Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 61 - [Domesticated geeky male protagonist] [VIP]

-“The door to the ground is open-don’t come near anyone -“

The sound of the evil spirit resounded across the night sky, and the ghost that gushed out of the gate like the tide instantly drowned several disciples on the streets of the Dead City.

A disciple yelled anxiously: “Everyone holds your breath! Don’t be noticed by the bad guys!”

All the disciples hurriedly held their breath, but only saw that under the red moon above her head, Qiao Sha drew out the red sword, the bright red clothes were hunting up, and her aura covered the entire dead city. She did not constrain. The breath, on the contrary, went against the direction of the ghost towards the wide open door little by little.

And under her feet, Xiao Bichen, who was in a delusion, went against the tide of the ghost, and went in the same direction as Qiao Sha, his blue eyes staring at each ghost.

“Junior Brother Xiao!” Qingshan tried to catch him again and wake him up, so that he would not be trapped in the devil, otherwise he would never be able to look back, but he was shaken by Xiao Bichen’s arm, he raised his head and wanted to call his mother .

Wen Xue in his arms woke up, Wen Xue coughed a few times, pressed her chest and opened her eyes, staring at everything in front of her dumbfounded, this is…

He saw Qiao Sha under the red moon, she was walking under the night sky, and the sword in her hand emitted an unprecedented red light, like a ghostly flame. She held the sheathed sword, lowered the tip of the sword, towards the bottom of her feet. The densely wandering ghosts clicked, and those dense ghosts evaded like a wave in the sea, giving way from the middle to a avenue, which leads directly to the open gate of the underworld. On both sides of the gate of the underworld stood two people higher than the city wall. Zhong Kui’s face is bad, and he holds a staff weighing a thousand jin in each hand.

“Mother!” Wen Xue yelled anxiously. What is the mother doing? The two worlds of Yin and Yang have always maintained a balance that does not interfere with each other, even the master dare not easily disturb the Yin Chai!

She lowered her eyes in the night sky to look at him, and smiled slightly at him.

The smile made him stunned in the ghost, her eyebrows and eyes lit a faint red light, and her facial features had not changed, but she seemed to be a different person…the breathtaking coquettish, like a ghost, just smiled at his soul It’s gone.

Xiao Bichen shuttles among the ghosts, like shuttles in the misty mist, he is getting more and more anxious, so many ghosts, he can’t find, can’t find…

A red light suddenly slashed in front of his eyes, and Qiao Sha held the sword in a low voice, “Jinzhou, Yongzhen, where are Hu Jiutong and his family, clan, old friends, and servants?”

A red wave leading to the gate was slashed in front of him, and all the ghosts were suddenly covered by the red wave, and the entire dead city was within the red light.

Xiao Bichen raised her head and saw that the source of the red light was the sword in Qiao Sha’s hand and Qiao Sha herself. Her voice was not high, but it echoed in the dead city over and over again, like a summoning order over and over again.

A low voice gradually came from the ghosts, and several ghosts were thrown onto the road by the red light, before Xiao Bichen’s eyes.

One after another.

The sword was like a spirit-bearing banner, accurately hooking out the person he was looking for.

Xiao Bichen stood there looking at the ghosts, the faces engraved in his memory—Hu Jiutong’s henchman, Hu Jiutong ordered the servant to beat him and his mother to death.

-Hu Jiutong’s old friend, once used Huang Jinwanliang to buy his mother to play with him.

—Hu Jiutong’s concubine room always uses small scissors to cut the flesh on his body to vent his anger…

With so many people, he has now discovered that he remembers each one clearly.

There is no Hu Jiutong’s wife Jinniang. Jinniang has secretly fed him many times, begging Hu Jiutong to let him and his mother. She is a good person. Maybe she didn’t enter the underworld, or she was reborn long ago.

The last one who fell in front of him was an unrecognizable fat man, like a pool of rotten meat, falling at his feet, but he still recognized it at a glance, Hu Jiutong, the Hu Jiutong who killed his mother’s life.

Today, Hu Jiutong is like a pool of rotten meat that has been whipped and deep-fried.

He squatted down to let Hu Jiutong see himself clearly, and told him, “Hu Jiutong, do you still recognize me?”

Hu Jiutong’s rotten face lifted up and looked at him tremblingly, unable to recognize his appearance, but when he met his blue eyes, he shrank in fright, “You, you are a pearl? You are not? Has it been taken by the master…”

Yes, Pearl is the name of Hu Jiutong for his mother, but his mother has her own name. She was born in the blue sea, and she also has her own parents. Her parents, in order to have the sun-like name, are the only talents. Understandable name.

She is the sun in the sea, she has never been a pearl for the human race to enjoy and enjoy.

“I am her son.” Xiao Bichen reached out and grabbed his hair and dragged him back.

Suddenly, the two Yinchai under the ground gate were alarmed. They all looked at Qiao Sha, and suddenly uttered “Duh!” with the staff in their hands, and shouted again like a warning: “The ground gate opens-Sheng Keep away from people!”

The ground was turbulent, and the sound shook the sky.

Qiao Sha’s eardrums were numb, and she heard Xie Mingjun’s voice again, and he was whispering about what not to disturb the underworld. The ghost has its own punishment from the underworld. If she slashes the ghost, she will surely…

Before she finished listening, she directly swiped the sword in her hand towards the group of ghosts that had been hooked out under her feet.

In an instant, the sword light in her hand was like a blazing flame, extinguishing the ashes burned by the group of ghosts, leaving only Hu Jiutong.

-“Qiao Sha!”

Xie Mingjun drank her harshly.

But it was too late, and those ghosts didn’t even have any ashes left, so she had to kill them first, so as not to make bad things happen, and let them go.

Sure enough, the Yin Chai was completely shocked this time, and they glared at her for the third time: “Who is disturbing the door here!”

Qiao Sha was almost deaf by the sound, and only said to Xiao Bichen: “You only have to avenge your revenge.” She was about to head towards Yincha.

Someone behind suddenly grabbed her ankle and dragged her down. She lowered her eyes to see that it was Xiao Nie.

Xiao Nie whispered: “I used my heavenly soul and held my sword, but I still can’t use it!”

Destroy his heavenly soul and saber!

He gritted his teeth angrily, but still dragged Qiao Sha into his arms, holding her sword-holding hand, and said angrily: “This sword is for you to kill a few little ghosts at will, personally come forward Fighting?”

if not?

Where did Qiao Sha know how to use this sword, and no one told her how to use it, even 101 didn’t know. She was still groping for the method she found when she hooked out the group of ghosts of the Hu family.

“Spiritual energy floods the sword.” He bit each word very hard, holding Qiao Sha’s wrist, twisting how she would swing the sword.

Qiao Sha didn’t even understand. She only poured spiritual energy into the sword. He held his wrist twice, and suddenly the light of the sword condensed into a huge gossip array, from the tip of the sword straight to the red moon, covering all the ghosts. .

Then he held her wrist, pointed the sword towards Yin, and said for her: “Hundred ghosts follow, all follow the orders, kill!”

A gust of gloomy wind rose on the ground, and all the ghosts were like hunting dogs, and under her sword light, they slaughtered towards Yin Chai.

There is no need for her to do it herself, this turned out to be the true magical effect of this sword.

Qiao Sha was filled with the spiritual energy in her body, and she could no longer hear Wen Xue and the others shouting at her. She only felt Xiao Nie lower her head and bit her finger.

“Lend a little blood from you.” He immediately released it as soon as he bite, scraped off a drop of blood that gushed from her fingertips, put it on his fingertips, and walked quickly into the ghost, attracting with blood What, like looking for something.

Qiao Sha looked at him in surprise. He neither regained the heavenly soul for the first time, nor did he settle accounts with her, but used her blood to find something in the ghostly soul.

What is he looking for? He designed so many things and opened the door here, isn’t it just for his heavenly soul? Does he have more important things?

Qiao Sha was extremely curious and followed him, and saw him like looking for a needle in a haystack, squeezed among the noisy ghosts, holding the blood on his fingertips, staring at each ghost.

He passed through the layers of ghosts, and quickly found the lotus blood on his fingertips under the feet of Yin Chai, beside the huge gate, was suddenly licked off—

He paused abruptly, only to see a small figure from under his palm and quickly ran away, “Aga!”

He hurried to chase the little figure.


Qiao Sha heard his voice eagerly calling a name, who was it? Is that Aga that he is looking for?

She walked quickly to follow him, and saw a small figure instantly penetrated into the gate. Xiao Nie didn’t stop, and he was about to step into the gate—

“Duh!” A thunderous rage made the ground shake.

A ray of red light suddenly slashed her gossip array condensed in the air, the gossip array split apart, and the howling ghosts dispersed.

A figure fell from the sky before the chaotic ground door, and grabbed her and Xiao Nie one by one.

Qiao Sha turned her head and saw a quiet face in the night, and her brows were red with cinnabar moles.

“Ming Yuan?” It was Ming Yuan.

At the same time, Yincha shook all the ghosts open, roaring open their mouths, the gate of the underworld became a huge mouth, sucking all the ghosts into the gate of the underworld.

Mingyuan grabbed her and Xiao Nie by the shoulders and slammed them away from the front door of the underground palace, and Xie Mingjun and the others rushed in behind him and sent the floating ghosts into the underground palace, protecting their respective disciples…

In the chaos, Qiao Sha only heard Xiao Nie’s cold voice, “You blocked me a hundred years ago, and today it is you again!”

He was full of violence, and his sharp nails strangled Mingyuan’s throat and plunged into his skin.

Mingyuan didn’t fight back. He let the blood shed. He insisted on taking them away. He sighed and said: “The obsession should be put down long ago. Now you have lost your heavenly soul and can’t escape. Follow me back to the Red Lotus Temple…”

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Nie was suddenly drawn from his soul, and fell softly into his palm.

At the same moment, Qiao Sha felt that a stream of air poured into her mouth.

Mingyuan changed his face in front of her for the first time, and said anxiously: “Mrs. Xie held her breath and forced out the primordial spirit!”

But Qiao Sha swallowed in front of him, and accepted the airflow without hesitation.

This is Xiao Nie’s soul, right? He abandoned his body, and hurriedly jumped the wall into her body, right?

Qiao Sha felt aura filling her body, unobstructed like never before.

“You…” Mingyuan frowned and looked at her.

She looked at Mingyuan and smiled slightly. What’s wrong with her? She is very good.

She heard the jingle system sound.

101 was surprised amidst the chaos and said, “Host, Xiao Bichen and Wen Xue’s favorability rating is full, Luo Yiqiu’s favorability rating has increased, and the favorability rating of several new disciples has been brushed out, among them Ning Yu, her favorability suddenly appeared, now it is 50%.”


Qiao Sha herself was surprised, but she was not surprised. What happened to Ning Yu? The female partner who admires Xie Mingjun? Isn’t she locked in a confinement cave? What is her favorability?

“I don’t know at the moment.” 101 is extremely confused, isn’t the female partner hating the host?


A field door was opened and destroyed.

The heads of you were busy driving all the ghosts into the gates of the underworld before the gate of the underworld was closed. Except for the Hu Jiutong who had been wiped out by Xiaobichen and wiped out in ashes, at last there was nothing left, and no more disaster was caused.

The door of this venue opened, and such an endgame ended, disturbing the underworld, and the Demon Venerable’s Heavenly Soul and Earth Soul were swallowed by Qiao Sha.

If it weren’t for the Master Mingyuan to come, I’m afraid it won’t end.

Several heads finished cleaning up the mess and took their disciples to exit this dead city. Among these disciples, only Wen Xue was injured.

The dawn of the sky broke through the clouds and gave the first ray of light.

They landed at the nearest Sword Sect, and they couldn’t wait to return to the immortal gate, taking advantage of the presence of Mingyuan Saint Master, there was always an end to the matter.

They wish they could suppress and kill Qiao Sha directly, but who would dare to do it easily? Today, Qiao Sha swallowed the Demon Venerable’s Heavenly Soul and Earth Soul, and ascended to an immortal. Even Xie Mingjun is not her opponent, I am afraid they are a few of them. Together with Xie Mingjun and Mingyuan Shengshi, she can be suppressed and killed with full confidence.

But Xie Mingjun may not be willing.

All the heads gathered together again, but they were all humiliated, including Xie Mingjun. Only Qiao Shamingyan sat on the main seat, and no one dared to protest.

Even Saint Master Mingyuan was sitting under her.

The heads of you are only waiting for Xie Mingjun to give a satisfactory answer, that is his wife, and he should be fully responsible.

Xiao Bichen knelt in the hall.

Qiao Sha listened to them explaining Xiao Bichen’s guilt one by one, as if they were going to kill the chickens and curse the monkeys to show her, and also seemed to be watching Xie Mingjun’s statement.

A head said: “Xiao Bichen was accepted as a disciple by Xie Shengjun. Xie Shengjun should always give us an explanation.”

They didn’t dare to provoke her now, so they only dared to use Xiao Bichen to test Xie Mingjun’s position first to see if Xie Mingjun would stand with them.

Xie Mingjun’s face was very bad, and he sat there with his eyes down.

What’s strange is that Qiao Sha found that she could easily feel the aura of other people now. For example, Xie Mingjun’s aura was very messy, and she thought he was going to get into trouble.

“Xiao Bichen.” Xie Mingjun opened his mouth dumbly, and raised his eyes to look at Xiao Bichen in the temple, “Accept you as a disciple as a teacher, hoping that you can go on the right path, but you are obsessed with revenge and give birth to demonic obstacles. Disturb the order of the underworld. Do you know what’s wrong?”

Xiao Bichen knelt there and bowed to him, “The disciple has thanked Master for his rescue and years of teaching. If there was no Master, I am afraid I would have died on the street. The disciple has failed Master’s teachings, knowing the wrong, but not regretting it.”

“Until now, I still don’t know how to repent!” The head of the white eyebrows shouted angrily: “A demon is a demon. Xie Shengjun shouldn’t accept a demon as a disciple in the first place!”

Xie Mingjun looked at him, listened to the scolding of the heads, and kept asking himself, was it wrong that he saved Xiao Bichen and accepted him as a disciple?

No, once again, he will still save him and bring him back to Xianmen.

Xiao Bichen’s fault was not being a demon body, but that he shouldn’t be obsessed with revenge today to destroy the soul.

Hu Jiutong was very guilty. He had been tortured in the underworld for decades, and the underworld would settle his sins instead of Xiao Bichen’s revenge, and he would be wiped out.

In this world, everything is in order, and if any order is disrupted, it will inevitably lead to disaster.

“To punish you as a teacher today is not because you are a demon.” Xie Mingjun said to him: “Because you disturbed the order of the underworld and destroyed the soul, do you understand?”

Before Xiao Bichen could answer, the heads said, “Remove his demon bones and spare his life.”

Xie Mingjun didn’t speak.

“Master!” Qingshan suddenly stood up, knelt beside Xiao Bichen, frowned and asked: “Are you really going to get rid of Junior Brother Xiao’s monster bones? Just because he avenged his mother? I don’t understand, I I don’t understand what demon we are extinguishing and defending? The things that Hu Jiutong did to Junior Brother Xiao and his mother are not evil? Shouldn’t we kill? If we can’t even protect our own mother, we can’t give it to you. She is fair, what do we cultivate? What devil are you?”

Qiao Sha looked at Qingshan. She faintly sensed that the breath on Qingshan was not right. There seemed to be two breaths in him. Someone was attached to Qingshan?

“Are you pleading for the evil spirit?” The head of the white eyebrows asked coldly.

“Do you have to be slaughtered just because you are a demon?” Qingshan turned his head and stared at him, angrily questioning: “May I ask everyone in charge, if it is your mother and daughter today who were tortured and humiliated by Hu Jiutong, You have to dig out your hearts and eyes until you die. Can you still say these things? I’m afraid you will smash Hu Jiutong’s body into ten thousand pieces!”

His voice changed into a woman’s voice unexpectedly.

He closed his mouth hurriedly, but the other heads also sensed different auras on his body.

A woman’s soul was swung out of Qingshan’s body and fell to the ground.

It was actually Ning Yu.

Qiao Sha was stunned and looked at Ning Yu on the ground, and suddenly understood how Ning Yu’s favorability grew. It turned out that Ning Yu had secretly possessed his soul on Qingshan and followed him.

“Junior Sister!” Qingshan was busy protecting her, and first admitted her mistake: “Master, don’t blame the younger sister, I brought the younger sister!”

Xiao Bichen also looked at her, he didn’t expect Ning Yu to speak for him.

The head of the mansion was angry at the boldness of the immortal disciple.

Ning Yu still said: “The master wants to punish as much as possible, but the disciples still have to say! If the right way that Master taught us since childhood is the so-called avenue in front of this group of heads, I would rather abandon the way! I can’t protect the people and hands around me. The enemy of the blade, just because it is a demon is the original sin. What kind of righteous way is such a way called!”

She pushed Qingshan’s hand away, knelt there and only looked at Xie Mingjun, her eyes full of anger and disappointment, “I remember Master Xiao was not like this, you knew his demon when you saved Brother Xiao, but you still Save him. Now you want to get rid of Brother Xiao’s demon bone because of an explanation to these decent heads?”

Those heads had never been so offended by a disciple, one by one was angry.

Wen Xue also stood up and knelt down with her robe: “Master, the disciple thinks that Sister Ning Yu is right.”

After he stood up, the other immortal disciples followed one by one, interceding for Xiao Bichen and Ning Yu.

In their opinion, Xiao Bichen and Junior Sister Ning Yu grew up with them, no one knew better than them, Xiao Bichen’s behavior, even if he was a demon, he never hurt anyone.

They asked themselves, if they were Xiao Bichen, they would also choose to stab their enemies.

Why should those leaders force Master to punish Xiao Bichen? They don’t even have a human touch anymore!

“This is the good disciple of the fairy sect taught by Xie Shengjun?” A headmaster looked at Xie Mingjun.

I saw Xie Mingjun sitting there with a knot between his eyebrows.

“Xie Shengjun is the head teacher elected by the decent, but this time the door opened, your disciple is a demon body, and your wife knew that Xiao Nie was the primordial spirit of Demon Venerable, but she was still with him and swallowed Demon Venerable’s Heavenly Soul…” said the head of the white eyebrows the same way.

Qiao Sha sensed that Xie Mingjun’s breath became more chaotic, what happened to him?

But she doesn’t care about Xie Mingjun at the moment, she communicates with the primordial spirit in her body, trying to talk to him-“Are you hiding in my body?”

He does not respond to her.

She said again-“Give you a chance, you do something for me, I will help you find Aga.”

The wisp of soul had a movement.

Xiao Nie’s voice rang in her ears—”Are you calculating me again? Coax me?”

His response proved that he had taken the bait, and he was so coaxing.

Qiao Sha returned to him—”If I’m right, do you need my blood to find Ajia? You see, now I have lotus blood and your heavenly soul. You have nowhere but to join hands with me obediently. is not it?”

He paused for a while, and asked her with a cold “hum”: “Do you want to coax me to do for you again?”

Qiao Sha leaned back in the chair, looked at the man with white eyebrows who spoke fiercely, and said to him-“Go to his body and use his sword to kill these noisy old Taoists for me. Don’t worry. Mingyuan and Xie Mingjun, I will protect you and never hurt you.”

He suddenly smiled, with a faint voice in her ears: “You really are the worst and worst woman I have ever seen, open your mouth.”

Qiao Sha opened her mouth.

In an instant, a wisp of Yuanshen rushed out of her mouth, and rushed into the doorway of the chattering white eyebrow palm unexpectedly.

Qiao Sha saw that the head of the white eyebrows was stiff, and she stood up abruptly, with a faint red light in her eyes.

“The head of the white eyebrows?” The head of his side noticed something strange, and just thought of getting up, but it was too late.

The head of the white eyebrows drew out the sword, a sword pierced the heart of that head, in the blood, he slammed out his inner alchemy and swallowed it into his body.

Killing was only a moment.

All the heads were frightened, looking at the white eyebrow head with blood in his hands, there was a red light in his eyes, and they realized that he was possessed by the soul of the demon.

“Chichi and crooked.” The head of the white eyebrows waved the blood on his hands and swept them coldly. “What kind of devil? Tell me if this old man is a devil now? Should I kill it?” He lifted up. Bloody hands.

“You demon! Get out of the head of Baimei!” Several heads drew their swords, but they couldn’t start, and no one dared to do it first. If they really killed the head of Baimei, how should they explain?

Xiao Nie did not hesitate and rushed towards their killing intent.

Ming Yuan beside Qiao Sha suddenly opened his eyes, and Xie Mingjun also wanted to step forward.

Qiao Sha was the first to communicate with him—”If you don’t do it, I will swallow the evil demon back into my body, otherwise…I will return the heavenly soul to him.”

The two looked at her together.

Xie Mingjun’s complexion was really bad, and bloodshots appeared in his eyes.

She softly and charmingly stroked the Buddhist beads on her wrists and transmitted their voices to them—”In order to save the common people and prevent the demon from resuscitating, what do the dead heads have? It’s just the way of dying them.”

She sat there, bowed her head and played with the cyan buddha beads, a bright light appeared on her face.

One of those heads died in the hands of the “white eyebrow head”.

A head screamed anxiously: “Why didn’t Xie Shengjun make a move!”

Qiao Sha said, “Why don’t you head a killer? Are you afraid that the disciple of the head with white eyebrows will be held accountable afterwards? Even so, I want my husband to be this wicked person. What you think is wonderful.”

The head of the mouth was suddenly caught by the “white eyebrow head”.

Xie Mingjun still got up after all, but at the moment he got up, the head who was caught by the throat had already shot, and a sword penetrated the heart of “White Eyebrow Head”.

Oh roar.

Qiao Sha got up at this time, flew away and slapped the forehead of “White Eyebrow Head”. He immediately bleeds from his seven orifices, and Xiao Nie’s primordial spirit flies out.

She opened her mouth to draw the air into her body, and swallowed the strand of Yuanshen back into her body again.

Xie Mingjun stood behind her blankly.

The blood in the hall and the corpses of the three heads lying on the ground.

Luo Yiqiu and Bai Feng were in shock.

And Qiao Sha turned her head and looked at the old headmaster who had been strangled just now, his face pale as death, and said: “You killed the headmaster with white eyebrows, I’m afraid you have to give his disciples an explanation.”

The head stood there, his chest undulating violently, and he couldn’t express his feelings at the moment.

Qiao Sha slowly walked towards the heads, they took two steps back subconsciously for some reason, fearing her better than fearing the devil.

Qiao Sha asked them: “Now let me explain, why I know that Xiao Nie is the soul of Demon Venerable and still accept him as a disciple, and then explain why I swallowed Demon Venerable’s heavenly soul.”

She smiled contemptuously, “In order to save the people of the world, if I hadn’t dedicated my life to swallow the Demon Lord’s Heavenly Soul, the Demon Lord would have wiped out all of your decent ethics at this moment.”

A few of them stood there, unable to say a word, only listening to Qiao Sha saying: “If I swallow him, you can live to this day. Shouldn’t you thank me?”

Luo Yiqiu stood there in a cold sweat, she was broken, but she couldn’t refute what she said. The fight just now made him understand that if it weren’t for her, the heads of them would not be able to deal with the devil.

She did save them, save the common people.

The disciples outside the hall heard the movement and finally rushed in. They saw their master fallen in a pool of blood, and they were all heartbroken.

Ning Yu stood in the corner looking at Qiao Sha and kept looking at her. Suddenly, she felt very happy! If this Dao is a respectable Dao among this group of people, then it is better to be a villain like her to be happy!

She looked at her master again, he was standing there with bloodshot eyes, without saying a word, she lost all her longing and admiration for him at this moment. The master in her heart is not like this, that Taoist heart is firm. , The immortal master Xie Mingjun, who is not shaken by anyone, is not like this.

“Host.” 101 said: “Ning Yu’s favorability rating…full. And Luo Yiqiu’s favorability rating has risen to 80%.”

He was very surprised: “And Xie Mingjun’s favorability has risen to 99%.”

This is so weird, so weird.

The host is so vicious, killing so many heads in front of him, why does his favorability soar?


“Xie Master.” Ming Yuan suddenly stretched out his hand to grasp Xie Mingjun’s wrist, pressed it on his fate gate, and said in a low voice: “Be calm, your heart is in a mess.”

Xie Mingjun’s blood rushed to his throat. He could not suppress his demons. A voice in his heart kept saying: Happy? You want to kill those old-fashioned Taoist priests too, right? How do they know what Tao is! They are not worthy to walk with you! Why do you blame yourself? If you don’t speak out to save people, it’s all for the common people! Qiao Sha was right, they were meant to be martyred!

Stop talking.

He closed his eyes abruptly, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

“Master!” Wen Xue came first.

Mingyuan raised his hand to seal his seven orifices, and said to him, “Thank you for the head, shield the five senses, otherwise you will get into trouble.”

He seemed to have fallen into the boundless darkness of ice and heard the cries of countless disciples, they were calling their master…

He didn’t make a move, it was his hesitation.

What is Tao? Is his way wrong?

He fell down and was swallowed by the Black Sea. He heard a distant voice calling him: “Husband, husband…”

It was Qiao Sha’s voice.

Her voice slowly moved slowly, and she said to him: “It turns out that your husband will be in a demon.”

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