Fairy Tail Heavenly Feather

Chapter 38 - Another Elisa

“That, Elusa, did we forget something.”

Lucy counted the number of people and animals present, and looked at Elusa strangely.

Hearing Lucy’s question, not only Elusa, but also Gray and Harpy felt puzzled.

“Lucy, did you remember it wrong? We shouldn’t forget anything.”

Hearing everyone’s words, Lucy smiled embarrassingly, wiped the sweat on her forehead, and said, “Naz, Naz is still on the train.”

“What!!!” exclaimed Elusa, Gray and Habi together.

It’s terrible, terrible. This group of guys forgot Naz. Ooo… Naz is so pitiful, Lucy secretly hugs Naz in the bottom of her heart.

“What should I do, Elusa.” Gray asked.

“It’s really a mistake. I even forgot that Naz is totally right about transportation.”

Elusa didn’t get the answer she wanted, although some of them later vented out by beating Naz. But the mind did not turn around completely. So I forgot some trivia.

“Gray, Habi, Lucy, go get Naz too.”


“Wow, vomit you, this abominable guy, stop me, vomit!” Naz looked at the man who was kicking a strange skull-shaped flute in his hand, angering while vomiting.

This man is the magician of the Dark Guild “Iron Forest”: Shadow Mountain.

“The magician of the “Fairy Tail” didn’t expect it to be so useless. Cut, less of annoy me.” Shadow Mountain kicked Feinaz with a sneer. Immediately remembered his own task, and did not continue to toss Naz’s idea. Go out in one step.

At this time, Elusa and others also caught up.

“Naz, how are you, who made you look like this.” Elusa looked at the scars on Naz’s body and couldn’t help but be furious.

Hey, hello, give me a clear head, Elusa. Most of Naz’s injuries were caused by you. Gray, Lucy, and Habi spit together with one cat.

“Uh vomit that **** guy I won’t let him go.”

he? Elusa asked her eyes brightly: “Naz, who is he?”

“That guy claimed to be the magician of the “Forest of Iron”. The abominable guy, with a skull in his hand and a flute with three eyes, was really disgusting interest.”

Skull-shaped flute? Iron Forest. Elusa seemed to think of something. He pulled up Naz’s clothes and said angrily: “You stupid guy, let our mission target run away, so what use are you leaving.” Immediately, Elusa Giving Naz a punch, Naz passed out completely.

“Brother Elgor, this is LULLABY.” Yingshan took a skull-shaped flute from his arms and gave it to a white-haired man in a black scarf and a scythe on his shoulder.

This white-haired man is the strongest man in the dark guild “Forest of Irons”: the **** of death-Ellie Gore.

Elligor took LULLABY with a smile and said, “In this case, our plan will be carried out as scheduled.”

“Your plan will not succeed!”

Just as Ellie Gower laughed, a cold hum came from outside the door, and the door was kicked away. Naz was the first to bear the brunt, followed by Gray, Elisa and Lucy. Uh… and Habi.

“Are you?” Ellie Gore remained unimpressed.

“Brother El Gore, they are the wizards of the fairy tail.” Ying Shan replied.

Hearing Shadow Mountain’s words, Ellie Gauer still didn’t take these people seriously. The body gradually floated up and said, “Shadow Mountain, the flies of the Light Guild will be handed over to you. I will set up a magic wind wall to trap them.”

“Yes, Brother Elgor.” Ying Shan replied.

Elligor laughed loudly and said, “No one can stop my plan.” Immediately, a flash disappeared.

After Elligor left, Shadow Mountain also used magic to leave.

“Damn it, coward, don’t steal it for me!” Naz was furious when he saw that Allie Gore and the Shadow Mountain who had beaten himself on the train had stolen.

Looking at the crowd of people in front of him, Elusa said, “Naz, Gray, the two of you are going to chase Elgor. If you two join hands, even the **** of death-Elgor will not be you. Opponent.”

Seeing that Naz and Gray were still “I didn’t hear clearly”, Elusa’s voice became colder: “I told you two to go, didn’t I hear clearly.”

“Yes, get orders!”

Naz and Gray were shoulder to shoulder, hand to hand, running faster than anything, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

“Lucy, let’s go after solving this group of people.”

“Woo, no problem.” Lucy cried.

Lucy also wanted to express her thoughts in front of Elusa, so she used Protoss magic: “Open it, the gate of the Cancer Palace: Cancer.”

A man with sunglasses, holding a pair of scissors, with a braid shaped like crab claws, six crab legs growing out of his back, shouted as soon as he appeared: The unique guy with the smooth image of “shrimp” appeared. Under Lucy’s orders, he also achieved great results. Seeing Lucy’s victory, Elusa nodded, obviously satisfied with Lucy’s performance.

When Elusa appeared in Cancer, he heard Cancer’s concluding remarks and wondered: “Why is the concluding remark a shrimp? Wouldn’t crabs or scissors be better?”

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-h-oo-oooo~~ Lucy cried. Cancer held a pair of scissors in his hand, his face tangled, and he muttered in his mouth: “Shrimp? Crab? Scissors?”

“Love Lucy is such a fool.” Habi still looked free.

Looking at the crowd still dying in front of her, Elisa frowned, and took back the magic sword in her hand, saying, “I didn’t expect there were so many people. Solving them one by one was too much trouble. “

“Dress up: Armor of Heaven.”

As Elusa’s words just fell, she was covered with a silver armor that shone with silver light, and then a few silver magic swords in front of Elusa began to spin up.

“Let’s dance, sword dance!”

With just one blow, almost all the Magisters present were destroyed. Seeing Lucy staring at Venus, it was simply adoring death.

Fortunately, the Magus for the rest of his life hurriedly fled with a look of fear. Anyway, Elli Gore had already left here, and the plan must have begun. And I should not need to stay here again. So they fled like this.

After solving all the Magisters, Elisa and Lucy chased out together. Even if I saw the station surrounded by the huge magic wind wall for the group, no matter how Elusa attacked, there was no way to split the magic wind wall.

It was at this time that a voice that made Elisa familiar with her had appeared. The reason why it is extremely familiar is that Elusa recognizes this voice, which is simply her own voice.

I didn’t speak, but I heard my voice. How could I not surprise Elusa?

“I’ve tried it, and there is no way to go out. You don’t have to try it in vain, Shukalet.”

Immediately, in the eyes of Elisa, Lucy and Habi, two people and one cat, there is a red figure that can no longer be familiar.

What appeared in their field of vision turned out to be another Elusa! ! !

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