Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 615: Too Good to Ignore

"Hey…" Katherine kissed Damien's cheek. His hand went to her back and held her in place as he kept his stare at Michael.

"Good evening, President Park." Michael smiled lightly, and Damien nodded while keeping his expression neutral. "Bye, Katherine," he said, waving his hand before getting back inside his car.

Damien didn't worry about Katherine being with Michael, but that didn't mean he liked that they were together. He just didn't like men around her in general. Selfish, yes. 'But so what?' he thought, thinking he hadn't had enough of her for himself, and he probably won't ever be.

They turned and entered the restaurant, passing through the security that led to the upstairs exclusive dining floors. She looked at him, wondering why he hadn't said a word since, but she waited until they reached the second floor before she asked, "What's wrong?"

The male host stopped in front of their usual dining room and opened the door for them. "Mr. and Mrs. Park, your room is ready."

"Thank you." Damien stealthily handed a bill through a brief handshake, a gesture so subtle, yet Katherine knew it was a huge tip just for showing them their room. Whenever they were out to eat or go somewhere, he always kept a few bills in his pocket, ready within reach for when he needed to tip someone for a  service. He then waved his hand, signaling to be left alone after they entered the private room.

She curled her hand around his arm and walked with him to the center of the room. "Are you mad?"

He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself as he pulled out a chair for her.

"Damien..." she called again when he still didn't answer.

Turning to face her, he exhaled a tired sigh of resignation. "I just don't like seeing you two together when you're not working. Forget it. I had a busy day. I haven't seen you since last night... I just want to have a nice dinner."

Katherine felt a prick in her heart. This jealous man who was obviously bothered was still trying to downplay it. She slid her arms around his waist, thankful that she was tall, so she didn't have to bend her neck backward so much just to look up at him—but also liking that he was much taller than her, making him even more attractive to her eyes. He looked a bit tired but still dashing as always. 

"Your feelings are valid, Damien. I'm not going to ignore it. But there's nothing to worry about between Michael and me. And we had already argued enough yesterday. Let's not do that today too. Hm?"

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm glad to see you." He stroked her arms and lightly massaged them.

Katherine smiled, gently scratching the stubble on the side of his jaw before leaning up to kiss him. "It's okay. I'm hungry. What did you get for me tonight?"

"Grilled lamb." He winked and helped her to her seat.

She revealed a wide, sparkling smile. "My favorite."


The two enjoyed their dinner as Damien told her about his day at work and the new investors they acquired this afternoon. Katherine also told him why Michael went to the mansion. And Damien's jealousy aside, he thought it was great for her to be assigned to different areas—specifically that she would be focusing on the Crown Residences project. Things were finally looking up for them, and working on the project together would be both a challenge and also a privilege.

Katherine also told Damien about her conversation with her cousin, Caroline, last night. She did promise Caroline she wouldn't tell anyone—but Damien wasn't just anyone. He didn't count in the 'keep out' category.

"Is there anything that I can do to help?" he offered.

She shrugged, slicing through a piece of meat and then putting it into her mouth. "I'm not sure. She said she'd try to dig up what she can about her mother's past, but I don't know if she'd get anything when Aunt Debbie's very secretive."

"Maybe it will be easier for her since she's closer. Perhaps you can teach her a thing or two about snooping around," he joked, and she laughed.

"Speaking of snooping, I have to call Styles to get updates about that picture we found of Aunt Debbie and your uncle—ah, nevermind. I won't call him. You ask him," she said dismissively, causing Damien to cock his brow.

"Are you ignoring Styles too?"

"All of you spied on me." Her voice was low—like almost a whisper—looking annoyed and temperamental. Either that or maybe her period was about to come. "So yes."

He set the fork and knife down and leaned forward, tilting his head as he studied her face, trying to gauge her reaction. Then he carefully probed, "Am I special then since you're not ignoring me even though you're mad at me?"

Katherine frowned as she met his stare. This grown man was trying to be cute; she could barely handle it. 

She clicked her tongue, stabbing a piece of meat a little harsher than normal and then shoving it into her mouth, angrily chewing as she contemplated. "I can't ignore you. You're too good to be ignored."

Damien threw his head back, laughing. "Cute."

She rolled her eyes but gave away a small smile anyway. 

"I'll ask him for you," he said. "Are you ready for the party this Saturday?"

"What party?"

He drew his brows together. "Engagement party."

Katherine gasped. She didn't even remember her own engagement party was already this Saturday—then again, neither of them did anything to prepare for it. Their grandparents were the ones who took care of everything. "Oh, my god! Is that this Saturday already? Where did the time go? I'm so sorry. It slipped my mind," she worried.

"Don't worry about it. I only remembered because Marcus sent me a reminder this afternoon. It's also only the first one—business partners. Honestly, I'm looking forward to the one at the end of this month more than the others. But, what can we do?"

"The 23rd—me too." She nodded. It was the date of the engagement party where they were in control of the guests—only close friends and family. "We already tried to stop them, but they're too stubborn. Grandpa's the most excited, and I'm pretty sure Nana's already wearing her dancing shoes as early as now."

Reaching across the table, Damien squeezed her hand and smiled. "Let's just get through whatever they want. All we have to do is show up anyway."

"I guess." Katherine straightened her back, determination glinting in her eyes as she asserted, "But I'm going to take charge of the wedding. I've decided… I won't let anyone else decide for me. I mean—you can do your thing too if you want, but decisions pertaining to our wedding will remain in our hands."

Liking this new resolution she had going on, he chuckled and could only agree with her. "We can get married however you want, Kitten." 

She beamed, unsure where this surge of grit was coming from. All she knew was that she was looking forward to a future with Damien—whether they had disagreements or storms to battle. "Let's finish our food. I want to go for a walk afterward." 

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