Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 622: Intuition (2)

Katherine's fight-or-flight response kicked in involuntarily, feeling like someone was keenly watching her. She scanned the crowd but did not see anyone threatening at all. This was what she hated—being observed. It brought back familiar feelings from when she was still in Shadow. Thinking that it was Maverick Security, she whipped out her phone, tempted to call Damien. However, he was probably in a meeting at the moment, so she decided to send him a text.

[ Katherine: Can you tell your men to go away? At least don't let them come within twenty feet from me. I feel anxious with them around. ]

She furrowed her brows and headed towards the shopping district's entrance where she was supposed to meet Alianna.

"Kath!" Ali excitedly pulled her in for an embrace as soon as she saw her. "You look glowing. Are you pregnant?"

"Is that how you greet people?" Katherine rolled her eyes but laughed as she returned the other's embrace. "No, I'm not pregnant, Ali. I've just been taking care of my skin lately."

"Ugh. I need you to tell me the products you're using because I've been breaking out recently. I think my skin missed Italy's weather. I've been staying in Esmea for a long time; the humidity is being weird on me. Isn't it supposed to give me glowing skin? I can't be like this until my wedding!"

Hooking their arms together, they headed towards Mr. West's Bespoke shop. "There's a few I've been loving recently. Damien got them all in a PR package from a Korean brand."

"He even receives skincare products?" Alianna's brows shot up in surprise. "I mean, I do too...but him?"

Katherine understood what the other was referring to. Although Damien was techy, he didn't post very often on his social media page. But that didn't stop any brand owners from sending him free stuff and offering sponsorships. One time, he was sent a box of expensive distilled water from an up-and-coming brand. He'd brought one with him, and he was candidly photographed while in a site, and the photo went viral. Naturally, the company's stocks rose, and they attracted thousands of customers. It was crazy.

"Girl, have you seen his skin? I think he has better skin than me. He's more versed than me in that area. Though I believe his genes have more to do with it than just the products he's using…" She remembered Amelia whose appearance was that of a late twenties or early thirties.

Alianna frowned. "We share the same genes… Why did I not receive the good ones?"

Katherine gave her a once-over. This supermodel had insecurities? The 'breakouts' she mentioned weren't even visible. She had flawless skin with very minimal bumps and barely noticeable hyperpigmentation that you'd only see when you're inches away from her face. "What are you talking about? You have beautiful skin."

"I do, don't I?" Alianna perked up right away. Her fast mood change was giving Katherine a whiplash. "Let's hurry up! I'm excited to see your dress for this weekend." She pulled Katherine with her, and they hastened inside the shop where an attendant asked them to wait while Mr. West was still with a client.

The two women browsed the displayed dresses while they waited. Alianna was excited to try out a few of them, and so she disappeared into the dressing room. Katherine sat on the couch, and her phone beeped. It was a reply from Damien. 

[ My King: I already informed them. Sorry, love. ]

She let out a sigh. They hadn't exactly set up a rule yet, but they mostly adjusted when one said something to the other.

[ Katherine: It's okay. I'll let you know once we move from here. Xoxo Take care. ]

[ My King: You too. ]

Keeping her phone away, she casually looked outside the window and noticed the sky was darkening. She'd better finish her appointment here before it poured, or they'd be stranded. A short-haired woman, leaning against a pillar not far from the shop caught her attention. The woman wore skin-tight jeans and a black hoodie over a white shirt. They met each other's gazes, but the other looked away almost instantly as she finished off her cigarette.

"Ms. Young? Mr. West is ready for you," informed the assistant.

Katherine followed the staff towards a private room and met with the famous designer, Samuel West, where she spent about half an hour fitting into the gown she would wear for her engagement party. They chatted for a while, and she was happy with the state of her dress, so she left the room and was promised to have the dress delivered tomorrow morning.

Once she came out, Alianna was at the cashier, paying for a couple of dresses she liked. Katherine waited for her by the door and peeked outside. It started drizzling, and she was about to text the driver when she noticed the same woman from earlier. This time, the short-haired woman had her hoodie pulled over her head, and she subtly glanced in the shop's direction just as Katherine was looking at her too. The woman averted her gaze again. How weird. Katherine wasn't sure if she had seen this woman before; her facial features looked common, so she could be mistaken.

"Ready to go?" Alianna asked as she sauntered towards Katherine.


They left the shop and decided to wait in the cafe next door. While Alianna chatted about her plans with Caleb tonight, Katherine couldn't shake off the feeling she had been having since arriving at the shopping district. She'd stealthily glance sideways, trying to see if anyone was following or watching her—growing annoyed that it still might be the guys from Maverick Security, and she's just growing sensitive about it.

Not feeling like drinking some coffee, Katherine stayed on the side while Ali lined up to get a drink. She fished her phone out of her purse and shot Damien another text.

[ Katherine: Just left West's. I thought you said you already told your men? Why do I still feel like I'm being followed? This is what I mean, Damien. It's making me paranoid. I can't keep watching my back. ]

Huffing, she looked up and met Alianna's concerned stare. The latter raised a brow in question, and Katherine played it off with a smile, not wanting to worry her friend. Wanting to clear her head, she told Ali that she'd wait outside. As soon as she stepped out of the cafe, she noticed that the woman from earlier was leaning against the wall a few feet from her.

Katherine was mostly right about her intuition. But due to her current circumstances, she couldn't fully trust herself, and it was driving her mad. This woman, however, was giving her strange vibes. And she didn't want to take chances.

Taking her phone out of her purse, she brought it up to her ear and made a fake call. "Hey, I'm gonna find a restroom. I'll meet you back in a minute." Then she proceeded to walk away from the cafe, heading towards an area where she knew would lead her to an alley. She had been here several times to know where the areas led to.

Sure enough, her senses were correct. She could feel someone following her as she headed straight towards a dimly lit hallway. She didn't want to turn around and ruin her plan to catch the stalker, so she kept going.

When she reached the door at the end of the hall, she pushed it open and disappeared into the alley, the door closing behind her. The drizzle turned into rain, and the sky above her crackled. But Katherine was unperturbed. She was now Queen.

Leaning against the wall next to the door, her face turned cold, and her eyes spelled murder. Katherine swiftly pulled out a God of Death knife from her hip and twirled it in her hand. As soon as the door opened, she hauled whoever it was that followed her, slammed the person's back against the concrete wall, and forced the knife up their throat, leaving only a paper-thin gap between the blade and their skin.

"Who are you?" Katherine gritted her teeth.

The stalker gasped and froze on the spot, not daring to move an inch or the blade would slice her neck. It's when Katherine was sure that it was the short-haired woman from earlier. "Why the hell are you following me?" she bit out, her brows furrowing in anger.

"Y-You're Queen," muttered the woman breathlessly.

Katherine was flooded with confusion, realizing that this woman was someone from Shadow. Her phone rang with a familiar tone, and it was Damien calling her, but she was muddle-headed to answer at the moment.

She had to decide—run or kill. The latter seemed the most obvious.

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