Fantasy: One Yuan to Kill Hongmeng Taoism At The Start

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

Chapter 293 Amazing discovery, Dragon Palace?!

Lin Shu looked at the scene in front of him now, and was more curious in his heart.

Because he didn’t know at all what was under this passage.

As long as you get to the following, maybe you can completely figure it out.

But now it seems that this passage seems to have some length.

If you want to go to the bottom completely, it may take some time.

However, Lin Shu really didn’t have much anxiety in his heart right now.

After all, he didn’t know anything about the following situation.

If you want to fully understand it, you must be very careful.

If you’re not careful, you might be in danger too.

For such a thing, Lin Shu naturally thinks and can speak clearly now.

“There’s got to be something weird in here, otherwise it wouldn’t be so peaceful.””

Lin Shu also secretly said something in his heart now.

He felt that he had to be careful.

Now he can’t see anything else on it.

Then, in this case, it is naturally not to be taken lightly.

Lin Shu understands the phrase “being prepared for danger in times of peace” very well.

Therefore, he is very vigilant in his heart now, and he does not want to relax at this time.

Lin Shu is now walking deeper and deeper. After looking back, he is also a certain distance from the sea.

After retracting his gaze, Lin Shu now looked at the passage in front of him.

Looking at this passage, Lin Shu felt that there was still a long way to go.

If you want to reach the end of this passage completely, it is probably not that easy.

For this, Lin Shu is still very clear in his heart.

But now Lin Shu’s heart is more curious.

Because he is also guessing what kind of place will be under this passage.

This is what Lin Shu wants to know now.

But after thinking about it for a while, Lin Shu simply stopped thinking about it.

Because he is very clear, even if he wants to break his head, it is estimated that he cannot fully guess.

Therefore, instead of wasting so much effort, it is better to be honest and walk slowly.

His speed did not increase too fast, but at this time the average speed was sinking.

Keep going down this passage.

Lin Shu is now walking down step by step, while also carefully paying attention to everything around him.

Because if something happens, he can react as soon as possible.

0… ask for flowers

Instead of being in a hurry when something happens.

If it is really like that, this matter is naturally very troublesome.

Lin Shu still thinks very clearly about this point.

He is also going deeper and deeper now, and when he looks back now, he can hardly see the sea.

It is for this reason that Lin Shu does not continue to think about other things in his heart now.


He is very clear now that he has to find it as soon as possible.

And it’s not yet known if there’s any danger down there.

But even if there is danger, I should be able to handle it myself.

Lin Shu could feel that after coming down, there seemed to be some suppression.

But Lin Shu doesn’t care too much about this now.

Because he is now very clear that no matter what he does, he cannot return halfway at this time.

At that time, maybe I will feel very unwilling in my heart.

So Lin Shu naturally didn’t think about other things now.

Because he now also knows that what he needs to do now is to walk to the end of this passage.

As long as you can get there, you can figure out what’s down there.

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