Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 32: Concept Awakening, Another battle

Three hours passed but there is no sign of fei waking up.

While he was comprehending the fire concept, his body was emitting red fire. It only covered around his body in a thin layer at first but as time passes, that thin layer of fire spread wide and tall.

It didn't burn his clothes but the temperature around him was rising by every minute.


Finally, it was his body that burst out the fire, and fei opened his eyes. Fei slowly controlled fire in his hands and the best harvest was he already reached level four in the concept of fire. His fire was enough to play a trump card.

Fei withdraws his fire and draws Holy Heaven Pagoda out. Fei needs something that can help him understand the concept of ice and inside the pagoda, there are three types of qi.

First is Green Dragon qi which is undoubtedly fire attributed qi. Second is Ice phoenix qi which is Ice attributed qi. Third, is Golden-Winged Roc qi which is wind attributed qi.

If fei swallows up some Ice phoenix qi, he believes he can realize the concept of Ice. Fei controlled Holy Heaven Pagoda and let Ice Phoenix qi out. It pours into his dantian, swallowed by spirit root.

"Swiss" "Swiss" "Swiss"

Spirit root inside his dantian revolves in high speed as Ice phoenix qi was pouring into it. It was swallowing qi like hungry beast not satisfied.

After five minutes of swallowing, it stops and some cold ice qi spurs out of it with voice ringing in fei mind.

"Congratulation for Host to awaken ice element in spirit root"


Ice qi flow into his body, every corner, every organ, was washed by Ice qi. Fei was feeling very cool and lazy right now. But he didn't dare to slack up. He immediately focused on the concept of Ice.

The ice element poured by spirit root is controlled by him. Higher control will realize more ice element. Since his spirit root got ice affinity, he can create ice element with his spiritual qi and spirit root. So reaching higher in concept means he can get more and more control over his element.

As the fire element, it took nearly five hours for him to reach level four concept of ice. He felt his chilling hands were powerful than before. Like ice, he also didn't leave the wind element. He finally reached the fourth level for the concept of Fire, Ice, and Wind.

His Green dragon battle fire is more powerful. His Chilling hand is enough to freeze other bones and blood and his wind wings speed increased by several times.

After getting the Fire, Ice, and Wind concept, it was time for awakening the other five elements roots.

He then eats five elements of fruit and starts awakening Water, Metal, and Earth. He also reached the second level in the concept of these elements. With blood qi of green dragon, ice phoenix, and golden wing roc, it is a lot easier to understand the concept rather than by qi from Five Elements Fruits.

The concept is just a manipulation of qi whether qi is from the body or surrounding. Blood contains instinct to control qi which is why he could understand concepts faster. His spirit roots also have huge credit. His Spirit roots were awakened with no level and no attribute which gives his spirit roots other unique abilities.

Such as any attribute absorbed by his spirit roots used to understand concepts and law ten times faster than normally attributed spirit roots. This is a big advantage for him and being inside the Dao comprehension room, it could be said Fei has an absolute advantage on this path. As his spiritual roots grow stronger, his comprehension ability will increase.

Now, he stops the comprehending concepts and looks for another thing.

Finally, it turned to practice, Sun and Moon Eruption Sword Art.

He manages gravity increasing his sword weight to the point where he can hold it properly. Fei took a deep breath and close his eyes. He starts memorizing the first move.

Fire and Ice erupt outpouring into his sword. They were closed but also further away from each other. At that moment, Ice suddenly pours inside of the sword and fire remains outside. Fei took a deep breath and slash.


"Moon Splitting Flame"


His sword slashes in air, ripping apart air itself. Flames in his sword swept everything around whereas his icy sword rips the air. His flames blast at each side.


Fei heavily fell down and breathe hard. His stamina as well as spiritual qi was totally consumed in one move. He finally understood the horror of earth level art.

"Damn consumption is too great otherwise I don't have to fear anyone under the True Qi realm." Fei scolded in himself but didn't practice for too long. With his understanding, he began to use less and less qi to practice this sword art for a long time.

Fei sword disappeared from his hand and he starts taking some rest. He took some pill, restoring his stamina, cultivate for some time and restore his qi.

Finally, he got out of pagoda. With his wind leg, he moved towards the end of the forest.

He crosses some trees and beast but suddenly stopped when he heard a cry from Linger.

"Brother Stop"

Fei stop himself looks around but didn't see anything he asked "What happened Linger?

"Brother, are you someone with the greatest luck in-universe?" Linger asked in exaggerate expression

"Why do you ask?" Fei felt strange for second after all, this thinking he also had many times.

"Brother look in front of you, that silver grass is Dream Blood Grass. It can help a person to awaken dream bloodline and it's extremely rare. But there are not many people who know about this grass and even if they knew, they will never use it unless you got no bloodline"

"Hmm is there something wrong to take this grass?" Fei frowned hearing her because second ago she said this grass is good to treasure

"Dream Bloodline awakened by this grass would be just a profound level bloodline and Dream Blood Grass is divided from level one to nine. One is lowest and Nine is highest called Dream Blood Divinity Grass. If you want to increase the level of bloodline, one needs to keep searching for higher-level grass otherwise person would forever possess a profound level of the bloodline. Normally, I wouldn't suggest brother take this but after thinking about your next bloodline, I changed my mind. If you take this grass, awaken dream bloodline. After reaching the awakening realm, you can upgrade dream bloodline without Dream Blood Grass. Of course, only you can do this" Linger slowly explained in his mind.

"Oh! Then I should get this" Fei showed greedy look and walk near the grass.

He didn't see any beast near grass instead saw a fruit without smell near bushes. He immediately recognizes that fruit.

"Earth Spirit Fruit" Fei screamed in surprise. His voice was so high leading birds in trees panic. Fortunately, there were no beasts around.

This is a spirit level fruit with the power of earth element in it. It can help a person to understand the concept of earth. But it doesn't have any smell so unless you see this, it is hard to find.

Fei picks up grass, then earth spirit fruit. But when he was just putting it inside pagoda he heard the cry.

"Earth Spirit Fruit"

"Boss you can practice the concept of the earth now"

"Then you will be eligible to practice the second layer of Mountain and River Body Refining Art"

Three big muscled boys with blackface excitedly tried to flatter person in the middle. He was a handsome face and muscled boy with black hair and eyes. He was wearing brown clothes. Three boys near him wore the same clothes.

One of the boys walked near fei and said "Boy hand over that earth spirit fruit and get lost." The reason he dared to say this because of fei cultivation. Since Fei didn't hide it, dark face boy could see his cultivation. Dark face boy and others were souls refining layer three as for boy middle of them were soul refining layer seven.

Fei could also see their cultivation, he frowned on hearing their arrogant voice but he didn't mind much and said "Why should I?"

"Of course we want" Dark face boy also frowned didn't expect Fei to talk back.

"If I don't give you," Fei asked in smile not minding their meaningless threat.

"Then we have to break your hands and take it," Dark face boy said in gloomy smile.

"Oh! Then why don't you try" Fei laughed in low voice, hearing his laugh others face turned gloomy.

"Boy, you're asking for it" Dark face boy was a little angry, he rushed in front of Fei and punched his fist.

"Steel Fist"

Fei also responds with a fist, he didn't urge any other means just his body alone. Of course, used all of his physical strength. He could find identity of an opponent. They are from Mountain and River Sect which is a body refining sect.



Both fists collide but blackface boy was hit hard. He flew back striking a tree, he falls down heavily coughing out blood and the most ridiculous thing was he died.

Fei took back his fist; he was shocked that he killed someone so easily. His fist not only break black face boy fist but also chest.

Only after some time, other realizes one of their men is dead. Except for middle one boy, both dark face boys shouted and rushed at fei with a white sword in their hands. Since fei killed one of them, they also want to take revenge by killing fei.

"Die Rock Sword" Both shouted at the same time in front of fei.

Fei just clenched his fist, and then moved. He used wind leg and his speed sky rock. He appeared just near one of them and punched with all his strength at the enemy's chest and did the same to another one in the blink of an eye. He killed them like killing a chicken.

"Crack" "Bang"

Both chest bones got cracked and they heavily fall on the ground dying due to heartbreak. One can imagine Fei physical strength alone enough to kill them but fei also used all of his strength after all they were body refiner.

Fei then looks at a boy who was left alone. Fei didn't see a single change on the enemy's face. It was like that boy didn't even care about fei strength. Fei made a playful smile and asked, "Are you not worried?"

"Worried about what?" the handsome boy asked

"Me killing you" Fei bluntly said

"Haha," the handsome boy laughed out loud hearing fei.

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