love with her, could Fating Soul escape?

Qiao Sha reached out to the door of the room with the other hand, opened her mouth secretly, and said to him: “It’s too difficult to make him fall in love with me.”

“It’s not difficult.” He was buried in her neck, acting intimately, but his breath was so cold that he didn’t seem to be doing anything at all. “His heart has been shaken for you, otherwise how could I appear…not difficult, today If you double cultivate with him, he will no longer be able to hold his heart…”

His voice was soft and quiet, and his kiss was heavy.

Qiao Sha understood something. As soon as her palm was closed, something in the room clicked.

The “Bu Liansheng” who kissed her moved his eyes, and the moment he reached out and grabbed her throat, Xiao Nie in her body suddenly said-“Don’t hurt her.”

The hand paused.

After just a meal, Qiao Sha took his arms around his neck first and pressed him in his arms. A powerful aura surged out between him and her, shattering all the red lotus.

In the next second, a soul nail slammed into the back of “Bu Liansheng”‘s neck, and it pierced under the palm of another soul nail.

“Bu Liansheng” snorted and fell into her arms, her black hair almost disappeared in an instant.

In an instant, a ray of red light flowed into the lotus pond, and the lotus pond seemed to be boiling and exploded with a “boom”.

Qiao Sha held Mingyuan, stood up, and rushed into the room.

The corridor was generally flooded with water, and there were red lotus flowers all over the floor, but the broken lotus in the lotus pond grew again one after another, blooming quickly in the night, like clusters of torches, which opened again. The mighty and mighty, and then returned to silence.

As if nothing happened.

Only Mingyuan in her arms, the blood from the back of her neck filled her arms.

— “You’re so cruel.” Xiao Nie said quietly in her ear: “Don’t you love this monk? You don’t show mercy to him.”

Qiao Sha held the bleeding Mingyuan and asked Xiao Nie: Did you know that your life and soul had been awakened when you stepped into the Red Lotus Temple? Are you afraid of speaking out, so pretend not to say a word to me?

He snorted and didn’t answer her.

Be regarded as the default.

Qiao Sha asked him again: So today you also know that your life and soul will be possessed by Ming Yuan and seduce me? You join forces with your life and soul to use me to deal with Mingyuan and save you, right?

— “You young wicked complain first!” Xiao Nie became annoyed: “You have imprisoned me in your body, did I join forces with Fate Soul, don’t you know? It was you who coaxed me to help break Fate Soul’s ban , Let me wake up, and now say that I use you! It was you who shook Mingyuan that gave the soul a chance to possess!”

Oh, as expected, it was the same as that Ming Hun said, it was said that she had shaken Ming Yuan, so that Ming Hun had the opportunity to possess Ming Yuan.

Was it last night, Mingyuan didn’t use soul nails on her? Shake him?

Qiao Sha guessed that the more she moved Mingyuan and unable to hold on to anything, the weaker the seal that banned Demon Venerable.

If Mingyuan falls in love with her, the seal can be broken.

That’s why the soul of life possessed Mingyuan and seduce her, wanting Mingyuan to have **** first and then love.

She thought about this moment secretly, and Xiao Nie in her body also reacted.

—”Are you playing my words?”

—”Are you kidding me again?”

-“You are so disgusting! I should have let the soul kill you just now!”

He was furious, but made Qiao Sha laugh.

Qiao Sha put Mingyuan on the couch and said to Xiao Nie: Kill me, no one loves you so much like I do.

Xiao Nie sneered angrily—”Do you love me? A big joke, how can a liar like you have the sincerity.” He used her previous ridicule to return to her.

Qiao Sha was not at all annoyed, and said to him: Although I lied to you a lot, it is true that I like you. Believe it or not. A liar like me is also a little sincere.

He snorted again, he didn’t believe it, she always lied to him, and now she definitely wanted to say something from him again.

Qiao Sha did not speak to him again.

She found the medicine box in the meditation room and opened it to get some cotton gauze, hemostatic medicine, and some medicines for nourishing blood and nourishing qi.

Outside the door, the sky gradually revealed a ray of light.

She lit the lampstand, placed it on the chair beside the couch, helped Mingyuan who was unconscious on the couch, stuffed him with a few pills, and told him to sit and lean on her shoulder.

The blood from the back of his neck filled his back.

Qiao Sha wiped him with a piece of cotton gauze, rubbing her hands all over.

101 panicked: “Do you know where the soul nail is, the host?” That’s it… he rashly nailed the soul nail into Mingyuan’s body.

She guessed that there were acupuncture points of the human body in the memory of the original owner, and the acupuncture points of Life Soul should be on the back of the neck, not too far away.

101 Sympathy Qi Mingyuan is here, but now the host is cautiously treating Mingyuan’s wounds, giving him a little bit of her aura, and seems to care about him so much.

He didn’t understand, the host’s heart.

A puff of spiritual energy flowed in from his heart, Mingyuan’s eyelids moved lightly, the pain and the sense of restraint from the back of his neck made him almost breathless, but a puff of spiritual energy and nectar surging on his limbs. Mukuro, healed his pain again and again.

He smelled the scent, which came out from the warm clothes under his cheeks, like calm sandalwood, and sweet lotus incense…

That is…

The back of the neck was carefully wiped with gentle fingers, and he opened his eyes laboriously, only vaguely saw the golden silk lotus embroidered on her neckline, and the lotus was white underneath.

who is it?

He lifted his eyelids again, and saw half a bright moon on his face, it was her.

The Buddhist beads on her wrist rubbed his skin lightly, once.

In such a quiet room.

He was dizzy and closed his eyes lightly, wanting to lean on this shoulder, leaning again, and allowing him to lean for a while.

For thousands of years in the mountains, he has never relied on anyone in this way, and has never been taken care of by anyone in this way.

Now leaning on this shoulder, I felt an inexplicable sense of tiredness, and wanted to just fall asleep.

The sky was getting brighter, and a faint blue-white color came out from the silent clouds.

Mingyuan fell asleep again.


When he woke up again, the sky was bright outside, and it rarely rained.

He opened his eyes for a moment, then suddenly sat up, his upper body was naked, and the tearing pain from the back of his neck made him almost unable to straighten his neck.

Many pictures appeared in a mess in his mind-Qiao Sha’s face suddenly appeared in the red lotus last night, which disturbed his mind, but he was possessed after such a flash in the world.


He closed his eyes, and in the messy picture, it was the touch of Qiao Sha’s fingers, the kiss between him and Qiao Sha, and then…

“Are you awake?” a voice came softly.

He opened his eyes abruptly, the severe pain in the back of his neck made his eyes dizzy, and one hand supported him.

“Don’t move, don’t move.” The hand was placed on the back of his neck, and the aura came in again.

“Does it still hurt?” she asked him.

So gentle.

He raised his head and saw Qiao Sha’s face that messed up his mind. She looked at him with pearl-like eyes, gentle and beautiful.

“I’m sorry.” She frowned lightly and pressed her palm against the soul nail on the back of his neck, “I used the soul nail for you last night.”

Soul nail…

The messy pictures in Mingyuan’s mind were connected little by little, and he was possessed by Demon Venerable’s life and soul last night.

He raised his eyes and looked at Qiao Sha again, “I was to you last night…”

But the words paused, his ears and cheeks became unspeakably hot, the scenes last night, kissing, touching…he couldn’t even say it.

His face was extremely embarrassing, he didn’t even dare to look at Qiao Sha again, and lowered his eyes, “I offended you last night.”

“I know you are possessed by the devil’s life and soul.” Qiao Sha’s palm did not leave the back of his neck, and her aura did not stop. “Don’t blame you, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t mess up your mind. .”

He moved his eyelids in surprise, did she know? She knew that he would be possessed by Demon Lord’s Life and Soul last night because of…her?

“It’s me who should apologize.” Qiao Sha said to him: “I used soul nails and hurt you.”

“No.” Ming Yuan lowered his eyes, raised his hand and gently pushed away the palm of her aura. When he touched her wrist, his heart jumped: “You have never done anything wrong. Woe, you should do that.”

If it were him, he would nail another soul nail for himself again, banning the possessed Demon Lord’s life soul.

“Cause a catastrophe?” Qiao Sha asked him softly, “Do you think double repairs with me are a catastrophe?”

His heart was beating fiercely, and he subconsciously wanted to deny the explanation. His catastrophe was caused by the devil’s heavenly soul taking away his body.

Can open his mouth, and feel that it shouldn’t be explained.

She is Xie Mingjun’s wife, and he suppressed the demon-zun’s Buddhist practitioners, and he and her double cultivation, did it not cause a catastrophe?

“Why didn’t you answer me?” she asked him again.

His heart was confused.

There was a “click” in the Buddhist room.

He looked over and saw that a red lotus broke through the blue brick at the entrance of the Buddhist house and opened at the threshold.

He knew that this was his defense.

“Host.” 101 said suddenly: “Mingyuan’s favorability suddenly rose to 50%.”

This is too fast, so suddenly, how can the single digits get halfway all of a sudden?

Qiao Sha looked at the red lotus, and had to say that Demon Venerable’s life and soul did push her a bit. Last night, Ming Yuan had committed more than lust.

And his uncertain heart.

Ming Yuan, once he was defeated, he came aggressively.

“I’m afraid I can no longer suppress the awakened Demon Venerable Fate Soul.” Ming Yuan looked at the red lotus, and his voice was deep and dumb. It won’t last a few days.”

Oh, is it so?

Sure enough, she was right. If he broke his ring and messed up his heart, the seal would be easily broken.

“What should I do for you?” Qiao Sha sat beside him with her finger on his finger, and asked him: “If the Demon Venerable cannot be blocked, what will you do?”

Her fingers are a little cold.

Mingyuan met her eyes. She only cared. If Demon Venerable could not be blocked, what would happen to him?

She said to him: “I came here for you. I just want to know if the devil cannot be blocked, what will happen to you?”

Mingyuan stared into her eyes and heard another red lotus growing in the room.

“I will no longer exist.” Mingyuan said to her without removing his finger.


Then she has to hurry up and get her good feelings full.

“What can I do?” She gently hooked Mingyuan’s finger, “Can I block the Demon Lord for you?”

Xiao Nie in her body suddenly snorted—”Are you sincere about me?”

At this time, 101 said abruptly: “Host, do you remember what tomorrow is?”

Shocked her, what day? Her birthday? Xie Mingjun’s death day?

101: “…”

“It’s the day when the original heroine was pushed to be a bait in the original book.” 101 said: “The day when the author broke the worse.”

“?” Qiao Sha was surprised, what does this have to do with her now?

Maybe 101 wants to tell her that sometimes the plot of the original plot cannot be changed, such as…

Suddenly a red light burst into the sky from the lotus pond, and countless lotus flowers grew and grew like crazy, and grew into big trees.

Mingyuan on the bed spat out blood.

The ground on the sole of the foot was trembling violently, and Qiao Sha hurriedly supported Mingyuan, surprised, isn’t it about to break the seal? ?

At the same time, a white light suddenly shrouded in the red lotus pond and collided with the red light.

Countless white lights rushed in and woven into a dense net, covering the red light.

Qiao Sha heard someone calling her: “Mother!”

Looking out, she saw Wen Xue who had rushed into the Red Lotus Temple, and Xie Mingjun, who entered lightly, raising a hand and inserting a snow-white saber into the red lotus pond.

Good guy, her husband of the living dead broke through the demons? At the unfinished plot point, it is online.

Qiao Sha stared at Xie Mingjun, only to see strands of black hair coming out of his silver hair. Is this… he has broken the demons? Still mad?

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